Top 48 Games Similar to Save Water Escape 2

Patio House Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Patio House Escapeisanotherpoint and click room escape game created by Games 2Jolly.This isa pretty straight forward point and click escape game.Justimaginethat you've been locked up in a House, it's roomsareconstructedperfectly to live a pleasant life. But toyourunluckiness you'relocked up there and you need to escapefromthere. Search for theclues, solve puzzles in order to escape.Goodluck and havefun!
Farming Land Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Farming Land Escape is apointand click escape game from games2jolly family. Every person inthisworld choose a profession for their living. Of those there arefewwhich are notably noble. One such an occupation is agriculture-the art of making food. One such farmer put his efforts andraisedcrops in his field. His cow entered his crop land andstartedfeeding on his crops for a while which he noted just now.Find hima rope to tie his cow away from the crop field. Goodluck...
Jolly Girl Rescue 2 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Jolly Girl Rescue 2 isthenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. OurJollygirlwas kidnapped by some gangsters who work for anevilbusinessmanwho is an enemy in business to her dad. Thebusinesscontroversyturned into a personal grudge and that's thereason forJollygirl'skidnapping. She's locked in a house. Find herand saveher. Goodluck...
Ravenous Boy Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Ravenous Boy Escape is a point and click escapegamefrom games2jolly family. A small boy is so ravenous andneedssomething to stuff up his stomach. He saw an apple tree nearbyandwent near it to fetch some apples for his hunger. The apple treeisso high that he couldn't reach those apples. He fetched a stickandtried but that too didn't worked. Find him a hook and tie itwiththat stick so that the ravenous boy won't be hungry anymore.Goodluck...
Stone House Gold Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Stone House Gold Escape isapointand click escape game from games2jolly family. Anevilmastermindhave stolen a golden Treasure from an ancient templeandhidden it inhouse. That Treasure was considered sacred bythedevotees of thattemple and the people of that village. Helpthemrescue the Treasureand restore the grace in the temple.Goodluck...
Forest Bike Escape 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Forest Bike Escape 2 isanotherpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. Youfellasleep and in your dream you see a man standing worried.Because ofhe missed his bike key, Help him to find his key.Goodluck...
Cross The Cave Escape 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Cross The Cave Escape 2 is another point andclickescape game developed by Games2Jolly team. A couple of friendswentinside a remote forest for exploration. They went so deepinsidethat they forgot the path to get out of the forest. Aftersearchingfor a long time they found a cave way which may lead themout ofthat forest to the village nearby. Help them get past thatcavecarefully since it looks strange. Good luck...
Street Car Escape 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Street Car Escape 2 isanotherpoint and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team.Whiledriving his car through the neighboring country the bestnewswriter of his nation facing a tough time. He got flat tires andheneed to swap it with the Steepness he has got but the thing isheforgot to take his tools from home so help him to find thetoolsnecessary for changing tires. Good luck!!!
Rescue The Labour 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Rescue The Labour is a point and click escapegamefrom games2jolly family. Science have always provided us withlotsof inventions which are useful for mankind. On the contrarythereare much more bad things which may affect the humansexistence. Inthis game a labour got locked inside a Bio Chemicalindustry. Thereis the risk of death since a toxic gas was leaking.Open theshutter before the labour suffers. Good luck...
Jolly King Rescue 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Jolly King rescue 2 is a point and click escapegamedeveloped by Games2Jolly Team. Many kings ruled the region forsomany years. During one such rule an enemy kingdom men sneakedintothat rulers palace and captured him. He was locked up in hisowndungeon. Rescue the king and save the rule of that kingdom.Goodluck
Coffee Cart Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Coffee Cart Escape is a point and click escapegamefrom games2jolly family. Usually kids are always eager toplaygames which gives them fun. There are some kids who like toplaygames which helps them learn something better like business ormathand maany more. Here a boy built himself a Coffee Cart whichhefilled with some brown liquid that looks exactly like coffee.Forgamesake he sells the coffee to the neighbouring kids. While hewaspushing the cart it got struck in the mud unfortunately. Hisdadhave a towing car, drive it and get his cart out of that mud.Goodluck...
Escape From Country House 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Escape From CountryHouseisanother type of point and click new escape gamedevelopedbyGames2Jolly Groups. The concept of the game is to escapefromthehouse where you are trapped. Here the door key was lostanditsspare key is hidden. Find the key by using the given clueandbyfinding the hidden objects. Good luck and haveafun.Jollymania!!!
Spirit Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Spirit Escape is a point and click escape gamefromgames2jolly family. There was a good spirit in town whichhelpedthe people in it in many ways. When there's hunger for fooditoffered food, when there's water scarcity it provided withwater.Such a good soul was hated by some ignorants. They haveplanned toseal the spirit since a long time and succeeded in it nowbysealing it inside a coffin. Help the poor soul come out so thatitcan continue its good deed. Good luck...
Jolly Boy Ball Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Jolly Boy Ball Escape is the new point andclickescape game from games2jolly family. Hey there pal, welcome totheG2J land of games. Our Jolly Boy is enjoying his day off byplayingbasketball with his colleagues. While they playing theballmistakenly it fell into the nearby well. Find a way to take outtheball and help them play again. Good luck...
Escape From Grange House 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Grange Houseisanother type of game developed by The conceptofthe game is to escape from the grange house. In a village thereisa house. One day you want to meet your friend.But you hadbeentrapped into a house. At that moment you don't know where thekeyis? So you needs to search the key to go out of the house.Forthat, you want to find some hidden objects and solve the puzzlestoescape from the house.Good luck, have fun. jollymania!!!
Forest Baby Bear Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Forest Baby Bear Rescue is a point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. The concept of this game isrescuethe baby bear. Now, you need to find the opener for gate byusingthe clues and by solving the puzzles. Good luck,Havefun.Jollymania!!!
Gold Coin Drawer Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Gold Coin Drawer Escape is a point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. An evil mastermind have stolenagolden Treasure from an ancient temple and hidden it in house.ThatTreasure was considered sacred by the devotees of that templeandthe people of that village. Help them rescue the Treasureandrestore the grace in the temple. Good luck...
Squirrel Rescue 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Squirrel Rescue isanotheronepoint and click escape game developed by Games2JollyTeam.Theconcept of the game is to rescue the squirrel. In thisgame,thereis a village.Middle of the village there is a pond, asquirrelfelldown in the water. The squirrel doesn't know to swim inthewater.So help the squirrel to come out from the pond.In-betweenfindsome objects and solve the puzzle to get the sourcefor rescuethesquirrel.Good luck and have a fun. Jollymania!!!
Jolly Boy Market Escape 1.0.0
Jolly Boy Market Escape is anotherpointandclick escape game developed by Games2Jolly family. Jollyboyhavewent on a mini trip to his friend's village. On eve of thatdayhisfriend had fed up with some important work in his garagesohedidn't come home on time. Jollyboy was alone and there isnofoodleft at the house. So he came out in search of food. He wenttothenearby market place. Just as he was about to buy an appleforhisappetite he noticed that he forgot to take his walletwithhim.Help him to buy an apple and end his appetite. Goodluck
Witch Escape 2 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Witch Escape 2 is apointandclick escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team.childrenareplaying trick or treat and enthusiasm is filled allaround.Awitch(good one though)had interest in that celebration,hewantedtomingle with the people. So he went to thefestivalbutunfortunately some of them identified and are chasing tokillher.Help her to escape from those people and flee fromthere.Goodluck.
Jolly Boy Rescue From Excavate 1.0.1
Jolly Boy Rescue From Excavate is another point and clickescapegame developed by Fastrack Games Team. A small boy wasplaying neara children's park. When he was very much involved inplaying thathe didn't notice the giant excavate nearby and feelinto that. Finda way to get him out of the excavate before hisparents becameupset. Use the objects nearby for help. Good luck...
Jolly King Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Jolly King Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. Jolly king's kingdom hasbeenintruded by enemy soldiers at midnight. They have tied our kingtoa chair and hidden somewhere in our fort. Find the king andreleasehim before their entire army come to attack our kingdom.Goodluck...
Injured Man Escape 2 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Injured Man Escape 2 is thenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. A man wenttoa hairstyle parlor to get a haircut for his full grown hair. Inthemiddle of his haircut the hairdresser happened to sneeze.Afterthat sneezing he found that the ear of the man who had comeforhaircut had been cut a little and the blood is oozing out. Findafirst aid kit and give him a first aid. Good Luck
A Look At Solar Eclipse 1.0.1
A look at solar eclipse is point and click escape gamefromgames2jolly family.
School Drainage Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - School Drainage Escape is anewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. There'saschool nearby which is famous for its strength, yes it has themostnumber of students in the state. Since it has more studentstherewill be a fair number of students play in the ground always.Theschool cleanliness staff forgot to close the drainage lid anditsleft open now. Find the lid and close it before some kid fellintoit. Good luck...
Jolly Theater Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Jolly Theater Escape is another one point andclickescape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. Movies play a vitalrolein entertainment. Comedy, horror, drama, action,science-fiction,etc are some of the genres of movies. Our Jollyboyruns a movietheatre in his native city. The projector in thattheater wasfaulty and the technical persons were called to repairit. Theyrepaired them but kept it somewhere out of sight. Findtheprojector and connect it before the show time comes. Goodluck...
Forest Wooden Home Escape 2 1.0.2
Games2Jolly - Forest Wooden Home Escape 2isthe new point and click escape game from games2jolly family.Youfell asleep and in your dream you see yourself locked up inapaying house in which you were staying. You need to escapefromthere ASAP before something happen to you in your sleep. Figureouta way to escape from there. Look out for the clues and usethemaccordingly to find a escape route. Good luck in yourescape.Jollymania...
Find My Cow 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Find My Cow is a pointandclickescape game from games2jolly family. A small boy risescattleandgrows crops for his living. He takes his cows and goatsintotheforest to feed them. This seemed to be a normal dayuntilhisfavorite cow was missing. He searched through theforestbutcouldn't find it. Finally he got a clever idea and climbedupthewatch tower located in the middle of the forest butcouldn'tseeclearly. Get him a binocular to help him see clearly andfindhiscow. Good luck...
Valentine Rose Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Valentine Rose Escape is another one point andclickescape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. Feb 14, thevalentinesday. The day in which millions and millions of peopleexpress theirfeelings to their crush, couples refreshes their lovewith eachother stronger, and lots of romantic things happen in asingle day.In such a day our romantic hero the Jolly boy called outJollygirl. He planned to express his love feel to her in the wayofRomantic Rose flower. Unfortunately the rose was missing so findarose for him since finding a rose on valentines day is ariskytask. Good luck
Escape From Shelter 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Escape From Shelter isanotherpoint and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team.In thisstory, there is a house. The house looks very beautiful.Assumethat, one day you have been trapped inthe house by unknownpeople.Your mind says ,that you want to escape from the houseimmediately.But you didn't have any source to open the door. So useyourintelligence to find the hidden objects and solve the puzzletofind the source and escape from the house.Good luck, havefun.Jollymania!!!
Cycle Boy Escape 2 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Cycle Boy Escape 2isanotherpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family.Youfellasleep and in your dream you see a cute boystandingworried.Because of he missed his cycle key, Help him tofind hiskey. Goodluck...
Stop Jail Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Stop Jail Escape is another one point and clickescapegame developed by Games2Jolly Team. We're now inside aprison whichis located in a remote area. Criminals from variousstates arebrought to there for long time imprisonments. One such acriminalwho was convicted of murder is locked up there along withothers. Heis planning an escape by penetrating the prison cellswall sincethat wall is the boundary of the prison so gettingpassed that wallmeans escape from that prison. Find the keys forthe cell and catchhim before he escapes. Good luck...
Valentine Rose Escape 2017 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Valentine Rose Escape 2017 is another one pointandclick escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. Feb 14,thevalentines day. The day in which millions and millions ofpeopleexpress their feelings to their crush, couples refreshestheir lovewith each other stronger, and lots of romantic thingshappen in asingle day. In such a day our romantic hero the Jollyboycalled outJollygirl. He planned to express his love feel to her inthe way ofRomantic Rose flower. Unfortunately the rose was missingso find arose for him since finding a rose on valentines day is ariskytask. Good luck
Conference Venue Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Conference Venue Escapeisanotherone point and click escape game developed byGames2JollyTeam. Thisis a pretty straight forward point and clickescapegame. Justimagine that you've been locked up in aConferenceVenue, yourunluckiness you're locked up there and youneed toescape from there.Search for the clues, solve puzzles inorder toescape. Goodluck.
Save The Water And Tree 1.0.0
Save The Water And Tree is a point and click escape gamefromGames2Jolly Team.
Underground Car Park Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Underground Car Park Escape is the new pointandclickescape game from games2jolly family.Our buddy here livesinanapartment which is one of the largest apartments in thetown.Allthe residents of that apartment own a car each. Our buddyneedstopark his car in the underground parking of thatapartmentbutunfortunately his car key was missing. Help him findhis car keysothat he can park his car before the other resident whohavegoneout returns back and form a queue of cars. Good luck...
escape games - Lock-Up 1.0.0
This time its our duty to save the lawandorderof the town. Don't get over excited, your task is notthathard. Thecops had got hold of a criminal and they took him tothepolicestation. He has to be put into the lock-up. For thecops'unluckinessthe key for opening the lock-up is missing. Allyouhave to do is tofind that key and put the criminal in thelock-up.Good luck, savethe day.
Cargo Ship Escape 2 1.0.1
Cargo Ship Escape 2 is a point and click escape gamefromgames2jolly family.
Boy Rescue From Scary House 1.0.1
Boy Rescue From Scary House is a point and click escape gamefromgames2jolly.
Escape Games UnderWorld 1.0.0
The story of the game is to escapefromtheunderworld village. In this story, some peoples are trappedintheunderworld village. They wants to go out of thevillage.Butthegate is completely locked. So they need a magicalstone toescapefrom the village.For that you need to find someobjects andsolvethe puzzles to find the magical stone to escapefrom theunderworldvillage.Good luck, Have fun.
Great Chamber Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Great Chamber Escape is another point and clickescapegame developed by Games2Jolly team. Hey welcome to GreatChamberEscape. The is a pretty straight forward point and clickescapegame. Just imagine that you've been locked up in a Housethat looksvery fair, it's rooms are constructed perfectly to livea pleasantlife. But to your unluckiness you're locked up there andyou need toescape from there. Search for the clues, solve puzzlesin order toescape. Good luck.
Find My Tablet 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Find My Tablet is a point and click escape gamefromgames2jolly family. It's weekend and our kiddo needs somethingtoplay with. His dad is not home so he's out of options. Hesuddenlyremembered that his mom's tablet is somewhere in theirhouse. Helphim find that tablet so that he can play his favoritegame and passtime. Good luck...
Cross The Cave Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Cross The Cave Escape is a point and click escapegamedeveloped by Games2Jolly Team. We know that you are a greatfan ofEscape games but that doesn’t mean you should not likepuzzles. Sohere we present you Cross The Cave Escape. A cocktailwith anessence of both Puzzles and Escape tricks. Good luck andhave afun!!!
Jolly Boy Laptop Rescue 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Jolly Boy Laptop Rescue is the new point andclickescape game from games2jolly family. Our Jolly boy has gone onafield trip to a nearby forest which is situated at the foot ofahuge mountain. His laptop was taken by a tribe. All hisdocumentaryworks are in that laptop. Rescue the laptop from thattribe beforehe does something bad to the laptop. Good luck.
Smart Door Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Smart Door Escape is a point and click escapegamefrom games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in your dream youseeyourself locked up in a house in which you were staying. Youneedto escape from there ASAP before something happen to you inyoursleep. Figure out a way to escape from there. Look out fortheclues and use them accordingly to find a escape route. Good luckinyour escape. Jollymania...
Vegetable Cart Escape 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Vegetable Cart Escape is a new point and clickescapegame from Games2Jolly team. A vegetable seller was movingfrom hishome to the market with a fully loaded cart of vegetables.When hewas about to cross his street one of his cart wheels wasdamaged.It's already late for market so find a replacement wheel,change itand make him get to the market soon. Good luck...
Don Kong Rescue 1.0.1
Games2Jolly - Don Kong Rescue is the newpointand click escape game from games2jolly family. Its the year2050and our King of the underworld Don Kong rules the stateindirectly.He is a real badass and had many enemies in and out ofthebusiness. Its obvious that a powerful man as our leader havingmanyenemies. He has done many good deeds for good people in thestateand he gained many friends and enemies because of that. OppsIforgot to tell you this, there are more number of associatesandcolleagues are there for him than his enemies. His enemiestiedhands with each other and constructed a time machine to kidnaphimand lock him in the past and they succeeded in their attempt.Don'tworry here we are, we two will join hands and help our Don togetout of here and teach the evil gangs a lesson. Letsgetstarted...
Castle War 2 1.0.0
Games2Jolly Castle War 2 is another point and click escape game