Top 11 Apps Similar to To Reach Two Goals with an Act

Pulling on Seedlings to Grow 1.0.0
Two Animations (Simplified Chinese;TraditionalChinese) & 5Q-Book (Simplified Chinese; HanyuPinyin,Traditional Chinese; zhuyin(bopomoㄅㄆㄇ); Hanyu Pinyin,English)Content:This is a Chinese idiom explaining to Do Harm to Something byBeingOver-Enthusiastic. We provide one animated story and Chineseidiomcomic strip. The animated story lively shows the origin oftheChinese idiom “揠苗助长(yà miáo zhù zhǎng)”. The learner couldbenefita lot from the Chinese idiom comic strip as it shows how tousethis Chinese idiom accurately in every-day situations.1. Chinese idiom story(Simplified animation of 1 minute and 43 seconds,Traditionalanimation of 1 minute and 43 seconds, Illustrated audiobook of 15pages and word lists, 3 pages of translation)“Why aren't they growing?” the farmer said. Anover-enthusiasticfarmer trying to make seedlings grow faster. Whatwould hedo?2. Comic strip of the Chinese idiomSimplified animation of 45 seconds, Traditional animation of45seconds, Illustrated audio book of 2 pages, includinganexplanation and words that help studentslearn how to use this Chinese idiom accurately inevery-daysituations. The explanation of this Chinese idiom,examplesentences, etc. are included.3. Chinese idiom word cards(Illustrated audio book of 2 pages)Introduction of each Chinese word in this Chinese idiom,definitionsof words and phrases, example sentences, etc. areincluded.Story: Derived from Meng Zi.Age: Recommended for Grade 1 students.Level: Helpful Chinese reading for basic level learners.Characters: Contains 300+ basic level Chinese characters.FeaturesAnimation (Simplified): Story animation with simplifiedChinesesubtitles.Animation (Traditional): Story animation with traditionalChinesesubtitles.5Q-Book (Simplified): Illustrated audio book with simplifiedChinesetext; Hanyu Pinyin.5Q-Book (Traditional): Illustrated audio book withtraditionalChinese text; Hanyu Pinyin; zhuyin(bopomoㄅㄆㄇ).5Q-Book (English): Illustrated audio book with English text.Word list: Chinese words with Hanyu Pinyin,zhuyin(bopomoㄅㄆㄇ)andEnglish explanation.Comic strip of the Chinese idiom: (Simplified; Traditional):Audiosituation comic strip with simplified Chinese andtraditionalsubtitles.Chinese idiom word cards (Simplified; Traditional):Illustratedaudio book with simplified, traditional Chinese text andEnglishexplanation.About UsReading Stories Anywhere, Any time5QChannel has over ten years of experience in Chineselearningcontent development, and has published over 3,000multimediaChinese learning contents on the web. We specialize inusingcomputer animation to transform classic Chinese literary worksintocaptivating multimedia for the modern audience. Our productsareeducational in nature, and our aim is to help all readersaroundthe world to read classic tales easily.We understand the difficulties children have in readingtheseclassics in their original form. By reinterpretingwell-knownclassic stories and creating a new way of learning andstudyingwith multi-media devices, we provide a means for people towatchanimation anywhere and any time. We create digital readingwithanimations and thus the concept “Watch Animations and Get toKnowthe Classics” is realized.Web: www.5qchannel.comEmail: [email protected]:5qchannel Chinese reading 5qbook animation Mandarin五子登科动画 动漫 阅读 华语 中文 秧苗 农夫 揠苗助长 孟子 成语
ㄅㄆㄇ注音學習卡 4.72
The best introductory textbook for learning Zhuyin
快樂學習ㄅㄆㄇ 1.27
Just SW
Easy to learn ¢ Gt po mo strokes, stroke and pronunciationexercisessuitable for preschool children.
貓熊教室(ㄅㄆㄇ) 1.16
Just SW
ㄅㄆㄇ書寫練習 1.1
簡易的ㄅㄆㄇ書寫練習,可點選顏色、粗細指定畫筆,點選<>可以指定下一個注音符號,點選清除可以清除掉畫面。Simple ¢ Gtpo-moWritingExerciseClick a color, specify the thickness of the brush,Click << or >> to specify thenextphoneticsymbols,Click CLEAR to clear off the screen.
注音學堂遊樂篇 2.7
Early childhood education, preschool education, learningexercises,after-school tutoring, independent study, Bo-po-mo happychildrenlearning phonetic symbols.
聖誕故事 (QLL聽故事學英文- 平板電腦系列) 1.2
歡樂聖誕節,祝您聖誕快樂。你知道聖誕節的由來嗎?趕快來聽聖誕故事。QLL聽故事學英文- 平板電腦系列,是針對大畫面高解析的平板電腦所推出,支援到1920x1200各品牌平板電腦產品或androidTVbox,擁有超過六百萬的廣大用戶群,平均四顆半星的評價,是台灣教育類排行最佳的系列產品。(全部高清大圖,雙語字幕並加註ㄅㄆㄇ,效能較低的手機不建議使用)>>人類在媽媽的肚子裡,最先長成的是大腦,最先有感覺的器官是耳朵,第五到第六個月已經聽得到聲音了,所以,人類早期對大腦成長影響最大的就是聽覺–“室岡一教授”。>>利用熟悉的童話故事讓小朋友練習聽力與字彙,接受雙語的語感訓練,QLL的目標就是讓爸爸媽媽輕輕鬆鬆教小朋友學會多種語言,未來更有競爭力。這是一本圖文並茂的童話繪本有聲書。除了美麗的故事插圖以外,還有中文及英文共雙語真人發音,這些配音都是由專業的母語配音員所錄製,是培養兒童學習英文或者中文的有效工具。『故事大綱』聖誕故事是要告訴小朋友聖誕節的由來。這是一個宗教色彩濃厚的故事,根據基督教的福音書記載,耶穌是聖母瑪利亞受聖神感孕後在伯利恆的一個馬廄生下的,瑪利亞和丈夫約瑟當時正在去羅馬人口普查註冊的路上。耶穌的降生在信徒看來是猶太教預言中的彌賽亞將要到來計劃的實現。『產品功能特色』★ 雙語功能,一句接一句先英文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的英語聽力練習方式★ 字幕功能,字幕全部高清字並可調整大小,有雙語字幕且加註注音符號 ㄅㄆㄇ,專為台灣小朋友設計★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁★ 全系列主題繪本,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin 家族,演出本系列故事★ 新增貼紙簿生字學習,小朋友可以收集貼紙,增加讀書趣味與生字學習功效。★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 iPad & iPhone 也都有推出,好評最多,平均四個半星。『關於開發本產品的公司』Talking – app 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 Delicatessen Studio所設計的太空人ErinFamily 所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps 由知名詞曲創作人 -馬念先(海角七號馬拉桑)先生配樂及代言。Q.L.L.Quick Language LearningInc.Ltd.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各種年齡層的語言學習手機軟體與小遊戲,請大家在軟體最後參加我們的調查幫助我們製作更適合您的軟體!
YoYo大進擊(大班上) 1.0.9
「YoYo大進擊(大班上)」富有多元化的學習內容,並以東森YoYo幼兒園上學期大班課程為基礎,包含:1.中文主題「特別的我」、「友情快遞」、「小小播報員」2.美語「字母A ~M 自然發音」、「主題單字」3.數學「1、5、10元錢幣兌換」4.注音符號「拼音練習」讓孩子在掌握知識的同時,還可以享受玩遊戲的樂趣。注意:需要 Android4.0 以上的裝置"YoYo big onslaught(largeclass)," the rich diversity of learning content and east ofTucsonYoYo Taipan semester kindergarten curriculum-based,including:1 Chinese theme "Special I", "Friendship Express","Littlebroadcaster."2 American English "phonics alphabet A ~ M", "theme word"3 Math "1,5,10 dollar currency exchange."4 phonetic symbols "phonetic exercises."Let the children master the knowledge, you can also enjoy thefunof playing the game.Note: You need more than Android4.0 devices
注音符號練習簿 2.8
The best game → phonetic symbols phonetic exercises exercise books.
ㄅㄆㄇ真好玩 1.1.5
透過各種小遊戲學習注音符號。 (黃紹維、林秀貞老師Flash互動教學作品,重新改版for Android)
traditional Chinese phonics 2.3
Big fonts read, audio and write all in one for you speckingaccuracyChinese.