1.5.0 / June 7, 2017
(4.3/5) (4112)


- Unique characters to be collected, each with her own charm andquests
- Immerse yourself in the beautiful world of Asgard

- Pick and create the perfect combination best suited for yourneeds
- Manage Character Bonds, Elements, Classes and Spirit Attacks tostrategize for the upcoming battles

- Develop squad members by leveling up, ranking up, and activatingtalent grids
- Gear up with set equipment, gems, character shards and othercollectibles

- Turn the tide of battle with a well-placed Spirit Attack
- Choose from a wide variety of Spirit Attacks based on Class,Weapon, and Class

- Embark on a journey to Asgard and unveil its mysteries
- Learn more about your squad members as you unlock their personalquests

- PvP Arena: Fight your way to the top and claim greatrewards
- Tower of Trials: Challenge your limit and climb to the top
- Endless Battle: Survive endless waves of enemies and be the lastsquad standing
- Cleaning Eye: Send your squad member to purify the tainted landsfor a chance to win rare loots

App Information Empire of Angels:Lunar Phantom

Empire of Angels:Lunar Phantom Version History

Select Empire of Angels:Lunar Phantom Version :
  • 1.4.0 (50)
  • Empire of Angels:Lunar Phantom 1.4.0 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /3/27
    Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 15)
    File Size: 38.5 MB
    Tested on: Android 7.1 (Nougat, API: 25)
    File Sha1: 4fbe3bb025cdbeb29902b7cedf302b86a04feb5d
    APK Signature: 7c86a02e0abca00e3805849ef99537d42240d2b4

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極上豪華麻將-台灣16張 2.0.2 APK
正統台灣十六張麻將!讓您體驗流暢的遊戲節奏,搭上真人語音提示以及擬真音效,再加上華麗震撼的胡牌特效,給您最極致真實的麻將牌局,絕對是您隨身練牌技的最佳選擇!OrthodoxTaiwan sixteen Mahjong!The game allows you to experience smooth rhythm, catch the livevoice prompts and realistic sound effects, plus the first playergorgeous stunning special effects,Give you the ultimate real mahjong hand, is definitely your bestplayers practicing licensing technology choice!
OPEN小將卡丁車 1.0.4 APK
OPEN小將這回要在賽車場上大展身手囉!除了超可愛的OPEN小將外,還有加速力超強的小竹輪、過彎性超優的條碼貓等六位各具不同特性的超可愛角色讓您選擇哦!遊戲中還設計飛彈、水桶蓋等五種不同功能的道具可以自由運用,精彩熱鬧的賽車場等你一起來HIGH翻天!OPENteenager this time to show its mettle in the racing field Hello! Inaddition to super cute OPEN teenager, there are super Kotake wheelacceleration, cornering and super excellent barcode cats six supercute characters, each with different characteristics lets youchoose Oh! The game also designed missiles, five differentfunctions, such as bucket lid props are free to use, wonderfullively Speedway waiting for you together HIGH earthshaking!
夜巿撈魚祭 (秋季慶典篇) 4.0 APK
在夜市攤位撈金魚撈膩了嗎?這裡有很多隱藏版的玩意兒等著你,金魚、烏龜、蝦子、青蛙等等…15種不同的獵物,再加上數量、閃避、夜晚三種創新模式,讓你撈不膩玩不煩,每個模式都會記錄您的最高分喔!快來挑戰自己撈魚的極限吧!In thenight market stalls fishing for goldfish fishing tired of it? Thereare many hidden version of the stuff waiting for you, goldfish,turtles, shrimp, frogs, etc. ... 15 different prey, plus thenumber, dodge, night three kinds of innovative models, so you donot bother to play without getting tired of fishing, each patternswill record your highest score Oh! Come and challenge the limits oftheir Laoyu it!
Making friends, forming ideas, following rules … it’s all comingtogether now!BOMBBOMBBOMB provides a brand new way for your parent-childinteraction in life. The purpose of the game is to help kids tolearn with a more interesting way and let parents getting moreinvolved with kids’ learning. What makes Laugh & Learn apps soengaging for kids? It's all about the magic of cause and effect.Watch baby’s eyes light up as fun animations, music and audioresponses reward actions!In the game, to avoid the BOMB blowing up, you need to pass theBOMB (the phone) to others as fast and stable as you can!Interesting music and colorful characters not only trainchildren’s concentration but also motivate them to play the gamerepeatedly.Here, you’ll find ways to make creativity and problem-solvingpart of each day for your child, paving the way for continuedlearning and a “can-do” approach to life.The full version includes COMPLETE setting function,includes:★ Time setting for fitting the number of players★ More BOMB styles★ Challenge the crazy modeKey Features:★ Brand new learning way to brain training★ Instinctive operation★ Rich design of BOMB★ Colorful design for kid's attention-attracting★ Cute music to keep the learning willing★ The flexible game time to fit with the number of player★ Description for the bomb reason to strengthen the weak★ Adjustable difficulty according to the kid’s progress with 3modes★ Playing smartphone with kids for sharing the fun and memorytogetherHow to Use:1. Place the phone flat on its front!2. Keep tapping the tap button then passing the phone to othersstably by the specific time.3. BOMB will blow up when the time on the top of the screen runningout, so just pass it as fast as you can!Try BOMBBOMBBOMB and get an all new enjoyment for parent-childinteraction!
莊園物語-初夏篇 1.0.2 APK
整個牧場都是你的聚寶盆!養豬不夠看!牛雞馬豬一起養才夠威~各項任務等你來完成參加熱鬧節慶和尋寶活動還能快速賺取金錢喔!超好玩的經營養成遊戲,不玩可惜!Entireranch is your cornucopia!Pig enough to see! Cattle raising chickens horses pigs togetherenough prestige ~Waiting for you to complete various tasksParticipate in lively festivals and treasure hunt can quickly earnmoney Oh!Super fun business to develop games that do not play a pity!
OPEN小將 開店囉 1.0.4 APK
史上超人氣超可愛的OPEN小將終於要開便利商店囉!在OPEN小將的陪伴下,玩家將扮演超商店長,輕鬆享受開店的樂趣!OPEN小將還會利用魔法棒協助您,在店門口招攬客人唷~此外,遊戲中還有各種新奇古怪的好玩事件呢!想與OPEN小將一起快樂開店嗎?趕快下載來玩玩看吧!Thehistory of the super-popular ultra-cute teenager finally OPEN toopen a convenience store Hello!Under OPEN teenager accompanied the player will play supermarketmanager, enjoy the fun shop!OPEN teenager also use a magic wand to help you, in front of thestore to attract guests yo ~In addition, there are a variety of new game wacky fun eventstoo!OPEN teenager happy together and want to shop it? Quickly downloadto play it out!
天使帝国 – 幻兽之月 0.12.0sm APK
曾经动荡不安的爱斯嘉大陆,在黑色之泉被封印后的数百年,那场战役早已为人所遗忘。然而,黑色之泉的威胁,却再度来临…。妮雅,曾经带领拉锡叶王国取得胜利的骑士,在数百年后,继承这个名字的少女,也将再度踏上相同的命运……●全3D画面+LIVE 2D,打造美少女新世界只有女性存在的独特世界观,以全3D打造精美游戏画面。同时搭配LIVE2D技术,让唯美的角色图拥有细腻的动态演出。●独创拖曳操作『圣灵解放』,享受痛快清剿敌人乐趣当灵魂累积至全满时,以手指滑动拖曳,就可使出爽快的连续攻击,即是『圣灵解放』。不同职系、武器、角色的圣灵解放,其攻击特性截然不同。只要掌握时机发动,就能给予敌人强大打击!●以三人队伍战斗,搭配技能组合挑战强敌每次出战最多可选择三名角色。角色拥有不同的专属必杀技,如何在不同的战斗中搭配,将考验你的战术!●紧扣人心的深度剧情,探索爱斯嘉大陆的未知秘密除了紧张刺激的战斗,剧情深度亦是着力重点。故事继承系列作世界观,角色多样且充满魅力,彼此之间的爱恨情仇令人玩味。●升级天赋、强化装备,角色深度培养角色能力除了以经验升级,另有星赋盘提升技能等各项基础能力。凑齐六件同色装备可全面提升战力,还能再对装备进行锻造、进化与镶嵌宝石等各种强化。收集角色碎片,提升角色星等,让能力再上层楼。●在竞技场争夺最强排名,倾全力征服试炼之塔竞技场高手环伺,你可以挑战强者或碾压弱者,只要累积积分就能在竞技商店兑换到丰厚的奖励;在试炼之塔则有许多玩家队伍镇守,你必须以手上拥有的角色轮番上阵挑战。能力、技巧都不可或缺。●『无限之战』怪物蜂拥而出,挑战你的战力极限这是敌人会不断出现、向你袭击而来、只有片刻得以喘息的恐怖挑战。不仅每回合敌人会越来越强,种类与属性也会随着变化,选择合适的角色打倒敌人吧!●以净化之眼探索领地,获得无上宝藏国土不断被邪恶物质污染,只要派遣伙伴前往净化,一定时间之后就可获得净化后的奖励。不过,也可能遭遇强大的魔物;若持续加以击退,将可获得贵重宝箱。【三大职系】★战士系 物攻与速度的化身,武器种类众多!圣灵攻击:可连续不断地旋转或突刺,将前方的敌人全部打倒!朝向敌人猛烈进攻,最具侵略性与技巧性!★射击系 射程为最大优势,异常状态才是价值!圣灵攻击:只要拖曳瞄准准星,就可朝准星方向连续不断射击!如同机关枪的扫射快感,是射击系圣灵攻击的最大魅力!★法师系 属性.魔攻+拖曳效果,必杀技威力绝伦!圣灵攻击:拖曳魔法球可攻击单体或大范围,残留的魔法效果更具有持续性伤害!拖曳魔法还可附带各种不同负面效果,是其最大优势!Aisi Jia once turbulentcontinent, in black fountain was sealed after hundreds of years,the battle already well forgotten. However, the threat of blackfountain, but come again .... Niya, who led Rashid Yewang Guovictorious knight in a few hundred years later, inherited the nameof the girl, will once again set foot on the same fate ......● Full 3D picture + LIVE 2D, tocreate a beautiful girl New WorldOnly the presence of female unique view of the world, to create abeautiful full 3D game screen. While with LIVE 2D technology, sobeautiful and delicate role graph has a dynamicperformances.●Original drag operation "liberation of the Holy Spirit", enjoyhappy to wipe out the enemy funWhen the soul when accumulated to a full, slide your finger todrag, you can readily resorted to continuous attacks, that is, "theliberation of the Holy Spirit." Different grades of weapons, therole of the liberation of the Holy Spirit, distinct characteristicsof their attacks. Once you master the timing of launch, will beable to give the enemy a powerfulblow!● In three-team battle,with a mix of skills challenge enemiesEvery play can select up to three characters. Different roles haveexclusive nirvana, how to match different battle that will testyour tactics!●closely hearts depth story, exploring the unknown continent AisiJia secretIn addition to intense combat, the story is also a focus on thedepth of focus. Story series for inherited world view, the role ofdiverse and full of charm, love and hate each other isinteresting.● upgrade talent,strengthen the equipment, the role of the depth of cultureIn addition to the ability to upgrade the role of experience, andanother satellite dish to enhance the basic capabilities Fu skills.Cobble together six of the same color and equipment can enhancecombat capability, but also to re-forging equipment, variousstrengthening evolution and inlaid gemstones. Debris collectionrole, enhancing the role of the star, so that ability to the upperfloor.●compete for the strongest position in the arena, out effort toconquer the trials of the towerArena camouflage expert, you can challenge the strong or weakrolling, as long as the accumulated points can be redeemed in storeathletics to huge rewards; in the trials of the tower, there aremany players guarding team, you must have a role in the hands ofturns into a challenge. Abilities, skills areindispensable.● "Infinite War" monsterrush out and challenge your combat power limitThis is the enemy will continue to appear to attack from you, onlymoments respite terrorist challenge. Not only each turn enemieswill become increasingly strong, and property types will be withthe change, select the appropriate role defeat the enemyit!●to purify the eye of territory to explore, get supremeTreasureHomeland pollutants continue to be evil, as long as the partner tothe dispatch purification, can be rewarded after a certain timeafter purification. However, it may encounter powerful Monster; Ifyou continue to be repulsed, will receive valuablechest.[] Threegrades★ Department of soldiers ofoffensive and speed of the Incarnation, many types ofweapons!Spirit attack :Lianxubuduan can rotate or thrusting, all down the front of theenemy!Facing heavy enemy attack, the most aggressive andtricky!★ fire department The biggestadvantage of a range of abnormal state is thevalue!Spirit attack :Just drag the aiming sight, sight towards the directionLianxubuduan can shoot!As machine-gun bursts of pleasure, the fire department is thegreatest charm of the Holy Spirit toattack!★ Master system Properties. Mogong +drag effect, nirvana power ofexquisite!Spirit attack :Drag the magic balls to attack a wide range of monomers or residualmagic effects more sustainable hurt!Drag magic also comes with a variety of adverse effects, is itsbiggestadvantage!
3D Fun Catcher 1.03 APK
Ever being tantalized by the grabby claw machine but end up withempty pocket? Now you can have all the fun on your mobile withoutspending a lot of money. You can hone your catching skillsanywhere, even when you’re on the go! Fun Catcher features fulltouch control, complete 3D remake of the crane vending machine anddozens of cute dolls and toys. Align the prize and crane fromdifferent angles by swiping side-to-side. This allows you to targetobject with pinpoint accuracy. Your won prizes are placed in thecollectible display case. You can spin your adorable doll left andright with the touch of a finger. State-of-the-art dynamicanimations, sound effects and music enhance the game experience.Full version opens a full array of dolls and toys for completeenjoyment.Let’s e7Play!本公司遵守個資法明文規定事項 http://www.auer.com.tw/about.jsp?lang=zh-tw&id=4依據「遊戲軟體分級管理辦法」第18條第1項公告「遊戲軟體分級參照表」,本遊戲規範為「普遍級」