2.0.0 / October 6, 2014
(3.6/5) (225)


Die App „Reise & Waren“beinhaltetInformationen zur Einfuhr von Lebensmitteln, Souvenirsusw. undrichtet sich an Privatpersonen.

„Reise und Waren“ gibt es auch in Französisch, ItalienischundEnglisch. Sie finden diese unter folgenden Namen:
• FR: «Voyage & marchandises»
• IT: «Viaggio & merci»
• EN: «Travel & goods»

Die App erleichtert Ihnen die Einreise und hilft IhnenbeimEntscheid zum Kauf von Souvenirs, Elektronikartikeln usw.imAusland oder im Internet.

Dies sind die Themen:
• Einreisebestimmungen: Pass, Visa, Vorgehen am Zoll
• Einkauf im Ausland (Freimengen): Wertfreigrenze, Alkohol,Tabakund Lebensmittel
• Mit Tier und Pflanze über die Grenze
• In einem Fahrzeug über die Grenze
• Verbote, Beschränkungen (Markenpiraterie, Souvenirs,Medikamenteusw.)

Zusätzlich finden Sie unsere Informationen zumInterneteinkauf,Post-/Kurierverkehr.

Die Grenzübergänge an den Hauptverkehrsachsen finden Sie inderAuflistung nach Distanz zum aktuellen Standort. D. h. dieIhnennächstgelegene Zollstelle erscheint an erster Stelle.

The app "Travel&Goods" includes information on the import of food, souvenirs,etc.,and is aimed at individuals.

"Travel and goods" is also available in French, ItalianandEnglish. You can find these under the following names:
• FR: «Voyage & marchandises»
• IT: "Viaggio & merci"
• EN: "Travel & Goods»

The app makes it easier to enter and help you in the decisiontopurchase souvenirs, electronics, etc. abroad or ontheInternet.

These are the topics:
• Entry requirements: passport, visa, customs procedure at
• Shopping abroad (allowances): exemption limit, alcohol,tobaccoand food
• Animals and plants across the border
• In a vehicle across the border
• bans, restrictions (piracy, souvenirs, medicines, etc.)

In addition, you will find our information on Internetshopping,postal / courier services.

The border crossings on the main transport routes, refer tothelist by distance from your current location. Ie. Younearestcustoms office appear in the first place.

App Information Reise & Waren

Eidgenössische Zollverwaltung EZV Show More...

Travel & goods 2.0.0 APK
The "Travel & goods" app containsinformation about importing foodstuffs, souvenirs, etc. and isdirected at private individuals."Travel & goods" is also available in French, German andItalian. You will find it under the following names:• FR: «Voyage & marchandises»• DE: «Reise & Waren»• IT: «Viaggio & merci»The app simplifies your entry into Switzerland and helps youdecide which souvenirs, electronic articles and such like to buywhen you are abroad or when shopping online.In the app find out about:• Entry requirements: passport, visa, customs procedures• Shopping abroad (duty-free allowances): duty-free limits foralcohol, tobacco and foodstuffs• Crossing the border with animals and plants• Crossing the border in a vehicle• Bans and restrictions (trademark piracy, souvenirs, medicinesetc.)You will also find our information concerning online shoppingand postal/courier services.Border crossings on the main routes are listed according todistance from your current location, i.e. the customs officenearest to you is listed first.
Reise & Waren 2.0.0 APK
Die App „Reise & Waren“beinhaltetInformationen zur Einfuhr von Lebensmitteln, Souvenirsusw. undrichtet sich an Privatpersonen.„Reise und Waren“ gibt es auch in Französisch, ItalienischundEnglisch. Sie finden diese unter folgenden Namen:• FR: «Voyage & marchandises»• IT: «Viaggio & merci»• EN: «Travel & goods»Die App erleichtert Ihnen die Einreise und hilft IhnenbeimEntscheid zum Kauf von Souvenirs, Elektronikartikeln usw.imAusland oder im Internet.Dies sind die Themen:• Einreisebestimmungen: Pass, Visa, Vorgehen am Zoll• Einkauf im Ausland (Freimengen): Wertfreigrenze, Alkohol,Tabakund Lebensmittel• Mit Tier und Pflanze über die Grenze• In einem Fahrzeug über die Grenze• Verbote, Beschränkungen (Markenpiraterie, Souvenirs,Medikamenteusw.)Zusätzlich finden Sie unsere Informationen zumInterneteinkauf,Post-/Kurierverkehr.Die Grenzübergänge an den Hauptverkehrsachsen finden Sie inderAuflistung nach Distanz zum aktuellen Standort. D. h. dieIhnennächstgelegene Zollstelle erscheint an erster Stelle.The app "Travel&Goods" includes information on the import of food, souvenirs,etc.,and is aimed at individuals."Travel and goods" is also available in French, ItalianandEnglish. You can find these under the following names:• FR: «Voyage & marchandises»• IT: "Viaggio & merci"• EN: "Travel & Goods»The app makes it easier to enter and help you in the decisiontopurchase souvenirs, electronics, etc. abroad or ontheInternet.These are the topics:• Entry requirements: passport, visa, customs procedure at• Shopping abroad (allowances): exemption limit, alcohol,tobaccoand food• Animals and plants across the border• In a vehicle across the border• bans, restrictions (piracy, souvenirs, medicines, etc.)In addition, you will find our information on Internetshopping,postal / courier services.The border crossings on the main transport routes, refer tothelist by distance from your current location. Ie. Younearestcustoms office appear in the first place.
Viaggio & merci 2.0.0 APK
L’app «Viaggio & merci» è destinataaprivati e contiene informazioni sull’importazione diderratealimentari, souvenir e via di seguito.L’app è disponibile anche in francese, tedesco e inglese.• FR: «Voyage & marchandises»• DE: «Reise & Waren»• EN: «Travel & goods»L’app agevola l’entrata ai viaggiatori, i quali possonovalutarese conviene acquistare souvenir, ac-cessori di elettronicae altriprodotti all’estero o su Internet.Essa fornisce in particolare informazioni relative:• alle disposizioni di entrata in Svizzera: passaporti,visti,procedura al confine• agli acquisti all’estero (quantità ammessa in franchigia):limitidi franchigia, alcol, tabacco e der-rate alimentari• al passaggio del confine con animali e piante• al passaggio del confine in automobile• a divieti e restrizioni (pirateria dei marchi,souvenir,medicamenti ecc.)Sono inoltre disponibili informazioni sugli acquisti viaInternetnonché sul traffico postale e di corrie-re.I valichi di confine sui principali assi di transitosonoindicati nell’elenco secondo la distanza rispetto all’attualeluogo(il valico più vicino si trova in cima all’elenco).The app "Travel&goods' is destined to private and contains information ontheimport of food, souvenirs and so on.The app is also available in French, German and English.• FR: "Voyage & merchandise"• DE: "Reise & Waren»• EN: "Travel & goods"The app facilitates entry to travelers, who can assess whetheritmakes sense to buy souvenirs, ac-cessories electronics andotherproducts abroad or on the Internet.It shall in particular provide information on:• the provisions for entry into Switzerland: passports,visas,procedure at the border• shopping abroad (amount allowed as a deductible):exemptionlimits, alcohol, tobacco and der-rate food• the border crossing with animals and plants• to crossing the border by car• to prohibitions and restrictions (trademark piracy,souvenirs,medicines etc.)Information is also available on purchases via the Internetaswell as on postal and corrie-king.The border crossings on major routes are indicated in thelistdepending on the distance from the current location (thenearestborder crossing is at the top).