1.0 / March 3, 2017
(0/5) ()


intelligent piano simulator design forAndroidphones and tablets. With in-built genuine piano timbre, thisappcan teach you how to play piano and amuse you at thesametime
Learn thousands of popular music scores
• Three guidance patterns: falling note, waterfall, musicsheet(stave)
• Three play modes: auto play, semi-auto play, note pause
• Left & right hand setup
• A->B loop
• Speed adjustment
• Difficulty adjustment
simulator app with virtual musical instruments to help youlearnchords and music notes for free! Learn how to play the pianokeysin many interesting ways! 👍

The only realistic piano and musical instruments learning appwithfree songs made by musicians for musicians and beginners!Downloadright now and learn to play the piano keyboard on yourPhone orTablet for free!

Our digital Piano app lets you choose sounds from a number ofmusicinstruments: from a grand and fortepiano, to theviolin,harpsichord, accordion, organ and guitar. Carve outoriginalmelodies and record them to play back via differentmusicalinstruments. You’ll learn various chords and how to readsheetmusic, taking you on your journey to become a virtual pianoplayerand maestro!

You can play your song slow or fast, all depend on you and yourmoodand your style.

With 40 million downloads on Google Play, this app is one ofthebest effortless instrument apps and games for your Androidtabletand mobile phone! Please try it and play your favoritesongswithout any practice.
Enjoy real Piano sound from My Piano Phone.
- Acoustic Piano, Electric Piano, Acoustic Guitar, ElectricGuitar,Trumpet and Violin
- Lot of songs to play and learn
- Full Keyboards of Piano
- Multi Touch
- One or two keyboards at a time
- Drumkit

App Information PianoMagic-Challenge Whitetile

Mr.zouhr@n Show More...

Edujoy Jeux éducatifs contiennent jusqu'à12jeux éducatifs pour les enfants de tous âges. La meilleurefaçond'apprendre à jouer et à améliorer les compétences telles quelamémoire, la logique et la concentration.En outre, ces jeux enfantins sont conçus pour les enfants delamaternelle à un âge plus avancé. Merci à la variété des sujets,lesenfants vont renforcer leurs compétences dansdifférentsdomaines:-En savoir professions.-Apprendre à reconnaître les animaux.-Résoudre des labyrinthes de difficultés croissantes.-Devinez le son des instruments de musique.-Résolvez des puzzles avec des images amusantes et de lamusiquestimulante.-Plusieurs niveaux de difficulté, l'augmentation de la complexitéetde lutte contre le temps.Stimule l'intellect , surmonter les défis et difficultés .Edujoy Jeux éducatifs sont adaptés pour être manipuléstrèsfacilement, accompagné d' une musique stimulante. Cesjeuxpermettent aux enfants d'acquérir les compétences suivantesenjeu:-Améliorer les compétences des enfants dans la mémoire ,laconcentration et le développement des connaissances.-Le jeu est adapté pour être manipulé facilement.-Est spécifiquement conçu comme un outil pédagogiquepourl'interface de enfants d'âge préscolaire et plus .-Améliorer l'observation du cerveau, la capacité cognitive,laconcentration, la mémoire, la créativité et l'imagination .This World cycle race kids is a simple game that in one touchwillmake you turn to confusing!This game is very addictive and challenging.Your goal is to avoid obstacles by tapping the screen at therighttime.Great reflexes and concentration is all you need in this gameDélirez comme jamais dans le plus dingue des jeux d'aventure,Foncez à toute allure avec les Lapins Crétins dans leurnouveauprojet délirant : atteindre la lune !Comment les Lapins Crétins arriveront-ils à concrétiser leurfolleidée cette fois ?Récupérez un maximum de canettes qui vous fournirontl’énergienécessaire à alimenter leur ballon lunaire. C’est une idéedingue,mais elle pourrait bien marcher ! Courez, sautez, glissez etvolezsur des dizaines de véhicules fous, et soyez le premier de vosamisà atteindre la lune !Habillez vos lapins et foncez à travers des lieux variés pourlesaider à aller sur la lune.Les créateurs de la franchise des LAPINS CRÉTINS présentent lejeude course le plus dingue de tous les temps.★ COUREZ, SAUTEZ, GLISSEZ ET VOLEZ - Utilisez les véhicules lesplushilarants possibles pour éviter les obstacles et récupérerdescanettes★ DES MISSIONS ABRACADABRANTESQUES - Découvrez des missionsdrôleset insensées, comme de projeter vos Lapins contre des murs oudeles propulser dans les airs★ DÉVERROUILLEZ ET AMÉLIOREZ des véhicules faits maison quinetiennent que par miracle, comme un chariot propulsé pardesaimants, ou un planeur géant fait à partir de pantalonsroses!★ DES COSTUMES IMPRESSIONNANTS – Habillez vos lapins pour lesrendreinoubliables ! Courez déguisé en motard, en lutteur, enninja oumême en Capitaine Slip, ou des tas d’autres costumes.Chaque costumevous permet d’acquérir des pouvoirs et descompétencesextraordinaires.★ GAGNEZ GROS À LA LOTERIE - RÉCUPÉREZ des centaines de fragmentsdecostumes dans la laverie-loterie★ JOUEZ AVEC VOS AMIS et affrontez-les pour accéder au topduclassement !IMPORTANT :• Ce jeu est téléchargeable et jouable gratuitement, maiscertainsobjets du jeu peuvent être achetés avec de l’argent réel.Vouspouvez désactiver les achats dans le jeu depuis les paramètresdevotre appareil.• Ce jeu contient des publicités.• Ce jeu est optimisé pour Android 4.1 et supérieurs. Nousnepouvons pas vous garantir une expérience de jeu satisfaisantesurdes appareils moins puissants.Collect gold coins to unlock new characters.Are you good enough to make this game?How far can you go?World cycle race kidsShare your score with your friends and become the best!World cycle race kidsEdujoy Educationaltoyscontain up 12 educational games for children of all ages. Thebestway to learn to play and improve skills such as memory, logicandconcentration.In addition, these childish games are designed for childrenfromkindergarten to a later age. Thank you to the variety ofsubjects,children will improve their skills in differentfields:-Learn Professions.-Learn To recognize animals.-Résoudre Of increasing difficulty mazes.-Devinez The sound of musical instruments.-Résolvez Puzzles with fun images and stimulating music.-Several Levels of difficulty, increasing the complexityandfighting against time.Stimulates the intellect, overcoming challengesanddifficulties.Edujoy Educational games are adapted to be handled veryeasily,accompanied by inspirational music. These games allowchildren toacquire skills in the following game:-Improve The children's skills in memory, concentrationanddevelopment of knowledge.-The Game is adapted to be handled easily.-is Specifically designed as an educational tool for childrenofpreschool interface and more.-Improve The observation of the brain, cognitiveability,concentration, memory, creativity and imagination.This World Kids is a single race cycle in one touch That gamewillmake you turn to confusing!This game is very addictive and challenging.Your goal is to Avoid obstacles by tapping the screen at therighttime.Great reflexes and concentration is all you need in this gameRave as ever in the craziest adventure games,Go ahead at full speed with the Rabbids in their latestgameproject: reach the moon!How Rabbids they manage to realize their crazy idea thistime?Pick up cans that will provide you the necessary energy tofueltheir lunar ball. It's a crazy idea, but it might work well!Run,jump, slide and fly over dozens of crazy vehicles, and be thefirstof your friends to reach the moon!Dress your rabbits and speed through various places to help themgoto the moon.The creators of the Rabbids have the craziest racing game ofalltime.★ RUN, JUMP, SLIDE AND FLY - Use the most hilariouspossiblevehicles to avoid obstacles and collect cans★ MISSIONS preposterous - Discover funny and senseless missionslikeproject your rabbits against walls or propel them into theair★ UNLOCK AND IMPROVE homemade vehicles which fail,miraculously,like a truck powered by magnets, or a giant glidermade from pinkpants!★ AWESOME COSTUMES - Dress your rabbits to make themunforgettable!Run dressed as a biker, wrestler, ninja or evenCaptain Slip, orlots of other costumes. Each costume allows you togain powers andextraordinary skills.★ BIG WIN THE LOTTERY - RECOVER hundreds of costume pieces inthelaundry-lottery★ PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS and challenge them to reach thetopranks!IMPORTANT:• This game is downloadable and free to play, but some gameitemscan be purchased with real money. You can turn off purchasesin thegame from your device settings.• This game contains advertisements.• This game is optimized for Android 4.1 and higher. We cannotguarantee a satisfying gaming experience on lesspowerfuldevices.Collect gold coins to unlock new characters.Are you good enough to make this game?How far can you go?World kids cycle raceShare your score with your friends and Become the best!World kids cycle race
Coloriage princesse Dessin 1.0 APK
Princesses, Dessin et coloriage de jeux2brospour enfants *****des neigesDessin et Coloriage livre enfants jeu plein de princesse ne visepasseulement pour votre fille de 3 à 5 ans mais ton fils aussibien.Les pages de coloriage de reine sur votre téléphone ouvotretablette dans ce Coloriage virtuel et le livre de la peinturedecouleur. Il si facile ce même enfant en bas âge peut jouer,peindre& dessiner. Ce jeu de coloriage est un jeu d'enfants oùlesenfants peuvent colorer la princesse coloriages, mais ellespeuventaussi dessiner leur propre dessin. Dans ce jeu de coloriagepourles enfants vous pouvez trouver des images impressionnantesdecélèbres queues de fées comme Cendrillon, Le petit chaperonrouge,Sleeping beauty, Blanche-Neige ou même Rumpelstiltskin.Photosregardent comme ils sont frozen.ice neigesQuel est ce livre de coloriage princesse jeu pour les enfantssur:-Princesse Coloriage pages cointains 20 Coloriages en thèmedeprincesse, princ, sirène, ponny, licorne, Reine, etc..-Jeu de dessin gratuit. Dessinez vos propres dessins commeleslicornes, ponnies, sirènes, fée, princ, princesses,Reine,etc..-Vous pouvez facilement remplir toute une région, dessiner avecuncrayon ou un pinceau et utilisez une gomme à effacer-Enregistre vos photos d'enfants dans la Galerie devotreappareil-En particulier les filles l'aimeront-20 belles couleurs afin que vous pouvez colorer laprincessecoloriages.Vos enfants peuvent peindre, dessiner ou gribouiller quand ilsleveulent, même Hansel et Gretel si elles le peuvent.Doodling,peinture et le dessin n'a jamais été aussi facile et drôlelaisseainsi la couleur de votre propre fairy tail Cendrillon,Raiponce,La petite sirène ou Le prince de grenouille. Laissez vosenfantsfaire preuve de créativité en téléchargeant cetteapplicationgratuite: princesse jeu de livre de coloriage avec denombreusesphotos qui peuvent être tirées, peintsPicasso from your phone device.The Best princess coloring book of kids game! Color thecoloringpages of princess, mermaid, fairy and pretty girlsYou will find the little mermaid, Cinderella, Rapunzel,Snowwhite,Rumpelstiltskin, Frozen princess.With the amazing cartoon chibi coloring pages and beautifulbrushes,kids and girls are guaranteed hours of fun to free theirendlessimagination, train their brain, learn how to draw andsketch, withplenty of coloring tools, they will color theprincesses like dressup. Especially for 3 to 6 years kids.Over 21 beautiful princess salon and fairy coloring pictures.Yourchildren can paint, draw or doodle whenever they want toevenHansel and Gretel if they can. Doodling, painting and drawingwasnever so easy and funny so lets color your own fairy talesprincessor The frog prince. Let your kids be creative bydownloading thisfree app: princess coloring book game with manypictures which canbe drawn, painted or doodle.ALL ARE FREE!There are 21 princess drawing canvas in our coloring book.You candodetailed painting with rich toolbar menu as long as you like inthisgame.Coloring Book des princesses de la glace ou de la reine de laglace.Dessins d'Elsa et Anna, Kristoff et Olaf pour vous peindrevotredessin animé préféré. Si vous aimez les contes de princessepour lesfilles que sofia et tinkerbell ou d'autres contes de fées,vousallez adorer la coloration dessins de gelée dans le royaumedeglace. En attendant la fièvre congelée 2 à la deuxième partie,lesfilles et les princesses de la maison auront du plaisir aveccesdessins faits pour divertir les jeunes enfants.Peindre avec précision ces contes de princesse précieux etcolorerleurs beaux costumes et robes de princesse. Avec lemarqueurmagique, ils peuvent peindre l'image automatiquement enutilisanttoute la palette de couleurs, comme le violet et leviolet. Ilsvont l'adorer.• Une large palette de couleurs, du rose et du violet et defraiseou de l'ensemble de l'arc en ciel. Beaucoup de crayonsoucrayonsPrincesses, Drawingandcoloring games for children 2bros *****of snowDrawing and Coloring book full of children playing princess isnotonly meant for your daughter 3 to 5 years but your son as well.Thequeen coloring pages on your phone or tablet in thisvirtualcoloring book and colored paint. It so easy that eventoddler canplay, paint & draw. This coloring game is a gamewhere childrencan color the princess coloring pages, but they canalso draw theirown drawing. In this coloring game for children youcan findimpressive pictures of famous fairy tails like Cinderella,LittleRed Riding Hood, Sleeping beauty, Snow White orevenRumpelstiltskin. Photos look like they are frozen.snow iceWhat is this princess coloring book game for children:Coloring pages -Princesse cointains 20 Coloring princesstheme,princ, mermaid, ponny, unicorn, queen, etc ..-Game Free drawing. Draw your own drawings like unicorns,ponnies,mermaids, fairy, princ, princesses, Queen, etc ..-You Can easily fill an entire region, draw with a pencil orbrushand use an eraser-Save Your children photos in the gallery of your device-especially Girls will love-20 Beautiful colors so you can color the princess coloring.Your kids can paint, draw or doodle whenever they want, evenifHansel and Gretel they can. Doodling, painting and drawinghasnever been so easy and fun and let the color of your own fairytailCinderella, Rapunzel, The Little Mermaid and The Frog Prince.Letyour kids be creative by downloading this freeapplication:coloring book game Princess with many photos that canbe drawn,paintedPicasso from your phone device.The Best princess coloring book of kids game! Color thecoloringpages of princess, mermaid, fairy and pretty girlsYou will find the little mermaid, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snowwhite,Rumpelstiltskin, Frozen princess.With the amazing cartoon chibi coloring pages and beautifulbrushes,kids and girls are guaranteed hours of fun to free Theirendlessimagination, train Their brain, learn how to draw andsketch, withplenty of coloring tools, They Will color theprincesses like dressup . Especially for kids 3 to 6 years.Over 21 beautiful princess and fairy room coloring pictures.Yourchildren can paint, draw or doodle whenever will They WanttoHansel and Gretel-even If They Can. Doodling, painting anddrawingWas never so easy and funny so lets color your own fairytalesprincess or The frog prince. Let your kids be creativebydownloading this free app: princess coloring book game withquiMany pictures can be drawn, painted or doodle.ALL ARE FREE!There are 21 princess drawing canvas in our coloring book.You candodetailed painting with rich toolbar menu as long as you like inthisgame.Coloring Book princesses ice or ice queen. Elsa drawings andAnna,Kristoff and Olaf to paint your favorite cartoon. If you liketheprincess tales for girls sofia and Tinkerbell and otherfairytales, you will love jelly color drawings in the kingdom ofice.Meanwhile frozen Fever 2 to the second part, girls andprincessesof the house will have fun with these drawings toentertain youngchildren.Paint precisely these precious princess tales and colortheirbeautiful costumes and princess dresses. With the magicmarker,they can paint the image automatically using the fullpalette ofcolors, such as purple and violet. They will loveit.• A wide range of colors, pink and purple and strawberry ortheentire rainbow. Many pencils or crayons
Super LED-Flashlight Alerts 1.1.6 APK
Bright Flashlight / torch mode when usingthedevice LED.* Bright led screen lights.* Beautiful layout and simple controls.* Small memory footprint, low battery and CPU consumption.Highlyoptimized.* Best tablet Flashlight* Turns on all available LED lights on the device* Camera Flash LED at Maximum* Screen at Bright Maximum* Keyboard Backlight at Maximum* Soft Keys Backlight at Maximum* Flash Alerts for incoming calls* Flash Alerts for incoming SmsFree uses built in LED Flashlight to light up your path-Free.It doesn't get brighter then this!! The brightest lighting toolinyour pocket with blinking/strobe.Light will turn on when the flashlight is started.Adjustblinking/strobe speed by turning the strobe knob.One of the best designed flashlight in play store. Also calledtorchor Linterna, will brighten your night like never before. Italso hasbuilt in battery meter to help you monitor the batterydrainage.Built in compass will show you which direction you areheaded.This Led flashlight torch application has been tested to workonwork perfectly well on tablet phones and tablet devices. Itisrated as one of the best application on tablet torchlight
PianoMagic-Challenge Whitetile 1.0 APK
intelligent piano simulator design forAndroidphones and tablets. With in-built genuine piano timbre, thisappcan teach you how to play piano and amuse you at thesametimeLearn thousands of popular music scores• Three guidance patterns: falling note, waterfall, musicsheet(stave)• Three play modes: auto play, semi-auto play, note pause• Left & right hand setup• A->B loop• Speed adjustment• Difficulty adjustmentsimulator app with virtual musical instruments to help youlearnchords and music notes for free! Learn how to play the pianokeysin many interesting ways! 👍The only realistic piano and musical instruments learning appwithfree songs made by musicians for musicians and beginners!Downloadright now and learn to play the piano keyboard on yourPhone orTablet for free!Our digital Piano app lets you choose sounds from a number ofmusicinstruments: from a grand and fortepiano, to theviolin,harpsichord, accordion, organ and guitar. Carve outoriginalmelodies and record them to play back via differentmusicalinstruments. You’ll learn various chords and how to readsheetmusic, taking you on your journey to become a virtual pianoplayerand maestro!You can play your song slow or fast, all depend on you and yourmoodand your style.With 40 million downloads on Google Play, this app is one ofthebest effortless instrument apps and games for your Androidtabletand mobile phone! Please try it and play your favoritesongswithout any practice.Enjoy real Piano sound from My Piano Phone.Features:- Acoustic Piano, Electric Piano, Acoustic Guitar, ElectricGuitar,Trumpet and Violin- Lot of songs to play and learn- Full Keyboards of Piano- Multi Touch- One or two keyboards at a time- Drumkit