App Information Dove si trova? (Italiano)
- App NameDove si trova? (Italiano)
- Package
- UpdatedNovember 4, 2011
- File Size596k
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2 and up
- Version1.0
- DeveloperE. M.
- Installs10 - 50
- Price$1.00
- CategoryTransportation
- DeveloperEmail [email protected]Vicolo Goito, 10 14100 ASTI (AT)
- Google Play Link
E. M. Show More...
StaticIP 1.5 APK
Change the connection mode of your device fromdynamic to static IP (and vice versa) with a single click!The program is useful for all those who connect often to networkswith dynamic or static IP, and constantly need to switch easilyfrom one mode to another. This app lets you do that with just oneclick, while usually you can achieve your goal in 7 steps, thusconsiderably reducing the time required and simplify theoperation.Like all apps, it can be moved to the desktop of the device, andtherefore be even faster to launch.A more comprehensive app to handle wifi connections can bedownloaded here:
SOS! 2.6.1 APK
SOS! is an application designed for emergencysituations, such as sudden illnesses, damage to vehicles away fromresidential areas, and all those occurrences that, by their natureunexpected, leaving no time for clarity or to call your contacts.The program allows you to configure a list of phone numbers, send astandard text to which rescue (along the lines of: "I'm in trouble,call me!"), As well as to communicate your location, using GPStechnology and relying on a network wifi. Once your program willuse simple: just hold for a few seconds the red button on firstscreen to give an immediate start to the process of sending textmessages, to search for contacts that you know to be available tohelp.Since version 2.2, you can select the type of message to send:standard (typed text), with short positions (coordinates only), orwith links to Google Maps, to allow a precise location on themap.
Dices Throw 1.8 APK
Rolls two dices with a quick flick ofthewrist.This app simulates the roll of the dices in a dynamic way, ieusingthe accelerometer inside the device: simply make a rapidmovementof the smartphone to make a throw. If your device doesn'thave theaccelerometer, you can still use the manual button toexecute yourthrow.
Strong's Concordance 2.2 APK
** IMPORTANT: Before giving bad comments,please refer to the video, in which i explain how the app works. Ifyou have doubts, drop me an e-mail. Thank you. If you need a greekversion of Strong's Concordance, please refer to**A complete app for the most comprehensive research within theStrong' Concordance: this program allows you to search any of theterms in the database of words, with the possibility to consult notonly the etymological sense of the term, but also to see the word'srendering in Hebrew characters.In order to extend as possible the versatility of the program,the app has been programmed to allow the opportunity to search fora word by typing directly the characters of the Hebrew alphabet.The searched terms could be shared by pressing the black sharebutton on the detail screen, and be sent through BlueTooth, SMS,Facebook, etc.Since version 2.0, it's possible to view the numerical value ofeach word (like in traditional gematria), with notes about theprocess to extract a value from a word.Easy to use and very fast, this program will prove useful tothose who study the Old Testament in the original language, as wellas those who simply want to deepen their knowledge of Hebrewlanguage.** IMPORTANT: For detailed informations about how to use theprogram, please refer to the video linked below **
WiFi Configurator 2.5.1 APK
Edit your network settings with a touch!The program allows you to create an arbitrary number of networkconfigurations for later use in different contexts. Useful forthose who often connect to networks with different classes ofaddresses, or need to quickly switch from DHCP to static IPsettings: you can now create your own list of configurations, andchange them with a simple touch.You can define the parameters for each network you connect towhich usually means the data will be saved in a separate internaldatabase. The use of the program is absolutely intuitive andself-explanatory: the options are accessible from the "Menu"(adding new configurations, application configuration selected,information), while a long press on each item you upload you canbrowse a selection through which change or delete the entry.A convenient button on the initial screen allows you to enableor disable the WI-FI, so you can perform all management operationsinto a single network connection.The program can be placed on the desktop of your device to useeven faster.
Proverbi e citazioni 2.7.2 APK
Un archivio di 2261 citazioni (in espansione),organizzate in 39 categorie diverse, per avere sempre con voi lasaggezza popolare ed i pensieri di scrittori, artisti, personaggistorici, passando per film, massime, popoli. Una risorsaindispensabile per tutti coloro che amano la cultura, e per coloroche amano riflettere sui grandi temi della vita, magari mentreattendono il proprio turno in qualche coda, o nei momenti di relax.Una volta avviato, il programma permette la selezione di unacategoria tra quelle proposte, quali amore, amicizia, saggezza,eccetera. Successivamente, presenta una citazione casuale relativaalla categoria selezionata, ed eventualmente ne propone altre allapressione del tasto apposito (icona "fumetto"). Ad ogni scorrimentosulla lista delle categorie, verrà modificato lo sfondodell'applicazione, per rendere la lettura maggiormente piacevoleall'occhio.È ora possibile ricercare frasi specifiche, o porzioni diproverbio: premendo il tasto Menù, e toccando quindi la voce"Ricerca", verrà aperta una videata che vi permetterà di inserireil testo desiderato, mostrando poi il risultato della relativaricerca. Inoltre, mantenendo premuta a lungo una categoria (osfruttando il tasto "libro", presente alla visualizzazione di unacitazione) si potrà visualizzare l'intero contenuto di unacategoria, e navigarla quindi più comodamente.Visualizzando una citazione, tramite il tasto neroimmediatamente sotto ad essa si potrà condividerla sul proprioprofilo FaceBook, Twitter, oppure inviarla tramite e-mail, SMS,ecc.Se il vostro device supporta la modalità Text-to-Speech (TTS),dalla versione 2.7 del programma è possibile utilizzare le funzionidi sintesi vocale per ascoltare la versione audio della citazione.Sarà sufficiente premere il tasto che rappresenta un altoparlante,a fianco di quello per la condivisione. Nel caso le funzionalitàTTS siano disattivate o assenti, tale tasto presenterà un piccolosegnale di avvertimento.A fronte dell'eventuale interesse del pubblico per questaapplicazione, l'archivio verrà esteso, per contenere ancora piùcategorie e citazioni, e presentare quindi una varietà semprecrescente di detti. Invito tutti coloro che lo desiderano alasciare i propri commenti, votazioni e - perchè no? - suggerimentirelativi a questa applicazione.Grazie per la vostra preferenza.NOTA: alcuni fanno notare che il programma non condivide lacitazione tramite FaceBook. Analizzando il problema, ho notato chedipende dall'app di FB, che su versioni precedenti operavacorrettamente. E' quindi necessario attendere una nuova release diFB per poter condividere le citazioni in questo modo.
Anti Sleep 1.5 APK
A little buddy to help you stay focused whiledriving, or in those situations in which sleeping isn't an option.The program will issue, on random basis, a 1 minute long beep,which can be stopped by pressing the Stop button (or volumehardware buttons, from versione 1.5 on). The time it takes to stopthe sound will provide a prediction data on your level of fatigue,possibly suggesting a break. Useful in cases where continuousmonitoring is required, and you have the need to constantly monitoryour overall status.App localized in English and Italian
Sweet Dreams 1.0 APK
Sweet Dreams è un'applicazione pensataperfornire uno strumento che possa aiutare a trovare relax, eaprendere sonno: è infatti risaputo che suoni ripetitivi,comequelli ascoltabili in natura, possono aiutare nei processidirilassamento.È sufficiente avviare l'app, selezionare a video ed attraversoilmenù la propria modalità preferita di ascolto, e lasciarsiquinditrasportare dai suoni, sia che si tratti del frinire dellecicale,piuttosto che del crepitìo di un caminetto.
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Find your car, TrovAuto 1.0.1 APK
Go get your Sunday stroll? Do you often goaround town due to work?Maybe happen in big cities where you are forced to leave their carsaway from your destination? TrovAuto for you!Just enter the car menu with saving the current location, thencall when you have to return the car, at which point it will open awindow that will take you to the middle!It 'also available a quick search on the main menu.FREE APP!!
Transportation Top Show More...
Speed Limiter 2.0 APK
Tired of fines? Speed limiter is there for you!Speed Limiter is an application whose purpose is to warn youin case you drive too fast. It works thanks to the GPS on yourphone.Its simple and clear, you can use it without leaving theroad.The last button indicates the speed at which you drive. Byselecting, you dynamically create a new limitation.
myIowaDOT 1.1.12 APK
The myIowaDOT app has been developed to act as a container forother Iowa Department of Transportation apps. It shows allavailable Iowa Department of Transportation apps, even those appsthat are not currently installed on the device. If an app isselected that is not installed on the device, the user is taken tothat app in Google Play so the app can be installed. Once apps havebeen installed, the myIowaDOT app can be used as a launch pad forthose apps.The list of apps available on the myIowaDOT app is builtdynamically, so new apps will automatically appear in the myIowaDOTapp as they are developed. Users can also create a list of favoriteapps, personalized to meet their needs.Apps that are currently available with myIowaDOT include:Aviation - Contains an Iowa airport directory, aviation weather, anaviation calendar, and NOTAMS (Notice to Airmen)Bike Map - An interactive bike map with bike trail navigation anddriving directionsDL Docs – Helps determine which documents are needed in order toobtain an Iowa Real IDDrive Test – A practice test to help prepare for the Iowa driver'stestERL – The Department’s Electronic Reference Library, which containshighway & bridge construction specifications andstandardsFacebook – The Iowa Department of Transportation’s FacebookpageIowa 511 – Traveler information such as Iowa road conditions,traffic speeds, and traffic camerasLegis – Information about the Iowa Department of Transportation byIowa legislative districtmyMVD – Use this to renew your Iowa driver’s license, change youraddress, or see your driving recordTwitter – The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Twitter feed
Drive Link 1.1.043 APK
DriveLink is a perfect app for safe, handsfree in-vehicle services that really makes a difference in thedriving.The app can either work as Standalone Mode, which is just launchedin the smartphone, or as Connected Mode,which works by connecting to the car's headunit display viaMirrorLink(TM).For the Connected Mode, the screen of the smartphone is mirroredto the head unit display.The app has been designed to conform to the safety regulation setby Automotive industry standard.The current version has the following features:- Welcome Screen: Context Awareness feature that allows todisplay the current location's weather information,Recently Played Music in the smartphone, Schedule info stored inCalendar app. If the schedule contains an address, the user canclick theaddress to directly navigate to the destination- Music : User can listen to every music file stored in thesmartphone. Also, DriveLink has other music sources such asInternet Radio.Currently, TuneIn and Radioclock App is available.- Phone: User can make a phone call, and send text messages. Theapp retrieves all contact information stored in the smartphone- Shortcut: User can create a shortcut for a specific contact,music, and location.Note:- To use MirrorLink(TM) service in car using USB, the head unitmust support MirrorLink(TM) 1.0.1.- If MirrorLink(TM) service doesn't work in your smartphone, it isnecessary to update a firmware.- Firmware update availability is depending on mobileoperators.
Indonesia - iGO NextGen App APK
Join the millions of users who have alreadychosen iGO navigation all over the world.After downloading the iGO primo application you CAN START TO USE ITIMMEDIATELY. IT WORKS IN OFFLINE MODE, there are NO ROAMING FEES.Your Android phone becomes a FULL VALUE NAVIGATION device, justlike any dedicated satellite navigation device. The maps are partof the application (see details of the coverage below).°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°HIGHLIGHTS- Fast, short, easy-to-follow, and green routes- Automatic route recalculation- Multipoint-route support- Get social! Share your routes on Facebook!- Navigate to GPS-coordinates, pictures- Local/POI search: find businesses or anything else you needaround your position- Country specific lane guidance & signposts (whereapplicable)- 3D junctions (where applicable)- Smart keyboard&history- Customizable quick menu & vehicle profile- Try out the Customer Support Centre: read tips&tricks, send afeedback.°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°COUNTRIES COVEREDIndonesia°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°IMPORTANT TECHNICAL INFORMATIONContinued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life. Background navigation has to be turned onwhile using the application;The maps are part of the application, no roaming fees,: no needfor cellular network coverage, no surprises. Map updates aresubject to availability and may come as part of softwareupdates.
Infraction 0.0.1 APK
Ce service est dédié aux propriétaires desvéhicules et aux conducteurs. Il permet la consultation desinfractions enregistrées sur le fichier national des permis deconduire et celui des véhicules. Pour cela l’utilisateur est tenude s’identifier moyennant son numéro de la carte nationaled’identité et le numéro du permis de conduire.This service is dedicatedto vehicle owners and drivers. It allows the consultation ofoffenses recorded on the national register of driving license andthe vehicle. For this the user is required to identify through itsnumber of national ID card and driving license number.
TaxiForSure book taxis, cabs 4.3.0 APK
TaxiForSure is a travel experience providerthat helps you book a cab in the simplest way possible. Downloadour free app to get a safe, reliable cab, anywhere, anytime! Be itairport transfer or just an in-city ride, book a cab from yourTaxiForSure app with just a few taps. We make sure a taxi driven bya professional chauffeur arrives at your door on time. No morehaggling with rickshaws, no more waiting for your call to beanswered. Save time and money with our affordable rates and getquick access to thousands of cars driven by our friendly andinformed chauffeurs across India.All taxis can be requested for immediate or future pickups.Simply choose the taxi you like, instantly receive your driverdetails, track the taxi to your address, and pay after completionof the trip. You can view your travel history, modify or canceltrips, save your favorite locations and even go cashless with ourwallet options. Share the tracking link through SMS/ Whatsapp/Email and let your loved ones track you through your journey. Thein-trip SOS alert facility helps you notify emergency contacts andlocal authorities if required.Now the TaxiForSure App also allows you to book an Ola Micro,available at just Rs. 6/km. It also allows you to link and use youOla Money wallet for Micro rides booked on the TaxiForSure app.Advantages of Using the App:• Easy Booking Process• Wide range of car categories• Most affordable rates• Cashless travel with wallet• Airport transfers, City rides.• Save money and time• Trained chauffeursBooking a taxi has never been easier!