Top 23 Games Similar to Starving Dog Rescue

Escape From Fantasy House 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Fantasy House is a point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. In this game, the house looksverybeautiful. But the house is locked completely and the keyishidden. To escape from the house you have to find out thehousekey. Use your brilliance to find the hidden objects and solvethepuzzle to get the house key. Good luck, Have fun. Jolly mania!!!
Pity Boy Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Pity Boy Rescue is the newpointand click escape game from games2jolly family. There's averybrilliant boy in the town. Some pricks have kidnapped himandlocked him up in a house far away from the hometown. Youaresomehow into his mind using the mind-transfer techniquebyaccident. It's time for you to outrun that boy'sbrilliance.Checkout for clues, solve the puzzles you encounter andmake himescape ASAP. Good luck. Jollymania...
Lion Cub Rescue 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Lion Cub Rescue 2 is point and click escape gamefromgames2jolly family. Forest is a natural habitat for manyanimalsand birds. In every forest the king of jungle is a lion.Lionswon't hunt other animals unless they're hungry. Lions arehunted byman for their head, skin, fur, claws, etc.., A lion cubwaswandering alone in the first and some evil hunters kidnappedhimand locked him in a cave with grilled gate. Save that cute lioncubbefore they take him to the city. Good luck...
Priest House Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Priest House Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in yourdream yousee yourself locked up in a priest house in which you werestaying.You need to escape from there ASAP before something happento youin your sleep. Figure out a way to escape from there. Lookout forthe clues and use them accordingly to find a escape route.Goodluck in your escape. Jollymania...
Jolly Boy Rescue 7 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Jolly Boy Rescue 7 is another point and clickescapegame developed by Games2Jolly team. Jolly boy is in bigtrouble,witch captured our jolly boy and about to cook himalive.Find a wayto stop a witch before something goes bad.Use theobject around youand manipulate them mutually in order to solve thepuzzles,do itASAP.Good Luck.
Kangaroo Rescue 1.0
Games2Jolly - Kangaroo Rescue is apointandclick escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. We'veseenmanypoachers and hunter stories and also rescued many poorwildanimalsfrom them. In this case kangaroo hunters have camehuntingforkangaroo. The news spread among the kangaroo alreadyandthey'vehidden into the dense forest but a unlucky poorkangaroowascaptured by them and locked up. Rescue the kangaroo andsaveit'slife, good luck...
Jolly Girl Rescue 4 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Jolly Girl Rescue 4 is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. Our Jolly girl was kidnapped bysomegangsters who work for an evil businessman who is an enemyinbusiness to her dad. The business controversy turned intoapersonal grudge and that's the reason for Jollygirl'skidnapping.She's locked in a house. Find her and save her. Goodluck...
Escape From Clay House 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Clay House is a point and clickescapegame developed by Games2Jolly Team. You fell asleep and youfindyourself locked inside a house which you have never seen beforebutlooks lively. When you look for an exit to get out you find nowayout except a strong door which is not easy to break. So youmustfind a key to open a door in order to escape. Search for theclues,use the objects you collect logically and escape fromthereASAP.Good luck, Jollymania
Injured Man Escape 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Injured Man Escape 2 is thenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. A man wenttoa hairstyle parlor to get a haircut for his full grown hair. Inthemiddle of his haircut the hairdresser happened to sneeze.Afterthat sneezing he found that the ear of the man who had comeforhaircut had been cut a little and the blood is oozing out. Findafirst aid kit and give him a first aid. Good Luck
Desert Owl Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Desert Owl Rescue is thenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. Wildanimals -Most living things have the habit of hunting and roamingduring dayand sleeping during night. Their eyes are made in the waythat theycan clearly see during daylight but not at night. Thereare otherset of animals which are just opposite to these animals,they'recalled nocturnal animals/birds. Owls, bats,etc are examplesof suchbirds. An owl has been captured and trapped inside cage.Help himto get out soon before the hunters are back. Goodluck...
Greek Grandpa Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Greek Grandpa Rescue is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. In ancient Greece people liveda lifewith happiness, prosperity and peace. In the great Greekempirethere was a small land ruled by a retired Greek warrior.That landwas gifted to him by a Greek king in respect to hisfearless actionsin a war. The warrior is aged right now so hecannot fight againstyoung enemy warriors so he retired. Knowinghis weakness of age agang of bandits have rided into his land andlocked him up in asmall one-man-lock steel cage. Find a way tohelp him get out ofthat cage. Good Luck...
Injured Man Rescue From Desert 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Injured Man Rescue From Desert is new point andclickescape game from games2jolly family. Here a man is fell downfromthe parachute and the man is severely injured. In this moment,theman needs a first-aid for his injury and he wants to go out offromhere. Use your intelligence to find the objects and solvethepuzzles to find the source.Have fun, Good luck. Jollymania!!!
Country Ranch House Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Country Ranch House Escape is the new point andclickescape game from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and inyourdream you see yourself locked up in a Country Ranch House inwhichyou were staying. You need to escape from there ASAPbeforesomething happen to you in your sleep. Figure out a way toescapefrom there. Look out for the clues and use them accordinglyto finda escape route. Good luck in your escape. Jollymania...
Pond Fish Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Pond Fish Rescue is anothertypeof game developed by The motive of the game istorescue the pond fishes.Use your perception to find the sourcetofill the water & rescue the fishes. In-between try tocollectsome hidden objects and solve the puzzles to rescue thepondfishes. Good luck, Have a fun.
Trekking Girl Rescue 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Trekking Girl Rescue 2 is a point and clickescapefrom Games2Jolly family. Our brave trekking girl is outforadventure again. This time she's onto a mountain and it isthefirst visit of her to this mountain. Since it's new to her shehadall her trust on a map which has almost all details aboutthemountain and it's forest. While trekking she missed the map andshehas no way to go. Help her get that map back. Good luck...
Blue Parrot Rescue 1.0.1
Blue Parrot Rescue is a point and click escape game fromGames2Jollyfamily.
Condo Room Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Condo Room Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in yourdream yousee yourself locked up in a cabin house in which you werestaying.You need to escape from there ASAP before something happento youin your sleep. Figure out a way to escape from there. Lookout forthe clues and use them accordingly to find a escape route.Goodluck in your escape. Jollymania... Play escape games and havefun.
Escape From Green Village 1.0.2
Games2Jolly Escape From Green Village is another point andclickescape game developed by Games2Jolly team. There was avillagelocated near the bank of a river. The village was sobeautiful withtrees and bushes everywhere on the while looked likea huge greencarpet was put on that village. The villagers doesn'tlike to haverelationship with the outside world because of a badincidenthappened a long time ago and do it was fenced aroundit'sboundaries but a man from that village will go out of thegatedaily for his work. Today the gatekeeper was missing near thegateso help him finding the key to open the gate. Good luck.
Shivering Squirrel Rescue 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Shivering SquirrelRescueisanother one point and click escape game developedbyGames2JollyTeam. A squirrel is struck in center of snow water.Helpto get outof from snow water, For that you can find therope,Searchthehidden clues and objects. Good luck...
Escape From Cartoon Room 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Cartoon Room is a point and clickescapegame developed by Games2Jolly Team. You fell asleep and youfindyourself locked inside a house which you have never seen beforebutlooks lively. When you look for an exit to get out you find nowayout except a strong door which is not easy to break. So youmustfind a key to open a door in order to escape. Search for theclues,use the objects you collect logically and escape fromthereASAP.Good luck.
Escape From Great Condo 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Great Condo is the new point andclickescape game from games2jolly family. In this game, the houselooksvery beautiful. But the house is locked completely and the keyishidden. To escape from the house you have to find out thehousekey. Use your brilliance to find the hidden objects and solvethepuzzle to get the house key. Good luck, Have fun. Jolly mania!!!
Small Boy Escape From Dog 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Small Boy Escape From Dog is a point and clickescapefrom Games2Jolly family. A boy was walking back afterspending along time in a children's park. He came near his streetcorner andfound a dog starting at him. He haven't seen that dogbefore buthe's sure that something is wrong with that dog from thelooks ofit. He tried to run away but the dog chased him. Find a wayto savethe kid from that ferocious dog. Good luck...
Terrapin Boat Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Terrapin Boat Escape is thenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. Heypal,welcome to Terrapin Boat Escape. There is this cute littleterrapinkidnapped by some rouge hunters and locked inside a cage inthecenter of the forest. after some days the terrapin escapedfromcage but it can't find the way to escape from forest, so allyouhave to do is to help this sweet being by collecting theclues,matching them accordingly and solving the puzzles and thusmakinghim escape from this jungle. Start your favour now.