0.2 / July 3, 2015
(4.0/5) ()


This educational App is a concentrate of 25years experience helping our industrial clients improve theirMaintenance Performance and create value through their Maintenance:

- Appraise 37 maintenance best practices with more than 500appraisal criteria's.

- Identify the best practices to strengthen in order to createmore value with your maintenance.

- Learn how to achieve it with more than 300 pages of practicaldocumentation (complete description of the main maintenanceprocesses, examples of key documents, detailed explanations of eachbest practice, examples of maintenance organizations...).

- Share this knowledge with your teams in order to fine tune yourmaintenance improvement program.

These practices and these materials come from over 20 years ofexperience of the author, Renaud Cuignet, in operational andfinancial performance improvement of maintenance activities.

Renaud Cuignet, Director of RC Management, has indeed carriedout many maintenance consulting and training missions in manysectors (Chemical, oil & gas, food, pharmaceutical, cement,metallurgy, iron and steel, FMCG, nuclear, electrical, aerospace,Maritime Transport…), and in more than 30 European, African,American and Asian countries.

App Information Maintenance Management GB USA

  • App Name
    Maintenance Management GB USA
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    July 3, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    RC Management
  • Installs
    1 - 5
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    14, allée des Noisetiers Résidence Les Tilleuls 64600 Anglet France
  • Google Play Link

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Maintenance Management 0.1 APK
RC Management
Cette Application « Maintenance Management »est l’outil indispensable pour toute personne travaillant dans lamaintenance industrielle ou tertiaire.Elle permet de comprendre les Bonnes Pratiques à cultiver pourune maintenance efficace et créatrice de valeur, et elle permet defaire l’auto-évaluation de sa Maintenance.37 bonnes pratiques et plus de 500 critères d’évaluation :- Choisissez les bonnes pratiques à évaluer.- Visualisez les résultats et priorisez ainsi vos actions deprogrès.- Comprenez et appliquez dans votre entreprise les critères desuccès des bonnes pratiques.Apprenez, lisez et partagez. Plus de 300 pages d’informationpratique :- Comprendre les leviers de création de valeur enMaintenance.- Comprendre les différents modèles d’organisation ainsi que lesrôles et responsabilités à maîtriser.- La cartographie type des principaux processus deMaintenance.- Des informations détaillées sur chaque bonne pratique.Ces bonnes pratiques et ces supports pédagogiques proviennent deplus de 20 ans d’expérience de l’auteur, Renaud Cuignet, dansl’amélioration des performances opérationnelles et financièresd’activités de maintenance.Renaud Cuignet, Directeur de RC Management, a en effet réaliséde très nombreuses missions de conseil et de formation, pour desIndustriels et pour des Entreprises de Maintenance, dans de trèsnombreux secteurs (Chimie, Pétrole & Gaz, Alimentaire,Pharmaceutique, Ciment, Métallurgie, Sidérurgie, FMCG, Nucléaire,Réseaux Electriques, Aéronautique, Transport Maritime…), et dansplus de 30 pays européens, africains, américains et asiatiquesThis Application"Maintenance Management" is the essential tool for anyone workingin the industrial and service maintenance.It helps to understand the Good Practices to cultivate forefficient and creative service value, and it allows forself-assessment of its maintenance.37 good practices and over 500 evaluation criteria:- Choose good practice to evaluate.- See the results and prioritize your actions and progress.- Understand and apply in your business success criteria of goodpractice.Learn, read and share. Over 300 pages of practicalinformation:- Understand the value creation levers Maintenance.- Understand the different organizational models, roles andresponsibilities to master.- Mapping kind of major maintenance process.- Detailed information on each good practice.These good practices and educational materials from more than 20years of experience of the author, Renaud Cuignet in improvedoperational and financial performance of maintenanceactivities.Cuignet Renaud, Director of RC Management, has indeed madenumerous consulting and training for industrial maintenance and forcompanies in many sectors (Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Food,Pharmaceutical, Cement, metallurgy, steel industry, FMCG, Nuclear,Electric Systems, Aerospace, Maritime Transport ...), and in morethan 30 European, African, American and Asian
Maintenance Management GB USA 0.2 APK
RC Management
This educational App is a concentrate of 25years experience helping our industrial clients improve theirMaintenance Performance and create value through their Maintenance:

- Appraise 37 maintenance best practices with more than 500appraisal criteria's.
- Identify the best practices to strengthen in order to createmore value with your maintenance.
- Learn how to achieve it with more than 300 pages of practicaldocumentation (complete description of the main maintenanceprocesses, examples of key documents, detailed explanations of eachbest practice, examples of maintenance organizations...).
- Share this knowledge with your teams in order to fine tune yourmaintenance improvement program.These practices and these materials come from over 20 years ofexperience of the author, Renaud Cuignet, in operational andfinancial performance improvement of maintenance activities.Renaud Cuignet, Director of RC Management, has indeed carriedout many maintenance consulting and training missions in manysectors (Chemical, oil & gas, food, pharmaceutical, cement,metallurgy, iron and steel, FMCG, nuclear, electrical, aerospace,Maritime Transport…), and in more than 30 European, African,American and Asian countries.
Mantenimiento Management 0.1 APK
RC Management
Esta aplicación « Mantenimiento Management »es una herramienta educativa indispensable para todo aquel quetrabaje en el ámbito del mantenimiento industrial o en el sectorterciario. Permite entender las Buenas Prácticas para desarrollarun mantenimiento eficaz y creador de valor, y hacer unaautoevaluación de sus prácticas en el campo delmantenimiento:- 37 buenas prácticas.- Más de 500 criterios de evaluación.Una guía de Buenas Prácticas que actualiza las versionesanteriores de 2002 y 2007.La App dispone, igualmente, en modo lectura de:- Presentaciones pedagógicas que permiten entender las bases de lagestión del mantenimiento (papel del mantenimiento en la creaciónde valor para la empresa, la importancia de las distintas buenasprácticas, los distintos tipos de mantenimiento…).- Descripción completa de los principales procesos de mantenimiento(realización de intervenciones, fiabilización, gestión de lasparadas programadas, tratamiento de los materialesreparables…).- Ejemplos de documentos básicos (programación semanal y diaria,informes de intervención, matrices de competencias, documentos deanálisis de averías…).Estas buenas prácticas y los soportes pedagógicos quepresentamos recopilan los más de 20 años de experiencia en el campode la optimización operativa y financiera de las actividades demantenimiento de su autor el señor Renaud Cuignet.Renaud Cuignet, director de RC Management, ha realizadonumerosas intervenciones de asesoramiento y formación en el mundode la industria y en empresas de mantenimiento, en sectores tanvariados como el sector químico, petrolífero & gas,alimentación, farmacéutico, cementeras, metalurgia, siderurgia,FMCG, nuclear, redes eléctricas, aeronáutica, transporte marítimo…y en más de 30 países, europeos, africanos, americanos yasiáticos.This "MaintenanceManagement" is an indispensable application for anyone working inthe field of industrial maintenance or tertiary educational tool.It lets understand the Good Practices to develop effectivemaintenance and value creation, and do a self-evaluation of itspractices in the field of maintenance:- 37 best practices.- More than 500 evaluation criteria.A Guide to Good Practice updates the earlier 2002 and2007.The App has likewise reading mode:- Educational Presentations for understanding the basics ofmaintenance management (maintenance role in creating value for thecompany, the importance of the various good practices, the types ofmaintenance ...).- Full description of the main maintenance processes(implementation of interventions, fiabilización management,scheduled shutdowns, treatment of repairable materials ...).- Examples of basic documents (weekly and daily schedule reportsintervention skills matrices, fault analysis documents ...).These good practices and teaching aids presented collect morethan 20 years experience in the field of operational and financialoptimization of maintenance activities of its author Mr. RenaudCuignet.Cuignet Renaud, director of RC Management, has made numerousinterventions of advice and training in the world of industry andmaintenance companies, in sectors as varied as the chemical, oil& gas, food, pharmaceutical, cement, metallurgy, steel , FMCG,nuclear, power grids, aviation, shipping ... and in more than 30countries, Europeans, Africans, Americans and Asians.
Mentenanța Management 0.1 APK
RC Management
Această aplicație " Mentenanţa Management "este un instrument educațional esențial pentru orice persoană carelucrează în mentenanţa industrială și în servicii. Ea permite să seînțeleagă Bunele Practici ce trebuie cultivate pentru o mentenanţăeficientă și creatoare de valoare și să se facă auto-evaluareaMentenanţei:- 37 de bune practici,- Peste 500 de criterii de evaluare.Un ghid al Bunelor Practici complet actualizat faţă deversiunile anterioare din 2002 şi din 2007.Aplicaţia conţine de asemenea, în mod citire:- Prezentări pedagogice care permit formarea în domeniulFundamentelor Managementului Mentenanţei (rolul mentenanţei înCrearea de Valoare pentru întreprindere, importanţa diferitelorbune practici, diferitele tipuri de organizare a mentenanţeietc.).- Descrierea completă a principalelor procese de mentenanţă(realizarea intervenţiilor, fiabilizare, gestionarea opririlorprogramate, prelucrarea materialelor reparabile etc.).- Exemple de documente cheie (planificarea săptămânală şi zilnică,raport de intervenţie, matricea competenţelor, scheme logice aleanalizei penelor etc.).Aceste bune practici şi aceste suporturi pedagogice provin dinpeste 20 de ani de experienţă a autorului, Renaud Cuignet, înameliorarea performanţelor operaţionale şi financiare aleactivităţilor de mentenanţă.Într-adevăr, Renaud Cuignet, Director al RC Management, a realizatfoarte multe misiuni de consultanţă şi de formare, pentruîntreprinderi industriale şi de mentenanţă, în numeroase sectoare(chimie, petrol şi gaze, alimentar, farmaceutic, ciment,metalurgie, siderurgie, bunuri de consum cu mișcare rapidă (FMCG),nuclear, reţele electrice, aeronautică, transport maritim etc.) şiîn peste 30 de ţări din Europa, Africa, America şi Asia.This application"Maintenance Management" is an essential educational tool foranyone working in industrial maintenance and services. It enablesunderstanding of best practices that should be improved foreffective maintenance and create value and make self-evaluationMaintenance:- 37 best practices,- Over 500 evaluation criteria.A Guide to Best Practices completely updated from previousversions 2002 and 2007.The application also contains the reading:- Presentations pedagogical allowing Fundamentals training inmaintenance management (maintenance role in creating value for theenterprise, the importance of various best practices, organizingvarious types of maintenance, etc.).- Full description of the main maintenance processes (makingspeeches, more reliable, management scheduled stoppages, repairablematerials processing etc.).- Examples of key documents (weekly and daily planning,intervention report, matrix skills, logical analysis schemefeathers etc.).These practices include such pedagogical come from over 20 yearsof experience of the author, Renaud Cuignet in improvingoperational and financial performance of maintenanceactivities.Indeed, Cuignet Renaud, Director of RC Management, has achieved alot advisory missions and training, industrial and maintenance inmany sectors (chemicals, oil and gas, food, pharmaceutical, cement,metallurgy, steel, Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), nuclear,power grids, aviation, shipping etc.) and in over 30 countries inEurope, Africa, America and Asia.