風潮音樂 Apps

Baby Melody—Relax 1.2
★List price:2.99,Purchase price 1.99★ Designed and madeprofessionally for your 0~2 years old baby. Relaxation music forthe mother-to-be and the infant as well as anyone who is lookingfor soft music to listen and relax! “Baby Melody—Relax” helps yourbabies to relax and enjoy. The condition of the mother greatlyaffects the unborn child and the infant. Soft and moderate-pacedmusic calms down the mother-to-be, and when the mother’spsychological state is peaceful and harmonious, her neural andhormone systems will stay undisturbed, thus securing the properdevelopment of the fetus. An emotionally stable woman will provideher baby with an environment that is pleasant and free from stress.The baby will then have a better chance to develop a soundpersonality and a healthy body. In addition, babies tend to stopcrying when they hear the music that they had heard in theirmother’s wombs, because babies recognize the sounds they heardwhile still in the womb. The ears of the unborn child are alreadydeveloped after the fifth month of pregnancy, and that the sense ofhearing is the first sense the embryo develops. The fetus can hearthe sounds of mother’s heartbeats, breathing, voice as well asenvironmental sounds. It is evident that soft music can have along-lasting positive impact for babies in which they are lessprone to sickness and sleep better at nights.
Baby Melody—Shakin' 1.2
★List price:2.99,Purchase price 1.99★ Designed and madeprofessionally for your 0~2 years old baby. Relaxation music forthe mother-to-be and the infant as well as anyone who is lookingfor soft music to listen and relax! “Baby Melody—Shakin'” withupbeat music to help with your baby move and exercise. Thecondition of the mother greatly affects the unborn child and theinfant. Soft and moderate-paced music calms down the mother-to-be,and when the mother’s psychological state is peaceful andharmonious, her neural and hormone systems will stay undisturbed,thus securing the proper development of the fetus. An emotionallystable woman will provide her baby with an environment that ispleasant and free from stress. The baby will then have a betterchance to develop a sound personality and a healthy body. Inaddition, babies tend to stop crying when they hear the music thatthey had heard in their mother’s wombs, because babies recognizethe sounds they heard while still in the womb. The ears of theunborn child are already developed after the fifth month ofpregnancy, and that the sense of hearing is the first sense theembryo develops. The fetus can hear the sounds of mother’sheartbeats, breathing, voice as well as environmental sounds. It isevident that soft music can have a long-lasting positive impact forbabies in which they are less prone to sickness and sleep better atnights.
Baby Melody—Morning 1.2
★List price:2.99,Purchase price 1.99★ Designed and madeprofessionally for your 0~2 years old baby. Relaxation music forthe mother-to-be and the infant as well as anyone who is lookingfor soft music to listen and relax! “Baby Melody—Morning” usesnatural sounds and music to slowly wake your baby up. The conditionof the mother greatly affects the unborn child and the infant. Softand moderate-paced music calms down the mother-to-be, and when themother’s psychological state is peaceful and harmonious, her neuraland hormone systems will stay undisturbed, thus securing the properdevelopment of the fetus. An emotionally stable woman will provideher baby with an environment that is pleasant and free from stress.The baby will then have a better chance to develop a soundpersonality and a healthy body. In addition, babies tend to stopcrying when they hear the music that they had heard in theirmother’s wombs, because babies recognize the sounds they heardwhile still in the womb. The ears of the unborn child are alreadydeveloped after the fifth month of pregnancy, and that the sense ofhearing is the first sense the embryo develops. The fetus can hearthe sounds of mother’s heartbeats, breathing, voice as well asenvironmental sounds. It is evident that soft music can have along-lasting positive impact for babies in which they are lessprone to sickness and sleep better at nights.
元氣好眠 Lite 1.1.3
★Lite版:免費體驗記錄七天睡眠日誌及分析、睡眠音樂各首60秒試聽。★付費完整版:無限記錄睡眠日誌及分析、睡眠音樂全首完整聆聽。★最快3~5分鐘引導進入深層放鬆睡眠狀態的安眠音樂★個人化睡眠模式設定,一覺好眠到天亮!★日誌分析超便利,睡眠品質一把罩!你…睡不好嗎?「元氣好眠」讓你越聽越好眠、從此失眠不求人睡前腦袋總是停不下來、每天因為壓力大而睡不著嗎?或是醒來時總是覺得沒睡飽呢?「元氣好眠」APP,就是專門針對長期飽受失眠困擾的壓力族所設計的!分別依據使用者不同程度的失眠情況,以及午休小憩、夜間長時間睡眠、晨起喚醒等不同的使用情境,提供使用者對症下「樂」,選擇最適合自己的睡眠音樂作聆聽,和晨起使用的喚醒音樂搭配使用,讓你不僅睡得好,更有效消除起床氣。「元氣好眠」音樂是台灣第一套兼具專業創作與科學實證的安眠音樂,由專業團隊耗時二年精研創作,結合意象導引、呼吸、聲波共振、氣脈流動、中醫五音等中西自然醫學音樂療法,紓解各種影響睡眠的身心壓力,最快3~5分鐘引導進入深層放鬆睡眠狀態。「元氣好眠」APP除了提供專業設計的睡眠音樂之外,更提供了睡眠紀錄、睡眠日誌和分析…等睡眠管理的功能,幫助你真正睡得快、睡的熟、睡得好、睡得精神充沛,作自己睡眠的主人!功能說明:★ 睡眠設定:可設定睡前欲播放的睡眠音樂,以及起床時要播放的喚醒音樂。按下「開始睡眠」後,系統將自動記錄你的睡眠時間和長度。★睡眠音樂:選擇合適的睡眠音樂來聆聽。★睡眠日誌:完整記錄每天的就寢和起床時間、睡眠長度、元氣指數、音樂能量。音樂能量即是記錄你當天音樂播放的長度,元氣指數則來自你每天起床後填寫的精神感覺量表。★睡眠分析:將每天的日誌記錄以月為單位作為統計圖表,可隨時觀察自己每月睡眠品質狀態,亦可作各月比較,再參考分析說明,幫助有效提升睡眠品質。※建議手機需插入SD卡方可順利安裝,以便程式寫入睡眠紀錄。※04/06 修正此功能:「睡眠中」狀態音樂播完可再重播
自然翻翻樂 1
翻牌來闖關!輕鬆辨識台灣常見72種生物!大自然的小生物,你認識多少種呢?走到野外,我們經常是只聽得見牠們的叫聲,卻遍尋不著牠們的身影。因此,認識大自然的動物,就從辨識聲音開始!「自然翻翻樂」是一款兼具知識性與娛樂性的小遊戲,運用風潮音樂多年來所出版的台灣大自然聲音圖鑑專輯,收集學者專家提供的圖片、聲音和文字介紹,歸納分為鳥類、蛙類、昆蟲類、哺乳類等四大類,製作成72種生物聲音圖卡,再利用這些聲音圖卡設計成各式關卡的翻牌記憶遊戲,考驗大家對台灣大自然的認識程度。遊戲方式很簡單,只要在時間內配對出各種生物正確的聲音和照片,就能成功破關,在「藏寶箱」中獲得一張獎勵卡,共有28張獎勵卡等你來收集!如果你擔心一次記不住這麼多,本遊戲還特別利用每種小生物的特性和外觀特徵,為牠們個別設計了一款Q版圖卡,以趣味幽默的方式提供提示,幫助你深刻記憶小生物們的名稱和長像!※主選單功能介紹(由左而右):*聽見大自然:試聽風潮大自然系列音樂專輯。*翻翻牌遊戲:25關自然翻牌記憶遊戲*生物互動圖鑑:收錄遊戲中出現的72種生物聲音圖鑑介紹*藏寶箱:可收集所有破關獎勵卡※72種生物包括:鳥類:麻雀、白頭翁、烏頭翁、家燕、綠繡眼、八哥、珠頸班鳩、紅嘴黑鵯、台灣畫眉、五色鳥、台灣藍鵲、樹鵲、小卷尾、黑枕藍鶲、黃鸝、棕面鶯、八色鳥、竹雞、小彎嘴畫眉、山紅頭、粉紅鸚嘴、台灣小鶯、台灣紫嘯鶇、白耳畫眉、白腹秧雞、大冠鷲、黃嘴角鴞、夜鷺、棕背伯勞、中杜鵑、白鶺鴒。蛙類:莫氏樹蛙、翡翠樹蛙、台北樹蛙、日本樹蛙、褐樹蛙、艾氏樹蛙、面天樹蛙、白頷樹蛙、諸羅樹蛙、橙腹樹蛙、腹斑蛙、牛蛙、貢德氏赤蛙、古氏赤蛙、台北赤蛙、拉都希氏赤蛙、澤蛙、虎皮蛙、斯文豪氏赤蛙、梭德氏赤蛙、小雨蛙、黑蒙西氏小雨蛙、巴氏小雨蛙、黑眶蟾蜍、盤古蟾蜍、中國樹蟾。昆蟲類:台灣騷蟬、台灣騷蟴、眉紋蟋蟀、陽明山暮蟬、熊蟬、螽蟴。哺乳類:台灣獼猴、大赤鼯鼠、山羌、飛旋海豚、赤腹松鼠、台灣野山羊、野豬、水鹿、台灣黑熊。Flop come checkpoints!Easily recognize common in Taiwan 72 species!Small creatures of nature, you know how many kinds of it? Wentwild, we often only hear their voices, but could not find theirpresence. Therefore, understanding the nature of animals, fromrecognition voice!"Natural looking through music" is a game both informative andentertaining, the use of a wave of music over the years publishedillustrations of nature sound album collection of scholars andexperts to provide pictures, sound and text, summarized dividedinto four major categories of birds, frogs, insects, mammals,produced 72 kinds of biological sound card, picture cards designedto re-use these sounds all kinds of hurdles flop memory game, testthe level of awareness of the nature of Taiwan.The game is very simple, time matching the a biologicallycorrect sound and photos, will be able to successfully break offand get a reward card "treasure chest", you come to collect a totalof 28 rewards card! If you are worried about not remember so much,the game is also special to each small biological characteristicsand appearance features a Q territory card, they are individuallydesigned, offer tips in a fun and humorous way, help your lastingmemory of little creatures their names and long like!※ main menu function (left to right): to hear Nature: NatureSeries music album audition agitation. * Looking through the cardgame: 25 off naturally flop memory game * Biological interactivefield guide: The game included 72 species sound illustrations *treasure chest: You can collect all broken off rewards card* 72 species, including:Birds: sparrows, bulbuls, Bulbul, swallow, white-eye, starling,beads neck Madarahato, Red-billed black bulbul, Taiwan thrush,Barbet, Taiwan Blue Magpie, Magpie tree, small capuchin,black-naped Blue Flycatcher, Oriole , brown surface Orioles, pitta,bamboo chicken, Scimitar Babbler, Mountain red head, pinkparrotfish, Xiaoying Taiwan, Taiwan Whistling Thrush, white earthrush, White-bellied Crake, crested serpent eagle, yellow mouthowl Night Heron, schach, cuckoo, white wagtail.Frogs: Mohs tree frog, emerald tree frog, tree frogs, Japanesetree frog, brown tree frog, Ehrlich tree frog, face day tree frog,white throated tree frog, the Chulo tree frog, the orange-belliedtree frog belly spot frogs, bullfrogs, guenther's red frog, Kuhl'sbrown frog, Taipei red frog, pull all the His brown frog, Ze frog,tiger skin frog Swinhoe's brown frog, shuttle reed red frogs, rainfrogs, black Mengxi's rain frog The Pap rain frogs, Bufo toad, treefrogs.The insects: Sao cicada Taiwan Sao Si the eyebrow lines cricket,Yangmingshan twilight cicada, Bear cicada, grasshopper Si.Mammals: monkeys, squirrel, muntjac, spinner dolphins,squirrels, Taiwan mountain goat, wild boar, sambar, Formosan blackbear.
Baby Emotion 1.1.2
A MUST BUY for new parents! A tactic to tackleyour kids’ emotions.This app is for family to have fun together, specificallydesigned for parents and two-year-old above kids to interact whilehaving fun together! This app uses anthropomorphic objects to teachkids to express five most commonly seen emotions. With ourprofessional help, the “25 Tips for Parents” provides parentseducational materials to instruct their kids at ease, so childrencan deal with their own emotions in the right way, parents andchildren can bond tighter and tighter! This app is at the same timea singing-learning tool, incorporating children’s folk song versionand karaoke version. Children can learn to sing “My Face,” which isa song composed by a Kim Hsieh, who obtained her doctoral degree inMusic Education from the University of Victoria in Canada. She hasproduced several children music including “Where is Spring?” and“Happy Children, Happy Singing” both released by Wind Music. Thesong “My Face” enables children to learn about their faces andfacial expressions from singing, and learn to express theiremotions.Watch the music video of “My Face” http://youtu.be/B2SPDR6orCgInstructions:1. Select one object or emotion to enter the game, jiggle the phoneor click on the picture on the screen to change different objectsand emotions.2. Click on “Music” to learn to sing “My Face.” Two versions:children’s folk song and karaoke versions.3. Click on “Tips for Parents” to see emotions hints and tips, anda guidance of children’s behavior.4. Click on the kitty icon on the lower right corner to set gamefunctions and view music information.
BirdChuChu 1.0
Jiggle your phone. You are the producer ofBirdChuChu!BirdChuChu is an entertaining as well as informative natureencyclopedia. Professor Qing-Song Sun instructed and provided thecontent, which includes 42 endemic and birds that are commonlyfound in Taiwan. Users learn about each bird with the sound,picture, and content incorporated in this app. BirdChuChu is themost convenient tool you can bring along when you are out in thenature.BirdChuChu is also an instrument of yours! Select one birdyou like from the Encyclopedia and jiggle your phone to hear thesound of the bird. BirdChuChu Piano is an exclusively bonus for youwhen you download this app. White-throated Flycatcher Warbler isthe lead of the chorus, and it can produce sound of a total of ninescales. We highly recommend you to play BirdChuChu along with yourFrogWaWa to create a unique forest symphony!
FrogWaWa 1.0
Jiggle your phone. You are the conductor ofFrogWaWa!FrogWaWa is an entertaining as well as informative natureencyclopedia. Professor Yi-Ju Yang instructed and provided thecontent, which includes 26 frogs that are commonly found in Taiwan.Users learn about each frog with the sound, picture, and contentincorporated in this app. FrogWaWa is the most convenient tool youcan bring along when you are out in the nature. FrogWaWa is also aninstrument of yours: select one frog you like from the Encyclopediaand jiggle your phone to hear the sound of the frog. Additionally,FrogWaWa Piano is an exclusively bonus for you in which the RiceField Frog acts as the lead of the chorus, producing sounds up to atotal of nine scales. It is highly recommended that you playFrogWaWa along with your BirdChuChu to create a unique forestsymphony!
Sleeping+ 1.0
★3~5 minutes to guide you into deepestrelaxation★customized sleeping mode★sleeping diary to analyze your quality of sleepYou brain can’t stop functioning before going to bed, can’t fallasleep because of overwhelming stress, or never feel energetic whenyou wake up in the morning.“Sleeping+” is your key to those problems, exclusively designedfor stressed out people who are suffering from insomnia. This appcan tailor to individual needs and solve sleeping problems byassessing the degree that one is suffering, and play musicdepending on which sleeping scenarios you are in, including noonnap, night sleep, morning wake up. Choose your own suitable sleepand wake up music, so you will enjoy every night sleep and wake upjoyfully in the morning.★ Setting: Set your own sleep and wake up music. Click on “startsleeping,” the system will automatically record your sleep time andlength.★ Sleeping Music: Various kinds for different needs includingdaytime naps, regular sleeps, extra deep slumbers, and joyfulawakening.★ Sleeping Diary: Keep track of your everyday sleep and wake uptime, sleeping length, energy level, music energy. Music energy ishow much you spent listening to music in a day while energy levelis the rating you give after you wake up each morning.★ Sleeping Analysis: Analyze your sleeping diary in statisticalgraphs, so you can observe your sleep quality each month and makemonthly comparisons.
ShaShaSha 1.1.7
★Benefit concert: “To Continue our Dream—Be Heard by Everyone” onSaturday, March 31st 7:30 PM, at the National Theatre Concert Hall– Main Plaza. Tap the drum, jiggle your phone, play music with usall night long! Did you download two apps released by Wind Music:FrogWaWa and BirdChuChu? Wind Music proudly presents our latestapp: ShaShaSha, an app that contains six different percussioninstruments, including Djembe, Woodblock, Sleighbell, Güiro,Shaker, and Wind chime. It’s your choice to play each percussioninstrument alone or all six of them together! If you think an appwith sounds only is not cool enough, here’s more to the app: eachinstrument contains a glow stick which comes in five differentcolors including red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Colors ofglow sticks shine when you play each instrument, so take advantageof playing with your band at night. Even when you don’t play thepercussion instrument, letting glow sticks shine in the dark inalso a fun thing to do at night. ShaShaSha is an app for you tohave fun by yourself or with your friends, and an app that you canbring to the concert and perform with our musicians and others onthe day of the concert! Let’s meet this year on May 31st atNational Theatre Concert Hall – Main Plaza, play instruments,enjoy, and have fun in the evening! Instructions: 1.Go to“Instruments,” choose one instrument, tap on the screen or jigglethe phone to play the sound of the instrument. Guiro and wind chimecan both be played by scrolling vertically and horizontally withyour fingertip. Striking the Djembe at either the center of theskin or near the edge can produce two different sounds.2.“Ensemble” allows you to play multi-instruments at the same time,produce sounds by tapping the instruments.
Baby Melody—Soothing 1.2
★List price:2.99,Purchase price 1.99★ Designed and madeprofessionally for your 0~2 years old baby. Relaxation music forthe mother-to-be and the infant as well as anyone who is lookingfor soft music to listen and relax! “Baby Melody—Soothing” soothesand calms babies’ anxiety and insecurity. The condition of themother greatly affects the unborn child and the infant. Soft andmoderate-paced music calms down the mother-to-be, and when themother’s psychological state is peaceful and harmonious, her neuraland hormone systems will stay undisturbed, thus securing the properdevelopment of the fetus. An emotionally stable woman will provideher baby with an environment that is pleasant and free from stress.The baby will then have a better chance to develop a soundpersonality and a healthy body. In addition, babies tend to stopcrying when they hear the music that they had heard in theirmother’s wombs, because babies recognize the sounds they heardwhile still in the womb. The ears of the unborn child are alreadydeveloped after the fifth month of pregnancy, and that the sense ofhearing is the first sense the embryo develops. The fetus can hearthe sounds of mother’s heartbeats, breathing, voice as well asenvironmental sounds. It is evident that soft music can have along-lasting positive impact for babies in which they are lessprone to sickness and sleep better at nights.
Baby Melody—Enjoy 1.4
★List price:2.99,Purchase price 1.99★ Designed and madeprofessionally for your 0~2 years old baby. Relaxation music forthe mother-to-be and the infant as well as anyone who is lookingfor soft music to listen and relax! “Baby Melody—Enjoy” helpsbabies to concentrate and stay focus. The condition of the mothergreatly affects the unborn child and the infant. Soft andmoderate-paced music calms down the mother-to-be, and when themother’s psychological state is peaceful and harmonious, her neuraland hormone systems will stay undisturbed, thus securing the properdevelopment of the fetus. An emotionally stable woman will provideher baby with an environment that is pleasant and free from stress.The baby will then have a better chance to develop a soundpersonality and a healthy body. In addition, babies tend to stopcrying when they hear the music that they had heard in theirmother’s wombs, because babies recognize the sounds they heardwhile still in the womb. The ears of the unborn child are alreadydeveloped after the fifth month of pregnancy, and that the sense ofhearing is the first sense the embryo develops. The fetus can hearthe sounds of mother’s heartbeats, breathing, voice as well asenvironmental sounds. It is evident that soft music can have along-lasting positive impact for babies in which they are lessprone to sickness and sleep better at nights.
風潮隨身聽 1.0.21
Listen to the trend, take the music with you!