Top 2 Apps Similar to Mejores Fiestas Vizcaya

Find Fest 16.0.0
Do not know where to party , or where nopartyor villages this your favorite group ?????This is your summer application , not to miss any party, itwillbe updated once a week to keep you informed of any partyoractivity.The parties are ordered by peoples in an agenda andaninteractive map that can review all the peoples of thecircumvents, if you do not see yours , please contact us .In this first version you will have some advertising inthefollowing updates retire .If you are a commission , council , association etc , sendyourfestival program and you publish . And if you have a businessandyou want to advertise contact us at the address,[email protected]
Sestaoko Jaiak 2015 1.2
Aplikazio honetan 2015koSestaokojaienegitaraua topatuko duzu. Bertan Ekainak 19tik 29rabitarteanegongodiren ekintza guztiak agertzen dira, horretazgain,Txosnekegindako egitaraua eta Koadrillek bete behar dituztenprobakere.Anima zaitez eta ondo pasa!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------En esta aplicación, encontrarás la programación de lasfiestasdeSestao de 2015. En ella aparecerán todos los actos yactividadesquese realizarán entre el 19 y 29 de Junio. Ademástambién incluyelaprogramación del recinto de Txosnas y las pruebasque tendránquerealizar las Kuadrillas.Animate y pásalo bien!Aplikaziohonetan2015koSestaoko jaien egitaraua topatuko duzu. Bertan Ekainak19tik29raBitartean egongo diren Ekintza guztiak agertzentell,horretazgain, Txosnek egindako egitaraua bete eta Koadrillekbehardituztenprobak ere.Zaitez encouraged eta ondo happens!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this application, you will find the programming ofthefestivalof Sestao 2015. It all actions and activities to beheldbetween 19and June 29 will appear. Also it includesprogrammingtxosnasenclosure and the evidence will have to maketheKuadrillas.Animate and enjoy yourselves!