Top 15 Games Similar to TD Archer

Cannon Tower Defense rc5
Pipra Studio
Cannon Tower Defense is one of the free exciting towerdefenseshooting games
Bugs Army! [Tower Defence] 1.6.1
"Bugs Army!" is a Tower Defence game!Repel the various bugs invading the house by attackingwithweapons!No registration required, and it is easy to play! You canstartplaying anytime and anywhere!In a calm afternoon, fearsome bugs started attacking apeacefulhousehold!!They indulge in ransacking the house... The bugs must be stopped,orthe house will fall into their hands!It was then, Giffle, an action figure decorated on a desk, cametolife...To protect the peace of the house, rise together with Giffle!"Bugs Army!" is simple Tower Defence game.To attack the approaching bugs, you just need to move themainweapon transversely!Defeat hordes of bugs one after another!As you clear the stages, you can get new main weapons.When you are in trouble with a large number of bugs, usethesub-weapon!Slide it towards the target you wish to attack. The powerfulattackrepels the bugs immediately.The sub-weapon can be charged over time, and once it isfullycharged, it is available for an attack!There are 5 sub-weapons in total with different effects. Youcanequip up to 3 of them, so find a good, effective combinationanddefeat the bugs.You can get mystic "Stones" after defeating bugs. You needthemto upgrade your attack parameters and sub-weapons, so collectthemby defeating as many bugs as possible. You can get the"stones"even if you fail to clear a stage. However strong the bugsare, donot give it up and fight against them to collect the"Stones".Because they are crucial in clearing the game.There are 12 types of bugs. Fleas, bees, spiders, woodlice,eventhat gruesome boss of bugs...!!Advance through the stages by defeating hordes of bugs, andrepelthe 3 types of boss bugs to reclaim the peaceful home!《Recommended features of "Bugs Army!"》- No complicated control. Just tap and slide to move the autofiringgun transversely to attack and enjoy the game!- It is exciting and absorbing to defeat the hordes of bugs!- When you defeat large numbers of bugs at once with asub-weapon,the effect is exhilarating.- The in-game sound effects and BGMs create a senseofpresence!- Though the bugs are enemies, they are kind of cuteandattractive!Play "Bugs Army!", a unique defensive shooter game, now!
美食大戰老鼠-塔防遊戲新篇章 1.07
MoreFun game
《美食大戰老鼠》是一款極富策略性和挑戰性的休閒策略手機遊戲,源自經典,超越經典!年度最佳策略塔防遊戲《美食大戰老鼠》,貪婪的老鼠結隊前來掠奪美食,唯一的防禦方式就是培育美食進行反擊。遊戲集成了即時戰略、塔防禦戰和卡片收集等要素,樂趣十足。想知道水晶包、漢堡包、香腸、章魚燒等好吃的美食怎麼打老鼠嗎?那就一起進入這個神奇的塔防世界吧!綠色免費,與社群朋友公平競技!《美食大戰老鼠》獨創公平交易,社交競技模式!讓遊戲真正免費,好玩到底!在遊戲中玩家們所收集的物品全部都可以通過交易場進行交易,讓玩家自己的時間付出有回報哦;同時,遊戲一改傳統塔防遊戲的以PVE為主線路,直接以PVP競技場為主,不僅可以單人競技,還有提供組隊競技場等多重互動性玩法,讓人欲罷不能。源自經典,超越經典!與好友組隊體驗豐富PVE內容!《美食大戰老鼠》作為一款優質的策略塔防遊戲,遊戲不僅擁有經典的塔防PVE玩法,從多的關卡讓玩家挑戰,更是一款優質的互動性強的手遊,在遊戲中,任何關卡都不隻是單人的挑戰,更有組隊模式,不僅可以與遊戲中的好友一起對抗入侵的老鼠,還能與FB上的好友一起玩哦。休閑益智,策略佈防,收集千种美食卡片!所謂老鼠過街,人人喊打!全新《美食大戰老鼠》手機版讓人腦洞大開!讓身邊的所有美食都成為武器,消滅洶湧而來的老鼠。這些大家身邊熟悉的食物,一旦成為遊戲中具有殺傷力的武器又會是怎樣的體驗呢?休閒益智,策略佈防!作為優質的塔防遊戲《美食大戰老鼠》沿續經典塔防遊戲的對沖作戰模式,戰前的佈防設置配備不同的對戰卡片,給予用戶足夠的時間思考,在遊戲中收集不同的美食作戰卡與變化多端的老鼠展開大戰;美食大作戰,就是現在!加入體驗不一樣的休閑競技玩法!美食大戰老鼠粉絲頁>>"Food Wars Mouse" isavery strategic and challenging casual strategy mobile games,fromclassic, beyond the classic! The best strategy for the yeartowerdefense game "Food Wars Mouse" greedy rat convoy to plunderfood,the only way to cultivate food defense counterattack.Gameincorporates elements of real-time strategy, tower defense andcardcollection and other war, lots of fun. Wondered crystalpackage,burgers, sausages, takoyaki and other delicious dishes howto playmouse? Then went into this amazing tower defense world!Green free, fair and athletic and community friends!"Food Wars Mouse" original fair trade, social competitive mode!Thegame really free, fun in the end! In the game playershavecollected all the items are available through the tradingpitstransactions, allowing players to pay their own time rewardingoh;at the same time, the game has changed the traditionaltowerdefense game to the main line PVE, PVP arena as directly Lord,notonly single-sports, as well as providing the team arena, suchasmultiple interactive play, to pass up.From classic, beyond the classic! Team up with friendstoexperience rich PVE content!"Food Wars Mouse" as a quality strategy tower defense game, thegamenot only has a classic tower defense PVE gameplay, frommultiplelevels let players challenge, but also a high qualityinteractiveand hands swim in the game, not just any single levelchallenge,more team mode, not only can fight together with friendsin the gamemice invasion, but also with friends on FB to playwith, oh.Casual puzzle, strategy deployment, collect one thousand kindsoffood card!The so-called Laoshuguojie, people cry! The new "Food WarsMouse"Mobile Brain hole wide open people! All around food havebecomeweapons, destroy avalanche of mice. These familiar food allaround,once they become lethal weapons in the game will be whatkind ofexperience? Casual puzzle, strategy deployment! As ahigh-qualitytower defense game "Food Wars Mouse" Pullman classictower defensegame hedge combat mode, the pre-war armed with adifferent set ofBattle cards, giving users enough time to think,collect differentfood fight card in the game and changing the mouseto start thewar;Food Wars, is now! Add to experience a different leisuresportsgames are played!Food Wars Mouse fan page>>
三国TD for GREE 1.0.4
  ご存知のように、西洋のローマ帝国時期と並び、東方には中国の三国争覇時代があります。  あれらの年代で、たくさんの有名な歴史の偉大な将軍が現れました。  それを題材にしたゲームは沢山あります。  特に塔防(防衛)シリーズでは、ディフェンスに最も有効な武器は弓とされています。  あなたは、スマートフォンで弓矢を使い城を守りますか?  名将を雇ってあなたの矢の魔力をアップしますか?  是非、「三国TD:アーチェリータワーディフェンス」に挑戦してください!  このゲームは激しい情熱のゲームです。  あなたは弓で敵兵を射殺し、彼らの突進を阻止し城を守る。  強い敵に直面した時、城を守る者として兵器のアップグレードを繰り返し続けなければならない。  そして名将を雇って、あなたの助けになってもらい城を守ってください!■弓の特徴:■ ★精密射撃:撃ちたい所へクリックする、長押しで指定方向へ自動的に発射する。 ★アップグレード多様化:ステージをクリアしたら金貨とトークンが獲得でき、   それらを使って矢の速度や攻撃力、城のHPがアップグレード可能になる。そして、血瓶を購入し戦闘時に使用できる。 ★組合せ機能:両武将を雇って、助けになってもらうと、あなたの弓に特殊な魔法力が追加され強敵の襲来を阻止する。■名将の特徴:■ ★物理ダメージ武将と魔法ダメージ武将の二種類に分けられていて、独自の弓矢魔法を持ち、ゲーム中ある程度の確率で技能矢を発射させる  ・黄忠:物理ダメージ武将、最も有名なアーチャー。多重矢を持ち同時に複数の矢を発射できる。  ・趙雲:物理ダメージ武将、撃退矢を持つ。致命的な一撃を与える。  ・呂布:物理ダメージ武将、透過矢を持つ。1発の矢で数名の敵を突き通す。  ・周瑜:魔法ダメージ武将、赤壁の戦いで、炎の矢で大勢の敵兵を燃焼させた。  ・貂蝉:魔法ダメージ武将、大変美しい女性だが、毒矢を使う。  ・孫尚香:魔法ダメージ武将、クールな彼女が冷たい氷矢で敵兵を凍結させる。 ★武将組合せ、大技を放つ事で、逆転できる:  ・火の赤壁:黄忠と周瑜の組合せ=すべての敵兵を瞬時に炎の中へ置く。  ・毒覇の天地:呂布と貂蝉の組合せ=すべての敵兵を中毒状態にする。  ・極寒の地:孫尚香と趙雲の組合せ=すべての敵兵を凍結させる。■ステージの特徴:■ ★ステージが進むにつれ、敵兵がどんどん陣形を変化させ攻勢が増し、より強い兵種が現れる。 ★肝心なステージにボスキャラが現れる。ボスごとに別々の技能を持っている。 ★普通モードをクリアしたら、狂気モードへの挑戦もできる。   普通モードを10ステージクリアした後、狂気モードの1ステージがアンロックされます。As you know, thetimeAlongwith the Roman Empire of the West, there is theThreeKingdoms erasupremacy of China to the east.In Arerano age, a great general of the famous history ofthelotappeared.There are many games that the theme of it.Tobo The (defense) series, the most effective weaponinthedefense is done with bow especially.Do you protect the castle using the bow and arrowonasmartphone?Are you sure you want to up the magic of your arrow tohireacoach?By all means, "Three Kingdoms TD: archery tower defense"Pleasetochallenge!This game is a game of intense passion.And shot and killed the enemy soldiers with a bow, youdefendthecastle to prevent the rush of them.When faced with a strong enemy, it must continue torepeattheupgrade of weapons as those who defend the castle.And please observe the castle to hire a coach, Have helped you!■ Features of bow: ■★ The precision fire: to fire automatically inthespecifieddirection and click to where you want to shoot, alongpress.★ upgrade diversification: token and gold coins can earnOnceyouclear the stage,Attack power and speed of the arrow, HP of the castlewillbeupgradeable using them. And, can be used to combatpurchaseaBin.★ combination function: to hire both a military commander,andgethelped, to prevent the onslaught of formidable enemyspecialmagicforce is added to your bow.■ Features of coach: ■★ If you are divided into two types of magic damageandphysicaldamage military commander military commander, has a bowandarrowmagic of their own to effect the firing of the skill arrowatacertain probability Game· KiTadashi: Archer physical damage military commander,mostfamous.I can fire an arrow at the same time have amultiplearrow.· Zhao Yun: I have physical damage military commander,repelarrows.I will give a fatal blow.-Lu Bu: I have physical damage warlords, transparent arrow.Ipiercethe enemy of several people in one arrow shot.And Zhou Yu: Magic Damage military commander, at Battle ofRedCliff,I burned a large number of enemy with an arrowoffire.- Diao Chan: Magic Damage military commander, but averybeautifulwoman, but use a poison dart.· MagoShoko: her magic damage military commander, cool tofreezetheenemy soldiers in the cold Koriya.★ With that combination gives off warlords, a bold move, itcanbereversed:Red wall of fire: I put into the fire instantly combinationofZhouYu and KiTadashi = all the enemy soldiers.· Nature of Dokuha: I want to state addiction combinationofDiaoChan and Lu Bu = all the enemy soldiers.· Land of extreme cold: a combination of Zhao Yun and MagoShoko=Ifreeze all the enemy soldiers.■ Features of the stage: ■★ stage progresses, offensive increases enemy soldiersbychangingthe formation more and more, stronger branch ofanarmyappears.★ boss character will appear on the bottom line stage. I haveaskillseparate each boss.★ Once you clear the normal mode, it is also a challengetomadnessmode.After 10 stage clear common mode, 1 stage of madnessmodeisunlocked.
貓咪大戰爭 12.7.0
Disgusting and cute cats have exploded across the country! Acattower defense game that anyone can easily learn Freeregistrationand you can play right away~ There are also new catsthat are onlyavailable in the Chinese version! Hurry up anddownload it tocultivate your personalized kitty army!
Apple Shooter Archer 3D 1.5
Fun is going to begin for apple shooter3Dlovers. Yes! You are going to be an apple shooter 3D archer. Beaprofessional archer, in one of the best apple shootergamesarchery, who hit the apple at the right spot on target.Make sure your arrow shooting apple hit on the mark.Therealistic graphics with realistic controls makes it an awesome3Dgame. Forget about other arrow shooting apple 3D games. Enjoythefun associated with apple arrow shooting at target!! Shoottheapple with an easy bow drag.3D Apple Shooter it is! Enjoy arrow apple shooter gameoriginalstyle which is going to be your favorite shooting game ofarchery.Shoot the apple with the arrows you have. Archery Lovers!Startyour fun in Apple Shooter Archer 3D.
Balanced Tower AR 2.4.1
Remove blocks from the tower, but when will it fall ?
Turret Fusion Idle Clicker 1.7.7
Shark Jump
Tower defense and idle games combined; this is an invasionlikenever before.
TankDefense 1.0.2
Not stop Once out to play with simple operation! Eyeing, shotand,repel!
騎馬打仗 0.3.14
3D萌系塔防《騎馬打仗》,超可愛萌動Q版畫風,電影級HD超清畫質,帶來前所未有視覺體驗。獨創移動式推塔玩法,讓萌將一起動起來!呆萌兵將,卡哇伊主公,自由搭配,戰法百出。青龍白虎在左,的驢赤兔在右,萌萌戰寵助你攻城掠地,平定天下,稱霸三國!2015年度手遊大作,開啟全民推塔新世代。官方網站:官方粉絲團:【遊戲特色】★ 1主公+2萌將+3呆兵,自由搭配,戰法百出!★ 蘿莉御姐,魅惑上陣,300萌將人人可得!★ 青龍白虎、的驢赤兔,Q萌戰寵,助你攻城掠地!★ 武聖、軍師、箭神3大職業集結300萌將。獨特武將技,額外天賦屬性加成,最強戰力保證!★ 槍戟、刀錘、盾甲、支援、法師、攻城,六大兵種攻防相剋,考驗你的運籌帷幄!★ 呆兵萌將任意搭配,數百種陣法組合,打造屬於你的最強部隊,跟萌將們一起稱霸天下!
Dragon Revenge 2D 5.0
Go to the destruction of the dragons!This world needs a new hero, and it is you! Worldwide flyterribleand bloodthirsty dragons, and no one except you can notcope withthem. Do not hesitate and go on an adventure rightnow. Under your command of three characters: spearman, archerandmage. Choose one and go on a journey. Goal of the game: to killasmany dragons as possible. Your hero will aim itself, your jobatthe right time to press the screen to the hero shot ifyoucalculated the true flight path, the dragon is defeated. For each dragon killing, you get one coin, coins needed tobuya new hero, first game you play for spearman. To open theothercharacter classes, collect as many coins as possible. Performdailybonuses, for them you get a lot of coins! Play right now in an amazing arcade game DragonSlayer.Beautiful levels, an interesting plot and excitingslaughterdragons. All of this directly by the host phone!Features:↗ three characters: spearman, archer and mage;↗ amazing arcade;↗ interesting story;↗ beautiful graphics;↗ convenient operation;↗ cool music;↗ fantasy world;↗ free game.How to play:Your hero will aim itself, your job at the right time to pressthescreen to the hero shot if you calculated the true flight path,thedragon is defeated.Do not forget the reviews and ratings, they are very importanttous! Have a good game;)
Orange Shooter Arrow Archer 3D 1.0
Do you like hitting target with bowandarrow?Do you have what it takes to be an expert archer?OrangeShooterArrow Archer 3D is one of the best fruit archerygamesthatrequires you to shoot arrow and hit the orange. Butbewareofmissing it or you might end up killing the man!Aim and Shoot! Take aim at the orange and get yourperfecthit.You have three chances to hit the orange. Get your ownbowandarrow and become crazy archer.Instructions:Target - Drag the finger to target arrow.Shoot - Release the finger gesture to shootFeatures:3D Environment - Experience the real 3D environment.Animation - Brilliant and lucid animation effectswithbeautifulcolor theme background.Bow and arrows - Limited arrows to hit the specifictarget,avoidhitting others. Multiple targets to play & shootwithclassicbow and arrows theme.Controls - Easy & user friendly controls to play.
Fish Defense 1.8
Have you ever wanted to become a popularhero.When you walk down the streets you attract the attentionofeveryone and they recognize you instantly and admire you. Ifyouwant to have some quality time and entertain yourself then rushtothe market and check out the newest application. It will knockyoursocks off as soon as you download free of charge the latestFishDefense game on your phone. You have always wanted to diveandexplore the sea depths and you cannot believe that you aregiventhe chance to actually do that. Protect the fish from themercilessattackers and find the fearless warrior in you. It isincredibleand you do not know where all this strength comes fromand yourfingers are tapping super-fast in order to smash thevillains. Youfeel like you are on cloud nine while you give yourbest to stay inthe game as long as you can. You are astonished withthe oceanbottom and you imagine that you are the one who ruleshere. Maybeyou will be lucky enough to stay locked here forever soget the topFish Defense game.If you are constantly under some stress find something thatwillrelieve you from it in the best way as it can be very harmfultoyour health. Check out the coolest app that can help you.Theinstallation process is pretty simple and you will fall inlovewith the sensational place where it will take you. So donothesitate but get the popular Fish Defense game on your phone.Assoon as you start playing it you will imagine that you arereallythe hero whose job is to destroy all the invaders. Yourattentionwill be attracted by it and you will soon forget all yourworriesand problems. It is so addictive that you will be playing itforhours. Discover the child in you and start smashing thevillains.Be careful as some of them is easy to conquer but some ofthem areextremely strong. The most dangerous one is the shark andyou willhave to tap her faster and several times to get rid of her.Alsoyou have to be constantly on the lookout as from time to timeyourfriends will come to help you. If you see a mermaid or aseahorsedo not harm them as then you will lose life and the newestFishDefense game will be over.Features:- Lovely music in the background that you can turn on or off- The dangerous enemies are of different strength- Plenty of helpful bonuses that will slow down orkillvillainsThis is unique opportunity for you to practice multitaskingskillsand see how good you are when you have to complete severalthingsin the same time. You have to protect the smallunderwatercreatures from the villains and to spare your friends.Also youhave to collect bonuses which will help you in defendingthecolorful animals. Be sure to pick up the trident and theseashellas they will either kill or slow down your enemies. Sharethis topgame with your family and organize a contest. Compete whowillachieve the highest score and try hardest you can to win. Donot bedistracted with the mermaid as her role now is to help you.You arethrilled with it as you have read many legends about her andyoualways wanted to meet her but now you do not have time forthat.Concentrate on the battle and get rid of the intruders andlateryou will encounter her. You are desperate to hear her songsoimagine that the music in the background is hers. Download freethecoolest Fish Defense game on your phone and let it take you tothebottom of the ocean where you will show your latestheroicskills.How to play: / How it works:- Smash the enemies to destroy them- Do not tap on the friends that come to help you- Make sure not to miss the bonuses- Try to stay in the game as long as you can
奪え財宝!パイレーツ3D【海賊タワーディフェンスゲーム】 1.0.6
【大人気】超本格的!戦略的オモシロ3D海賊タワーディフェンスが登場です。時は大航海時代!大海原で君は海賊王になれるのか!?美少女海賊VS筋肉男海賊! 美麗イラストで頭脳バトル! 様々な戦いが待っている!!配置による戦略により君の頭脳が暇潰しながら徹底的に今試される。5つのレーンによるレーンタワーディフェンスゲーム、様々な船長から船を守り、お宝を奪い取ろう。討伐回数により強力なユニットや財宝をゲットできたりもするぞ。★★★遊び方★★★海賊VS海賊貝からパールをゲットしユニットキャラを設置し、相手を倒そう↓  ↓  ↓この世界には様々なお宝が存在します。【お宝とは?】●武器●金貨財宝●船のデコパーツなどお宝が眠る島の周りにはその島によってお宝を探している敵船が存在します。自分の力を考慮しながら敵船との戦いを選びましょう。(敵の強さは見た目で決まっているから最初は小さめの帆の船から狙って戦おう。)ヒマ暇つぶしな時は戦いや島の探索を繰り返しお宝を手にしながら自分を強化していきましょう。面白い、強い武器ユニットは金貨で手に入れることができ、強化することが可能です。ユニット強化と戦略を考え目指すは世界一の大海賊!!財宝や美人、ムキムキ海賊等を倒しコレクションしていこう。※基本プレイ無料、一部特別なアイテムなどでお楽しみいただく場合は有料となります[Popular]superauthentic!Strategic interesting 3D pirate tower defenseisintroduced.Age of Discovery when! You either can become the Pirate Kingintheocean! ?Pretty Pirate VS Muscle Men pirate! Brain Battleinbeautifulillustrations! Various battle is waiting! !Your brain is tried now thoroughly while killing time bystrategybyarrangement.To protect the ship lane tower defense game with lane five,fromavariety of captain, so you Ubaitoro treasure.But also or can get a powerful and treasures unit by thenumberoftimes subdue.★★★How To Play★★★Pirate Pirate VSAfter you have installed the unit Chara to get the pearlfromtheshell, it will defeat the opponent↓ ↓ ↓Various treasure exists in this world.And [treasure? ]● Weapons● gold treasure● Dekopatsu of shipEtc.enemy ships that are looking for the treasure by theislandwillexist around the island treasure sleep.Let's choose a fight with enemy ships, taking into accountthepowerof their own.(I will fight eyeing from the ship sail Smaller first strengthoftheenemy because they determined by the appearance.)Let's continue to strengthen yourself while inhandtreasurerepeat the search of the island and battle leisuretimekillingtime.Interesting, strong arms unit can be put into the handsingold,that strengthening is possible.Aim thinking and strategy unit enhanced large pirate intheworld!!Let's collection to defeat beauty and treasure, apirate,etc.Muscles.※ basic free-to-play, will be paid if you enjoy, suchassomespecial items
Dinosaur Defense 1.8
Prepare for the most exciting adventure ofyourlife. Step in the prehistoric period and explore its wildlife.Be onthe constant outlook or your food will be eaten. If you wantto havethis popular application for your phone it is easy to getit. Allyou have to do is to tap one button and then you willdownload thenewest Dinosaur Defense completely free of charge.Grab your phoneand start playing the coolest game you have everseen. It will takeyou to the ancient forest where you willencounter your old friends.They will help you while you try toprotect the meat from theattackers. Do not be scared of them butfind the courage you needand go after them. If you lose your foodyou will not survive as youwill have nothing to eat. The dangerouspredators will sometimescome in clusters in order to conquer you.Do not lose hope becausewhen you think that there is no way out ofthe grave problem themammoth will stand by you. Feel the power andthe strength of thisancient animal and let it inspire you tobecome the best hero theworld has ever seen. Get the latestDinosaur Defense on your phoneand have a lot of fun playing thetop game.Enter the Jurassic period and meet the scariest creatures. Theywillattack your food but you have to stay calm and try to protectit ashard as you can. The biggest adventure of your life has begunso youshould better get ready. Get the popular Dinosaur Defenseapp andorganize a contest among friends. Compete who will stay thelongestin the newest game and who will set the highest score.Practice yourfingers as you have to be extremely fast. The smallintruders areeasy to smash but you have also the big ones whichare stronger andyou will have to tap them several times in orderto get rid of them.Be constantly on the lookout and this is whenyour multitaskingskills should come to the fore. Express theheroic side of you andshow that you can both collect bonuses anddestroy enemies in thesame time. Moreover you have to take carenot to smash any of theanimals that come to help you because ifyou do that you will loseyour life. Play the coolest DinosaurDefense game and soon it willbecome your favorite pastime as itwill entertain you forhours.Features:- Lovely music in the background that you can turn on or off- The dangerous enemies are of different strength- Plenty of helpful bonuses that will slow down orkillvillainsThe most significant battle of your life will soon begin. Areyouready to smash all of the villains? Do not be afraid when youseethe big ones but collect all the bonuses. The net and thevolcano’smouth will slow down or even destroy the creatures thatare tryingto eat you your food. You are in the middle of theancient forestand you are afraid. Get rid of that fear fastotherwise you willlose your life. Play the latest Dinosaur Defensegame and show thatyou can be the best hero the world has ever seen.Survive thepredators that roamed the earth during the Jurassicperiod and setthe score that no one will be able to beat. Yourfriends will envyyou because you got this fist and start themission before them.Start the adventure and get rid of all theproblems and worriesthat trouble you every day. Download free thetop Dinosaur Defensegame and each time you feel bored unlock yourphone and startplaying it as it will cheer you up in a blink of aneye.How to play: / How it works:- Smash the enemies to destroy them- Do not tap on the friends that come to help you- Make sure not to miss the bonuses- Try to stay in the game as long as you can