1.0.5 / March 20, 2017
(4.4/5) (48)


Welcome to Oustaman :)

Because we know how hard and costly running your errands within thebusy streets and heavy traffic of our beloved city, we have beenworking hard day and night to build a great team of professionalrunners to be at your service 24/7 and starting 8.00 EGPonly.

Whether your are an individual, a big or small company, or anoffice, or a retailer, with Oustaman mobile application you canbook a professional runner "Oustaman" to run all your errands andenjoy same-hour courier and delivery service. Yes, same-hour andinstant.

Whatever you have in mind, whatever you need to do, just relax andorder your reliable Oustaman now who will endeavour to make yourlife easier.

Why To Use Oustaman?

- One Tap To Get Your Oustaman.
- Fast, Reliable, and Safe (Same-hour and Instant Courier andDelivery Service).
- Clear Fare Rates.
- Convenient Payments (cash or credit card).

How It Works?

- Set The Pickup and Final Destination and Define the Details ofYour Order.
- Request Your Oustaman.
- Oustaman Will Arrive and Start Processing Your Order.
- Track Your Order Until It Is Done.
- Get The Invoice and Rate Your Oustaman.
- And you can know the estimated fare before requestingOustaman.

* Currently the service is available in Greater Cairo only.

Don’t forget to rate us or email [email protected], we wouldlove to hear from you.

Related search keywords: ousta; ousta man; osta; usta

App Information Oustaman

Ousta Technologies Show More...

With the Ousta App for Riders you can book aride in a limo (limousine) as your private driver for any trip orride you need to take now. For anyone who is on the move, Oustaallows you a safe, convenient, trusted ride in a clean, airconditioned car to take you on ride.Ousta is now available in: Cairo, Giza, Alexandria, Hurghada,Mansoura, Tanta, El Mahalla El Kobra, Zagazig, Ismailia, Suez, andMenoufeya.Welcome to Ousta, Your Driver is Waiting.As a company, OUSTA is a trusted network of limousinedrivers/companies to help people move easier. OUSTA only relies onlicensed and professional drivers to provide users with convenient,reliable, cost effective, and safe rides.Originally Turkish for Master Craftsman and Teacher, the wordOusta or Osta is widely used in Egypt to describe truly expertdrivers, ones that arrive on time, are reliable, efficient andrespectful. An Ousta always look outs for the comfort and safety ofpassengers regardless of circumstances. In today’s world, you needto trust a real Ousta with all your transportation needs.Why you Should be hailing rides with OustaSimply, Ousta is a reliable, safe and convenient ride bookingapplication. Book your ride, track the location of your never lateOusta, and arrive safely to your destination, Period. No pricesurges, no hidden costs, no unreliable drivers, no safety concernsand no fuss. You are not riding with an amateur; you are ridingwith an Ousta.One Tap to RideThrough your smartphone’s GPS, the app detects your location andconnects you to the nearest available Ousta. Your ride starts uponpicking you, your employee/coworker or your loved one regardless ofwhether you actually know the address.Reliable and Safe PickupsYour nearest Ousta always arrives on time yet you can alwaystrack their location en route to you. Anyway, you will be notifiedthe moment your Ousta arrives. You will also be notified of YourOusta’s Name, Number and Car details so you can interact with themif you need to. We also installed a SOS button if you face anemergency and the Ousta team will respond on the spot. Want to letfriend know where you are? Just hit the ETA button and yourlocation and estimated time of arrival will be sent to anyone youwant.No Surges, EVER!We provide the lowest fare rates, PERIOD. Whenever and whereveryou are with OUSTA we will never surge fare rates unexpectedly.Convenient PaymentsOnce you or your loved one arrive to your destination, just exitthe car. Your Ousta payment is automatically processed via yourcredit card. No Tips, No Negotiations and No Fuss. Want to pay inCash? No problem! It is coming real soon.Your Standards and Your Opinion MatterYou have Standards and So Do We; You get to rate your Oustaafter every experience. Rate the overall experience and leaveadditional comments and our 24/7 support team is always there tohelp. Your Ousta will also rate his/her experience driving you,because we believe in mutual communication.Ride Options Handpicked for YouYou have several options to choose from depending on theexperience you want; Ousta Economy and Ousta Super Saver. We cancustom tailor your regularly needed rides according to yourschedule and preferences, just let us know.Ousta Economy: Regular, safety checked approved cars, driven bya masterful Ousta as usual.These cars seat only 4 People or less.Ousta Super Saver: Same awesome ride but at a more basic car,don’t worry. It is also the samesafe ride and same reliable drivers.So download Ousta for Riders now and enjoy safe convenient ridesall over Cairo. Don’t forget torate us or email [email protected], we would love to hear fromyou. Happy Riding.
OUSTA - For Our Drivers ONLY! 1.5.2 APK
أهلا بك في تطبيق أسطى للسائقين المصمم خصيصاَلشركاء أسطى من شركات الليموزين والنقل الخاص. لا يمكنك طلب توصيلةعبر هذا التطبيق حيث أنه مصمم فقط للمختصين بإستقبال طلبات التوصيل منعملاء أسطى.إذا كنت من شركاء أسطى أو من السائقين المنضمين الى أسطى برجاء تحميلهذا التطبيق وإدخال بريدك الإلكتروني وكلمة المرور التي حصلت عليها منأسطى لتتمكن من إستقبال طلبات التوصيل من الركاب فوراَ.شركة أسطى شركة مصرية خالصة 100% وهدفها الربط بين العملاء والسواقينالمحترفين بصورة محترفة وأمنة وموثوق بها طول الوقت.ليه إسم أسطى:الأسطى هو السائق المتمكن من مهنته سواء في التعامل مع السيارة والقيادة بإسلوب أمن وماهر بالاضافة الى لباقته في التعامل مع كل عميلاياَ كانت الظروف.عن التطبيق:تطبيق اسطى للسائقين مصمم للسائقين فقط. يمكن عبر التطبيق إستقبالالتوصيلات والوصول للعميل وإنهاء التوصيلة ومراجعة الأجرة والوصوللفريق الدعم الفني الخاص بتطبيق أسطى .تهتم شركة أسطى بتوفير توصيلات ورحلات بصورة موثوق بها وأمنة وموفرةنقدياَ وتصل في وقتها وبسرعة كما تهتم بعملائها وسائقيها (أسطواتها)لأقصى حد . تجربتك كشريك مع أسطى مبنية على التواصل المشترك بينالأسطى والراكب لضمان الوصول للوجهة بأفضل صورة مختلفة في تجربة ممتعةمريحة وأمنة.تعرف على ميثاق قواعد السلوك الخاص بأسطى لتوفير أفضل خدمة لكل راكبكل مرة.الأسطى دوما مهنياَ، ملتزماَ ومهذباَ: لا تقبل أسطى أي نوع من أنواعالتحرش، المضايقة أو الخشونة. نهتم بسلامة وأمان كافة الركابونحترمهم. الأسطى دوماَ مهنياَ أياَ كان الموقف.الأسطى لا يقبل أو يمارس أي نوع من أنواع العنصرية أو التمييز: لانقبل أو نمارس أي نوع من أنواع التمييز. لا نحكم على أي شخص بناء علىمظهره، معتقداته الدينية، توجهاته السياسية، نوعه، سنه أو حالتهالصحية أو البدنية أو بسبب أي تحدي يواجهه. اي من العاملين مع أسطى أوركاب أسطى معرضين للخروج من التطبيق نهائياَ إذا ثبت قيامهم بأي تمييزضد أي عميل.الأسطى ليس عدوانياَ على الإطلاق أياَ كان السبب: لا نتقبل أي نوع منأنواع قلة الإحترام، العدوانية أو إختراق الخصوصية. الأسطى الحقيقي لايعلق على مظهر الراكب أو خلفيته العرقية أو طبقته الإجتماعية بأي حالولا لأي سبب. لا يحق للإسطى اطلاق اي كلمات أو تعليقات سلباَ أوإيجاباَ عن أي شخص خلال الرحلة ولا يحق له أو لها بدء أي نقاش معالراكب إلا إذا بدء الراكب الكلام أولاَ. لا يحق للأسطى توجيه سؤالشخصي للراكب أو القيام بأي محاولة لإختراق خصوصية الراكب جسدياَ أومعنوياَ. يحترم الأسطى مساحة الراكب الشخصية دوماَ ولا يحق له التلفظأو القيام بأي فعل عدواني تجاه أي شخص بالشارع حتى وإن تم إستفزازه.لا تقبل أسطى أي نوع من أنواع العنف.الأسطى خدوماَ ولطيفاَ دوماَ: نشجع كل أسطى على أن يكون هادئا وواضحاَأثناء تعامله مع الراكب في كل وقت. تتوقع أسطى من كل السائقين والركابالإلتزام بمعاملة محترمة، هادئة ولطيفة.الأسطى يهتم بالسلامة أولاَ: نهتم بشدة بمعايير الأمن والسلامة لكل منالأسطى والراكب. مما يعني أنه على الأسطى الخروج من التطبيق أذا شعربما يهدد سلامته أو سلامة السيارة التي يقودها. اذا كنت تشعر أنالراكب يقوم بعمل مخالف للقانون أثناء وجوده في السيارة أو يعرضك أنتأو السيارة أو كل الركاب أو الأخرين للخطر، عليك بإبلاغ مركز عملياتأسطى فوراَ.تعريف الأفعال غير القانونية:إستخدام المخدرات أو تدخين مواد غير قانونيةشرب المواد الكحولية اثناء الوجود في السيارةأفعال منافية للأداب العامة وفقاَ للقانونحمل أسلحة غير قانونية غير مرخصة أو أدوات قد تستخدم كسلاحالسلامة تقتضي أيضاَ قيادة السيارة بأسلوب يتوافق مع قانون المروروالحد المسموح به للسرعة في كل مدينة وكل طريق.ننصح دوماَ بالإلتزام بحزام الأمان للأسطى والراكب.خرق أي من القواعد المذكورة أعلاه قد تؤدي الى إنهاء حساب الأسطى أوالراكب فوراَ من على تطبيق أسطى. قد نضطرالى إبلاغ الجهات المعنية قانوناَ في حالة أي فعل مخالفللقانون.الطواريءفي حالة مواجهتك لموقف يتطلب تدخل بصورة طارئة برجاء الإتصال برقمالطواريء أو الإسعاف الخاص بمدينتك أوالضغط على زر الطواريء داخل تطبيق أسطى فوراَ.Welcome to theapplication of Aste drivers specifically designed for partners Asteof limousines and private transport companies. You can not ask forconnections via this application as it is designed only for theprofessionals to receive delivery of Aste customer requests.If you Aste partners or drivers joined to Aste, please downloadthis application and enter your email address and password obtainedfrom Aste to be able to receive delivery of the passenger requestsimmediately.Aste company Egyptian company 100% pure and to communicate betweenthe client and the professional Drivers are professional, safe andreliable all the time.Les Aste name:Usta is the driver's skilled team of his career, both in the car'shandling and driving manner the security and Maher addition to thetact in dealing with each client, whatever the circumstances.For application:ASTA apply only to drivers designed for drivers. You can receivethrough the application connections and access to the customer andend your connection and a review of the fare and access to theteam's technical support application Aste.Aste company is concerned with providing connections and flightsare reliable, secure and efficient cash and up on time and asquickly as concerned with their customers and their drivers(Ostoadtha) to the fullest extent. Your experience as a partnerwith Aste based on a common communication between Usta andpassenger to ensure access to the best destination differentpicture in a comfortable and safe enjoyable experience.Learn the rules of private charter Basti behavior to provide abetter service for both passengers each time.Usta always professional, committed and polite: Aste not accept anykind of harassment, harassment or roughness. We care about thesafety and security of all passengers and respect them. Usta alwaysprofessionally whatever the situation.Usta does not accept or engage in any kind of racism ordiscrimination types: do not accept or practice any kind ofdiscrimination. Do not judge a person based on appearance,religious beliefs, political orientations, kind, age or state ofhealth or physical or due to any challenge faced. Any of theworkers or passengers with Aste Aste exposed out of the finalapplication if they proved no discrimination against anyclient.Usta is not aggressive at all for whatever reason: I do not acceptany kind of lack of respect, or aggressive penetration privacy.Real Usta does not comment on the appearance of the passenger orethnic background or social class does not in any way for anyreason. Aste is not entitled to launch any words or commentspositively or negatively about anyone during the trip is notentitled him or her to start any discussion with the passenger,unless the passenger start talking first. For Aste not entitled toissue a personal question for passengers or make any attempt topenetrate the privacy of the passenger physically or morally. Ustapassenger respects personal space always has no right to utter orperform any act of aggression toward anyone the street, even ifprovoked. Aste does not accept any kind of violence.Usta Khaddoma and always pleasant: Aste encourage all to be calmand clear during his dealings with the passenger all the time. Asteexpects all drivers and passengers obligation to treat arespectable, quiet and nice.Usta cares Safety First: strongly care about the security andsafety standards for each of Usta and passenger. Which means thatthe Usta exit the application if he felt that threaten his safetyor the safety car led. If you feel that the passenger is illegal towork while in the car or the car you or expose you or all of thepassengers or others at risk, you should inform the Aste operationscenter immediately.Definition of illegal acts:Drug use or smoking illegal substancesDrinking alcohol while in the carActs contrary to public morals and in accordance with lawCarry weapons illegally unlicensed or tools may be used as aweaponSafety also requires driving a vehicle in a manner consistent withthe traffic law and limit the speed in every city and everyroad.We are advised to always abide by seat belts for Aste andpassenger.Breach of any of the above rules may lead to termination of Ustaaccount or the passenger immediately on application Aste. We mayhaveTo inform the concerned authorities in the case of a law any actcontrary to the law.EmergenciesIn case you experience the position requires the intervention of anemergency, please contact the emergency number for your city orprivate ambulance orPressure on the emergency button inside the application Asteimmediately.
Oustaman 1.0.5 APK
Welcome to Oustaman :)Because we know how hard and costly running your errands within thebusy streets and heavy traffic of our beloved city, we have beenworking hard day and night to build a great team of professionalrunners to be at your service 24/7 and starting 8.00 EGPonly.Whether your are an individual, a big or small company, or anoffice, or a retailer, with Oustaman mobile application you canbook a professional runner "Oustaman" to run all your errands andenjoy same-hour courier and delivery service. Yes, same-hour andinstant.Whatever you have in mind, whatever you need to do, just relax andorder your reliable Oustaman now who will endeavour to make yourlife easier.Why To Use Oustaman?- One Tap To Get Your Oustaman.- Fast, Reliable, and Safe (Same-hour and Instant Courier andDelivery Service).- Clear Fare Rates.- Convenient Payments (cash or credit card).How It Works?- Set The Pickup and Final Destination and Define the Details ofYour Order.- Request Your Oustaman.- Oustaman Will Arrive and Start Processing Your Order.- Track Your Order Until It Is Done.- Get The Invoice and Rate Your Oustaman.- And you can know the estimated fare before requestingOustaman.* Currently the service is available in Greater Cairo only.Don’t forget to rate us or email [email protected], we wouldlove to hear from you.Related search keywords: ousta; ousta man; osta; usta