1.3 / March 20, 2015
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Parkville Women’s Clinic is anonprofitministry governed by a board of directors with the missiontoempower and equip individuals to make healthy life choices.Ourvision is to see a world where every child is valued, andmothersand fathers are equipped to build strong families thatpositivelyimpact our community.

Parkville Women’s Clinic is dedicated to fostering aChrist-likeview of human life and sexuality by offering hope andcompassionatehelp, thus enabling positive, life-affirming choiceby:

Saving the lives of unborn children
Providing physical, emotional and spiritual help for women andmenwith unplanned pregnancies
Offering support and healing to victims of past abortions
Preventing unplanned pregnancies through abstinence education
Providing education to the community on issues regardingthesanctity of Human Life.

App Information PWC4Life

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Obria 1.0 APK
Xel Mobi Apps
OBRIA IS HERE TO HELP YOU MAKE THE BESTPOSSIBLE CHOICE...Obria Medical Clinics are fully-licensed FREE community careclinics providing professional medical consultations, pregnancytests, limited obstetrical ultrasounds, STD testing, HIV/AIDStesting, abortion information, well women care and first trimesterprenatal care. We provide the support and answers you need inregards to your sexual health. Your health and wellbeing areimportant to everyone at Obria Medical Clinics.At Obria Medical Clinics, we know that you may be facing apotentially life-changing choice and our staff is here to help walkyou through your options. Our doctors, nurses and patient advocatesare here to offer you a safe place to ask questions and getanswers. Obria wants to be your partner during this time and tohelp you make a decision that you will feel good about for alifetime.Obria Medical Clinics also offer family planning consultations,counseling services (in Mission Viejo), resource assistance,referrals, parenting classes and Medi-Cal’s Presumptive EligibilityProgram. Call one of our many Obria locations for a FREE ANDCONFIDENTIAL visit.We are here for you.
Safe Harbor 1.6 APK
Xel Mobi Apps
Safe Harbor Pregnancy Medical Center providespregnancy testing, limited ultrasounds and abortion education inthe Northwest Florida area. All of our services are free andconfidential. Safe Harbor Pregnancy Medical Center offers abortionclinic alternative services in Pensacola, FL, and Escambia andSanta Rosa counties in Florida. Offering pregnancy help services inPensacola, FL, and Escambia and Santa Rosa counties inFlorida.
Mad4Life 1.6 APK
Xel Mobi Apps
Heart to Heart Pregnancy Clinic is an independent ministryexisting: -to preserve the life of the unborn, -to provide supportfor parents in unplanned pregnancies, -to promote abstinenceoutside of marriage as the best choice, -to facilitate healing forthe post-abortive, and to increase community awareness regardinglife-related issues.
AppForEden 1.8 APK
Xel Mobi Apps
The Eden Clinic, formerly Care NetPregnancyCenter of Norman, has served Central Oklahoma since 1996.Our mission is to share the love of Christ with our clientsandsave the lives of pre-born children by providingphysical,emotional and spiritual wellbeing to women facingunplannedpregnancies.As one of the most innovative pro-life ministries inAmerica,Eden operates with a medical service model thatsignificantlyincreases client traffic and effectiveness in reachingabortionvulnerable women.Because we live in the most affluent, technologicallyadvancedsociety in the history of man, today’s younger generationhas ademanding and discriminating attitude. The crisis pregnancycentermodel of 20 years ago – offering free pregnancy tests andfree babyitems – doesn’t cut it with today’s youth.For this reason we are passionate about making pro-lifeministryrelevant through crossing all generational and culturalbarriers“to become all things to all people for the sake of winningthem toChrist…” and saving innocent lives.
PWC4Life 1.3 APK
Xel Mobi Apps
Parkville Women’s Clinic is anonprofitministry governed by a board of directors with the missiontoempower and equip individuals to make healthy life choices.Ourvision is to see a world where every child is valued, andmothersand fathers are equipped to build strong families thatpositivelyimpact our community.Parkville Women’s Clinic is dedicated to fostering aChrist-likeview of human life and sexuality by offering hope andcompassionatehelp, thus enabling positive, life-affirming choiceby:Saving the lives of unborn childrenProviding physical, emotional and spiritual help for women andmenwith unplanned pregnanciesOffering support and healing to victims of past abortionsPreventing unplanned pregnancies through abstinence educationProviding education to the community on issues regardingthesanctity of Human Life.
OWC Friends 1.3 APK
Xel Mobi Apps
Options Women’s Clinic, formerlyPregnancyResource Center of Helena, was founded in 2008 as an faithbasedorganization. We offered free pregnancy testing, pre-natalandparenting classes as well as community referrals and materialgoodsfor young moms-to-be. But it didn’t take long to realize thatif wewanted to maximize our impact on young women experiencinganunplanned pregnancy and truly give them the information theyneededto make an informed decision for life, we needed toofferultrasound services. This was a huge leap for such ayoungorganization but with our committed supporters we beganthatprocess of converting to a medical clinic in the fall of2009.After raising the needed funds, we hired our first nurse andsenther to training to become proficient in ultrasound. Dr.JackMcMahon agreed to be our medical director and in June of 2010welaunched our new services and changed our name to OptionsWomen’sClinic, reflecting our new status as a medical clinic . In2012 weadded STI testing and childbirth classes to our services.Our goalis to use every avenue we can to help these young womenchoose lifeand to make better life choices to break the cycles ofneglect,abuse and poverty.Options Women’s Clinic is supported solely throughoutrightdonations, pledges and grants which fund our ongoingoperationalcosts. Thank you for your help.
Donor AFW 2.7 APK
Xel Mobi Apps
Avenues for Women is a state licensed Medical Clinic established tosupport girls and women in unplanned pregnancies. All ClientServices are performed free of charge. We provide informationthrough pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound scans, counseling andeducational resources in order to enable clients to make aninformed decision. We work with them as long as they need and wanthelp. We also offer a mentoring moms program to equip our clientswith information to help them have a healthier pregnancy andimproved parenting skills.
MCPCFriends 1.1 APK
Xel Mobi Apps
The Mid Cities Pregnancy Center is here tohelpwomen find answers.