2.0.2 / July 31, 2015
(2.8/5) (6)


♫ 1. Reducing Stress

Listening to soothing Relax Music & Chil that relaxesyourbody and elevates your mind can significantly reduce howmuchstress you feel. Relaxation Relax Music & Chil helpsyouconnect to your inner peace. When you quiet your thoughts andfeelyour source of peace within, it's like having a stress-prooffieldaround you. Reducing stress not only makes you feel muchbetter, itcan also bring improved health.

♫ 2. Easier and Deeper Meditation

We became inspired to create Relax Music & Chilformeditation while backpacking in the Sequoia National Forest backin1982, with a vision of how Relax Music & Chil and naturesoundscould make meditation easier. Listening to relaxation RelaxMusic& Chil helps to quiet the mind, allowing you to enter intotheplace of deep stillness and inner peace that meditationbrings.

♫ 3. More Fulfilling Yoga

To get the most out of Yoga, you need to slow down yourbreathingand stay in the present moment. Relaxation Relax Music& Chiland yoga Relax Music & Chil helps your mentalchatter fadeeffortlessly away and you will find that you are ableto reach eachpose more deeply and hold them longer. Yoga thenbecomes a moreenjoyable and more fulfilling experience.

♫ 4. Relax Your Body

Whether you're enjoying a soothing hot bath at home, a visit toaspa, an acupuncture treatment, a deep massage, a Reiki sessionorsitting quietly in a garden or in nature, you will benefitmorewhen you are deeply relaxed. Listening to healing Relax Music&Chil can help you let go and surrender to relaxation, itcaninspire you as well, resulting in a deeper experience.

♫ 5. Healing and Renewal

It has been proven that when the body and mind are relaxed,thebody's natural ability to heal itself is greatly enhanced.Bylistening to deeply relaxing Relax Music & Chil, you canassistyour body to release its healing powers. Studies haveshownpositive benefits when patients listen to relaxing RelaxMusic& Chil before and after surgery and in hospicesettings.

♫ 6. Balance Your Life

In these busy times, it can be difficult to create a senseofbalance in our lives. By listening to relaxation Relax Music&Chil, you can create a zone of peace that allows you toexperienceeach day from a place of alignment with your true nature.Ourmeditation Relax Music & Chil and nature Relax Music &Chilare also very popular with practitioners of Qi Gong andT'aiChi.

♫ 7. Fall Asleep Faster and Sleep More Deeply

Many of our listeners find that listening to our relaxationRelaxMusic & Chil before retiring or as they drift off tosleepallows them to let go of the day's worries, quiet theirthoughts andfall asleep easier. The soothing sleep Relax Music& Chil helpsto re-establish a connection to your sense ofinner peace and allowsyou to feel completely secure and enjoydeeper, more restfulsleep.

♫ 8. Mindful Meals

Experts agree that being relaxed and eating slowly plays akeyrole in the digestion process. Relaxing Relax Music &Chilcreates a tranquil environment for you and your family thatmakesmealtime a healthier and more pleasurable experience. Also,arecent study showed that eating quickly contributes to weightgain,so listening to peaceful Relax Music & Chil at mealtimescanhelp keep extra weight off as well.

♫ 9. Calm Airplane Travel

Air travel can be a daunting experience for manytravelers.Listening to calming Relax Music & Chil before andduring yourflight can greatly reduce feelings of stress bysurrounding youwith an atmosphere of serenity.

♫ 10. Soothing Babies and Young Children

Relaxation Relax Music & Chil can be a big help forparentsat naptimes and in the evenings before bed, with itssoothingeffect on infants and children. We've enjoyed reading themanyletters and emails from our listeners thanking us for helpingtheirchildren fall sleep easier and staying asleep longer.

App Information Relax Music & Chill

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Romantic Music & Love 2.0.0 APK
1. CHRONIC BACK PAIN❤- How it helps: Love & Romantic Love & RomanticMusicworks on the autonomic nervous system❤- the part of the nervous system responsible for controllingourblood pressure, heartbeat and brain function - and also thelimbicsystem❤- the part of the brain that controls feelings andemotions.According to one piece of research, both these systemsreactsensitively to Love & Romantic Love & RomanticMusic.In other words when we feel pain, we becomefrightened,frustrated and angry which makes us tense up hundreds ofmuscles inour back. Listening to Love & Romantic Love &RomanticMusic on a regular basis helps our bodies relax physicallyandmentally, thus helping to relieve - and prevent - backpain.The research: A new study from Austria's General HospitalofSalzburg due to be published in The Vienna Medical WeeklyJournalcould hold the key to back pain. In the study, 65 patientsagedbetween 21 and 68 with chronic back pain after back surgeryweredivided into two groups.__________________________________________2. IMPROVES YOUR WORKOUTHow it helps: Experts say listening to Love & RomanticLove& Romantic Music during exercise can give you a betterworkoutin several ways. Scientists claim it can increase yourendurance,boost your mood and can distract you from anydiscomfortexperienced during your workout.The research: Dr Robert Herdegen of America's Hampden-SydneyCollegein Virginia, looked at the effects of 12 men riding abicycle forten minutes while listening to Love & Romantic Love&Romantic Music on one day. He compared it to the same menridingbicycles without Love & Romantic Love & RomanticMusic forten minutes the following day.On the days that the men exercised listening to Love &RomanticLove & Romantic Music, they travelled 11 per centfurther -compared to the days they didn't listen to Love &Romantic Love& Romantic Music. Researchers also found that themen's levelsof exertion were at their lowest when listening to Love&Romantic Love & Romantic Music.Other studies show that listening to Love & Romantic Love&Romantic Music releases endorphins - our natural 'feelgood'hormones that lift our mood and give us motivation to carryonlonger with exercise.Which type of Love & Romantic Love & Romantic Music isbest?The best type of Love & Romantic Love & RomanticMusic forexercise is thought to be high energy, high tempo Love&Romantic Love & Romantic Music such as hip hop or danceLove& Romantic Love & Romantic Music.__________________________________________3. MEMORY LOSSHow it helps: For many people suffering from memory loss thespokenlanguage has become meaningless. Love & Romantic Love&Romantic Music can help patients remember tunes or songs andget intouch with their history. This is because the part of thebrainwhich processes Love & Romantic Love & Romantic Musicislocated next to memory.The research: Researchers from Norway's Sogn Og FjordaneCollegecompared the effects of live, taped and no Love &Romantic Love& Romantic Music on three different groups ofpeople sufferingfrom post traumatic amnesia - or memory loss.The patients were exposed to all three conditions, twice oversixconsecutive days. Results showed that when patients listenedtolive or taped Love & Romantic Love & Romantic Music,twothirds of them showed significantly reduced symptoms of anxietyandenhanced orientation, compared to the group that didn't listentoLove & Romantic Love & Romantic Music.Which type of Love & Romantic Love & Romantic Music isbest?Research shows that people with memory loss respond best toLove& Romantic Love & Romantic Music of their choice
The Bible - Christian Music 2.0.0 APK
The Christian Bible God our Lord a book thatisnot only to read it. It is a book to be studied, in order tobeapplied to your life. Get it with BIBLYA Videos ChristianBibleChristian God our LordBest App of the Christian Bible God our Lord in AudioVideoCristianosWe read and study the Christian Bible God our Lord because itistotally reliable and without errorEnjoy your spirituality with Christian Bible God our LordbecauseGod is comfortingWe read and study the Christian Bible God our Lord simplybecauseit is the Word of God to us. 2 Timothy 3:16 Christian Biblesaysthat God our Lord is "inspired by God". In other words, it istheWord of God for us. There are many questions that philosophersandpeople in general have been made and that God answers usinScripture: What is the purpose of life? Where did I come from?Isthere life after death? How I can go to heaven? Why is the worldsofull of evil? Why work so hard to do good? In addition tothese"big" questions, provides a number of practical advice inareassuch as: What should I look for in my partner? How I can haveasuccessful marriage? How I can be a good friend? How I can beagood father / mother? What is success and how can I achievewiththe Bible? How I can change the Bible? What is most importantinlife and you Ensenya Bible? How I can live to not have to regretinthe future with the Bible? How I can please God with the Bible?HowI can get forgiveness with Bible? How I can manageadversecircumstances and unfair life events to emerge victoriouswith theBible?We read and study the Christian Bible God our Lord because itistotally reliable and without error. The Christian Bible GodourLord is unique among many self-appointed "holy" books becausenotonly offers moral teachings and the Bible says "trust me",rather,offers us the opportunity to try, corroborating hundredsofdetailed prophecies contains, verifying the historical eventsthatrecounts, and checking the scientific facts it describes. Thosewhosay the Christian Bible God our Lord has errors should havetheirears closed to the truth. Jesus once asked, "Which is easier,tosay, Thy sins are forgiven or to say: Arise and walk" (Luke5:23)Then He proved he had the power to forgive sins (something wecannot see physically) healing the paralytic (something thosearoundhim could testify with their eyes). Similarly, we havetheassurance that God's Word is true when spiritual aspectsarediscussed in the Bible that we can not attest to ourphysicalsenses, but showing its truth in all those areas we canverify(historical accuracy, scientific and prophetic).We read and study the Christian Bible God our Lord becauseGoddoes not change and because human nature does not change - it issofor us today as it was when it was written.
Relax Music & Chill 2.0.2 APK
♫ 1. Reducing StressListening to soothing Relax Music & Chil that relaxesyourbody and elevates your mind can significantly reduce howmuchstress you feel. Relaxation Relax Music & Chil helpsyouconnect to your inner peace. When you quiet your thoughts andfeelyour source of peace within, it's like having a stress-prooffieldaround you. Reducing stress not only makes you feel muchbetter, itcan also bring improved health.♫ 2. Easier and Deeper MeditationWe became inspired to create Relax Music & Chilformeditation while backpacking in the Sequoia National Forest backin1982, with a vision of how Relax Music & Chil and naturesoundscould make meditation easier. Listening to relaxation RelaxMusic& Chil helps to quiet the mind, allowing you to enter intotheplace of deep stillness and inner peace that meditationbrings.♫ 3. More Fulfilling YogaTo get the most out of Yoga, you need to slow down yourbreathingand stay in the present moment. Relaxation Relax Music& Chiland yoga Relax Music & Chil helps your mentalchatter fadeeffortlessly away and you will find that you are ableto reach eachpose more deeply and hold them longer. Yoga thenbecomes a moreenjoyable and more fulfilling experience.♫ 4. Relax Your BodyWhether you're enjoying a soothing hot bath at home, a visit toaspa, an acupuncture treatment, a deep massage, a Reiki sessionorsitting quietly in a garden or in nature, you will benefitmorewhen you are deeply relaxed. Listening to healing Relax Music&Chil can help you let go and surrender to relaxation, itcaninspire you as well, resulting in a deeper experience.♫ 5. Healing and RenewalIt has been proven that when the body and mind are relaxed,thebody's natural ability to heal itself is greatly enhanced.Bylistening to deeply relaxing Relax Music & Chil, you canassistyour body to release its healing powers. Studies haveshownpositive benefits when patients listen to relaxing RelaxMusic& Chil before and after surgery and in hospicesettings.♫ 6. Balance Your LifeIn these busy times, it can be difficult to create a senseofbalance in our lives. By listening to relaxation Relax Music&Chil, you can create a zone of peace that allows you toexperienceeach day from a place of alignment with your true nature.Ourmeditation Relax Music & Chil and nature Relax Music &Chilare also very popular with practitioners of Qi Gong andT'aiChi.♫ 7. Fall Asleep Faster and Sleep More DeeplyMany of our listeners find that listening to our relaxationRelaxMusic & Chil before retiring or as they drift off tosleepallows them to let go of the day's worries, quiet theirthoughts andfall asleep easier. The soothing sleep Relax Music& Chil helpsto re-establish a connection to your sense ofinner peace and allowsyou to feel completely secure and enjoydeeper, more restfulsleep.♫ 8. Mindful MealsExperts agree that being relaxed and eating slowly plays akeyrole in the digestion process. Relaxing Relax Music &Chilcreates a tranquil environment for you and your family thatmakesmealtime a healthier and more pleasurable experience. Also,arecent study showed that eating quickly contributes to weightgain,so listening to peaceful Relax Music & Chil at mealtimescanhelp keep extra weight off as well.♫ 9. Calm Airplane TravelAir travel can be a daunting experience for manytravelers.Listening to calming Relax Music & Chil before andduring yourflight can greatly reduce feelings of stress bysurrounding youwith an atmosphere of serenity.♫ 10. Soothing Babies and Young ChildrenRelaxation Relax Music & Chil can be a big help forparentsat naptimes and in the evenings before bed, with itssoothingeffect on infants and children. We've enjoyed reading themanyletters and emails from our listeners thanking us for helpingtheirchildren fall sleep easier and staying asleep longer.
Women's Fashion Young Hispter 2.0.0 APK
Have not you ever wondered how trendyandyouthful hipster trend mujers form?Who decides what it takes, what is "in" and what not?In short, what is a trendy and youthful hipster trend woman?A trendy and youthful hipster trend woman in the world offashionwoman hipster and casual fashion for women joevenes is thelatest,innovative.Are habits and inclinations that people begin to adoptandmarking any specific time or place. Interestingly, it isconsumerswho decide what is fashionable and youthful hipster trendof womenand what is not. Designers consult, create and presenttheircreations, but we are people like you and me, lovers offashionhipster women and women casual fashion joevenes, who havethe finalword.With the purchase and use of certain items, a wheel thatyearstarts then stops when the reemplace.Hoy other day, the trendyandyouthful hipster trend mujers modify and evolve much faster thanafew years ago. Fashion hipster women and women's casualjoevenescurrent fashion, as has already proved to be ephemeral, soyoualways have to be attentive to what is going to use next season.Weare in a globalized world and "" hipercomunicado "", and thisisreflected in the fashion hipster women and women's casualfashionjoevenes.Pero, how comes the proposal will generate a newfashiontrend and young hipster woman in fashion woman hipster andcasualfashion for women joevenes? Let's see step by step: - Thefirststep, designers. They not only inspired by the looks they seeonthe street, they also find ideas in a movie, a book, acharacter,sometimes traveling to exotic destinations and soaked incolors,textures and shapes that help trigger new emotions andthoughts .Other sources of inspiration are the famous, like LindseyLohan,Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Kristen Stewart, who knowtheirpersonality create new styles.- Inspiration from the past. Definitely one of the placesmostfrequented by designers to generate new ideas is the past.Becauseeverything has already been done, it is only a matter ofredefiningit. Did Brigitte Bardot, Katherine Hepburn, Grace Kellyand RitaHayworth were not superstars who created styles and stillremainregarding? The magic that made the past helps designers topresenttheir collections in fashion and casual hipster woman topreviousjoeveness women were innovative at the time and now appearfreshfashion, jóvenes.Un example is the return of Fashion womanhipsterand joevenes casual women's fashion 80. shoulder pads, neoncolors,big and flashy accessories, leggings and brightness, we areseeingin recent seasons [Read also: The history of the bikiniandminiskirt]- Who do women hipster fashion and casual fashion forwomenjoevenes. Another interesting aspect that cooperates togeneratetrendy and youthful hipster trend mujers is the atmosphereof theworld of fashion woman hipster and casual fashion forwomenjoevenes. The designers, magazine editors, stylists, artdirectors,photographers, celebrities, bloggers Fashion hipsterwomen andcasual fashion for women joevenes, etc., often agreeparties,fashion shows, red carpets, dinners, presentations, and soCarolinaHerrera le You can comment Isabel Toledo (which could betalking inturn with Narciso Rodriguez).