象辑知源(武汉)科技有限公司 Apps

天气家 3.0.0
天气家-基于实时位置的逐小时空气质量及天气预报-提供基于LBS的精准天气服务;-覆盖国内全部省市,2501个预报点;-精准降雨预报,让我们出门不再发愁;-7天逐小时空气质量预报,让我们乐享空气清新的每一刻;-基于人体生理模型,从多维度进行天气实感评分,时刻关心你我的身体感受;-天气相机,和我们一同记录每一刻的温度、晴雨、还有天气心情;-用最美的天气界面,陪你度过每一天;天气家努力从感性和理性两个层面重新定义天气预报,希望能为你带来一个真正懂你的天气应用。[联系我们]感谢您体验天气家,使用中有任何问题可直接在“菜单-设置-意见反馈”中填写发送,我们将在第一时间处理回复。以下通道同样受理意见建议:公众号:搜索关注“天气家”即可微博:@天气家客服邮箱:[email protected]客服电话:010-59444044官网:http://www.mlogcn.comWeather home -basedreal-time location of hourly air quality and weather forecast- Providing accurate weather-based LBS services;- Cover all domestic provinces, 2501 forecast points;- Accurate rainfall forecast, let us go out no more worry;-7 Days, hourly air quality forecasts, let us enjoy music andfreshair every moment;- Physiological model based on weather from multipledimensionsscore real sense, you are always concerned about mybodyfeel;- Weather cameras, and we record the temperature everymomenttogether, rain or shine, and weather mood;- With the most beautiful weather interface, accompany youspendevery day;Weather Weather Forecast from home trying to redefinebothemotional and rational levels, hoping to bring a trulyunderstandyour weather application for you.[contact us]Thank you to experience the weather at home, the use of anyproblemscan be directly "menu - Settings - Feedback" fill send, wewillreply in the first time to deal with.The following passage is also accepted Suggestion:Public Number: Concerned about the "Weather Home" buttonMicroblogging: @ Weather HomeCustomer Service Email: [email protected] Service Tel: 010-59444044Official website: http: //www.mlogcn.com