1.2 / January 12, 2016
(2.9/5) (11)


EasyMi è l'app che il Comune di Milano dedicaatutti gli studenti degli atenei e delle accademie dellacittà.Convenzioni, sconti e molto altro ancora. Scaricala subito...èEasy!
EasyMi is the app thattheCity of Milan dedicates to all students of universitiesandacademies in the city. Conventions, discounts and more. Downloaditnow ... is Easy!

App Information EasyMi

Comune di Milano Show More...

Eventi Milano 1.0.1 APK
Milan is a city to be enjoyed at all times ofthe day and from dawn to dusk there are always exhibitions, musicaland theatrical events, fairs and much more...In order to make sure you can enjoy all that the city has to offer,we are making available, free of charge, the innovative instrument“Eventi Milano” (Milan Events). This application providesconstantly updated information on events happening in Milan and ispersonalized based on your preferences.You can search the events by category (Exhibitions, Music,Theatre and Dance, Sport, Fairs and Congresses, A lot more) and byplace (around your position or an address), with the possibility toselect your favorite dates.For further information you can consult our Tourism Portal“www.tourism.milan.it”.
VisitMilano 4.0.2 APK
Discover and experience Milan with VisitMilano the City’s officialfree app. Whether it is for a weekend, a business trip or a holidayyou will find all the tourist information you need. WithVisitMilano you will: • find what you look for and discover whatyou still do not know • be constantly informed of all the eventstaking place, with dates, times and locations • look up theunmissable attractions and your favourite itineraries • find outwhat happens in creative Milan’s fashion and design scene • buyyour tickets for the underground, trams and buses • look for thethe best and easiest ways to get around the city • look up thenearest BikeMi stations to explore the city with our bike-sharingsystem • share with us and with your friends your preferences andyour travel experience • save your favourite contents and receiveinformation on what you are most interested in, logging on All dataare mapped and constantly updated Download the City of Milan’sofficial app! Visit our website: www.turismo.milano.it
milanomusei 1.1 APK
L'applicazione dedicata ai musei diMilano.Scopri quali sono le opere più vicine a te in ogni momento.Consulta le informazioni sui prezzi di ingresso e gli orari diapertura.
Milano Creativa 1.0 APK
The events of fashion and design not to bemissed in Milan. Updated information for visitors and operatorsincluding the main events of the fashion weeks, the Milan FurnitureFair, specialized trade fairs and trendy exhibitions.The pieces of information, arranged in chronological order, can beconsulted by date, category or area.
MIT Driver 1.2.6 APK
MIT Driver is the application of the City of Milan developed fortaxi drivers
Referendum Milano 1.0 APK
Applicazione ufficiale per i risultatideireferendum cittadini consultivi nel Comune di Milano il 12 e13giugno 2011.Official applicationforthe results of the advisory referendum citizens in theMunicipalityof Milan on 12 and 13 June 2011.
EasyMi 1.2 APK
EasyMi è l'app che il Comune di Milano dedicaatutti gli studenti degli atenei e delle accademie dellacittà.Convenzioni, sconti e molto altro ancora. Scaricala subito...èEasy!EasyMi is the app thattheCity of Milan dedicates to all students of universitiesandacademies in the city. Conventions, discounts and more. Downloaditnow ... is Easy!
Not2 4Get 1.0.2 APK
Quest’applicazione consente la ricerca diundefunto sepolto nei cimiteri di Milano.Hai la possibilità di selezionare un cimitero o effettuarelaricerca in tutti i cimiteri. Ti sarà fornita la posizionedellatomba e la planimetria del cimitero.This applicationallowssearching for the dead buried in the cemeteries ofMilan.You can select a graveyard or to search in all graveyards. Itwillbe given the location of the tomb and the floor plan ofthecemetery.