1.0 / July 5, 2013
(5.0/5) (4)


Popo à un sérieux problème : il n’arrive plusà dormir. Un comble pour un petit paresseux !
Popo part donc demander de l’aide à plusieurs amis.
Mais comment fait-on pour dormir chez les hérissons, ou leschauves-souris ?
Découvrez un conte interactif plein de charme qui aidera vosenfants à s’endormir !

L'application :

- Une histoire originale avec une chute vertigineuse, à liresoi-même ou à écouter.
- Des illustrations agrémentées de nombreuses animations.
- Des interactions avec les objets et personnages, grâce à deseffets physiques (gravité, collision..)
- Une interface simple et intuitive accessible aux plusjeunes.
- Une musique originale et des bruitages rigolos.

Popo a serious problem:he does not sleep. Strange for a little lazy!
Popo therefore seek help from several friends.
But how do we sleep in hedgehogs or bats?
Discover a charming interactive story that will help your child tofall asleep!

The application:
- An original story with a precipitous drop, read yourself or tolisten.
- Illustrations decorated with many animations.
- Interactions with objects and characters through physical effects(gravity, collision ..)
- A simple and intuitive interface available to young people.
- Original music and funny sound effects.

App Information Popo le paresseux

Flipbook Studio Show More...

Ungifted wizards 1.1 APK
Flipbook Studio
Choose you character: you can be Noe thelittle wizard, or Zoe the little witch!These two are really discouraged, always in a bad mood; theycan’t get any of their spells or potions right.In order to get their magical power back, they will have to goon a great quest for colors in the bee, the mole and the fishkingdoms.These little wizards will have to use all of their talent andintelligence:- They will have to escape from the mole maze- Make sure they do not wake up the soldiers or Simon the fishking- Remember where the honey pots are hidden in the bee kingdom- Mix colors to discover their power- And a lot more games and activities like jumping with aparachute, flying, swimming and practicing their magic!This interactive and fun tale is particularly suited forchildren between 5 and 8.What you can do:- Choose you character: a little wizard or a little witch- Discover 20 interactive and animated scenes across 4 amazinguniverses- Play 10 different games combining reflection, dexterity andspeed- Adjust the difficulty level to your child’s age- Listen to the story in 2 languages: French and English- Listen or read the story by yourself- Over 30 minutes of discovery and pleasure- Dozens of secondary interactive and animated characters- Each universe has its own musical theme and sound effectsTo learn more and to see the trailer please come to Flipbook’swebsite:www.flipbook-studio.comFacebook : https://www.facebook.com/StudioFlipBook
Charlotte and the Sphinx Lite 1.01 APK
Charlotte Holmes is a great detective of 8years old!Today, she goes visiting the pyramids with her father, anarcheologist.She’s followed with her faithful goose Watson.Guide Charlotte in great sceneries created from existing placesof ancient Egypt.During your exploration:✪ Solve the riddle of the Sphinx who lost his nose.✪ Avoid dangerous animals.✪ Help Charlotte to find his goose.✪ Take notes on your findings.✪ Find all the sacred animals of Egypt.✪ Exit the terrible labyrinth of the pyramid of Cheops.✪ Open the secret door of the musical shrine.✪ Discover the secrets of the pyramids of Kephren andMykerinos.✪ Use items in your inventory.The pyramids and the desert will have no secrets for you!This interactive and entertaining adventure is particularlysuitable for children from 6 to 9.In the program :✪ 8 sceneries and 3d environments to discover.✪ 10 games of exploration and logic.✪ 25 hidden objects and treasures to find.✪ Win 4 medals by completing all missions.✪ Use inventory items.✪ 15 fact sheets about the sacred animals, gods and customs of theancient Egyptians.✪ original ethnic music.Over 40 minutes of discovery in English or French.Elementary my dear Watson !
Ungifted wizards Lite 1.1 APK
Choose you character: you can be Noe thelittle wizard, or Zoe the little witch!These two are really discouraged, always in a bad mood; theycan’t get any of their spells or potions right.In order to get their magical power back, they will have to goon a great quest for colors in the bee, the mole and the fishkingdoms.These little wizards will have to use all of their talent andintelligence:- They will have to escape from the mole maze- Make sure they do not wake up the soldiers or Simon the fishking- Remember where the honey pots are hidden in the bee kingdom- Mix colors to discover their power- And a lot more games and activities like jumping with aparachute, flying, swimming and practicing their magic!This interactive and fun tale is particularly suited forchildren between 5 and 8.What you can do:- Choose you character: a little wizard or a little witch- Discover 20 interactive and animated scenes across 4 amazinguniverses- Play 10 different games combining reflection, dexterity andspeed- Adjust the difficulty level to your child’s age- Listen to the story in 2 languages: French and English- Listen or read the story by yourself- Over 30 minutes of discovery and pleasure- Dozens of secondary interactive and animated characters- Each universe has its own musical theme and sound effectsTo learn more and to see the trailer, please come to Flipbook’swebsite:www.flipbook-studio.comFacebook : https://www.facebook.com/StudioFlipBook
L'âge des dinosaures Lite 1.2 APK
Sam & Lili voyagent à bord de leurmachineà remonter le temps.------app-kid.fr :"Un vrai condensé d’amusement, de découvertes, et surtoutdeconnaissances,à la portée des enfants à partir de 6 ans."lasauterelletactile.blogspot.fr :"une application ludique, intéressante, très originale et degrandequalité."app-enfant.fr :"une très bonne application pour découvrir les dinosauresens’amusant."------Embarquez avec Sam & Lili et visitez le Trias, lapremièredes trois grandes époques des dinosaures,grâce à unmélangeoriginal de jeux, d’énigmes, et d’activités éducatives :✪ Créez votre bibliothèque de dinosaures,✪ Faites trembler la terre et exploser un volcan,✪ Volez sur le dos d'un Ptéranodon,✪ Explorez les fonds sous-marins,✪ Combattez un Allosaure,✪ Semez un Tyrannosaure et bien plus encore...Plus d’une heure de découverte et de plaisir, voire pluspourbattreses meilleurs scores !Les enfants de 6 à 11 ans feront tout pour gagner lestroismédaillesd’explorateur, d’enquêteur, et d’archéologue.Au programme :✪ 35 décors illustrés et animés en HD✪ 30 dinosaures animés à découvrir✪ 4 jeux d’action avec niveaux de difficulté etscoresmémorisés✪ 15 activités et mini-jeux de réflexion✪ Une bibliothèque de 30 fiches d’informations surlesdinosaures.✪ 8 mini-cours illustrés sur les volcans, la naissancedesdinosaures, ...✪ 3 cartes interactives pour déplacer la machine temporelle✪ 3 médailles à gagner récompensant la curiosité de l’enfantDes ambiances sonores adaptées à chaque époque, deseffetsatmosphériques,et des séquences animées vidéo.De nouveaux dinosaures et modulesd’activités viendrontprochainementenrichir l’application.Site Internet : www.flipbook-studio.comFacebook : https://www.facebook.com/StudioFlipBookSam & Lilitravelingon their machine back in time.------kid.fr app:"A true compendium of fun, discovery, and especiallyknowledge the reach of children from 6 years. "lasauterelletactile.blogspot.fr:"A very original and high quality gamingapplication,interesting."enfant.fr app:"A very good application to discover dinosaurs having fun."------Embark with Sam & Lili and visit the Triassic, the firstofthree great eras of the dinosaurs, thanks to an original mixofgames, puzzles, and educational activities:✪ Create your library of dinosaurs,✪ Make the earth shake and explode a volcano,✪ Fly on the back of a Pteranodon,✪ Explore the seabed,✪ Fight an Allosaurus,✪ Sow a Tyrannosaurus and much more ...Over an hour of discovery and pleasure, even more to beathis best scores!Children 6 to 11 years will do anything to win threemedalsexplorer, researcher and archaeologist.The program:✪ 35 sets illustrated and animated in HD✪ 30 animatronic dinosaurs to discover✪ action game with 4 difficulty levels and scores stored✪ 15 activities and mini-puzzle games✪ A library of 30 factsheets about dinosaurs.✪ 8 mini-courses shown on volcanoes, the birth of thedinosaurs...✪ 3 interactive maps to move the time machine✪ 3 medals to win rewarding curiosity of the childSoundscapes suitable for every age, atmospheric effects,and motion video sequences.New dinosaurs and activity modules will soonenrich the application.Website: www.flipbook-studio.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/StudioFlipBook
Popo le paresseux 1.0 APK
Flipbook Studio
Popo à un sérieux problème : il n’arrive plusà dormir. Un comble pour un petit paresseux !Popo part donc demander de l’aide à plusieurs amis.Mais comment fait-on pour dormir chez les hérissons, ou leschauves-souris ?Découvrez un conte interactif plein de charme qui aidera vosenfants à s’endormir !L'application :- Une histoire originale avec une chute vertigineuse, à liresoi-même ou à écouter.- Des illustrations agrémentées de nombreuses animations.- Des interactions avec les objets et personnages, grâce à deseffets physiques (gravité, collision..)- Une interface simple et intuitive accessible aux plusjeunes.- Une musique originale et des bruitages rigolos.Popo a serious problem:he does not sleep. Strange for a little lazy!Popo therefore seek help from several friends.But how do we sleep in hedgehogs or bats?Discover a charming interactive story that will help your child tofall asleep!The application: - An original story with a precipitous drop, read yourself or tolisten.- Illustrations decorated with many animations.- Interactions with objects and characters through physical effects(gravity, collision ..)- A simple and intuitive interface available to young people.- Original music and funny sound effects.
Charlotte and the Sphinx 1.01 APK
Flipbook Studio
Charlotte Holmes is a great detective of 8years old!Today, she goes visiting the pyramids with her father, anarcheologist.She’s followed with her faithful goose Watson.Guide Charlotte in great sceneries created from existing placesof ancient Egypt.During your exploration:✪ Solve the riddle of the Sphinx who lost his nose.✪ Avoid dangerous animals.✪ Help Charlotte to find his goose.✪ Take notes on your findings.✪ Find all the sacred animals of Egypt.✪ Exit the terrible labyrinth of the pyramid of Cheops.✪ Open the secret door of the musical shrine.✪ Discover the secrets of the pyramids of Kephren andMykerinos.✪ Use items in your inventory.The pyramids and the desert will have no secrets for you!This interactive and entertaining adventure is particularlysuitable for children from 6 to 9.In the program :✪ 8 sceneries and 3d environments to discover.✪ 10 games of exploration and logic.✪ 25 hidden objects and treasures to find.✪ Win 4 medals by completing all missions.✪ Use inventory items.✪ 15 fact sheets about the sacred animals, gods and customs of theancient Egyptians.✪ original ethnic music.Over 40 minutes of discovery in English or French.Elementary my dear Watson !
L'âge des dinosaures 1.1 APK
Flipbook Studio
Sam & Lili voyagent à bord de leurmachineà remonter le temps.------app-kid.fr :"Un vrai condensé d’amusement, de découvertes, et surtoutdeconnaissances,à la portée des enfants à partir de 6 ans."lasauterelletactile.blogspot.fr :"une application ludique, intéressante, très originale et degrandequalité."app-enfant.fr :"une très bonne application pour découvrir les dinosauresens’amusant."------Embarquez avec Sam & Lili et découvrez les trois grandesépoquesdes dinosaures, grâce à un mélange original de jeux, d’énigmes, etd’activitéséducatives :✪ Créez votre bibliothèque de dinosaures,✪ Faites trembler la terre et exploser un volcan,✪ Volez sur le dos d'un Ptéranodon,✪ Explorez les fonds sous-marins,✪ Combattez un Allosaure,✪ Semez un Tyrannosaure et bien plus encore...Plus d’une heure de découverte et de plaisir, voire pluspourbattreses meilleurs scores !Les enfants de 6 à 11 ans feront tout pour gagner lestroismédaillesd’explorateur, d’enquêteur, et d’archéologue.Au programme :✪ 35 décors illustrés et animés en HD✪ 30 dinosaures animés à découvrir✪ 4 jeux d’action avec niveaux de difficulté etscoresmémorisés✪ 15 activités et mini-jeux de réflexion✪ Une bibliothèque de 30 fiches d’informations surlesdinosaures.✪ 8 mini-cours illustrés sur les volcans, la naissancedesdinosaures, ...✪ 3 cartes interactives pour déplacer la machine temporelle✪ 3 médailles à gagner récompensant la curiosité de l’enfantDes ambiances sonores adaptées à chaque époque, deseffetsatmosphériques,et des séquences animées vidéo.De nouveaux dinosaures et modulesd’activités viendrontprochainementenrichir l’application.Site Internet : www.flipbook-studio.comFacebook : https://www.facebook.com/StudioFlipBookSam & Lilitravelingon their machine back in time.------app-kid.fr:"A real condensed fun, discoveries, and especially knowledge, out of reach of children over 6 years. "lasauterelletactile.blogspot.fr:"A fun application, interesting, very original and ofhighquality."app-enfant.fr:"A very good application for discovering dinosaurshavingfun."------Embark with Sam & Lili and discover the three great epochsofdinosaursthanks to an original mix of games, puzzles, andeducationalactivities:✪ Create your library of dinosaurs,✪ Make the earth shake and explode a volcano,✪ Fly on the back of a Pteranodon,✪ Explore the underwater world,✪ Fight an Allosaurus,✪ Sow a Tyrannosaurus and much more ...More than an hour of discovery and pleasure, and even moretobeathis best scores!Children 6 to 11 years will do anything to win threemedalsexplorer, investigator and archaeologist.In the program :✪ 35 illustrated and animated decorations in HD✪ 30 animated dinosaurs to be discovered✪ 4 action games with difficulty levels and scores saved✪ 15 activities and mini-games of reflection✪ A library of 30 records information about dinosaurs.✪ 8 mini courses shown on volcanoes, the birth of thedinosaurs...✪ 3 interactive maps to move the time machine✪ win 3 medals at rewarding the child's curiositySoundscapes adapted to each era, atmospheric effects,video and animated sequences.New dinosaur and activity modules come soonenrich the application.Website: www.flipbook-studio.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/StudioFlipBook