Top 11 Games Similar to PuzzleSwap - Mystery of Zion

لعبة تركيب الصورة puzzle
لعبة تركيب الصورة أو puzzle بازلباللغةالعربية, اضغط على ابدأ لتفكيك الصورة الى قطع صغيرة حسبالمستوىوابدأ بتركيبها من جديد, لعبة رائعة, بسيطة ومناسبةلجميعالأعمار.هناك ثلاث مستويات للعب: سهل easy puzzles و متوسط normal puzzlesوصعبhard puzzles, كلما انتقلت الى مستوى أعلى تزداد الصعوبة بازديادعددالقطع التي يجب تجميعها.طريقة اللعب سهلة اكتشفها بنفسك ولا تنسى التصويت بخمسة نجوم.اوقات رائعة مع لعبة ترتيب الصورة.Photomontage gameorpuzzle Basel in Arabic, press Start to dismantle the imageintosmall pieces by level and never installed again, a fantasticgame,simple and suitable for all ages.There are three levels of play: Easy easy puzzles and averagenormalpuzzles difficult and hard puzzles, whenever I moved to ahigherlevel of difficulty increases increasing the number ofpieces thatmust be assembled.How to play and easy discovered by yourself and do not forgettovote and five-star.Wonderful times with the game's ranking.
Coloring Book Fairy 2
Pink Tufts
Coloring Book Fairy is a tool forcoloringforthe children. The children can use his fingers or lightpentocolor on the tactile screen of your telephone. ColoringBookFairyhas a wide gallery where there can be chosen a greatquantityofimages to color as well as hundreds of available colorsinourpalette.He learns Coloring: allow to draw and to color, in royalform,inthe same way as you would do it on a paper usingdifferenttoolslike Pencils of Colors, stamps and up to a MagicWand! Drawandcolor with abundant colors, with brilliant tones andpaintbrushesof different size.To Coloring Book Fairy is an entertaining application,easytohandle and in addition, serves to motivate the creativecapacityofthe children in any age. With Coloring Book Fairy theamusementforyour children is guaranteed. A simple, design simpleand exacttothe capacities of the child allows to anyone handlingitwithoutany problem.The application is optimized to be used so much asinintelligentcell phones. Your children will have hours ofamusementand also youwill be able to amuse coloring together or todocontests ofcoloring with them. The possibilities are infinite,aninsurancethat you will find one that adjusts to your needs.This application can be one of the best educational gamesforthechildren so simultaneously that they draw amusethemselves.ColoringBook Cats is an infantile game of learning wherethey willsimulatewith his fingers to do with pencils of colors.Do you want to develop and to motivate the imaginationofhischildren and his creative capacity? Unload it andinstallitalready. You do not have to worry for the problem causedbythetraditional way about drawing, since Coloring Book Fairywillmakehim forget the antiquated colors and paper.Across his collections of drawings to color there ispromotedthedevelopment of the imagination, the art andtheinterpersonalrelations. Coloring Book Fairy improvestheconcentration and thelearning capacity of the children toanyage.Some characteristics:* Free drawing : a leaf is included in white foryourowncreations.* A simple palette of colors to choose the suitable color.* Colors with brilliant effects.* Paint brush of several sizes.* Always you will be able to erase any color that youdonotlike.* More tan 10.000 colors.* To guard the drawing to continue at any time.* To erase the whole Drawing to return to begin.* To send the drawing to the gallery of images of the device.* Drawings To complete.* To erase the whole linen.* RGB Color Mixer.* Many, many different colors.* Easy navigation for the children and babies.The selector of advanced color will help you to choosetheexactcolor. Do click in "newly" to select a new or "previous"colortocontinue using the previous one. You can export the imagetothegallery of the device and there share it acrosse-mail,socialnetworks or stamp the drawing of your son.We have designed these images specially for this app andforit,we have the rights reserved. If you are going to usethemforcommercial ends, please, consult us before. If you havelikedthisapplication, please vote for us in the play store with5starssince this helps us to improve all the applications.
Coloring Book Mandalas 2
Pink Tufts
Coloring Book Mandalas is a tool forcoloringfor the children. The children can use his fingers or lightpen tocolor on the tactile screen of intelligent telephone. has awidegallery where there can be chosen a great quantity of imagestocolor as well as hundreds of available colors in our palette.He learns Coloring: allow to draw and to color, in royal form,inthe same way as you would do it on a paper using differenttoolslike Pencils of Colors, stamps and up to a Magic Wand! Drawandcolor with abundant colors, with brilliant tones and paintbrushesof different size.To Coloring Book Mandalas is an entertaining application, easytohandle and in addition, serves to motivate the creative capacityofthe children in any age. With this application the amusementforyour children is guaranteed. A simple, design simple and exacttothe capacities of the child allows to anyone handling itwithoutany problem.The application is optimized to be used so much inintelligentcell phones. Your children will have hours of amusementand alsoyou will be able to amuse coloring together or to docontests ofcoloring with them. The possibilities are infinite, aninsurancethat you will find one that adjusts to your needs.This application can be one of the best educational games forthechildren so simultaneously that they draw amuse themselves.Do you want to develop and to motivate the imagination ofhischildren and his creative capacity?Unload it and install it already. You do not have to worryforthe problem caused by the traditional way about drawing.Some characteristics:* Free drawing : a leaf is included in white for yourowncreations.* A simple palette of colors to choose the suitable color.* To sabe the drawing in the phone* Colors with brilliant effects.* Paintbrush of several sizes.* Always you will be able to erase any color that you donotlike.* More tan 10.000 colors.* To guard the drawing to continue at any time.* To erase the whole Drawing to return to begin.* To send the drawing to the gallery of images of the device.* Drawings To complete.* To erase the whole linen.* RGB Color Mixer.* Many, many different colors.* Easy navigation for the children and babies.The selector of advanced color will help you to choose theexactcolor. Do click in "newly" to select a new or "previous" colortocontinue using the previous one. You can export the image tothegallery of the device and there share it across e-mail,socialnetworks or stamp the drawing of your son.We have designed these images specially for this app and forit,we have the rights reserved. If you are going to use themforcommercial ends, please, consult us before. If you have likedthisapplication, please vote for us in the play store with 5starssince this helps us to improve all the applications.
Mandalas Coloring And Paint 1.0
Pink Tufts
Mandalas Coloring And Paint is atoolforcoloring for the children. The children can use hisfingersorlight pen to color on the tactile screen ofintelligenttelephone.has a wide gallery where there can be chosen agreatquantity ofimages to color as well as hundreds of availablecolorsin ourpalette.He learns Coloring: allow to draw and to color, in royalform,inthe same way as you would do it on a paper usingdifferenttoolslike Pencils of Colors, stamps and up to a MagicWand! Drawandcolor with abundant colors, with brilliant tones andpaintbrushesof different size.To Mandalas Coloring And Paint is anentertainingapplication,easy to handle and in addition, serves tomotivate thecreativecapacity of the children in any age. With thisapplicationtheamusement for your children is guaranteed. A simple,designsimpleand exact to the capacities of the child allows toanyonehandlingit without any problem.The application is optimized to be used so muchinintelligentcell phones. Your children will have hours ofamusementand alsoyou will be able to amuse coloring together or todocontests ofcoloring with them. The possibilities are infinite,aninsurancethat you will find one that adjusts to your needs.This application can be one of the best educational gamesforthechildren so simultaneously that they draw amusethemselves.Do you want to develop and to motivate the imaginationofhischildren and his creative capacity?Unload it and install it already. You do not have to worryfortheproblem caused by the traditional way about drawing.Some characteristics:* Free drawing : a leaf is included in white foryourowncreations.* A simple palette of colors to choose the suitable color.* To sabe the drawing in the phone* Colors with brilliant effects.* Paintbrush of several sizes.* Always you will be able to erase any color that youdonotlike.* More tan 10.000 colors.* To guard the drawing to continue at any time.* To erase the whole Drawing to return to begin.* To send the drawing to the gallery of images of the device.* Drawings To complete.* To erase the whole linen.* RGB Color Mixer.* Many, many different colors.* Easy navigation for the children and babies.The selector of advanced color will help you to choosetheexactcolor. Do click in "newly" to select a new or "previous"colortocontinue using the previous one. You can export the imagetothegallery of the device and there share it acrosse-mail,socialnetworks or stamp the drawing of your son.We have designed these images specially for this app andforit,we have the rights reserved. If you are going to usethemforcommercial ends, please, consult us before. If you havelikedthisapplication, please vote for us in the play store with5starssince this helps us to improve all the applications.
Hidden Scenes - The Vikings 1.0.7
Hidden Scenes is a game similar toajigsawpuzzle where you swap and flip the pieces to revealthehiddenscene. When all pieces are flipped / swapped intotheircorrectlocation, you win!Learn about the history of the Viking warriors throughourVikinggame! The Viking depicts images of the mysteriousandvicious Vikingwarriors in many ways. There are Vikingconquerors,Vikinglongboats, and the war of the Vikings. The Vikingwarriorsculturealso includes belief in the Norse myths such as thefabledRagnarokbattle between the Nordic Gods.There are very few things we know about the Vikings andmostoftheir history is still a mystery to us. We all have heardabouttheRagnarok, the end of time war of the Vikings in theNorsemyth.Some of the most famous Nordic Gods such as Odin and Thorarealsofamiliar to us. However, do you know about theviciousVikingconqueror and their legendary Viking longboats?Discover andunlockvarious artistic images as you progress throughthe game.ThisViking game is the chance to enjoy highly artisticartworkwhilerelaxing and playing our casual games.Play one of the most amazing puzzle games on yourmobiledevicenow! Hidden scenes games are games where you have tocompletethepicture by swapping, flipping, or rotating each piece ofthepuzzleto reveal a beautiful artwork. You can set the levelofdifficultyfrom the easiest to the most INSANELY challenginglevels.Ourhidden scenes apps are the most addictive casual gamesthatwillgive you hours and hours of gameplay.There are many ways to enjoy this flip game. First, youcanchooseto play Standard game where you have to go through eachof80 levelsone by one. Our Quick Puzzle where you can playrandomscenes. Thereis also Challenge Mode where you have a limitedtimeor number ofmoves to complete each scene.--------* HIDDEN SCENES TOP FEATURES *--------Addictive puzzle games with plenty of beautifulartworkandwonderful background music.Hundreds of hours of gameplay in 3 different modes: 80levelsinstandard campaign mode, quick puzzle play,andlimitedtime/movement mode.Choose your level of difficulty: Small, Medium,Large,andInsane!Choose your gameplay options: Swap, Flip, Rotate, or Radial.Combine these elements to create endless hours of playinginthemost comprehensive casual game ever!Never get bored when there are so many challenges awaitingyouinthis flip game. There are plenty of beautiful scenes toplayandendless variations of how to play this complete thepicturegame.Download now and start playing!
Hidden Scenes - May Flowers 1.0.6
The spring is here! Celebratethebeautifulspring with this colorful May Flowers themed game.Gazeupon thegarden and green meadow where daisies, violets, andotherflowersbloom. View the colorful butterflies and the cheerfulsongof birdsflying around. Plant your rose garden to enjoy itsscentandbeauty. It is truly one of the best seasons to be alive!Do you like spring time? May is one of the mostbeautifulmonthsin a year with its warm and sunny weather andeverywhereflowersare blooming in earnest. This is a time to have apicnic onthemeadow and plant your garden with colorful roses andviolets.Picksome daisies and arrange a bouquet of wild flowers.Listentochirping of the naughty song birds and the dance ofbutterfly.Mayis truly a magical time and we invite you to celebratethespringtime with our beautifully designed game.Play one of the most amazing puzzle games on yourmobiledevicenow! Hidden scenes games are games where you have tocompletethepicture by swapping, flipping, or rotating each piece ofthepuzzleto reveal a beautiful artwork. You can set the levelofdifficultyfrom the easiest to the most INSANELY challenginglevels.Ourhidden scenes apps are the most addictive casual gamesthatwillgive you hours and hours of gameplay.There are many ways to enjoy this flip game. First, youcanchooseto play Standard game where you have to go through eachof80 levelsone by one. Our Quick Puzzle where you can playrandomscenes. Thereis also Challenge Mode where you have a limitedtimeor number ofmoves to complete each scene.--------* HIDDEN SCENES TOP FEATURES *--------Addictive puzzle games with plenty of beautifulartworkandwonderful background music.Hundreds of hours of gameplay in 3 different modes: 80levelsinstandard campaign mode, quick puzzle play,andlimitedtime/movement mode.Choose your level of difficulty: Small, Medium,Large,andInsane!Choose your gameplay options: Swap, Flip, Rotate, or Radial.Combine these elements to create endless hours of playing inthemostcomprehensive casual game ever!Never get bored when there are so many challenges awaitingyouinthis flip game. There are plenty of beautiful scenes toplayandendless variations of how to play this complete thepicturegame.Download now and start playing!
فكرة * صورة 1.0
الأن حمل تطبيق فكرة * صورة وواقض وقتاممتعافيمسابقات شيقة ومثيرة .. مليئة بالألغاز الذكية.فكرة * صورة .. كُن مسلم راقي بأخلاقك ومتميز بسلوكياتك.بعض مميزات التطبيق:• تحدى أصدقائك وحل الألغاز الذكية.• يُمكنك فك وتركيب الصور بسهولة.• أكثر من مستوى ليتناسب مع عمرك ومستوى ذكائك.• يُمكنك مشاركة أصدقائك وعمل مسابقات لذيذة.• يُمكنك التحكم بسهولة في إعدادت التطبيق.Download now applytheideaof ​​* Image Oaqd and have fun in an interestingandexcitingcompetitions .. full of smart puzzles.* The idea of ​​an image .. Be a MuslimBokhalaqksophisticatedand distinct Bslot.Some of the application features:• Challenge your friends and solving intelligent puzzles.• You can unpack and install images easily.• more than one level to suit your age and levelofyourintelligence.• You can share your friends and work delicious contests.• You can easily control the settings application.
Funny Animal Pairs 1.0
Classic memory game for kids
Coloring Book Little Mermaid 2
Pink Tufts
Coloring Book Little Mermaid is a toolforcoloring for the children. The children can use his fingersorlight pen to color on the tactile screen of intelligenttelephone.has a wide gallery where there can be chosen a greatquantity ofimages to color as well as hundreds of available colorsin ourpalette.He learns Coloring: allow to draw and to color, in royal form,inthe same way as you would do it on a paper using differenttoolslike Pencils of Colors, stamps and up to a Magic Wand! Drawandcolor with abundant colors, with brilliant tones and paintbrushesof different size.Coloring Book Little Mermaid is an entertaining application,easyto handle and in addition, serves to motivate the creativecapacityof the children in any age. With this application theamusement foryour children is guaranteed. A simple, design simpleand exact tothe capacities of the child allows to anyone handlingit without anyproblem.The application is optimized to be used so much in intelligentcellphones. Your children will have hours of amusement and alsoyouwill be able to amuse coloring together or to do contestsofcoloring with them. The possibilities are infinite, aninsurancethat you will find one that adjusts to your needs.This application can be one of the best educational games forthechildren so simultaneously that they draw amuse themselves.Do you want to develop and to motivate the imagination ofhischildren and his creative capacity? Unload it and installitalready. You do not have to worry for the problem caused bythetraditional way about drawing.Some characteristics:* Free drawing : a leaf is included in white for yourowncreations.* A simple palette of colors to choose the suitable color.* To sabe the drawing in the phone* Colors with brilliant effects.* Paintbrush of several sizes.* Always you will be able to erase any color that you donotlike.* More tan 10.000 colors.* To guard the drawing to continue at any time.* To erase the whole Drawing to return to begin.* To send the drawing to the gallery of images of the device.* Drawings To complete.* RGB Color Mixer.* Many, many different colors.* Easy navigation for the children and babies.The selector of advanced color will help you to choose theexactcolor. Do click in "newly" to select a new or "previous" colortocontinue using the previous one. You can export the image tothegallery of the device and there share it across e-mail,socialnetworks or stamp the drawing of your son.We have designed these images specially for this app and for it,wehave the rights reserved. If you are going to use themforcommercial ends, please, consult us before. If you have likedthisapplication, please vote for us in the play store with 5starssince this helps us to improve all the applications.
Phyzzlets Corner 1.42
IJS Solutions
Phyzzlets Corner is a brain-teasing puzzlegamewhere you can try your hand at architecture and demolitionwith yourfriends, strain your brain on different terrains andchallengefriends to take apart or destroy your masterpieces.If you were ever one of those people who liked to playwithbuilding blocks, liked to disassemble or destroy things just toseehow to make them better, liked to build puzzles andchallengefriends with your own superior designs and creations, thenyou arevery likely to enjoy Phyzzlets Corner and have some qualitytimewith it.With ever growing selection of elements and powerfuleditingfeatures, you can build various gravity-bound twodimensionalstructures in different scenes, select the objective,specify themeans and let your friends figure it out.Designing and creating physics puzzles on your own fromscratchmight not be an easy task and might require some getting toknowthe tools and their capabilities. Luckily, downloadablechallengepacks and puzzles created by other players that have beenshared onthe World Challenge list can help you find your wayaround. Many ofthe puzzles from the downloadable challenge packs,as well as someof those on the World Challenge list, come withvideotapedsolutions. If you cannot solve it – tap on the solutionlink andsee an example. Additional tutorials and explanations areavailableat (Link alsoavailablein the Options->Support dialog)Best experienced on tablets you can install Phyzzlets Corneronboth phone and tablet, logon with the same account andsynchronizeyour projects between two or more devices using thecloudoption.Locked advance edit features and elements can bepermanentlyunlocked using Phyzzlets Coins. An initial amount ofPhyzzletsCoins is credited to you when your account is firstcreated. Afterthat, you receive additional coins as you play orpurchase themthrough in-app purchases.School accounts, when in use, do not have access toin-apppurchases, are not exposed to ads and have most advancedfeaturesand elements unlocked.IMPORTANT NOTES• This app contains features available through in-apppurchases.Only account holders should authorize such purchases.(in-apppurchases are disabled for school accounts)• We have tested this app extensively on many but not alldevicesout there. In the unlikely event that it should crash onyourdevice, please take a moment to send us details on thecircumstancethrough Options->Support->Report Issues. We willaddress theproblem and be very grateful. Android crash reports arehelpful butunfortunately most of the time will not provide enoughinformationfor us to reproduce and address the problem.
Ponys And Unicorns To Coloring 2
Pink Tufts
Ponys And Unicorns To Coloring is atoolforcoloring for the children. The children can use hisfingersorlight pen to color on the tactile screen of yourtelephone.PonysAnd Unicorns To Coloring has a wide gallery wherethere canbechosen a great quantity of images to color as well ashundredsofavailable colors in our palette.He learns Coloring: allow to draw and to color, in royalform,inthe same way as you would do it on a paper usingdifferenttoolslike Pencils of Colors, stamps and up to a MagicWand! Drawandcolor with abundant colors, with brilliant tones andpaintbrushesof different size.To Ponys And Unicorns To Coloring is anentertainingapplication,easy to handle and in addition, serves tomotivate thecreativecapacity of the children in any age. With PonysAndUnicorns ToColoring the amusement for your children isguaranteed.A simple,design simple and exact to the capacities ofthe childallows toanyone handling it without any problem.The application is optimized to be used so much asinintelligentcell phones. Your children will have hours ofamusementand also youwill be able to amuse coloring together or todocontests ofcoloring with them. The possibilities are infinite,aninsurancethat you will find one that adjusts to your needs.This application can be one of the best educational gamesforthechildren so simultaneously that they draw amusethemselves.PonysAnd Unicorns To Coloring is an infantile game oflearningwhere theywill simulate with his fingers to do with pencilsofcolors.Do you want to develop and to motivate the imaginationofhischildren and his creative capacity? Unload it andinstallitalready. You do not have to worry for the problem causedbythetraditional way about drawing, since Ponys And UnicornsToColoringwill make him forget the antiquated colors and paper.Across his collections of drawings to color there ispromotedthedevelopment of the imagination, the art andtheinterpersonalrelations. Ponys And Unicorns To Coloringimprovestheconcentration and the learning capacity of the childrentoanyage.Some characteristics:* Free drawing : a leaf is included in white foryourowncreations.* A simple palette of colors to choose the suitable color.* Colors with brilliant effects.* Paint brush of several sizes.* Always you will be able to erase any color that youdonotlike.* More tan 10.000 colors.* To guard the drawing to continue at any time.* To erase the whole Drawing to return to begin.* To send the drawing to the gallery of images of the device.* Drawings To complete.* To erase the whole line.* RGB Color Mixer.* Many, many different colors.* Easy navigation for the children and babies.The selector of advanced color will help you to choosetheexactcolor. Do click in "newly" to select a new or "previous"colortocontinue using the previous one. You can export the imagetothegallery of the device and there share it acrosse-mail,socialnetworks or stamp the drawing of your son.We have designed these images specially for this app andforit,we have the rights reserved. If you are going to usethemforcommercial ends, please, consult us before. If you havelikedthisapplication, please vote for us in the play store with5starssince this helps us to improve all the applications.