Top 23 Games Similar to Cowboy Treasure Box Escape

Burglar Arrest 1.0.0
Burglar Arrest is a point and click escape game
Save Water Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Save Water Escape is a new escape game Find the key by using the clues and stopthewater.
Drainage Street Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Drainage Street Escape is the new pointandclickescape game from games2jolly family. A city remainscleanandhealthy if it's drainage is disposed off without anyproblem.Inour city a street's drainage is just broken and thewasteisflooding the street. Find a way to close the open drainagesothatthe city doesn't suffer from disgusting odourandunsafeenvironment anymore. Good luck...
Calf Hungry Escape 1.0.0
Calf Hungry Escape is point and click new escape game developedbygames2jolly.
Small Bird Cage Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly Small Bird Cage Escapeisanotherpoint and click escape from Games2Jolly family. Therearesomepoachers hanging around in a village nearby. They justhunteddowna bird and locked it up in a cage. Now they are goneforhuntingand therefore its the apt time for you to rescue thepoorbird. Forfinding the rope to unlock the bird cage you need tosolvesomepuzzles by using the clues spread around. Best wishesinyourrescue task, Jollymania...
Small Kitten Rescue 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Small Kitten Rescueisanotherpoint click escape game developed by Games2Jollyteam.Hellowelcome to Small Kitten Rescue. There were some cutekittenplayinghappily. A naughty boy split them and ruinedtheirhappiness. Theyare so sad and they need to get together. Helpthemgettingtogether. In order to rescue then you need to find thecluestosolve the puzzle you'll encounter. Play well, goodluck.
Golf Ground Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Golf Ground Escape is the new point andclickescapegame from games2jolly family. Golf is considered to beone oftheroyal games played by people of ethnic backgrounds. Itisfamousworldwide and most of the countries has professionalplayerswhorepresent them in international matches. In our game wehaveagentleman playing golf. While he was playing a small puppygothisgolf ball in its mouth and ran away. Help him get hisgolfballback so that he can finish his game. Good luck...
Cozy Hall Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Cozy Hall Escape is newpointandclick escape game from games2jolly family. You fell asleepandyouare having a dream. You were locked up in a house. Youneedtoescape from that house to wake up from the dream. The maindooristhe exit way, it has a large key hole. Find the key bysolvingthepuzzles using the clues scattered around. Good luck inyourescape,Jollymania...
Diamond Ring Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Diamond Ring Escape is a new escape game A lady lost get wedding ring somewhere inherhouse. She couldn't remember where she kept it but she's surethatshe had hid that in a safe place. Help her in finding the ringsothat her husband won't get upset on hearing the news oftheirwedding ring loss. Good luck...
Gold Treasure Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Gold Treasure Escape isthenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family.Anevilmastermind have stolen a golden Treasure from an ancienttempleandhidden it somewhere in his house. That Treasurewasconsideredsacred by the devotees of that temple and the peopleofthatvillage. Help them rescue the Treasure and restore the graceinthetemple. Good luck...
Small Boy House Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Small Boy House Escape is the new pointandclickescape game from games2jolly family. Our small boywaskidnapped bysome gangsters who work for an evil businessman whoisan enemy inbusiness to her dad. The business controversyturnedinto apersonal grudge and that's the reason for smallboy'skidnapping.She's locked in a house somewhere in the street.Findher and saveher. Good luck...
Escape From Green Village 1.0.2
Games2Jolly Escape From Green Village is another point andclickescape game developed by Games2Jolly team. There was avillagelocated near the bank of a river. The village was sobeautiful withtrees and bushes everywhere on the while looked likea huge greencarpet was put on that village. The villagers doesn'tlike to haverelationship with the outside world because of a badincidenthappened a long time ago and do it was fenced aroundit'sboundaries but a man from that village will go out of thegatedaily for his work. Today the gatekeeper was missing near thegateso help him finding the key to open the gate. Good luck.
Modern Dwell Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Modern Dwell Escape isthenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family.Youfellasleep and in your dream you see yourself locked up inaModernHouse in which you were staying. You need to escapefromthere ASAPbefore something happen to you in your sleep. Figureouta way toescape from there. Look out for the clues and usethemaccordinglyto find a escape route. Good luck inyourescape.Jollymania...
Formal Condo Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Formal Condo Escape isthenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family.Youfellasleep and you find yourself locked inside a house whichyouhavenever seen before but looks lively. When you look for anexittoget out you find no way out except a strong door which isnoteasyto break. So you must find a way to open that door inordertoescape. Search for the clues, use the objects youcollectlogicallyand escape from there ASAP.Good luck,Jollymania
Famous Villa Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Famous Villa Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in yourdream yousee yourself locked up in a Villa Room in which you werestaying.You need to escape from there ASAP before something happento youin your sleep. Figure out a way to escape from there. Lookout forthe clues and use them accordingly to find a escape route.Goodluck in your escape. Jollymania...
Marvelous Suite Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Marvelous Suite Escape isthenewpoint and click escape game from games2jolly family. Youfellasleepand in your dream you see yourself locked up in a Houseinwhich youwere staying. You need to escape from there ASAPbeforesomethinghappen to you in your sleep. Figure out a way toescapefrom there.Look out for the clues and use them accordingly tofinda escaperoute. Good luck in your escape. Jollymania...
Condo Room Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Condo Room Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in yourdream yousee yourself locked up in a cabin house in which you werestaying.You need to escape from there ASAP before something happento youin your sleep. Figure out a way to escape from there. Lookout forthe clues and use them accordingly to find a escape route.Goodluck in your escape. Jollymania... Play escape games and havefun.
Country Ranch House Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Country Ranch House Escape is the new point andclickescape game from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and inyourdream you see yourself locked up in a Country Ranch House inwhichyou were staying. You need to escape from there ASAPbeforesomething happen to you in your sleep. Figure out a way toescapefrom there. Look out for the clues and use them accordinglyto finda escape route. Good luck in your escape. Jollymania...
School Boy Hungry Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - School Boy HungryEscapeisanother one point and click escape game developedbyGames2JollyTeam. Kids go to school daily and be there for mostofthe daytime. After a long day they come back home withtirednessandhunger. Our kiddo is also very hungry and needssomething toeat.His parents were gone shopping and will come backafter awhile.Feed him with any snacks and drinks. Search for thehouse tofindthe eatables. Good luck.
Jolly Family Tv Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Jolly Family Tv Escapeisanotherone point and click escape game developed byGames2JollyTeam. It'llbe boring sometimes when no other work isthere for usto do, orduring a holiday. During those times in homethe onlytime pass forthe whole family is television. Not only itreducesstress it alsoconveys us news instantly. Our Jolly familylosttheir televisionremote. Help them find the remote control.Gudluck...
Patio Room Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Patio Room Escape is thenewpointand click escape game from games2jolly family. Youfellasleep and inyour dream you see yourself locked up in a PatioRoomin which youwere staying. You need to escape from thereASAPbefore somethinghappen to you in your sleep. Figure out a waytoescape from there.Look out for the clues and use themaccordinglyto find a escaperoute. Good luck in yourescape.Jollymania...
Jolly Girl House Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Jolly Girl House Escape is the new pointandclickescape game from games2jolly family. Our Jolly girlwaskidnappedby some gangsters who work for an evil businessman whoisan enemyin business to her dad. The business controversyturnedinto apersonal grudge and that's the reason forJollygirl'skidnapping.She's locked in a house somewhere in thestreet. Findher and saveher. Good luck...
Chalet House Escape 1.0.0
Chalet House Escape is another point and click escape game