초아즈소프트 Apps

포터왓업(Porter, What's up) for 안암 1.1
고려대학교 근처에서 포터로 장사하시는 분들이 계신지 알려주는 앱입니다.흠냐룽 학우님의 아이디어와 krcvic 학우님의 웹사이트를 보고 만들어보게 되었습니다.이 앱은 krcvic 학우님의 사이트 서버와 연동이 되어 있습니다.현재는 법후 순대포터, 정후 깨생이, 정후 고른햇살을 알 수 있습니다.여러분의 성원에 힘입는다면 좀 더 기능과 포터를 추가하도록 하겠습니다.좋은 아이디어가 있으시면 아래 고파스 글에 댓글로 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다 :)http://www.koreapas.com/bbs/view.php?id=tiger&no=152530Those who are buried nearthe university to consider gyesinji Potter tells the app.Rong classmates heumnya report's ideas and krcvic classmate'swebsite has been created to see.This app has been linked with krcvic classmate's site server.Currently beophu measly Potter, jeonghu life is broken, you cansee the jeonghu even sunshine.If you wear strength for your support, we will add more featuresand porters.If you have any good ideas would be appreciated know in thecomments below the article :) gopaseuhttp://www.koreapas.com/bbs/view.php?id=tiger&no=152530
Don't forget - Memo Reminder 1.0
Let's say there is a note taking app.Taking notes anywhere with this app is great habit, but DOYOUREMEMBER TO LOOK AT IT AGAIN?IF there is an app not only just taking your notes but it alsoLETYOU REMEMBER TO LOOK AT IT AGAIN, doesn’t it sound great?"Don't Forget" lets you know about your notesbynotification.Be reminded of important matters and forgotten meetings by“Don’tForget!”It will take absolute responsibility to remind you ofyourschedules, routines, things to do, ideas, and etc.“Don’t Forget” notifies you periodically with NotificationPush,sound, or vibration according to the alarm settingyouchoose.You can also set D-day, which will keep remind you even after twoorthree months until the D-day comes.