1.3 / July 21, 2016
(3.9/5) (7)


Scan documents at high quality
Turn into PDF and share on Whatsapp, E-mail, Facebook, andotherutilities.
Scan Pro PDF is the perfect tool for scanning your documents.Theywill be saved automatically into the application, can beconvertedinto PDF format and can be shared using yourapplications.
Use the camera to scan documents! You can crop and add effects toaperfect scan!

App Information Scan Pro PDF

  • App Name
    Scan Pro PDF
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    July 21, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Elcor Consultant srl
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Regio TV 1.0 APK
RegioTV Transilvania are conturată omisiuneliniară (pornind de la general către particular),transparentă,trasată în direcția maximizării tuturoroportunităților născute dinnecesitatea crescută de comunicare acomunității (urbane și maiales rurale).Postul nostru de televiziune pune un accent deosebit pevaloareaautohtonă, intenționând să devină un factor specific dereafirmarea județelor din nord-vestul țării si îndeosebi aTransilvaniei, cuajutorul mijloacelor specifice unui canal deteleviziune. Pornindde aici a fost trasată o directivă reacționarăcu accente bineorientate spre promovarea, afirmarea, încurajarea șisusținereaproactivă a valorilor proprii, a tezaurului mental șispiritual cuspecific zonal, regional și național.RegioTV Transilvaniahasoutlined a linear mission (from general toparticular),transparent, all drawn to maximize the opportunitiesarising fromthe need for increased communication community (urbanandrural).Our television station put particular emphasis on the valueofindigenous, intending to become a factor specificallyreaffirmationof the counties in the northwest and especiallyTransylvania, usingspecific means one television channel. Hence adirective was drawnreactionary accents targeted at promoting theaffirmation,encouragement and support proactive eigenvalues, mentalandspiritual treasure of area-specific, regional andnationallevels.
Amazing Romania 1.0 APK
Through this application we wish to presentyou also a small part of an amazing country. We have a lot ofreasons to say that Romania is not a country where people live in abeggary way.This application is a response to what certain people consider tobe a so-called documentary about romanians, documentary broadcastedon Channel 4, GB.
Tv Buzau 1.1 APK
Fii la curent cu toate noutatile din judetultau.Accesezi in timp real stirile din categoria de interes;Poti vizualiza Tv Buzau live sau poti asculta Buzz FM;*Pentru functionarea streamingului live, pe anumite dispozitiveeste necesara aplicatia VLC.Keep up with all the newsin your county.Access real-time news category of interest;You can view or listen live TV Buzau Buzz FM;* For live streaming function on some devices require VLCapplication.
NewsHUB - Stiri Nationale 1.0 APK
Descarcati aplicatia gratuita NewsHUB Romaniasi beneficiati de cele mai noi stiri din fiecare judet. NewsHUBeste singura aplicatie de profil care va ofera posibilitateaselectarii judetului dorit. Pentru fiecare judet am selectat celmai bun furnizor de stiri. Astfel sunteti la curent cu stiriledin:Judetul AlbaJudetul AradJudetul ArgesJudetul BacauJudetul BihorJudetul Bistrita NasaudJudetul BotosaniJudetul BrailaJudetul BrasovJudetul BuzauJudetul CalarasiJudetul Caras SeverinJudetul ClujJudetul ConstantaJudetul CovasnaJudetul DambovitaJudetul DoljJudetul GalatiJudetul GiurgiuJudetul GorjJudetul HarghitaJudetul HunedoaraJudetul IalomitaJudetul IasiJudetul IlfovJudetul MaramuresJudetul MehedintiJudetul MuresJudetul NeamtJudetul OltJudetul PrahovaJudetul SalajJudetul Satu MareJudetul SibiuJudetul SuceavaJudetul TeleormanJudetul TimisJudetul TulceaJudetul ValceaJudetul VasluiJudetul VranceaDeasemenea aplicatia va ofera si stiri EXTERNE, stiri din sport,stiri mondene, stiri politica. Cele mai noi stiri din Romania suntpe NewsHUB - Stiri NationaleVom actualiza aplicatia periodic. Asteptam parerile si sugestiiledvs.Download our free NewsHUBRomania and take advantage of the latest news from each county.NewsHUB profile is the only app that allows you to select a county.For each county we have selected the best supplier of news. Thusyou are aware of the news in:AlbaArad CountyArges CountyBacauBihorBistrita NasaudBotosani CountyBraila CountyBrasovBuzau CountyCalarasi CountyCaras SeverinCluj CountyConstanta CountyCovasna CountyDambovitaDolj CountyGalati CountyGiurgiu CountyGorj CountyHarghita CountyHunedoara CountyIalomita CountyIasi CountyIlfovMaramuresMehedintiMures CountyNeamt CountyOlt CountyPrahova CountySalaj CountySatu MareSibiu CountySuceava CountyCounty VirginiaTimis CountyTulcea CountyValceaVaslui CountyVrancea CountyAlso provides application and foreign news, sports news, newsmundane, political news. The latest news from Romania are NewsHUB -National NewsWe regularly update the application. Waiting for your feedback,
Flying Bird 24 1.0 APK
A great game . Fly and collect as manypoints!Let's gather as many points ! Keep bird in game as much timeandovercome all obstacles !
Scan Pro PDF 1.3 APK
Scan documents at high qualityTurn into PDF and share on Whatsapp, E-mail, Facebook, andotherutilities.Scan Pro PDF is the perfect tool for scanning your documents.Theywill be saved automatically into the application, can beconvertedinto PDF format and can be shared using yourapplications.Use the camera to scan documents! You can crop and add effects toaperfect scan!
Smart Horeca 1.2 APK
Aplicatia este dedicata atat hotelurilorcareau in oferta Room Service, Restaurantelor, Cafenelelor,Cluburilorcat si unitatilor de alimentatie care ofera servicii delivrari.Aceasta este o aplicatie demonstrativa!The applicationisdedicated to both hotels which offer Room Service,restaurants,cafes, clubs and catering establishments that offerdeliveryservices.This is a demo application!
Buzaul Sportiv 1.0 APK
Aplicatia Buzaul Sportv a aparut din dragostepentru sport, din pasiune pentru jurnalism şi este dedicataoricărei forme de activitate sportivă din Buzău şi nu numai. Cutimpul, prieteni ai mei şi ai sportului s-au alăturat acestuidemers, pentru a construi ceea ce vedeţi acum.Oricine simte nevoia e invitat să-şi spună părerea despre oricelegat de sport, însă atenţie: nicio formă de limbaj vulgar şi niciojignire nu vor fi tolerate.Vă invit cu drag într-o lume magnifică, palpitantă, veche de cândlumea dar mereu nouă şi atractivă: lumea sportului.Prin intermediul aplicatiei Buzaul Sportiv aveti la dispozitie atatstiri calde din Fotbal, Minifotbal, Handbal, Volei, Box, Tenis demasa, Rugby, cat si Reportaje interesante si arhiva video acompetitiilor sportive.Buzau application Sportvappeared out of love for sport, passion for journalism and isdedicated to all forms of sporting activity in Buzau and beyond.With time, my friends and the sport have joined this endeavor tobuild what you see now.Anyone who feels the need is invited to give his opinion aboutanything related to sports, but beware: no way and no offensevulgar language will not be tolerated.I invite you into a magnificent world, thrilling, age-old but evernew and attractive: sports.Through application so you can Buzau Sports Football hot news,football, Handball, Volleyball, Boxing, Table Tennis, Rugby, andinteresting reports and video archive of sports competitions.