5.1.4 / March 30, 2016
(4.7/5) ()


MagiiGo多元商店 正式上線!

MagiiGo 團隊

2015年7月創立Magii Q髮飾飾品品牌,

貼心功能 :
商店直接加入購物車,簡單又方便 。
輕鬆簡易的結賬方式,讓您更快收到商品 。
加入會員超方便-臉書帳號即可輕鬆加入會員 。
不定期推出優惠折扣,歡迎大家光臨選購 。

App Information MagiiGo

  • App Name
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  • Updated
    March 30, 2016
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  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0 and up
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  • Installs
    5 - 10
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  • Google Play Link

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速購網-全館免運特賣 5.1.9 APK
D2惡魔蛋糕 5.1.4 APK
一個從網路爆紅,許多媒體藝人都強力推薦的巧克力 甜點品牌。成立至今,已全面從『D2 惡魔蛋糕』轉型成為『D2 惡魔可可法式烘培』,所推出的產品更多且更廣了。但你一定很好奇,為什麼要叫 D2 呢? D2 就是 DEVIL-惡魔;DESSERT-甜點的意思,意思是連惡魔都愛不釋手的甜點,創辦人塗建為認為:惡魔就是要教人輕鬆 的享樂。D2 惡魔的背後,是一個努力掙扎的年輕人白手起家的 故事...當時雷曼兄弟宣布破產,全世界正值金融風暴,台灣經濟盪到谷底,每天新聞都圍繞無薪假打轉,社 會大眾一邊感受到生活艱難的壓力,一邊又必須咬緊牙關過下去,在壓力這麼大的氣氛下,創辦人塗建為 卻發現民眾消費巧克力的需求卻大增,原來巧克力是 可以讓人舒解又感到快樂的最佳甜點。抱著這樣的想法,創辦人塗建為開始著手研發起巧克 力蛋糕,雖然外界所販售的巧克力蛋糕動輒七、八百元,但創辦人本著要好吃又經濟實惠的蛋糕與大眾分 享,在這樣的條件下,終於,D2 惡魔蛋糕誕生了,伴著台灣跨過民國百年,陪著你度過人生許多歡樂的時 光,這就是 D2 惡魔蛋糕。An explosion of red fromthe Internet, many media artists are highly recommended chocolatedessert brand.Since its establishment, has been fully from "D2 devil cake"transformed into "devil D2 French baking cocoa," the launch of theproduct more and wider.But you must be very curious as to why it should be called D2 D2 isDEVIL- devil; DESSERT- dessert meaning, meaning that even the devilcan love dessert, founder Tu built for that:? The devil is to teachpeople relaxing pleasure.D2 behind devil, is a struggling young self-made story ... thenLehman Brothers declared bankruptcy when the financial turmoilaround the world, Taiwan's economic swing to the bottom, the dailynews all around unpaid leave spin, while the community feel thepressure of life is hard, while they have to bite the bullet and goon, under the pressure of such a great atmosphere, founder Tu builtfor public consumption but found that chocolate has greatlyincreased demand, the original chocolate can relieve people alsofeel Happy best dessert.With this in mind, the founder built for coat started to developfrom the chocolate cake, although outside the chocolate cakefrequently sold seven or eight hundred dollars, but the founder ofthe spirit to be good and affordable cake to share with the public,Under such conditions, finally, D2 devil cake was born, accompaniedby Taiwan, Republic of China across the centuries, through lifewith you many happy moments, this is the devil D2 cake.
LoveLady 5.1.4 APK
@洗滌小叮嚀1.以手洗為理想-採用進口高級LACE,洗滌時務必用手清洗不可過於拉扯或使用刷子,避免背鈎或是其他金屬飾品勾到,破壞紗線的組織。2.深淺色衣物請分開清洗-染料大多易在水中溶化,貼身衣物化學染劑不可太重,故深色內衣下水會褪一些色是正常的,提醒您深色及淺色衣物要分開洗,以免沾染。3.以常溫水清洗(水溫不超過30℃) 4.中性洗劑清洗-洗滌劑需先溶於水中後,再將貼身衣物浸泡約2-3分鐘馬上洗起來,洗滌劑須完全沖洗乾淨。5.勿使用漂白劑-以免材質變壞、脆化,絕對不能使用漂白劑。6.勿使用烘乾機-以免溫度過高導致變黃及失去彈性。7.以倒吊方式晾乾-先將罩杯妥善整形,再以夾子固定內衣兩側罩杯鋼絲與軟塑膠片中間軟布的位置;若內衣附有活動襯墊的話,需另外取出洗淨晾乾。@收納小叮嚀1.完全晾乾才可收納-以免發霉、變黃。2.勿摺疊互壓-將內衣罩杯對罩杯重疊攤放置,讓它保有原來的形狀;並且最好能塞進襯墊,以防止變形(蕾絲內衣)。3.有系統的收納方式-可用格式收納盒,整齊歸類的收納內衣褲。4.可放置除濕劑、芳香乾燥劑-使內衣褲保持乾燥及淡淡的香味,讓你在穿著時有好心情。@﹝換貨需知﹞. 本專櫃為實體銷售通路與網購或電視購物定義不同,《 消保法第十九條》.七天猶豫期並不適用於實體銷售通路.消費後若商品無瑕疵,恕不接受無條件退貨.基於保護消費者的個人衛生,貼身衣物僅受理全新狀態(吊牌未拆、未穿著、未洗滌過未沾染香水與其他異味)之換貨處理(換貨以一次為限) .若欲辦理換貨,請於購買後7日內,攜帶購買發票或憑證至原購買專櫃辦 理。@ Wash smallcaution1. Hand wash ideal - imported advanced LACE, be sure to wash byhandwashing can not be too pull or use a brush to avoid back orothermetal jewelry hook to hook, yarn tissue damage. 2. The depthofcolor clothes please wash separately - dye most easily dissolvedinwater, underwear chemical agent can not be too heavy, so thedarkunderwear will be launching a number of faded color is normal,alertyou to a dark and light-colored clothing to bewashedseparately,In order to avoid contamination. 3. wash with water atroomtemperature (temperature does not exceed 30 ℃) 4. neutraldetergentcleaning - must first be dissolved in water after thedetergent,underwear and then soak for about 2-3 minutes to washupimmediately, detergent must fully wash clean. 5. Do not usebleach- in order to avoid deterioration of the material,embrittlement,must not use bleach. 6. Do not use the dryer - inorder to avoidoverheating and yellowing and loss of elasticity. 7.In dry upsidedown manner - first proper plastic cup, then to anintermediateposition clamps on both sides of the cup underwear wireand softplastic sheet soft cloth; underwear with activities inliner if so,remove the extra dry cleaned .@ Accommodating small caution1. dry completely before storing - in order to avoid mildew,yellow.2. Do not fold each pressure - underwear cup for cupoverlappingshare placement, it retains its original shape; andpreferably intothe liner to prevent distortion (lace underwear).3. There housed ina systematic way - available formats storagebox, underwear housedwithin neatly categorized. 4. Place desiccantaromatic desiccant -make underwear to keep dry and faint scent,let you in a good moodwhen you wear.@ ﹝ ﹞ replacement KnowThe counter for the physical sales channel and online shoppingordefine different TV shopping, "Consumer Protection LawArticleXIX." Seven days cooling off period does not apply tophysicalsales channels. If post-consumer commodity flawless, doesnotaccept the unconditional return. Based Gerenweishengconsumerprotection, personal clothing only accept a new state (tagnotopened, not worn, not washed perfume and other odorsnotcontaminated) the replacement process (replacement onceonly).Ruoyu for replacement, please within 7 days of purchase,purchaseinvoice or voucher to carry the original purchasecountersapply.
摩影購物旗艦商城 5.1.4 APK
喜愛摩影MOIN品牌的朋友們有福了!MOIN摩影商城APP已經正式上架,不論是摩影行車記錄器, 胎壓偵測器, 行動電源等…各項多媒體產品應有盡有,優惠多多!快來下載摩影商城APP,並成為會員,可以享受比網路上更多的優惠折扣喔!Favorite Movies MOINbrand friction friends blessed!MOIN Mount shadow Mall APP has officially shelves,Whether Mount Movies tachograph, tire pressure detectors, powersupply and other operations ...The multimedia products that range, a lot of concessions!Come and download Mount shadow Mall APP, and become a member,You can enjoy the Internet more than discounts Oh!
希曼商城 5.1.4 APK
綠生活福利社 5.1.4 APK
品牌故事網路購物的風潮,讓人們輕鬆享受線上購物帶來的便利性,於是乎,我們創造出專屬於「妳」的綠生活福利社。綠生活福利社品牌於2013年在網購平台中誕生了,我們不斷的調查與訪問,貼近最前端的消費者需求,以輕熟女的渴望來找尋生活的溫暖,誰說我在家裡就不可以當公主,因為,綠生活,妳~也可以對夢想有所期待與享受。野餐時,拿出自己親手做的三明治袋與家人、親朋好友分享。吃飯時,隨時攜帶環保玉米筷,哪裡都是自己的家。休息時,泡一杯咖啡,選一本好書,點上自己的香氛大豆蠟燭。綠生活福利社| 讓妳 擁抱家的溫度產品特色綠生活福利社的品牌商品涵蓋世界各地、台灣製造MIT的居家生活週邊小物,我們秉持以「生活環保」為首要的服務理念,讓妳擁有更安全的購物享受,,也為我們共同生活的「地球」盡一份心力。我們疼愛妳, 就像妳對待自己一樣溫馨,提供妳最溫暖的呵護。
搖滾牛 5.1.4 APK
九九克拉商城 5.1.4 APK
產品特色:1.商品具備詳細規格說明2.提供推薦商品介紹影片3.專業客服讓您隨時諮詢4.開賣期間商品免運費!九九克拉商城讓您隨時隨地想買就買!Product Features:1. Product with detailed specifications2. Provide recommended product introduction video3. Professional customer service keeps you consult4. During the goods on sale with free shipping!Ninety-nine kt mall allows you to want only buy anywhere!