3 / July 29, 2013
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Download FREE for a limited time.

GuardNet is TOTALLY FREE to use.

In the event of accident, crisis or danger, send anemergencyhelp alert to a network of people you trust through thesmart,responsive new GuardNet app – and at the same time be onconstantstandby to help the people you care about if they ever needyourhelp.

This ground-breaking new app will alert all thenominatedguardians in a user-created personal safety network with asinglepress of a button, sending an SOS message to all theuser’sguardians and broadcasting the emergency location, whiletrackingthe user’s position if they are moving.

Get peace of mind for the people you care about, knowingthatthey can “panic button” you at any time they need to and letyouknow exactly where they are. And, while any situation isactive,you and your guardians are all able see who is responding totheemergency, monitor the progress of the response and messagethenetwork with updates as events develop.

It’s the app we hope you don’t have to use – but one day itcouldjust bring real emergency help to you, or someone you careabout,when it is needed most.


GuardNet is committed to establishing the most trusted,reliablesocial safety network in the world. We’ve costed the app atthelowest price we can whilst enabling us to develop the serviceandkeep it updated for your future safety. So we’ve made theappavailable for FREE.

There are times when you might just need help. Situations whenaphone call won’t work: the person doesn’t pick up, you might notbeable to talk, you might be disorientated or injured – perhapsyouhave been badly affected by alcohol, or perhaps you simplydon'tknow your location. Emergency situations areunexpected,unpredictable and often happen in strange circumstances.The worstare life-threatening.

This is where the GuardNet app could, literally, be alife-saver.It creates networks of people who care about each otherand givesthem a way to look out for each other.

Download the app, sign in, and nominate as manypersonalguardians as you like. The app will send a request toyournominated guardians, telling them that you would like to addthemto your personal social safety network.

Your nominated guardians accept your invitation and arethenadded to your network. Then, all the while their phonesareswitched on, your guardians will be on standby to help if youeverpress the GuardNet alert button on your phone. And you’ll beonstandby to help them if they need you too.

Any time you do activate the alert button, the app sendsanemergency message to all of the guardians in your network,tellingthem that you are in need of immediate help.

Once they respond, your guardians will be able to seeyourcurrent location, and can choose to attend. All guardians inthenetwork will be able to see who is attending the situation(likelywhoever is closest) and, once attending, the guardian’slocationalso becomes live and visible on the map.

Your number one priority is the safety of people you careabout.And their priority is your safety. Download the GuardNet appnow,and help to ensure peace of mind for everyone.

The GuardNet app does not replace a call to the police, fireorambulance services, and we would highly recommend alertingtheemergency services as a first resort when appropriate.

* Great news! *
Your GuardNet app also works abroad when you have roamingswitchedon. Perfect for staying safe when traveling and onholiday.

“It gives me great peace of mind to know that my wife anddaughterscan alert me any time they are in danger and let me knowwhere theyare.”

“We once got separated from a friend on a hen night in acitywe’d not been to before. Having an app like this on ourphoneswould have been perfect".

App Information GuardNet

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GuardNet - Client 1.2 APK
GuardNet is a personal safety service built tohelp people in life-threatening situations.In the event of accident, crisis or danger, simply open theGuardNet Client* and press the panic button. Instantly, it willsend an emergency alert to the GuardNet control center.Immediately, all available GuardNet Guards in your region willbe notified that you’re in danger and will respond to youralert.Also, a GuardNet Operator will respond to your alert and guideyou and your guard(s) through the crisis.The operators are your eye in the sky – monitoring your locationand the progress of your situation, while providing updates andlife-saving instructions as events develop.During the situation you can send messages and explain yourcircumstances providing the Guards and the Operator with a clearerview of your predicament.The GuardNet Client is the app we hope you never have to use butcould one day save your life!*The GuardNet Client does not replace a call to the police, firedept. or ambulance services, and we highly recommend alerting thoseemergency services as a first resort.
GuardNet 3 APK
Download FREE for a limited time.GuardNet is TOTALLY FREE to use.In the event of accident, crisis or danger, send anemergencyhelp alert to a network of people you trust through thesmart,responsive new GuardNet app – and at the same time be onconstantstandby to help the people you care about if they ever needyourhelp.This ground-breaking new app will alert all thenominatedguardians in a user-created personal safety network with asinglepress of a button, sending an SOS message to all theuser’sguardians and broadcasting the emergency location, whiletrackingthe user’s position if they are moving.Get peace of mind for the people you care about, knowingthatthey can “panic button” you at any time they need to and letyouknow exactly where they are. And, while any situation isactive,you and your guardians are all able see who is responding totheemergency, monitor the progress of the response and messagethenetwork with updates as events develop.It’s the app we hope you don’t have to use – but one day itcouldjust bring real emergency help to you, or someone you careabout,when it is needed most.---------------GuardNet is committed to establishing the most trusted,reliablesocial safety network in the world. We’ve costed the app atthelowest price we can whilst enabling us to develop the serviceandkeep it updated for your future safety. So we’ve made theappavailable for FREE.There are times when you might just need help. Situations whenaphone call won’t work: the person doesn’t pick up, you might notbeable to talk, you might be disorientated or injured – perhapsyouhave been badly affected by alcohol, or perhaps you simplydon'tknow your location. Emergency situations areunexpected,unpredictable and often happen in strange circumstances.The worstare life-threatening.This is where the GuardNet app could, literally, be alife-saver.It creates networks of people who care about each otherand givesthem a way to look out for each other.Download the app, sign in, and nominate as manypersonalguardians as you like. The app will send a request toyournominated guardians, telling them that you would like to addthemto your personal social safety network.Your nominated guardians accept your invitation and arethenadded to your network. Then, all the while their phonesareswitched on, your guardians will be on standby to help if youeverpress the GuardNet alert button on your phone. And you’ll beonstandby to help them if they need you too.Any time you do activate the alert button, the app sendsanemergency message to all of the guardians in your network,tellingthem that you are in need of immediate help.Once they respond, your guardians will be able to seeyourcurrent location, and can choose to attend. All guardians inthenetwork will be able to see who is attending the situation(likelywhoever is closest) and, once attending, the guardian’slocationalso becomes live and visible on the map.Your number one priority is the safety of people you careabout.And their priority is your safety. Download the GuardNet appnow,and help to ensure peace of mind for everyone.The GuardNet app does not replace a call to the police, fireorambulance services, and we would highly recommend alertingtheemergency services as a first resort when appropriate.* Great news! *Your GuardNet app also works abroad when you have roamingswitchedon. Perfect for staying safe when traveling and onholiday.Feedback:“It gives me great peace of mind to know that my wife anddaughterscan alert me any time they are in danger and let me knowwhere theyare.”“We once got separated from a friend on a hen night in acitywe’d not been to before. Having an app like this on ourphoneswould have been perfect".
GuardNet Urbanización Cerrada 1.2 APK
En caso de accidente, crisis o peligro, envíauna alerta de emergencia, ayuda; usando GuardNet.Este nuevo e innovador servicio alertará a los guardias pormedio de la pulsación de un botón. El cual enviará un mensaje deemergencia que mostrará la localización exacta de la persona queoprimió el botón.Conectar en segundos, localización en segundos.In case of accident,crisis or danger, it sends an alert emergency aid; using GuardNet.This innovative new service will alert the guards by pressing abutton. Which will send an emergency message that will show theexact location of the person who pushed the button.Connect in seconds, location in seconds.
GuardNet - Guard 1.2 APK
GuardNet is a personal safety service built tohelp people in life-threatening situations.Every GuardNet situation is made up of at least 3 elements – aGuard, a Client and an Operator.The GuardNet Guard is the second half of the GuardNet Appduo.The Guard helps Clients in dangerous real-world situations. Theperson using the Guard is called upon by alerts sent by theGuardNet Client.When available, the Guard can choose to help the Client or leavethe alert for a different Guard to handle.A Guard may also call for backup when the situation requiresit.GuardNet Guards can send alerts and initiate incidents, too - incase they end up in a life-threatening situation themselves.During the situation Guards can send and receive messages to andfrom the Client, the Operator, and other Guards in thesituation.The GuardNet Operator is the person who guides the Client and theGuard(s) through the situation from a remote real-world controlroom.*The GuardNet service does not replace a call to the police,fire dept. or ambulance services, and we highly recommend alertingthose emergency services as a first resort.