興田國際集團 Apps

iSOQI行動日誌 1.09
提供公司的官方行事曆活動,您也可以上傳您自己的活動並分享給您的夥伴。Provide the company'sofficial calendar events,You can also upload your own events and share your partner.
HSINTEN直銷分析系統 1.62.028
Hsinten公司目前全球約有10萬多名會員,Hsinten公司開發本系統,提供本公司全球高階主管一個便利的管理工具,可在全球各地免費下載使用本系統。Around the world morethan 100,000 members, Hsinten of Hsinten company to develop thesystem, providing a convenient management tool for the company'sglobal executives around the world for free download using thissystem.
HTE業績試算台灣版 1.05
興田國際集團(Hsinten InternationalGropu),專為台灣的直銷夥伴提供一套專業的業績試算系統,直銷商可以根據訂購的商品計算獎金。Hing InternationalHoldings (Hsinten International Gropu), designed to provide aprofessional performance to direct partners in Taiwan spreadsheetsystem, distributors can calculate bonuses based on orderedproducts.
My Account 1.0.1
Key features:- View personal profile and status- View daily achievements, contest update and history- View personal and group’s latest orders and history- Receive latest newsletter, promotions and offers- Trace your order packagesHTE Americas My Account app is an useful tool for HTE independentdistributors who use it to manage the personal and group businessefficiently on the go.
iSOQI 1.0.6
Introduction:iSOQI Mobile & Cloud creates endless possibilities!Hsinten International Group has meticulously created the ExpertSystem which provides various functions and services including thefollowing:Group, Products, Business, Training, Knowledge, News