1.0.1 / August 18, 2015
(2.5/5) (2)


*** New Phone Notifier's Server downloadlink:http://polassis.pl/download_o/setup.exe ***
*** For free and without any ads! FOREVER! ***

I'm sure your phone is sometimes too far to hear. You may missanimportant SMS or not answer an urgent call because of that.Youdon't want it, do you? Phone Notifier prevents fromthesesituations!

It's a simple, small app which sends special notificationsthatare received by Phone Notifier's Server installed on yourcomputer(the program is free and it's available for download astheintegral part of PhoneNotifier:http://polassis.pl/download_o/setup.exe). If you get amissed callor when someone calls you (or sends you an SMS), youwill see amessage on your computer connected with a sound. You willneveragain miss the important text messages or calls!

You can personalize Phone Notifier - it's possible to setwhichnotifications the program should send (you can for examplechoosebetween the incoming/missed call notifications and the SMSones).You can also turn some sounds on/off on your computer.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions aboutPhoneNotifier, don't hesitate to send me amessage:[email protected]. I don't bite ;)

Technical information:
Phone Notifier and Phone Notifier's Server use port 210. If youhaveproblems, please check, if the port isn't blocked by afirewall (forexample).

- a phone with Android 4.0.3 or newer
- a working Wi-Fi connection on the phone
- a computer with Windows (the app was tested on Windows 8.1andVista - however, I think there shouldn't be any problems onWindowsXP, 7 and 8)
- Phone Notifier's Server installed on your computer (it'savailablefor download on http://tinyurl.com/puqosmr)
- the phone and the computer have to be in the same network

Used permissions:
a) INTERNET: required for communication between the phone andthecomputer
b) ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: required for checking, if the phoneisconnected with a Wi-Fi network
c) READ_CONTACTS: required for matching an appropriate contactwithan SMS sender or a caller
d) RECEIVE_SMS: required for detecting new text messages
e) READ_PHONE_STATE: required for detecting new incoming andmissedcalls

App Information Phone Notifier

  • App Name
    Phone Notifier
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    August 18, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Maksymilian Graczyk
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Email [email protected]
    Maksymilian Graczyk Jeziora Wielkie 33 88-324 Jeziora Wielkie Poland
  • Google Play Link

Maksymilian Graczyk Show More...

Remoteflix 1.0 APK
*** Afraid of a wrong purchase? Don't worry!You may request a refund for no apparent reason during a few hours(by Google Play) / 3 days (by sending me a message with anapproximate date of purchase, a zip/postal code and a country:remoteflix_refund [at] outlook.com) since the moment of buying. ***Remoteflix is a simple app which allows you to remotely controla Netflix web player (both Silverlight and HTML5 versions) byWi-Fi.Those actions are possible with the app:- playing and pausing- rewinding and forwarding- toggling a full screen mode- showing and closing a bitrate menu (might not work in a fullscreen mode)- opening a Netflix page in a browser- basic mouse control (e.g. to change subtitles)Before you start using Remoteflix, you have to download and runRemoteflix Server (http://polassis.pl/download_o/RemoteflixServer.jar) onyour computer. It's cross-platform (including Windows, Linux, OS Xand even Raspberry Pi): all you need is Java.Requirements:1. A computer with Java installed2. Remoteflix Server running on the computer3. A phone with Wi-Fi and Android 2.1+4. The computer and the phone connected to the same networkPermissions:INTERNET: to establish a connection between a computer and aphoneACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: to determine if a phone is connected toWi-FiVIBRATE: to inform an user when they make a right-click gesture ona phoneRemoteflix and Remoteflix Server aren't connected in any waywith Netflix, Inc. and its branches. Netflix is a registeredtrademark of Netflix, Inc.A Remoteflix and Remoteflix Server logo is based on a "Monitor"icon from a Linh Pham Thi Dieu's "miu" pack ( http://linhpham.me/miu ).*** Afraid of a wrong purchase? Don't worry! You may request arefund for no apparent reason during a few hours (by Google Play) /3 days (by sending me a message with an approximate date ofpurchase, a zip/postal code and a country: remoteflix_refund [at]outlook.com) since the moment of buying. ***
Phone Notifier 1.0.1 APK
*** New Phone Notifier's Server downloadlink:http://polassis.pl/download_o/setup.exe ****** For free and without any ads! FOREVER! ***I'm sure your phone is sometimes too far to hear. You may missanimportant SMS or not answer an urgent call because of that.Youdon't want it, do you? Phone Notifier prevents fromthesesituations!It's a simple, small app which sends special notificationsthatare received by Phone Notifier's Server installed on yourcomputer(the program is free and it's available for download astheintegral part of PhoneNotifier:http://polassis.pl/download_o/setup.exe). If you get amissed callor when someone calls you (or sends you an SMS), youwill see amessage on your computer connected with a sound. You willneveragain miss the important text messages or calls!You can personalize Phone Notifier - it's possible to setwhichnotifications the program should send (you can for examplechoosebetween the incoming/missed call notifications and the SMSones).You can also turn some sounds on/off on your computer.If you have questions, comments or suggestions aboutPhoneNotifier, don't hesitate to send me amessage:[email protected]. I don't bite ;)Technical information:Phone Notifier and Phone Notifier's Server use port 210. If youhaveproblems, please check, if the port isn't blocked by afirewall (forexample).Requirements:- a phone with Android 4.0.3 or newer- a working Wi-Fi connection on the phone- a computer with Windows (the app was tested on Windows 8.1andVista - however, I think there shouldn't be any problems onWindowsXP, 7 and 8)- Phone Notifier's Server installed on your computer (it'savailablefor download on http://tinyurl.com/puqosmr)- the phone and the computer have to be in the same networkUsed permissions:a) INTERNET: required for communication between the phone andthecomputerb) ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: required for checking, if the phoneisconnected with a Wi-Fi networkc) READ_CONTACTS: required for matching an appropriate contactwithan SMS sender or a callerd) RECEIVE_SMS: required for detecting new text messagese) READ_PHONE_STATE: required for detecting new incoming andmissedcalls
Polassis - asystent głosowy 1.0.7 APK
WARNING: This assistant supports ONLY Polish!Don't rate 1 just because of no support of your language.BARDZO WAŻNE: Aby asystent działał, muszą być spełnione poniższewarunki:- Android 2.3 lub nowszy- dostęp do Internetu- silnik rozpoznawania polskiej mowy (np. aplikacja Google dlaAndroid 4.1+)Zanim zainstalujesz aplikację / wystawisz ocenę sprawdź, czy Twojeurządzenie spełnia wymagania!Uprawnienia, z jakich korzysta program, wraz z wyjaśnieniami:http://pastebin.com/cv7r22ZaIstnieje już wiele asystentów głosowych na Androida, jednakwiększość z nich ma wadę, która je dyskwalifikuje dla Polaków –brak obsługi j. polskiego. Polassis wychodzi temu problemowinaprzeciw! Jest to pierwsza aplikacja tego typu, którą możeszwłączyć głosowo (może nie działać u każdego) i do której możnamówić PO POLSKU.Dodatkowo przewagą tego asystenta nad innymi polskimi dostępnymina rynku jest możliwość mówienia do niego NATURALNIE (w niektórychprzypadkach prawie naturalnie). Koniec z uczeniem się na pamięćpoleceń! Oczywiście nie wszystko, co powiesz, zostanie przezPolassisa zrozumiane. Jednak z kolejnymi wersjami będzie z tymcoraz lepiej :)W tej chwili asystent może m.in.:- zadzwonić do wybranego kontaktu lub pod dany numer- wysłać SMS-a do wybranego kontaktu lub pod dany numer- odebrać SMS-a i zaproponować jego odczytanie- przeczytać ostatniego SMS-a- powiedzieć, jakie było ostatnie połączenie (przychodzące,wychodzące lub w ogóle)- ustawić domyślny numer dla kontaktu z zapisanymi wieloma numeramitelefonu- napisać maila i przekazać go do programu pocztowego- uruchomić wybraną aplikację- ustawić przypomnienie (tylko Android 4.0+)- włączyć, wyłączyć, powtórzyć i zmienić muzykę nanastępną/poprzednią w używanym przez Ciebie odtwarzaczu- powiedzieć, ile procent baterii zostało- ustawić budzik na daną godzinę bądź określony czas naprzód (np.za 2 godziny)- ustawić minutnik- stworzyć notatkę o dowolnej treści- podyktować tekst do schowka- zmienić, usunąć i przeczytać notatkę- podać prognozę pogody dla danej miejscowości (bezpłatnie razdziennie, za kilka złotych rocznie bez limitów)- obliczyć proste wyrażenia matematyczne- uruchomić nawigację, która wytyczy trasę do podanego celu- ustalić Twoją lokalizację- zlokalizować dane miejsce na mapie- uruchomić aplikację aparatu w celu wykonania zdjęcia- poszukać w Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo lub Yahoo (domyślnie: Google)nurtującej Cię frazy- poszukać w Wikipedii danej frazy- zrestartować lub wyłączyć telefon (wymaga roota!)- włączyć bądź wyłączyć tryb cichy w telefonie- włączyć bądź wyłączyć Wi-Fi/Bluetootha- włączyć bądź wyłączyć latarkę- powiedzieć obecną godzinę, datę oraz dzień tygodnia- powiedzieć, jaki dzień tygodnia był/będzie w danym momencie- nauczyć się dowolnego polecenia, jakie mu powieszDodatkowo, jeśli włączysz odpowiednią pozycję w ustawieniach,możesz w każdej chwili wywołać asystenta, mówiąc dowolny wybranyprzez Ciebie zwrot (po angielsku, bez nazw własnych) lub naciskając3 razy przycisk zasilania w odstępach maksymalnie 3-sekundowych.Istnieje też możliwość włączenia Polassisa przez dymek. Możesztakże ustawić aliasy dla poszczególnych kontaktów bądź aplikacji.Poza tym asystent obsługuje słuchawki Bluetooth (z wyjątkiemniektórych słuchawek Jabra) oraz może współpracować z aplikacjamitypu Tasker/Llama/Automate (szczegóły:http://polassis.pl/intenty.html).Jeżeli aplikacja Ci się spodoba, będę wdzięczny za wystawienieoceny :)Wszelkie uwagi można zgłosić pod adresem uwagi (małpa) polassis.pl:)Aplikacja korzysta z silnika PocketSphinx, którego licencja jestdostępna na stronie http://pastebin.com/4EDgPiph. Wykorzystanoikonę autorstwa Elegant Themes na licencji CC BY 3.0(http://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/mic_10032).The app uses PocketSphinx which license is available athttp://pastebin.com/4EDgPiph. The Elegant Themes icon under the CCBY 3.0 license has been used(http://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/mic_10032).WARNING: This assistantsupports Polish ONLY! Do not rate 1 just because of no support ofyour language.VERY IMPORTANT: To operate an assistant must be met thefollowing conditions:- Android 2.3 or higher- Internet access- Polish speech recognition engine (eg. Google application forAndroid 4.1+)Before you install the application / you leave your assessment,verify that your device meets the requirements!The powers enjoyed by the program, with explanations:http://pastebin.com/cv7r22ZaThere are already a lot of voice assistant for Android, but mostof them have a defect that disqualifies them for the Poles - thelack of support j. Polish. Polassis out this problem to meet! Thisis the first application of this type, which can enable voice (maynot work at all) and to which we can speak AFTER POLISH.Additionally, the assistant advantage over other commerciallyavailable polish the ability to talk to him NATURALLY (in somecases almost naturally). End of learning by rote commands! Ofcourse, not everything you say will be understood by Polassisa.However, subsequent versions will be the better :)At the moment, the assistant can m.in .:- Call to the selected contact or the specific number- To send a text message to the selected contact or the specificnumber- Receive SMS message and offer to read it- Read the last SMS- Say what was the last call (incoming, outgoing or all)- Set the default number for a contact saved multiple phonenumbers- Write an email and send it to the mail program- Launch the selected application- Set a reminder (only Android 4.0+)- Switch on, switch off, repeat and change the music to the next /previous used in your player- Say what percentage of battery was- Set the alarm for a given time or a certain time forward (eg. For2 hours)- Set the timer- Make a note of any content- Dictate text to the clipboard- Change, delete, and read the note- Give the weather forecast for your town (free of charge once aday, for a few pounds a year without limits)- Calculate simple mathematical expressions- Start navigation, which pave the route to the specifiedpurpose- To determine your location- Locate data location on the map- Launch the camera application to take a photo- Search on Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo or Yahoo (default: Google)bothering you phrases- Look at Wikipedia the phrase- Restart or turn off your phone (requires root!)- Enable or disable the silent mode on your phone- Enable or disable Wi-Fi / Bluetooth- Turn on or turn off the torch- Say the current time, date and day of the week- Say what day of the week has been / will be at a givenmoment- To learn any command you tell himAdditionally, if you turn on the appropriate item in thesettings, you can always call the assistant, saying any selectedyour return (in English, without names) or by pressing the powerbutton 3 times at intervals of up to 3 seconds. There is also thepossibility of including Polassisa by balloon. You can also set upaliases for each contact, or applications. In addition, theassistant supports Bluetooth headphones (with the exception of someJabra) and can work with desktop Tasker / Llama / Automate(details: http://polassis.pl/intenty.html).If the application you like, I will be grateful for the exposureassessment :)Any comments can be submitted at attention (monkey) polassis.pl:)The application uses the engine PocketSphinx whose license isavailable on the http://pastebin.com/4EDgPiph. Icon used by ElegantThemes under CC BY 3.0(http://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/mic_10032).The app uses PocketSphinx Which license is available athttp://pastebin.com/4EDgPiph. The Elegant Themes icon under the CCBY 3.0 license has been used(http://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/mic_10032).