1.1 / August 17, 2016
(4.0/5) (4)


Everyday English Conversations for Beginners

Learn to speak English with dozens of conversations materialfroma variety of situations!

Are you in a need of an app to learn and to practiceconversingin English? You're at the right place, because here, wehave a freeapplication that lists the English conversation invarioussituations.

Conversation in this application include:

English conversation to say hello
English conversation to ask directions
English conversation at the post office
English conversation in a restaurant
English conversation in the school
English conversation at the office
English conversation on the phone
English conversation on holiday
English conversation in a situation of buying and selling
English conversation expressing surprise
And many more!

Dialogues are also subdivided into several category. First,aconversation consisting of two people, then three, and even uptofive people.

Download to have the best English conversation applicationthatwe present for your. It's FREE!


App Information Everyday English Conversation

  • App Name
    Everyday English Conversation
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    August 17, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 3.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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DP Lucu Bahasa JAWA 1.0 APK
Kumpulan Kata - Gambar DP BBM Bahasa Jawa LucuGokil, Gambar Kata Kata Bahasa Jawa Ngapak, Gambar Kata Kata BahasaJawa Kocak. Bahasa jawa memang sangat populer terutama diwilayahjawa tengah dan jawa timur yang mana memang daerah mayoritas sukujawa. Walaupun begitu, banyak sekali penduduk pendatang suku jawaatau pun keturunan jawa yang tinggal didaerah lain inilah yangmembuat bahasa jawa sering didengar orang banyak orang. Terlepasdari itu semua bahasa jawa itu unik, nggak cuma bahasa jawa sih...semua bahasa daerah mempunyai keunikan masing-masing, karenapenulis merupakan orang keturunan jawa yang tinggal dilampung jadiya agak mengerti kosakata bahasa jawa.Gambar Kata Kata Bahasa Jawa Gokil Kocak - Apalagi jikamendengar orang yang berbicara jawa ngapak tentu lucu sekali buatsaya, bukan menghina tetapi memang unik hehehe... Well, kita harusbangga dong dengan keberagaman budaya yang ada di indonesia. Jangansampai bahasa-bahasa daerah kita terlupakan karena kebanyakan anakmuda sekarang lebih menyukai bahasa gaul.Gambar DP BBM Kata Kata Bahasa Jawa sering sekali digunakan olehteman-teman yang mengerti lelucon bahasa jawa. Maka dari itupenulis mendapatkan inspirasi untuk mengumpulkan gambar-gambar lucugokil yang menggunakan bahasa jawa agar teman-teman semuadimudahkan untuk mendapatkan hiburan yang kocak sekali.Nah, buat sobat semua yang sedang mencari gambar bahasa jawabuat display picture? berikut aplikasi dari kami.NivelaStudioSelain dapat dijadikan Display Picture BBM, aplikasi ini jugamemiliki fitur lainya seperti :Fitur Aplikasi-- Dapat dibagikan atau dishare kejejaring sosial sepertiFacebook, Twitter, Instagram dan sebagainya-- Gambar Dp didalamnya juga dapat di simpan di smartphone atautablet Android kamu.-- Ukuran app kecil-- Terdapat 100 DP JAWA Lucu TERPOPULERSet of words - PicturesDP Fuel Funny Harleys Java language, the Java Language PictureWords Ngapak, Image Words Kocak Java language. Java language isvery popular, especially the region of Central Java and East Javawhich is majority ethnic areas of Java. However, many ethnicJavanese migrants or descendants of Javanese who live in otherareas is what makes the Java language often heard by many people.Apart from all the Java language is unique, not just the Javalanguage anyway ... all the regional languages ​​have theiruniqueness, because the author is a descendant of Javanese peoplewho live dilampung so yeah kinda understand the vocabulary of theJava language.Image Words Java language Harleys Kocak - Especially if you hearpeople speaking Java ngapak necessarily funny to me, but it doesnot insult the unique hehehe ... Well, we should be proud dong withcultural diversity in Indonesia. Do not let the local languages​​we are forgotten because most young people now prefer slang.Figure DP BBM Words Java language often used by friends whounderstand jokes Javanese language. Thus the authors get inspiredto collect the cute pictures gokil that uses the Java language sothat all my friends are permitted to get a very funnyentertainment.Well, for my friend who was looking for a picture of all theJava language for the display picture? following an applicationfrom us.NivelaStudioBesides being able to be used as Display Picture BBM, theapplication also has other features such as:features Applications- Can be distributed or shared social kejejaring such asFacebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.- Picture Dp therein can also be stored on your Android smartphoneor tablet.- The size of a small app- There are 100 DP JAVA Funny MOST POPULAR
Hijab Fashion 1.0 APK
This application contains a collection of someof the best Fashion Hijab. Which will be a reference in Muslimdress, and close the genitals well. Immediate download this androidapp and find Fashion Hijab you want.
DP Kata Bijak 2017 1.3 APK
Siapa sih yang tidak mengenal aplikasi BBM ?Dengan perkembangan zaman yang semakin maju dan canggih, hampirsemua orang mengetahui aplikasi ini. Aplikasi BBM merupakan salahsatu aplikasi chatting yang saat ini sedang sangat populer diseluruh penjuru dunia termasuk juga di Indonesia. Hampir semuaremaja Indonesia mengenal dan telah menggunakan aplikasi ini. Namuntak hanya anak-anak remaja saja yang menggunakan aplikasi ini,orang dewasa pun banyak yang menggunakan aplikasi ini untukberkomunikasi dengan kerabat atau pun doi. Aplikasi BBM memilikikeunggulan tersendiri jika dibandingkan dengan aplikasi chattinglainya, dimana aplikasi ini memiliki fitur-fitur yang sangatcanggih didalamnya. Tak hanya itu saja, tampilan yang sangatsederhana menjadi alasan banyak orang menggunakan aplikasi BBM.Kumpulan Kata - Gambar DP BBM Kata Kata Bijak Kehidupan, yangnamanya hidup memang suatu pilihan buat kita. banyak hal yang kitapelajari dari hidup, belajar, berjuang, berkorban dan hal lain yangtak akan cukup bila dijabarkan disini. mungkin kalian semua sudahpaham akan makna kehidupan yang sebenarnya. dalam hidup tentunyakita dituntut untuk menjadi orang yang baik dan bermanfaat, iniadalah visi dan misi yang sangat sederhana namun tak semua orangsanggup melakukannya. kalian semua pasti ingin sekali kan menjadiorang yang bermanfaat ? ingat bermanfaat disini bukan berarti mudahuntuk dimanfaatkan. karena banyak orang yang menganggap kalaubemanfaat itu merugikan diri sendiri. yang namanya orang baik pastimendapatkan balasan yang baik kok.Jadi untuk kalian semua yang sering melakukan kebaikan ya sabarsaja, karena walaupun kalian berbuat baik tetapi ada saja masalahyang nantinya bakal membuat kalian menyerah. nah disaat ini, kalaukalian tak kuat mental tentunya akan langsung merasa down dansia-sia karena berbuat baik selama ini. seperti kata pepatah kalauhujan itu pasti ada reda nya kok, begitu juga dengan cobaan hidup.dibalik ujian yang terus kalian rasakan percaya aja kalau akan adahal indah pada akhir nanti.Tak hanya permasalahan hidup, soal asmara pun bisa menjadi bebantersendiri dalam kehidupan. kalian yang pernah jatuh cinta pastiakan merasakan yang namanya patah hati, dengan patah hati initentunya kalian akan lebih belajar tentang arti dari memiliki,mencintai, sampai-sampai harus merasakan kehilangan.Nah, buat kalian semua yang sedang merasa hidupnya terpurukkarena masalah berikut NivelaStudio membuat aplikasi android GambarDP BBM Kata Kata Bijak Kehidupan. Download Yuk....Who does not recognizethe application of fuel? With the development of more advanced ageand sophisticated, almost everyone knows these applications.Application of fuel is one of the chat application, which iscurrently very popular all over the world including in Indonesia.Almost all Indonesian teenager know and have been using this app.But not only teenagers who use this application, too many adultswho use this application to communicate with relatives or doi. BBMapplication has its own advantages when compared to other chatapplications, where the application has features that are verysophisticated in it. Not only that, a very simple view is thereason many people use BBM application.Set of words - Pictures DP BBM Words of Wisdom of Life, whosename life is an option for us. many things we learned from life,learn, struggle, sacrifice and other things that would not beenough when described herein. may all of you understand the truemeaning of life. in the course of life we ​​are required to becomea good and useful, this is the vision and mission is very simplebut not everyone is able to do. you're all eager to be the usefulright? helpful to remember here does not mean it's easy to be used.because a lot of people who think that it is self-inflictedbemanfaat. the name of good people definitely get a good replyanyway.So for all of you who often do good so impatient, because evenif you do good, but there are problems that later would make yougive up. nah this particular time, if you are not mentally strongwill of course immediately feel down and hopeless for doing good sofar. as the saying goes when it rains it really must have subsided,as well as the trials of life. behind the test continues to believewrote that you felt there would be a beautiful thing in theend.Not only the problems of life, about romance can be a burden inlife. you ever fall in love that his name will certainly feelgutted, gutted with this course you will learn more about themeaning of the own, to love, to the point that should suffer theloss.Well, for all of you who are feeling his slumped because of thefollowing problems NivelaStudio create android apps Figure DP BBMWords of Wisdom Life. Download Yuk ....
DP Keren Terbaru 2017 1.3 APK
Kumpulan Kata - Gambar DP BBM Keren LucuBanget, Gambar DP BBM Keren Bergerak, Gambar DP BBM Keren UnikGokil. Untuk kamu yang sedang mencari-cari gambar keren buat dp bbmkali ini admin akan memberikan gambar lucu dan unik yang tentunyabisa menghibur hati kalian. Sebelum ada BBM mungkin gambar-gambaryang bertebaran di internet hanya digunakan sebagai foto profilfacebook, dan avatar twitter. Dan saat muncul aplikasi BBM, banyaksekali orang yang mencari gambar-gambar gokil untuk dipamerkan diDPnya. Tujuannya sih buat menghibur teman-teman yang beradadikontak kita. Kamu juga pasti begitu kan?Banyak sekali gambar meme lucu serta sindiran gokil yangdigunakan sebagai bahan lawakan. Jaman sekarang apa-pun itu pastiakan menyebar cepat didunia maya, ada kasus ini itu tentu menyebarluas kemana-mana. Hal ini juga berlaku untuk hiburan serta lawakanhumor. Banyak video serta gambar lucu yang viral disosial media.Mereka sengaja berbagi agar teman-teman juga ikut terhibur denganhal yang dianggap lucu, aneh, dan gokil.Maka dari itu dijaman yang serba internet ini memang segalanyamenjadi dimudahkan, apapun bisa kamu cari lewat Google. Mulai dariinformasi, ilmu pengetahuan dan juga hiburan. Well, gunakanlahdengan bijak internet yang kamu miliki. Soalnya ada beberapa kasusyang membuat pengguna sosial media dijebloskan ke penjara hanyakarena menyindir lewat status. Terlepas dari itu semua, internetmemang banyak sekali manfaatnya untuk kita.Nah, buat kalian yang sedang mencari gambar-gambar lucu gokilterbaru? berikut NivelaStudio sediakan aplikasinya.... downloadyuk...Set of words - PicturesDP Fuel Funny Banget Keren, Keren Moving Image DP BBM, BBM DP ImageCool Unique Harleys. For you who are looking for a cool image fordp bbm this time admin will give cute and unique picture of thecourse can cheer your hearts. Before any fuel may picturesscattered on the internet is only used as a profile picture onfacebook, and twitter avatar. And when the emerging application offuel, many people are looking for pictures to be exhibited in DPnyagokil. The goal is still for entertaining friends who are contactedus. You must be so right?Lots of funny meme pictures and innuendo gokil used as a joke.Nowadays nothing else it will certainly spread fast virtual world,there is the case it would spread everywhere. This also applies toentertainment as well as joke humor. Many videos and funny picturesthat viral disosial media. They deliberately sharing so yourfriends can also be entertained by things that are consideredfunny, weird, and gokil.Thus the era of the all the Internet is indeed everythingbecomes simplified, whatever you can find via Google. Start ofinformation, knowledge and entertainment. Well, use it wiselyinternet you have. Because there are some cases in which socialmedia users go to jail just because insinuated through status. Inspite of it all, the internet is a lot of benefits for us.Well, for you who are looking for funny pictures newest gokil?The following NivelaStudio provide application .... download yuk...
DP COC 2017 1.2 APK
Siapa sich yang tidak kenal dengan permainanclash of clans ?, game seru ini mampu mendapat perhatian daribanyak kalangan mulai dari anak anak, remaja bahkan orang tuasekaligus, permainan yang di kembangkan oleh perusahaan Supercellini berhasil sukses di berbagai negara sejak pertama kali di rilispada tanggal 2 Agustus 2012, Clash of clans atau yang biasa disingkat dengan COC ini bercerita tentang pertarungan antarakelompok di zaman barbarian, dari segi penghasilan permainan inidapat meraih penghasilan sekitar 5,11 juta dollar perhari, jadianda bisa bayangkan berapa banyak penghasilan yang di dapatkan daripermainan COC selama satu tahun, pada awalnya game ini hanya dapatdi mainkan oleh smartphone IOS namun pada perkembangannya sudahdapat di nikmati oleh android maupun pengguna komputer yangtentunya dengan bantuan emulator, nah semenjak mewabahnya trendclash of clans lahirlah trend baru termasuk salah satunya adalah DPBBM dengan karakter tokoh Clash of clans ataupun dengan kata kataberhubungan COC yang di sertai dengan meme meme lucu atau kerenyang bikin kita ketawa ketika membacanya, oleh karena itu padakesempatan kali ini tim raponsel.com telah mempersiapkan 30 gambardp bbm yang keren dengan tema clash of clans.Keseruan dengan DP BBM clash of clans ini dapat kita bagikanpada komunitas anak COC sehingga akan menambah keasyikkan ketikamelakukan chatting ataupun lainnya, seliain itu dengan hadirnyagambar dengan meme yang lucu ini kita dapat perang gambar ketikamelakukan komentar pada jejaring sosial facebook maupun lainnya,nah penasaran bagaimana saja gambar dengan tema COC ini, BURUANDOWNLOAD APLIKASI INI & BAGIKAN KEPADA TEMAN-TEMAN.....Salam NivelaStudioWho sich is not familiarwith the game Clash of Clans?, This exciting game is able to getthe attention of many people ranging from children, teenagers andeven parents at the same time, a game that was developed by thecompany Supercell is managed successfully in various countriessince it was first released on August 2, 2012, Clash of Clans orcommonly abbreviated to COC tells the story of a fight between agroup in barbarian times, in terms of earnings this game could earnaround 5.11 million dollars per day, so you can imagine how muchincome get from the game COC for one year, at the beginning of thisgame can only be played by smartphone IOS but in its developmentcan already be enjoyed by android as well as computer users are ofcourse with the help of an emulator, well since the outbreak of thetrend clash of Clans is born a new trend among DP which is the fuelwith the character or the Clash of Clans with words associated COCaccompanied by meme meme funny or cool that makes us laugh whenthey read, therefore, on this occasion raponsel.com team hasprepared 30 picture dp bbm that cool theme clash of Clans.Keseruan with DP BBM Clash of Clans can we share with thecommunity this COC that will add keasyikkan when chatting orotherwise, seliain it with the presence of the image memes funny wecan war pictures when commenting on social networks facebook andothers, nah just curious how the pictures with the theme of thisCOC, BURUAN DOWNLOAD & SHARE tHIS APPLICATION tO fRIENDS.....Salam NivelaStudio
DP Sedih Sakit Hati 1.3 APK
Gambar Foto Galau Berat Sedih Kecewa, GambarDP BBM Foto Galau Sedih, Gambar Foto Kata Kata Galau Lucu.Menjadikan cinta sebagai media untuk memberikan semangat dalamhidup sah-sah saja, asalkan kita tidak terlalu berlebihan dalammenjalaninya. Cinta memang membuat hidup seseorang menjadi lebihberwarna, tetapi sebaliknya cinta juga bisa membuat kehidupanseseorang menjadi lebih merana bahkan menderita karena putus cinta.Kamu pasti tahu efek yang diakibatkan dari putus cinta, yaitupatah hati. Kekecewaan adalah salah satu akibat yang ditimbulkandari putusnya suatu harapan yang selama ini diidam-idamkan.Kekecewaan yang begitu mendalam tentunya bisa menimbulkan suatukesedihan. Kamu nggak mau kan kalau kehidupan yang tadinya ceritakarena cinta sekarang malah berubah menjadi suatu penderitaan yangtiada akhirnya. sungguh menyakitkan.Tenang... sakit yang kamu rasakan itu hanya sementara kok. Danwaktu pasti akan menyembuhkan luka yang kamu derita tersebut.Mungkin nggak sebentar, butuh beberapa bulan bahkan tahun untukmengeringkan luka yang menggoreskan hatimu. Dan disaat kamubenar-benar move on serta lepas dari bayangan masa lalu, kamu mestibangkit dan memperjuangkan cinta yang baru untuk menuliskan ceritabaru pada lembaran yang baru.Nah, buat kamu semua yang saat ini merasa sedih karena cintaberikut kami hadirkan aplikasi Gambar Foto Galau Berat Sedih Kecewauntuk mewakilkan perasaanmu yang sedang galau berat.Semoga BermanfaatSelain dapat dijadikan Display Picture BBM, aplikasi ini jugamemiliki fitur lainya seperti :Fitur Aplikasi-- Dapat dibagikan atau dishare kejejaring sosial sepertiFacebook, Twitter, Instagram dan sebagainya-- Gambar Dp didalamnya juga dapat di simpan di smartphone atautablet Android kamu.-- Ukuran app kecil-- Terdapat 100 DP Kecewa Sedih Sakit Hati TERPOPULERPictures Photos GalauBerat Sad Disappointed, DP BBM picture troubled Sad Photos,Pictures Photo Funny Words troubled. Making love as a medium todeliver passion in life is fine, as long as we are not tooexcessive in living. Love is making one's life more colorful, butotherwise love can make a person's life becomes more miserable evensuffer because of a breakup.You must know the effect resulting from a breakup, isheartbroken. Disappointment is one of the consequences of thebreakdown of the expectations that had been coveted. So profounddisappointment of course can lead to sadness. You do not want it iflife was a story of love now instead turns into an endlesssuffering. really painful.Quiet ... pain that you feel is only temporary anyway. And timewill cure the wounds that you endure. Probably not for a while, ittook several months or even years to heal wounds that inscribe yourheart. And when you actually move on and escape from the shadow ofthe past, you must rise up and fight for a new love to write newstories on a new sheet.Well, for you all today feel sad because love follows we presentapplications of worries Photo Image Weight Sad Disappointed torepresent the feelings that are troubled by weight.May be usefulBesides being able to be used as Display Picture BBM, theapplication also has other features such as:features Applications- Can be distributed or shared social kejejaring such asFacebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.- Picture Dp therein can also be stored on your Android smartphoneor tablet.- The size of a small app- There are 100 DP Disappointed Sad Heart Hospital MOST POPULAR
TOP Hybrid Base Layouts COC 1.1 APK
Latest Clash of Clans Hybrid Base Layouts TH 1TH 2 TH 3 TH 4 TH 5 TH 6 TH 7 TH 8 TH 9 TH 10WikipediaClash of Clans is an online multiplayer game in which playersbuild a community, train troops, and attack other players to earngold and elixir, and Dark Elixir, which can be used to builddefenses that protect the player from other players' attacks, andto train and upgrade troops. The game also features a pseudo-singleplayer campaign in which the player must attack a series offortified goblin villages.BuildingsGameplay in Clash of Clans. A player is attacking another player'svillage. The amount of resources available for capture are on thetop left. The troops available for deployment are along the bottomof the screen.To earn and store gold and elixir, players must build gold minesand gold storages and elixir collectors and elixir storages,respectively. Elixir is used to train new troops, carry outresearch in the laboratory to upgrade troops, to re-load X-Bows(available from Town Hall 9) and to build and upgrade certainbuildings, mostly pertaining to buildings used in attacking anotherplayer's base. Gold is used to build defensive buildings and toupgrade the town hall, which allows access to more buildings andhigher levels for existing buildings. At higher levels, dark elixirbecomes available; this type of elixir is used to train and upgradedark elixir troops and heroes, create dark spells, and fuel theInferno Tower, a defensive building that is available only at TownHall 10. To earn and store dark elixir, players must build darkelixir drills and dark elixir storages.There are a number of buildings available to the player todefend their village, including cannons, mortars, bombs, traps,archer towers, and wizard towers. Players can also build walls,which can be upgraded as they increase in level.GemsAside from gold and elixir, the game also uses gems as a currency.Gems are awarded for reaching certain milestones, completingachievements. One to six gems can be earned from clearing andobstacle such as a tree or a mushroom from your base though thealgorithm for this is highly random. Players can also gain 25 gemsfrom clearing a gem box, which costs 1000 elixir. Gem boxes spawnrandomly about every week or so. However, the main way to acquiregems is through in-app purchases using real world money. Gems canbe used to "boost" building and heroes. Usually for a small sum 10to 20 gems a player can boost and thus speed up their building togive a times faster output for roughly two hours. Barracks andspell factories are commonly boosted on higher levels of play.NIVELASTUDIO
Resep Kue Kering & Kue Basah 1.1 APK
Resep Kue Kering dan Basah LebaranResep Kue Kering Persiapan Lebaran - Hallo droider, tak terasasebentar lagi kita akan menunaikan ibadah puasa. Nah, korelasipuasa adalah lebaran, dan hubungan lebaran adalah kue, iya apa iya?banyak diantara ibu-ibu yang mulai mebeli kue-kue kering untukjamuan saat lebaran. Tapi tak jarang juga ibu-ibu membuat sendiriResep Masakan Kue Kering nya untuk menjamu tamu-tamu yang akanberkunjung. Tentu ada kebanggan tersendiri ketika kue-kue keringbuatan kita di makan saat lebaran.Resep Kue Lebaran tentu sangat dibutuhkan oleh ibu-ibu yangingin memasak sendiri kue-kue lebaranya. Nah, disini Lintasresepberusaha membantu ibu-ibu sekalian untuk membuat kue kering ataukue lebaran lezat dan juga nikmat.NivelaStudioCake Recipe Dry and WetLebaranPastry Recipe Preparation Lebaran - Hallo droider, imperceptiblysoon we will be fasting. Well, the correlation of fasting is Eidand Eid relationship is cake, yes what yes? many of the mothers whobegan mebeli cookies for supper during Eid. But not infrequentlyalso create their own mothers Recipes Pastries her to entertainguests who will visit. Sure there own pride when the home-madepastries us at meal during Eid.Eid Cake recipe is certainly much needed by mothers who want tocook their own cakes lebaranya. Well, here Lintasresep trying tohelp mothers all to make cookies or Eid cakes are delicious andalso scrumptious.NivelaStudio