1.0.0 / January 16, 2013
(5.0/5) (2)


This is a trial version that runs for90seconds; the full version, available in the Play Store, runsuntilyou close it. There is no limit to the number of times it canberun.

Floating compass is a see-through compass that floats on topofother applications ensuring it is always visible. It takesaccountof true north declination and points at true north, notmagneticnorth. You can set a desired heading and then keep thegreen arrowpointing to the top of the device to follow thatheading. Thecompass can be dragged around the screen to anyposition of yourchoosing. If the app is unable to calculate truenorth declinationthen the centre spot of the compass becomes red toinform you thatit is pointing at magnetic north.

Your device needs to have both magnetic and accelerometersensorsin order for this app to work correctly. Please note thatthis appis as accurate as your device's hardware; avoid using itanywherenear metallic objects or magnetic fields as these willsignificantlyaffect accuracy.

* Permissions Used

android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW - This is requiredtoallow the app to float over other apps.
android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - This is requiredtocorrectly calculate true north declination. The app uses themostrecent location available and does not cause location updates,ifno location is available the compass points to magneticnorth.

* Device Support

This application is designed to run on devices runningAndroid2.2 or above with magnetic and accelerometer sensors. It hasbeentested on an HTC Desire running Android 2.2 and a SamsungGalaxy S3running 4.1. We apologise if the application does not workon yourAndroid 2.2 or above device; please report the issue so thatwe cantry to resolve it.

App Information Floating Compass Trial

  • App Name
    Floating Compass Trial
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 16, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Holo Barometer Pro 1.0.0 APK
Holo Barometer is a barometer app that can logatmospheric pressure and compensate for local elevation above sealevel using location providers combined with a small network query.The app keeps an internal two day log of the atmospheric pressure,the pressure and elevation data can also be logged to a CSV file ifdesired. You can disable logging if you wish or the interval can beset to 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours. If your device does not movebetween different elevations you can configure a fixed elevationabove sea level. Elevations received from the network are cached sothat each elevation is only requested once.You can choose the colours used for the app, live wallpaper andeach widget individually from the entire palette. The widgets allowyou to select how transparent their backgrounds are. Tapping on thetop two thirds of any Holo Barometer widget takes you to the appand tapping in the lower third of the widget takes you to thesettings for that widget.When using auto-elevation it is best set to balanced with thegeofence disabled unless you have other apps requesting locationupdates regularly when low power works well. Max Accuracy is notrequired if the device is capabable of getting a networklocation.The only locations stored by the app are stored with anelevation and not with a date or time. No locations are stored whenlogging or automatic elevation are disabled. The elevation cachecan be cleared at any time.All pressures displayed by Holo Barometer are in hecto-pascals(hPa) which are the same as millibars (mb); 1 hPa = 1 mb.There is an ad-supported version of this application, availablefrom the Play store, with no widgets or live wallpaper that can beused to ensure that the app works well on your device and that youlike it.Main Application Features:* Uses location to compensate for elevation above sea level.* Multiple gauge styles.* Graph and gauge resizable home screen widgets.* Live Wallpaper.* Log pressure and elevation data to CSV file.* Share the log graph.Holo Barometer is only as accurate as your device's pressuresensor and available location information. The automatic elevationcompensation feature can not account for your device's altitudeabove ground level. Accurate GPS fixes require a clear view of thesky.* Known IssuesSome Samsung devices have a firmware issue that sometimes causesa large overstating of the battery use of apps that use sensors.When this occurs the app is not consuming the power stated. Thisusually only occurs when the geofence is enabled. Please do notreport this if it occurs as it requires a fix in the firmware bySamsung.* Permissions Usedandroid.permission.INTERNET - This is required to lookup theelevation for the current location.android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - This is required towrite the external CSV log file when enabled.android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - This is required so thatthe app can use the GPS and network location provider andgeofences.android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - This is required sothat the app can schedule itself to run to log the pressure after adevice reboot.android.permission.WAKE_LOCK - This is required so that the app cancomplete each pressure logging operation withoutinterruption.android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - This is required so thatthe app can check to state of the network; if no network isavailable it does not waste power trying to get the location as itwon't be able to query the elevation of that location.* Device SupportThis application is designed to run on devices running Android4.0.3 or above that have pressure sensor. It has been tested usinga Samsung Galaxy S3 running 4.1 and a Nexus 4 running 4.3. Weapologise if the application does not work on your Android 4.0.3 orabove device; please report the issue so that we can try to resolveit.
Floating Compass 1.0.0 APK
Floating compass is a see-through compass thatfloats on top of other applications ensuring it is always visible.It takes account of true north declination and points at truenorth, not magnetic north. You can set a desired heading and thenkeep the green arrow pointing to the top of the device to followthat heading. The compass can be dragged around the screen to anyposition of your choosing. If the app is unable to calculate truenorth declination then the centre spot of the compass becomes redto inform you that it is pointing at magnetic north.There is a trial version of this app, available from the PlayStore, that runs for 90 seconds allowing you to check thecompatibility of your device and to see if you like the app.Your device needs to have both magnetic and accelerometersensors in order for this app to work correctly. Please note thatthis app is as accurate as your device's hardware; avoid using itanywhere near metallic objects or magnetic fields as these willsignificantly affect accuracy.* Permissions Usedandroid.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW - This is required toallow the app to float over other apps.android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - This is required tocorrectly calculate true north declination. The app uses the mostrecent location available and does not cause location updates, ifno location is available the compass points to magneticnorth.com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE - This is for the Google PlayLicensing mechanism.* Device SupportThis application is designed to run on devices running Android2.2 or above with magnetic and accelerometer sensors. It has beentested on an HTC Desire running Android 2.2 and a Samsung Galaxy S3running 4.1. We apologise if the application does not work on yourAndroid 2.2 or above device; please report the issue so that we cantry to resolve it.
Unlock Snap 1.0.3 APK
Concerned that your partner is checking yourtext messages or emails? Wondering if your device is being used bysomeone while it is left unattended? Worry no more with thisapplication.UnlockSnap takes a photo with your device's front-facing cameraeach time the device is unlocked. It allows you to see exactly whohas been using your device in your absence. You can set the numberof photos that the application keeps and whether they are stored onexternal storage or on the device itself. The application keeps theimages hidden from the Android Media Scanner ensuring that none ofthem are visible in the Gallery application. You can also selectthe photo resolution, temporarily disable photo taking and view thephotos. UnlockSnap does not need a constantly running service so itdoes not significantly impact your device's battery life orperformance; when Android tells it that the device has beenunlocked it takes a photo and goes away.A feature limited, ad supported trial version of thisapplication is available from the Play Store.Please note that some android devices do not allow pictures to betaken without showing a preview image. Please download the trialversion from the Play Store to confirm that it works with yourdevice and that you like it prior to purchase.N.B. UnlockSnap requires that your device has a front-facingcamera to function.* Permissions Usedandroid.permission.CAMERA - This is so that the application canuse the camera.android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - This is so that thephotos can, optionally, be saved to a storage card.com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE - This is for the Google PlayLicensing mechanism.* Bug ReportingThere is a bug reporting form built in to the application thatis accessed via the menu on the settings screen. Please try todescribe as best you can, and in as much detail as you can, theproblem and what you were doing at the time it occurred. The bugreporting form uses an email client of the user's choosing to sendthe problem description and the application's internal log. Nopersonal data is sent and the full email can be reviewed before itis sent. If your problem prevents you from accessing the bugreporting form then please report the issue via email or using a'Report' button if one is displayed.* Device SupportThis application is designed to run on devices running Android3.0 and above that have a front-facing camera. It has been testedon a Samsung Galaxy S3 running 4.1. We apologise if the applicationdoes not work on your Android 3.0 or above device; please reportthe issue so that we can try to resolve it.
App Bar Widget Pro 1.0.0 APK
App Bar Widget is a resizable home screenwidget that displays a scrolling list of app shortcut icons. Youselect the apps that are shown and the order that they aredisplayed in. You can also choose to use normal sized or largericons and whether or not scrollbars are displayed. App Bar Widgetcan be resized vertically as much as your device's home screen willallow.App Bar Widget allows you to fit more icons on a home screenwithout burying them in a folder.The App Bar Widget settings screen allows app selection andordering on one screen. Tap apps to move them between the all appsand selected apps lists. Swipe apps in the right hand selected appslist left to move them up or right to move them down.You can have as many instances of the App Bar Widget across yourhome screens as will fit, and each one has indiviual settingsaccessed using the spanner icon at the bottom of its app list.No permissions are required.* InstallationThis app is a widget and does not have an icon in the usualplace. To add the widget to a home screen, open the app tray thenselect the 'widgets' tab. Long press the 'App Bar Widget' icon andwhen the home screen appears drag it to the desired position. Asyou let go Android will show you the App Bar Widget Settingsscreen. Tap on the apps that you wish to appear in the widget andthen tap the save button. If you wish to move the widget you canlong press it, then drag it. If you wish to resize it, long presson it then release and resize handles will appear.* Device SupportThis widget is designed to run on devices running Android 4.0.3or above. It has been tested under various emulator configurationsand a Samsung Galaxy S3 running 4.1. We apologise if the widgetdoes not work on your Android 4.0.3 or above device; please reportthe issue by email so that we can try to resolve it.
Message Scroller Pro 1.4.0 APK
A non-LED style message scrolling app with30fonts. Scroll a message of your choosing across yourdevice'sscreen. You can choose the font, style, size, colour andscrollspeed of the message and its background colour.Touch the screen to return from the scrolling message tothesettings screen ready for your next message. Messages can besavedand retrieved by tapping the plus sign icon. There is no limittothe number of messages that you can save other than yourdevice'sstorage capacity.This is the paid for pro version with 30 fonts, message savingandno adverts. An ad-supported version with fewer fonts isavailablefrom the Play store.This app can be moved to SD Card on devices that support it.* Permissions Usedcom.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE - This is for the GooglePlayLicensing mechanism.* Bug ReportingThere is a bug reporting form built in to the application thatisaccessed via the menu on the settings screen. Please try todescribeas best you can, and in as much detail as you can, theproblem andwhat you were doing at the time it occurred. The bugreporting formuses an email client of the user's choosing to sendthe problemdescription and the application's internal log. Nopersonal data issent and the full email can be reviewed before itis sent. If yourproblem prevents you from accessing the bugreporting form thenplease report the issue via email or using a'Report' button if oneis displayed.* Device SupportThis application is designed to run on devices runningAndroid2.2 or above. It has been tested under variousemulatorconfigurations, an HTC Desire running Android 2.2 and aSamsungGalaxy S3 running 4.1. We apologise if the application doesnotwork on your Android 2.2 or above device; please report theissueso that we can try to resolve it.
Find My Way Back Pro 1.0.1 APK
Find My Way Back Pro is an app to storelocations and help you return to them. Your device needs to haveboth a GPS and a compass for this app to work.The app provides a floating window containing a direction arrowand the distance to the destination, this window floats above otherapps and the homescreen allowing your device to still be used forother things while finding your way back.You can use it to remember where you parked your car, where yourhotel is in a foreign town, where a shop or attraction is, wheneveryou need to find your way back to a location in an unfamiliar area.You can attach photographs taken using your device's camera to alocation to help you find your way back.There is an ad-supported free version of this app called Find MyWay Back that is available from the Play Store, you can use it toverify that this app works well on your device prior topurchase.Main Application Features:* Floating direction window.* Auto-rotating map (this can be disabled to reduce powerconsumption).* Auto-following map (this can be disabled to reduce powerconsumption).* Map can be turned off to reduce data and power consumption.* Photographs can be saved with locations.* Built in help can be viewed with no data connection.* Metric or Imperial Unit selection.* GPS fix accuracy clearly displayed when saving location andfinding your way back.* Configurable update frequency to change balance between GPSaccuracy and power consumption.* Share a google maps link to a saved location using SMS, email,etc.* Google Navigation can be launched to navigate your way back tothe saved location (Google Navigation does not workeverywhere).* This app can be moved to SD Card on devices that supportit.* Supports Samsung multiview on Samsung devices that have multiview(a reboot might be needed after installation to get the icon toappear in the multiview app list).This app uses ActionBarSherlock by Jake Wharton to provide aholo-like UI on pre-honeycomb devices, many thanks Jake.Find My Way Back is only as accurate as your device's compassand GPS. The device compass accuracy will be affected by nearbymetallic objects. Accurate GPS fixes require a clear view of thesky.* Permissions Usedandroid.permission.INTERNET - This is required for the GoogleMaps API v2.android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - This is required forthe Google Maps API v2.com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES - Thisis required for the Google Maps API v2.android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - This is required so thatthe app can use the GPS.android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW - This is required to floatthe direction window.android.permission.CAMERA - This is required to take a photo of alocation.com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE - This is required for GooglePlay Licence Validation.* Device SupportThis application is designed to run on devices running Android2.2 or above that have a GPS and a compass. It has been testedunder various emulator configurations, an HTC Desire runningAndroid 2.2 and a Samsung Galaxy S3 running 4.1. We apologise ifthe application does not work on your Android 2.2 or above device;please report the issue so that we can try to resolve it.
App Bar Widget 1.0.0 APK
App Bar Widget is a resizable home screenwidget that displays a scrolling list of app shortcut icons. Youselect the apps that are shown and the order that they aredisplayed in. You can also choose to use normal sized or largericons and whether or not scrollbars are displayed. App Bar Widgetcan be resized vertically as much as your device's home screen willallow.App Bar Widget allows you to fit more icons on a home screenwithout burying them in a folder.The App Bar Widget settings screen allows app selection andordering on one screen. Tap apps to move them between the all appsand selected apps lists. Swipe apps in the right hand selected appslist left to move them up or right to move them down.This free version of App Bar Widget allows a single widget to beused and contains a single banner ad at the bottom of the settingsscreen. The Pro version, available from the Play Store, has norestrictions or ads.Internet permissions are required for the single AdMob banner adon the settings screen.* InstallationThis app is a widget and does not have an icon in the usualplace. To add the widget to a home screen, open the app tray thenselect the 'widgets' tab. Long press the 'App Bar Widget' icon andwhen the home screen appears drag it to the desired position. Asyou let go Android will show you the App Bar Widget Settingsscreen. Tap on the apps that you wish to appear in the widget andthen tap the save button. If you wish to move the widget you canlong press it, then drag it. If you wish to resize it, long presson it then release and resize handles will appear.* Device SupportThis widget is designed to run on devices running Android 4.0.3or above. It has been tested under various emulator configurationsand a Samsung Galaxy S3 running 4.1. We apologise if the widgetdoes not work on your Android 4.0.3 or above device; please reportthe issue by email so that we can try to resolve it.
Find My Way Back 1.0.1 APK
Find My Way Back is an app to storelocationsand help you return to them. Your device needs to haveboth a GPSand a compass for this app to work.The app provides a floating window containing a directionarrowand the distance to the destination, this window floats aboveotherapps and the homescreen allowing your device to still be usedforother things while finding your way back.You can use it to remember where you parked your car, whereyourhotel is in a foreign town, where a shop or attraction is,wheneveryou need to find your way back to a location in anunfamiliar area.You can attach photographs taken using yourdevice's camera to alocation to help you find your way back.This app is ad-supported by a banner ad and allows 5 locationstobe saved. An ad-free Pro version is available from the PlayStore;it is unrestricted in the number of locations that can besaved.Main Application Features:* Floating direction window.* Auto-rotating map (this can be disabled to reducepowerconsumption).* Auto-following map (this can be disabled to reducepowerconsumption).* Map can be turned off to reduce data and power consumption.* Photographs can be saved with locations.* Built in help can be viewed with no data connection.* Metric or Imperial Unit selection.* GPS fix accuracy clearly displayed when saving locationandfinding your way back.* Configurable update frequency to change balance betweenGPSaccuracy and power consumption.* Share a google maps link to a saved location using SMS,email,etc.* Google Navigation can be launched to navigate your way back tothesaved location (Google Navigation does not workeverywhere).* This app can be moved to SD Card on devices that supportit.* Supports Samsung multiview on Samsung devices that havemultiview(a reboot might be needed after installation to get theicon toappear in the multiview app list).This app uses ActionBarSherlock by Jake Wharton to provideaholo-like UI on pre-honeycomb devices, many thanks Jake.Find My Way Back is only as accurate as your device's compassandGPS. The device compass accuracy will be affected by nearbymetallicobjects. Accurate GPS fixes require a clear view of thesky.* Permissions Usedandroid.permission.INTERNET - This is required for theGoogleMaps API v2.android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - This is requiredforGoogle AdMob.android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - This is required fortheGoogle Maps API v2.com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES - Thisisrequired for the Google Maps API v2.android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - This is required sothatthe app can use the GPS.android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW - This is required tofloatthe direction window.android.permission.CAMERA - This is required to take a photo ofalocation.* Device SupportThis application is designed to run on devices runningAndroid2.2 or above that have a GPS and a compass. It has beentestedunder various emulator configurations, an HTC DesirerunningAndroid 2.2 and a Samsung Galaxy S3 running 4.1. Weapologise ifthe application does not work on your Android 2.2 orabove device;please report the issue so that we can try to resolveit.