1.1.0 / Mar 22, 2018
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Multi-channel OneContactCC app.

App Information OneContactCC

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  • Updated
    Mar 22, 2018
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    Android 4.3
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OneContactCC 1.1.0 APK
Multi-channel OneContactCC app.
mcel individual 2.0.0(35) APK
É uma aplicação através do qual oclientepoderá efectuar e receber chamadas VoIP estando ligado a umaredeWi-fi ou a uma rede de dados em qualquer parte do mundo eestarsujeito a tarifas locais.Como aceder?A solução traduz-se numa aplicação disponível apenasparaequipamentos com sistema operativo Android (cuja versãosejasuperior a 2.4) e IOS (com a versão mínima de 7.1).Para aceder aos benefícios da aplicação, o cliente terá de baixaraaplicação para o seu telemóvel e, com as credenciaisprovidenciadaspela mcel, fazer o login.Este login só pode se efectivar estando ligado a internet(redeWi-fi ou rede de dados móveis 3G)Como funciona?Com a aplicação instalada e com o login feito, o cliente temacessoa sua lista telefónica, podendo efectuar e receber chamadasaqualquer momento e em qualquer canto do mundo.Estas chamadas terão o mesmo tratamento (sujeitas a umúnicotarifário) independentemente da localização do cliente. Istoé,estando ou não dentro do país, ao efectuar uma chamada, oclienteserá sujeito mesmo tarifário, desde que esteja ligado aredeWi-fi.Facto é que esta aplicação só funciona com acesso a uma redededados (sendo sujeito ao tarifário de dados do pacote da linhamãe)ou a uma rede Wi-fi, tendo que fazer sempre o Logindaaplicação.Notas de realce:• A aplicação será providenciada como serviço adicional, integradaaum determinado número GSM com um vínculo contratual comamcel;• O número GSM, que terá a aplicação como serviço adicional,seráresponsável pelo pagamento do tráfego gerado pelo usuáriodaaplicação de acordo com o tarifário em vigor;• Será emitida uma licença e providenciado credenciais aoclienteque lhe permitirão aceder e usufruir dos benefícios dopacote• A emissão desta licença implicará a alocação de um númerovirtual(o número único) que servirá como número de identificaçãodocliente, sempre que este usar a aplicação para efectuarachamada;• Por outro lado, o cliente pode solicitar que o receptordaschamadas visualize o seu numero GSM, neste caso, apesar daalocaçãode um número virtual, será configurado o número GSM como onúmerode saída da aplicação;• Sempre que achar conveniente, o cliente pode fazeroreencaminhamento das chamadas do número GSM para o seu númerodaaplicação. Esta situação poderá ser mais exequível quando oclienteestiver em roaming, como forma de evitar os custos com arecepçãode chamadas em roaming.It is anapplicationthrough which customers can make and receive VoIP callswhileconnected to a Wi-Fi or a data network anywhere in the worldand besubject to local rates.How to access?The solution translates to an application available only todeviceswith Android operating system (whose version is greater than2.4)and IOS (with minimum version 7.1).To access the application benefits, the client will have todownloadthe application to your phone and, with the credentialsprovided bymcel, login.This login can only take effect being connected to theInternet(Wi-fi or 3G mobile data network) How it works?With installed and the login done application, the customerhasaccess to your phone book and can make and receive calls atanytime and anywhere in the world.These calls have the same treatment (subject to a singletariff)regardless of customer location. That is, whether or notwithin thecountry, making a call, you will be subject to the sametariff,provided you are connected to Wi-Fi.Fact is that this application only works with access to adatanetwork (being subject to the rate of mother line of packetdata)or to a Wi-fi, always having to make the applicationLogin.Highlight notes:• The application will be provided as an additionalservice,integrated to a particular GSM number with acontractualrelationship with mcel;• The GSM number, which will be applied as an additionalservice,will be liable to pay the traffic generated by theapplicationserver according to the tariff in force;• will be issued a license and credentials provided to theclientthat will allow you to access and enjoy the benefitspackage• The issuance of this license will lead to the allocation ofavirtual number (the unique number) that will serve ascustomeridentification number whenever this use the application tomake thecall;• On the other hand, the client can request that the recipientofcalls visualize your GSM number, in this case, despitetheallocation of a virtual number, you will set the GSM number asthenumber of application output;• Where appropriate finding, the customer can forward the GSMnumberof calls to your application number. This may be morefeasible whenthe customer is roaming, in order to avoid the costsof receivingcalls while roaming.
NTalk 2.0.0(35) APK
NTalk is a Fixed Mobile convergentcommunications service for enterprises. Using an Android a companycan give their employees an application to take their fixed lineeverywhere they go, always being in touch and optimizingcommunications costs.- Presence Status- NTalk and Phone Contacts Integration- Voip Softphone- Transfer- Recent callsThe service is fully hosted in the cloud, thus not requiring anyinfra-structure or installation. Just grab your Android and startusing it. You’ll be able to setup a professional communicationssystem for your company in less than 1 hour!
OneContactGamification 1.0 APK
«Gamification is a tool to designbehaviors,develop skills and enable innovation. Combined withothertechnologies and trends, gamification can causemajordiscontinuities in innovation, employee performancemanagement,education, personal development and customerengagement.»Brian Burke, GartnerGamification uses game mechanics and game design techniquestocreate a game like experience during the work period. Themainpurpose is to make work more appealing, motivating and funwhilestill trying to meet company goals.How does it make sense in a contact center?Contact centers have one of the highest staff rotation rates intheindustry and also one of the lowest age averages. Hence,creating amechanism that motivates and promotes employee loyaltymakesperfect sense. Three key vectors:1) Structuring and ad-hoc world:Many contact centers already offer awards and prizes, but mostoftenin a manual way. By creating fully structured leaderboards,quests,challenges and achievements, you will bring coherence andefficiencyto this process.2) Managing the agent lifecycle:Agents often don’t understand their career potential. Byprovidingthem with a clear roadmap of evolution(trainee-junior-senior),where experience points can be used forentering internal promotioncontests, it all contributes to a betterand clearer agentlifecycle.3) Integrating technologies in a perfectly optimizedworkforceecosystem:A true workforce optimization process means creating asymphonybetween Quality Monitoring, Workforce Management,E-Learning andother technologies available from Collab.The gamification engine offers the perfect flow,continuouslyfeeding on the KPIs and data provided by the differentcomponentsin a contact center ecosystem.Collab Gamification engine has three different types ofgames:Quests: Quests set up goals that must be overcome to achieveareward, this type can be completed by everyone that hasacceptedthe quest, and there is no competition involved.Challenges: Challenges are competitions where everyone must trytoachieve the same goal faster or better than everyoneelse.Challenges will only reward top finishers.Achievements: This type will highlight feats and milestones,thesemay require some sort of expertise or just by doing somethingfor acertain amount of time.Ultimately, gamification adds up a new element to work placesandcan be used to motivate workers to complete tasks by makingthemmore fun and appealing.● Challenges will create competition increasingworkersperformance.● Teamwork will often become the main tool to reach goals leadingtoworkers help each other more.● It can also be used as a Learning Tool to set a path ofsmallgoals for trainees to follow, learning about theirtasks.Collab Gamification Engine is a cloud based service that canbedeployed in any contact center environment, either alreadyusingour technology or any other 3rd party call centersystem(integrations may be required).So, are you part of the game or will you be a spectator allyourlife?
OneContactPBX 3.3.2 APK
OneContactPBX, a fixed mobile convergent communications service
Podrška 1.0.1 APK
Application enables users of BH Telecomservices to contact the support team of BH Telecom using GSM phonecalls, emails or video calls.
mcel phone 2.0.0(35) APK
mcel is a Fixed Mobileconvergentcommunications service for enterprises. Using an Androida companycan give their employees an application to take theirfixed lineeverywhere they go, always being in touch andoptimizingcommunications costs.- Presence Status- mcel and Phone Contacts Integration- Voip Softphone- Recent callsThe service is fully hosted in the cloud, thus not requiringanyinfra-structure or installation. Just grab your Android andstartusing it. You’ll be able to setup a professionalcommunicationssystem for your company in less than 1 hour!mcel is a FixedMobileconvergent communications service for enterprises. Using anAndroidin Their company can give employees an application to takeTheirfixed line They go everywhere, always being in touch andoptimizingcommunications costs.- Presence Status- Mcel Integration and Phone Contacts- VoIP Softphone- Recent callsThe service is fully hosted in the cloud, not Requiring Thusanyinfra-structure or installation. Just grab your Android andstartusing it. You'll be able to set up a professionalcommunicationssystem for your company in less than 1 hour!
Whirlpool Phone 3.3.3 APK
The OneContactPBX customized for Whirlpool