1.5.0 / March 17, 2017
(Sound effects (SFX).<br>✈️ Aircraft carriers and sub marines.<br>✈️ Multiple animation, speech bubbles and guidelines.<br>✈️ Steer through oceans and seas and protect military bases.<br>✈️ Highly simulated physics engine.<br>✈️ 3D virtual cockpit with integrated instrumentation, rain/snow effects and 6 different camera angles visual perspectives.<br>✈️ Accurate concept of altitude and aerodynamics.<br>✈️ Air traffic control room, air traffic control tower and air control radar.<br>✈️ Extreme weather situations like thunderstorm, rain and fog.<br>✈️ Unlock multiple planes like:<br><br> ✈️ Grumman F-14 Tomcat.<br> ✈️ McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.<br> ✈️ General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon.<br> ✈️ McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet.<br> ✈️ Lockheed Martin F-22 RaptorB-22.<br> ✈️ Supermarine Spitfire.<br> ✈️ Northrop F-5A.<br> ✈️ F/A-18 Super Hornet.<br> ✈️ F-14 Super Tomcat.<br> ✈️ C-2A Greyhound.<br> ✈️ F-16 Fighting Falcon.<br> ✈️ AV-8B Harrier II.<br> ✈️ F35B Lightning II.<br> ✈️ MiG-29K Fulcrum.<br> ✈️ F4E Phantom II.<br> ✈️ A-6 Intruder.<br> ✈️ A-7 Corsair II.<br> ✈️ F-22 Raptor.<br> ✈️ SU-47 Berkut.<br> ✈️ C-130 Hercules.<br> ✈️ EF Typhoon.<br><br>Landing on an aircraft carrier is one of the most difficult tasks a pilot has to execute. AIRPORTS, DAY&NIGHT CYCLE, weather conditions, AIR SPACES CARTOGRAPHY & WAYPOINTS.<br><br>▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒</div> <div class="show-more-end" jsaction="click:vhaaFf"></div> </div> </div> <div> <button class="play-button show-more small" jsaction="KoToPc"> Read more </button> <button class="play-button expand-close" jsaction="vhaaFf"> <div class="close-image"> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="details-section-divider"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="details-wrapper"> <div class="details-section metadata"> <div class="details-section-heading"> <h1 class="heading"> Additional information </h1> </div> <div class="details-section-contents"> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Updated</div> <div class="content" itemprop="datePublished">March 17, 2017</div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Installs</div> <div class="content" itemprop="numDownloads"> 10 - 50 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Current Version</div> <div class="content" itemprop="softwareVersion"> 1.5.0 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Requires Android</div> <div class="content" itemprop="operatingSystems"> 2.3 and up </div> </div> <div class="meta-info contains-text-link"> <div class="title">Content Rating</div> <div class="content" itemprop="contentRating">Everyone</div> <a class="content" href="https://support.google.com/googleplay?p=appgame_ratings" target="_blank">Learn more</a> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Permissions</div> <button class="content id-view-permissions-details fake-link" data-docid="com.fo.F16JetPlaneSimulatorHD3D"> View details </button> </div> <div class="meta-info contains-text-link"> <div class="title">Report</div> <a class="content" href="https://support.google.com/googleplay/?p=report_content" target="_blank"> Flag as inappropriate </a> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title"> Offered By </div> <div 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F18 3d Jet Fighter War Airplanes Simulator is exciting AerialCombatWorld War game. The user play the role of extreme pilot andserveair force. The user has to reclaim the enemy territories byinvadingmilitary base camps. The user has to assist naval force byusingnaval carrier user can fly through oceans and seas and invadeenemyterrain. There are intense aerial warfare battles that hasgreathistory perspective like World War 1 and World War 2aerialcombats.

Modern aerial warfare and combats have become so much advancedwithadvanced weaponry like:

✈️ Air to Air Missile.
✈️ Air to Ground Missile.
✈️ Air-launched missiles.
✈️ Air-dropped bombs.
✈️ Air-launched rockets.
✈️ Air-launched torpedoes.

Intense aerial battles are not easy to overcome unless the pilothasall the tricks in the book. Aerial maneuvers are very handyforaerial warfare’s like:

✈️ Dog Fight.
✈️ Aerial Combat Maneuvering (ACM).
✈️ Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM).
✈️ Aerial reconnaissance.
✈️ Airborne forces.
✈️ Airstrike.
✈️ Strategic bombing.
✈️ Anti-aircraft warfare.

Let’s explore some amazing features of the game:

✈️ Variety of locked and unlocked jet fighters.
✈️ Multiple Runways, Naval carriers and Airports.
✈️ Realistic Visual Effects (VFX).
✈️ Free flight with choice of weather conditions and time.
✈️ Radar with runway and aircraft carrier orientation.
✈️ Integrated Sound effects (SFX).
✈️ Aircraft carriers and sub marines.
✈️ Multiple animation, speech bubbles and guidelines.
✈️ Steer through oceans and seas and protect military bases.
✈️ Highly simulated physics engine.
✈️ 3D virtual cockpit with integrated instrumentation,rain/snoweffects and 6 different camera angles visualperspectives.
✈️ Accurate concept of altitude and aerodynamics.
✈️ Air traffic control room, air traffic control tower andaircontrol radar.
✈️ Extreme weather situations like thunderstorm, rain andfog.
✈️ Unlock multiple planes like:

✈️ Grumman F-14 Tomcat.
✈️ McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.
✈️ General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon.
✈️ McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet.
✈️ Lockheed Martin F-22 RaptorB-22.
✈️ Supermarine Spitfire.
✈️ Northrop F-5A.
✈️ F/A-18 Super Hornet.
✈️ F-14 Super Tomcat.
✈️ C-2A Greyhound.
✈️ F-16 Fighting Falcon.
✈️ AV-8B Harrier II.
✈️ F35B Lightning II.
✈️ MiG-29K Fulcrum.
✈️ F4E Phantom II.
✈️ A-6 Intruder.
✈️ A-7 Corsair II.
✈️ F-22 Raptor.
✈️ SU-47 Berkut.
✈️ C-130 Hercules.
✈️ EF Typhoon.

Landing on an aircraft carrier is one of the most difficult tasksapilot has to execute. AIRPORTS, DAY&NIGHT CYCLE,weatherconditions, AIR SPACES CARTOGRAPHY & WAYPOINTS.


App Information F18 Jet Fighter War Airplanes

  • App Name
    F18 Jet Fighter War Airplanes
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    March 17, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
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  • Google Play Link

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🚔Crazy Police Car Race Cop 3D 2.1.0 APK
A police driver must be well trained tocompetewith robbers, terrorist, gangster, mobsters and criminalsas mostlythese drivers dodge and manipulates cops to escape fromthemetropolis cities around the world like New York, Tokyo, andLasVegas or the outcast of Mexico. This driving challenge is atrainingfor the user to race around the world and unlock multiplelevels asthe drive through the world and win races and getprepared. Win theraces to unlock multiple cop cars and racingtracks. This game isone in all package as user gets the flavor ofracing game and sportsracing game simultaneously. Do some realracing on the city streets.Get ready for some extreme trafficchase action , drive fast as youtry to take down different crewsof illegal street racers, and otherscum that run thestreets.🚔Crazy Police Car Racing Game Cop 3D Simulator is the ultimatecopchallenge of racing where user will compete with the bestcopdrivers from the globe as user compete and defeat them. Put onyourpolice scanner, cop lights and chase down the most wantedoutlawsover the asphalt. User legacy after beating those driverswillalways be cemented. Become a police car racer - get in yourcar,shoot enemies and destroy them.Here are few among many exciting features in the game:🚔 A complete garage where user can maintain his/her cop cars.🚔 Unlock multiple levels of the games to get the best drives oftheworld like Toyota, Nissan, Ford, BMW and Mercedes.🚔 Drive police cars through traffic.🚔 World best cars from famous makers in the world providingtheirbeast cop cars.🚔 User can repair cars and over haul it.🚔 Multiple range of cars like.🚔 Grand saloon Cop cars.🚔 Estate Cop cars.🚔 Sports Cop cars.🚔 Grand Cop tourer (4x4 off road and monster truck).🚔 Cop Muscle car.🚔 Efficient drive with amazingly accurate physics behindthedrive.🚔 Various 3D camera angle and innovative camera views.🚔 Multiple controller options which makes it easy for users todrivea car.🚔 Easy handling and easy driving.🚔 Over 20 levels to challenge cop officer to unleash thefury.🚔 Ultra High Definition Display for amazing experience.🚔 Realistic metro city environments like buildings,bridges,roads.🚔 High quality Visual effects (VFX).🚔 Highly stimulated city and cop Sound effects (SFX)withsirens.🚔 Animations to guide users and make the game easier forthem.🚔 No Wi-Fi No problem.🚔 Multiple controller option.🚔 Smooth and easy drive.🚔 1st Person and 3rd Person camera mode.🚔 Innovative camera angles.🚔 Multiple camera views.🚔 Nitro boost and turbo boost.🚔 Challenge mode.🚔 Supersonic speed.🚔 Highly efficient processing with maximum FPS.Welcome rookie cops as a law enforcement officer. Another dayinbusy city, police chief is racing in busy town streets andtryingto chase a bad guys. The ultimate endless race in the citystreets,countryside roads and seashores, featuring amazingvehicles,addictive game play and intense traffic competition. Inthis newestextreme car driving simulator you have to chase theoutlaws in yourpolice car. So its cops vs bad guys in this policerace 3Dgame.
Real Desert SUV 4X4 Racing 3D 1.2 APK
Real Desert SUV 4X4 Racing 3DHajwalah(هجولة) Tafheet(تفحيط) is a specialized Middle Easterncarracing game where the user has the ultimate option to drive thecararound gulf countries and Arab countries. The user hasvarioustracks to drive through with challenging drivers ascompetitors.The game features the real environment with more then20 trackswith 4 main categories user can only proceed if he/sheclears theprevious challenges and collect the desire amount ofstars tounlock the cars. Middle east is a huge land withhistoricalperspective. The cities of middle east are ancient anddense sodriving the cars through these cities is the ultimate testofdriver and user has to be super efficient and alert with thedrive.All other drivers understand the dynamics of the tracks andcanapply their talent in the game but it is the real rtest ofdriverso show the world that even raw talent can do wonders andbecome atrue legend of his/her craft. User can apply various carracingtechniques and ultra NOS options like turbo boost, nitroboostultra speed nitrous options. The game has attractive menuwithmultiple options.The countries that user will drive his/her car:🏁 Egypt.🏁 Syria.🏁 Saudi Arabia.🏁 Oman.🏁 Dubai.🏁 Abu Dhabi.🏁 Turkey.🏁 Tehran.Famous offroad desert safari cars:🏁 Toyota Land Cruiser.🏁 Volvo XC70.🏁 Hummer H1.🏁 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Unlimited.🏁 Mercedes G-Class🏁 Ford Raptor🏁 Land Rover Defender🏁 Dodge (Ram) Power Wagon🏁 Isuzu Trooper.Famous Street racing car that are available:🏁 Hennessey Venom GT.🏁 Bugatti Chiron.🏁 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.🏁 SSC Ultimate Aero.🏁 S7 Twin Turbo.🏁 Koenigsegg CCR.🏁 McLaren F1.🏁 Pagani Huayra BC.🏁 Zenvo ST1.🏁 Apollo Arrow.There are 4 main division of tracks:🏁 Green Land.🏁 Skyline.🏁 Mountain Hills🏁 Airport.Basic types of offroad cars that user needs to drive:🏁 4x4 Offroad MMX.🏁 Truck.🏁 Jeep.🏁 Monster truck.🏁 rally racer.🏁 SUV.🏁 Hummer.🏁 Motorsports Car.🏁 Dune Buggy.The game has some newly added features:🏁 Integrated physics engine.🏁 Dynamic 3D camera angles.🏁 Multiple controller with tilt and on screen buttons.🏁 Optimized controls for better user experience.🏁 Various cars and tracks to unlock🏁 Newly designed Car garage.🏁 Attractive menu.🏁 Menu animations.🏁 Newly designed cut scenes.🏁 Collect stats to unlock cars and tacks.🏁 Ultra supersonic speed upgrade.🏁 Cop mode.🏁 NOS items to collect.🏁 Amazing Music of Arab Culture.🏁 Smooth gear shift.🏁 Automatic transmission.🏁 Repair cars and apply modifications.Arab Drifting, Saudi Drifting, or Middle East drifting, knowninArabic-speaking countries - is an illegal streetracing-likephenomenon. Racers often drive dangerously close totraffic,barriers, and spectators watching from the roadsideswithout anyprotection. On the other hand user may drift on TokyoStreets orbecome Most Wanted Underground Drag Car City Racer RacingChampion3D. Unlock MMX Monster Offroad Trucks.
Offroad Dirt Motorbike 3D Race 2.2.1 APK
Offroad Dirt Motorbike 3D Race is aworldchallenge of off-road bike racing. This challenge is inspiredfrommotocross world championship where the user has to performvariousdriving challenge like chasing off-road cars and truckssimilar toHUMVEE, SUV, Off-road truck, off-road rally racer, dunebuggy andvarious other cars. Perform multiple stunts like Canadianspin,wheelie, stoppies, roll back jump, flip, burnout and variousotherstunts.Game features huge range of advanced bikes like:🏍️ Dirt Bike.🏍️ Trail Bike.🏍️ Off road.🏍️ Heavy bike.🏍️ Sport bike.🏍️ Cruiser.The game provides the most challenging situation where theridershas to take competitive and score more to enhance thecapability ofthe bike by installing turbo boost, nitrous boost andnitroboost.As the game proceed the more challenges will be presented totheuser and user has to survive these challenges.🏍️ Smooth controllers which makes the bike easy to handle.🏍️ Efficient processing and high rate of FPS for the betteruserexperience.🏍️ Multiple controller options with both tilt and tapoptions.🏍️ Intuitive design for the uses.🏍️ Challenging Ultra Realistic open world environment.🏍️ Ultra High Definition Display.🏍️ Accurate Visual Effects (VFX).🏍️ Realistic Sound effects (SFX).🏍️ Various 3D camera angle & multiple innovativecameraviews.🏍️ Track inspired from motocross world championship and worldbestrally racing tracks.🏍️ Speech bubbles and game review option to assist the users.🏍️ Responsive tilt steering which makes game work likeasimulator.🏍️ Easy to handle and easy to drive bike.🏍️ Fast, smooth and flawless drive.Race off road and do the biggest stunt jumps. Find stunt jumpsandramps throughout the land, bash your bike into 4x4off-roadvehicles and have a wild time on offroad bikes. Watch outfor theoffroad vehicles like the SUV and the HUMVEE as these willget inthe way of you when you're tying to pull off crazy stunts.Race,jump and crash your way and other mad rivals through theamazingfrontier tracks as you master the skills and the physicsofmotocross in this high speed racing adventure.Race throughthedirt, avoid obstacles and perform different stunts. Gotoincredible speeds with the help from super charged nitroboosts,dodging the forest trees and flying off the top of bigmountains toget insane air.
F18 Jet Fighter War Airplanes 1.5.0 APK
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒F18 3d Jet Fighter War Airplanes Simulator is exciting AerialCombatWorld War game. The user play the role of extreme pilot andserveair force. The user has to reclaim the enemy territories byinvadingmilitary base camps. The user has to assist naval force byusingnaval carrier user can fly through oceans and seas and invadeenemyterrain. There are intense aerial warfare battles that hasgreathistory perspective like World War 1 and World War 2aerialcombats.Modern aerial warfare and combats have become so much advancedwithadvanced weaponry like:✈️ Air to Air Missile.✈️ Air to Ground Missile.✈️ Air-launched missiles.✈️ Air-dropped bombs.✈️ Air-launched rockets.✈️ Air-launched torpedoes.Intense aerial battles are not easy to overcome unless the pilothasall the tricks in the book. Aerial maneuvers are very handyforaerial warfare’s like:✈️ Dog Fight.✈️ Aerial Combat Maneuvering (ACM).✈️ Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM).✈️ Aerial reconnaissance.✈️ Airborne forces.✈️ Airstrike.✈️ Strategic bombing.✈️ Anti-aircraft warfare.Let’s explore some amazing features of the game:✈️ Variety of locked and unlocked jet fighters.✈️ Multiple Runways, Naval carriers and Airports.✈️ Realistic Visual Effects (VFX).✈️ Free flight with choice of weather conditions and time.✈️ Radar with runway and aircraft carrier orientation.✈️ Integrated Sound effects (SFX).✈️ Aircraft carriers and sub marines.✈️ Multiple animation, speech bubbles and guidelines.✈️ Steer through oceans and seas and protect military bases.✈️ Highly simulated physics engine.✈️ 3D virtual cockpit with integrated instrumentation,rain/snoweffects and 6 different camera angles visualperspectives.✈️ Accurate concept of altitude and aerodynamics.✈️ Air traffic control room, air traffic control tower andaircontrol radar.✈️ Extreme weather situations like thunderstorm, rain andfog.✈️ Unlock multiple planes like:✈️ Grumman F-14 Tomcat.✈️ McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.✈️ General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon.✈️ McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet.✈️ Lockheed Martin F-22 RaptorB-22.✈️ Supermarine Spitfire.✈️ Northrop F-5A.✈️ F/A-18 Super Hornet.✈️ F-14 Super Tomcat.✈️ C-2A Greyhound.✈️ F-16 Fighting Falcon.✈️ AV-8B Harrier II.✈️ F35B Lightning II.✈️ MiG-29K Fulcrum.✈️ F4E Phantom II.✈️ A-6 Intruder.✈️ A-7 Corsair II.✈️ F-22 Raptor.✈️ SU-47 Berkut.✈️ C-130 Hercules.✈️ EF Typhoon.Landing on an aircraft carrier is one of the most difficult tasksapilot has to execute. AIRPORTS, DAY&NIGHT CYCLE,weatherconditions, AIR SPACES CARTOGRAPHY & WAYPOINTS.▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
🚁Real RC Helicopter Flight 3D 1.0.2 APK
🚁 Real RC Construction Site HelicopterHelipadFlight 3D is an exciting RC helicopter challenge where userhas toperform 20 distinct challenges where user's skill ofcontrolling anRC helicopter will be tested to the extreme. The gameenvironmentis specially designed as a construction site where userwill provehis/her RC helicopter flying skill. The flight is highlysimulatedenvironment of cockpit with cabin crew. The user has tofollow theinstruction of air traffic control tower and air trafficcontrolroom. The user to be super alert with any emergencysituation ormayday landing.Avoid skyscrapers, buildings, towers and various otheraerialtraffic like:✈️ Commercial Aircraft.✈️ Passenger Aircraft.✈️ Civil Aircraft.✈️ Private Jet.✈️ Rescue Planes.✈️ Sea Plane.✈️ Airbus.✈️ Boeing Plane.✈️ Fighter Jet.✈️ Birds.Pass through obstacles, hurdles to pass through the challenges.Theuser can fly at express speed and gain the points to unlockvarioushelicopters like:🚁 Utility Helicopter.🚁 Rescue Helicopter.🚁 Experimental helicopter.🚁 Military transport helicopter.🚁 Firefighting helicopter.🚁 Cargo helicopter.🚁 Experimental rotorcraft.🚁 Heavy-lift cargo helicopter.Following are the highlighting features:🚁 Realistic 3D display.🚁 Ultimate High Definition display.🚁 Multiple Controller option.🚁 Realistic construction site environment.🚁 Limitless terrain.🚁 Most advanced and classic helicopters.🚁 Smooth and easy to play controller.🚁 Various camera angle and camera views.🚁 1st person and 3rd Person mode.🚁 Accurate physics behind flight and drive.🚁 Various aerial maneuvers.🚁 Realistic visual effect (VFX).🚁 Sound effects (SFX).🚁 Aerial maneuvering missions.🚁 No internet or Network required.🚁 Free for all gameplay.The city needs someone to rescue them after recent floodsandearthquakes. Flying through tunnels, dodging cranes, all thewhiletrying to fly through the golden rings to reach thehelipad.Someone might be stuck in building on fire, an accidentmight havetaken place due to a criminal activity or you need totransport aninjured person in your air ambulance city helicopterflight. Theflood relief tasks is in your hands. All constructionworks havebeen stopped & roads are blocked with heavy traffic.Time totest your extreme pilot skills. Flying adventure beginswithhelicopter flight simulator to save city civilians, floodvictims,other co-pilots, news reporters and everyone held inemergencysituations. Watch out for construction vehicles anddangerous areasof the construction site or you will crash thehelicopter. The gameincludes chopper flying, complete navigationcontrol and officialpolice duty. Now a days, helicopter usesinclude transportation ofpeople and cargo, military uses,construction, firefighting, searchand rescue, tourism, medicaltransport, law enforcement,agriculture, news and media, and aerialobservation, among others.Being the rescue pilot, fly chopper tothe rescue areas and savecity civilians in this chopper flyingsimulator. Save lives ofpeople in danger and fulfill the duty of anair ambulance pilot.Enough criminal chase and transportation tasks,go one step aheadand save lives.
Illegal Street Car Racing 3D 1.1.2 APK
Illegal Street Car Road Racing Driver3Dis the multi-city car driving challenge. The game has someamazingfeatures within the game as the user has the vast range ofcars todrive. The game has multiple car driving environment inopen worldenvironment with hill, street, mountain, dessert andmuddriving.User have various racing options:🏎️ Track Racing.🏎️ Drag Racing.🏎️ GTR Racing.🏎️ F1 Racing.🏎️ Touring Race.🏎️ Offroad Racing.🏎️ Rally Racing.🏎️ Drifting.🏎️ Kart Racing - Go-Karts, Shifter Karts.User can apply various NOS options with turbo boost, nitro boostandnitrous racing. There is a police car race and cop smash mode,avoidpolice chase and cop chase to complete race. Collect starsand turboitems attack cars and knock them down. Defeat robbers,criminals,gangsters and mobsters cars. The game has some amazingoffroadracing cars to unleash the craze of offroad driving likehillclimbing and mud driving.🏎️ 4x4 Offroad MMX.🏎️ Muscle cars.🏎️ Grand tourer.🏎️ SUV.🏎️ Hummer.🏎️ track racer car.🏎️ Jeep.🏎️ Rally racer.🏎️ Trucks.🏎️ Monster truck.Test driving skills by racing through the hurdles and escapetheportcullis. Race in the city streets, countryside roads,hillyarea, tracks, jungle and forest. Become one of the fastestdriversin the global leader boards. Real racing competition, Madtricksand drifting, Experience racing life, in the car, differentdriveview, different scenery of traffic. Be alert for oncomingtraffic,collecting power-ups, and knocking other racers off theroad.Following cars have been featured in the game:🏎️ Audi R18.🏎️ Bentley Speed 8.🏎️ McLaren F1 GTR.🏎️ Chevrolet Corvette.🏎️ Jaguar F-type.🏎️ Porsche 718 Boxster.🏎️ Porsche 718 Cayman.🏎️ Audi TT / TTS.🏎️ Lotus Evora 400.🏎️ Mercedes-AMG SLC43.Following tracks have been featured in the game🏎️ Los Angles, USA.🏎️ London, UK.🏎️ Las Vegas, USA.🏎️ Rome, Italy.🏎️ Texas, USA.🏎️ Tokyo, Japan.🏎️ New York, USA.🏎️ Kathmandu, Nepal.Following are some highlighting features of the game:🏎️ Highly simulated physics in the drive.🏎️ Career mode, Elimination Tournament, 1 Vs 1, Time Trial.🏎️ Multiple dynamic camera angles.🏎️ Multiple controller options.🏎️ Fast racing in city environment.🏎️ High speed racing in open world.🏎️ Variety of racing options.🏎️ Adrenaline pumping nitro-drifts for supersonic speed.🏎️ Adjust various car mechanics and body.🏎️ Sport cars, roadsters, muscle cars.🏎️ Detailed 3D track environment.🏎️ Rich types of NPC racers.🏎️ Basic customization through paint job.🏎️ Become champion of street asphalt racing,🏎️ Win race money, spend money on car upgrades and new cars.🏎️ Specialized tracks, traffic racing with epic drift stunts.🏎️ Upgrade turbo engine, find the optimal tune for your car.🏎️ Easy and authentic scheme of handling.🏎️ Turn on, tune it, race out.🏎️ Multiple level to keep the interest of the users alive.🏎️ User have a garage to maintain his/her car.🏎️ User repair cars and give them a paint job, applystickers,install tires, install rims, install spoilers and installnitroustank.🏎️ Ultra High Definition Display.🏎️ Realistic city environments like buildings, bridges,roads.🏎️ Visual effects (VFX).🏎️ Sound effects (SFX).🏎️ Animations to guide users.Burn rubber on a full lineup of real tracks inmultipleconfigurations from top worldwide locations, includingSilverstone,Hockenheimring, Le Mans, Dubai Racing Autodrome andmany more. BeUnderground Most Wanted Need For Top High Speed Racerin the Carracing Turbo mania.GT cars aren't only ones available.real racingon the fastest available asphalt tracks - hot pursuitafter youropponents on great asphalt tracks. Do burnout &skidding.
Sniper Assassin Shot Killer 3D 3.2.5 APK
Sniper Assasin Shot Killer 3D is anexcitingcombat mission game. In this game the user will beperforming therole of assassin and he/she will invade enemy basecamp. The userwill have to perform various missions and assassinatethe enemy ofthe state without getting caught. The game is designedto performhighly confidential missions. Travel all around the worldandexplore various map and locations. Be part of famousmilitarycompanies like ALPHA, BRAVO & CHARLIE. Stay connectedwith yourradio and pass messages and reply them with Roger that. Bethe partof war zones all around the world and feel the heat likeworld war1and world war2. Be the ultimate soldier and reach thelevel ofexcellence within the force.You play as a sniper assassin STORM the barracks , Kill theMilitaryLeader . This game has great range of weapons as you canmultiplerifle and grenades. You are a sniper Commando with astrategicapproach and we know you have been taught war techniquesto snipethe targeted enemies.Let’s explore few among the many exciting features ofthisgame:🔫 Vast range of weapons and rifle like (M249, M4A1, AK47, M3,MP5,MAC10, AUG, SG552, P90 and Desert Eagle)🔫 Aim Shoot and reload with ease.🔫 Highly accurate Sniper scope, magazine and HUD.🔫 Use the best Sniper rifles, assault rifles, shotguns&Pistols.🔫 Be the ultimate assassin and camouflage🔫 Smooth controls to shoot and aim🔫 Ultra realistic graphics.🔫 Ultimate high definition display.🔫 Military settlements like ships, helicopters, jeeps, tanksandartillery.🔫 Realistic sound effects (SFX)🔫 Visual effects (VFX)🔫 Efficient processing with maximum number FPS🔫 Highly accurate physics behind the shoot and aim.🔫 Tons of letal GUNS and mortal WEAPONS🔫 Multiple forces like navy and air force🔫 Various environments like base camps, city and small town🔫 Intuitive design🔫 Various animations like bullet animation.🔫 There are docks, City Square, waste warehouse.🔫 Variety sniper rifle, pistols, submachine guns andgrenadesreplacement.\🔫 Full enemy exists: the enemy is everywhere, some in hiding intheground behind the building, and some 🔫 Hiding in the roof,whichrequires your keen eye to detect and eliminate them.🔫 Added a variety of scenarios Map: bustling city nightscene,summer train station scene, airport warehouse 🔫 Eveningscene,allowing you to experience the unique terrain in differentshootingpleasure.🔫 Added a variety of gorgeous Weapons: not only has a shortblackjade, crystal blue, green fluorite, Phoenix, 🔫 Golden BlackDragonKing, platinum and other exquisite Ares sniper weapons; stillreddragon Desert Eagle and Christmas pumpkin bombs so you get!🔫 Intelligent combat system: You can not just stand shooting,squatshooting, fighting to switch cartridges, replacement ofweapons andammunition,Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, do you copy?Find the target, aim, and shoot for headshot on all thecriminals& bad guys: Terrorists from isis, suicide bombers,dumbgangsters, thugs or corrupted cops...They don't standachance..Soldier! Its a war city, a city on fire.Welcome to the War & Kill them all.
Extreme Motorbike Stunt Racing 2.8.0 APK
City motorbike is a complete stunt games.Thestunt environment features a city backyard where there aremultipleitems have been used to create a simulated stuntenvironment. Thecity cars, garbage cans, slabs, cranes, poles andmultiple otheritems. The user driving skills have been challengedto the extremewhen the user performs these stunts. There are morethan 15 levelsin the games which really tests the rider's skill toextreme. Theuser has to keep the balance while driving. No dodgingandmaneuvering can be applied. User needs to drive the bike atslowspeed so user can't use turbo boost or nitro boost in thedrive.The stunts track is a dedicated track so no city traffic,racingcar, motorbikes, buses will be there to disturb therider.Following lightweight bikes can be used for the stunts🏍️ Trail Bike.🏍️ BMX Bike.🏍️ Dirt Bike.🏍️ Off-road rally racer.🏍️ Powerful 2wd off-road bike.🏍️ Motorsports bike.🏍️ Motocross Bike.Following are some amazing features:🏍️ Ultimate graphic quality.🏍️ Ultra High Definition (HD) display.🏍️ Realistic 3D graphic.🏍️ Simulated 3D office environment.🏍️ Specialized and accurate physics for stunts.🏍️ Soundtrack and sound effects (SFX).🏍️ Attractive visual effects.🏍️ Specially designed animations.🏍️ Innovative 3D camera angle.🏍️ Multiple camera views.🏍️ World famous stunt bikes.🏍️ Over 20 levels of ultimate stunts challenges.🏍️ Rewards on various stages of game.🏍️ Smooth controls.🏍️ Detailed controller with extra ease for the user.🏍️ Highly compatible with almost every device.🏍️ Efficient processing with maximum FPS.Use the off-road bike to perform following stunts:🏍️ Wheelie.🏍️ Stoppies.🏍️ Burnout.🏍️ Christ.🏍️ Leap of Death.🏍️ Leap of Faith.🏍️ Reverse Christ.🏍️ Arch.🏍️ Drag Racing.🏍️ Jedi Knight and multiple other stunts.Ride with style and skill as you make your way throughchallengingmotorbike levels, climb over obstacles like cars, parkbenches,ambulances, trucks, school buses and traffic jams fillingthe busystreets. Ready to test your motorbike racing skills andbeat allthe level with fast racing speeds. ride your motorbike offstuntramps spread throughout the city to perform the mostamazing,jaw-dropping stunts. Race your motorbike to incredible topspeedswith nitro boosts. The most vibrant, super-charged motoracinggameyou've ever seen. As the city biker you get to drive around inallkind of different motorcycles and motorbikes. Be the coolestmotorbike rider this city has ever seen. Jump over containers,4X4Monster Trucks, Jeep & Supersonic Sports Cars.