猪八戒网 Apps

手机猪八戒- 装修设计,logo设计,营销策划,网站建设 5.1.4
---创业者福利劲爆来袭---8月9—9月9,1亿红包 助力创业!----找专业的人,做专业的事,上手机猪八戒----手机猪八戒—为创业者提供从公司起名、logo设计、平面设计、商标注册、开发建站、营销推广、文案策划、动画视频、工业设计、建筑设计、装修设计、财税代帐等一站式企业全生命周期服务,是助力创业者的必备神器。----创业十年,我们用实力,助力创业者梦想起航----【企业取名】—名字影响未来好的名字造就一个好的品牌,我们有30万服务商、我们取过900万个名字;【Logo设计】—企业灵魂深入人心好的Logo诠释好的品牌,我们有31万服务商、我们做过130万个Logo设计;【营销推广】—高效营销,小成本大传播好的营销可迅速扩大宣传影响力,我们有14万服务商,我们做过100万次营销推广;【App开发】—移动时代,让用户更深爱好的App产品是开发出来的,我们有11万服务商,我们开发过4万个App;【商标注册】—商标担保,不成功退全款没有商标、拿什么保护创业中的您?我们成立两年,我们做过20万件商标注册;【财税代账】—出错全赔付,代账更放心为初创企业解决财务烦恼,我们成立不到半年,我们做过1万个代账服务;【其他服务】—您所需要的,我们都能办到语种翻译、物料印刷、影视拍摄、线下地推、服装定制、创意祝福、文案策划、装修设计等----总有一种方式联系我----官方微信:猪八戒网官方微博:@猪八戒客户端@手机猪八戒App:“我”-“设置”-“意见反馈”QQ群:110714974--- Entrepreneurs welfareMadden struck ---August, September to September 9,1 one hundred million redenvelopes for Entrepreneurs!---- Find professional people, professional thing to do on a mobilephone Pig ----Pig mobile phone - for entrepreneurs to offer from the companynaming, logo design, graphic design, trademark registration,Website development, marketing, copywriting, video animation,industrial design, architectural design, decoration design, taxaccounts and other one-stop-generation enterprise-wide lifecycleservices, is essential for entrepreneurs artifact.---- Venture decades, we use the strength, Entrepreneurs dream sail----[Business name] - Name influence the futureGood name to create a good brand, we have 300,000 serviceproviders, we take over nine million names;[] Logo Design - Corporate popular soulGood Logo interpretation of a good brand, we have 310,000 serviceproviders, we did 1.3 million Logo design;[Marketing] - efficient marketing, small cost big spreadGood marketing can quickly expand the influence of propaganda, wehave 140,000 service providers, we have done a million timesmarketing;[App] development - mobile era, allowing users to deeper loveGood App product is developed, we have 110,000 service providers,we have developed over 40000 App;[Registered trademark] - trademark guarantees full refundunsuccessfulNo trademark, what means protection of your venture? We set up twoyears, we have done 200,000 trademark registration;Posting on behalf of [taxation] - Error full payment, on behalf ofthe account with more confidenceFor the start-ups to solve the financial troubles, we establishedless than six months, we have done 10,000 generations accountservices;[Other services] - what you need, we can doLanguage translation, printing materials, film shooting, lineShimoji push, custom clothing, creative blessing, copy planning,design and other decoration---- There is always a way to contact me ----Official micro letter: Pig NetworkOfficial microblogging: @ Pig Pig phone client @App: "I" - "Settings" - "Feedback"QQ group: 110 714 974
猪八戒抢单宝 3.4.0
想赚钱,来猪八戒网!每天发布超过6000+需求,只要你有能力海量订单等你来。【关于抢单宝App】抢单宝是专为猪八戒网服务商量身打造,随时随地完成抢单-参与-交稿-管理订单流程,使用更加便利。随着功能不断完善和改进升级,抢单宝一定会成为得力助手,帮助服务商赢得更多精准订单,节约时间成本。下载抢单宝赶紧来体验最新功能和特权吧!【便捷功能】需求市场:汇集各类悬赏需求,可以根据自己能力筛选节约时间成本交易管理:清晰掌握订单情况,了解需求进度。交易提醒:贴心的管家式设计,让你不错过任何订单。呼呼沟通:可以联系雇主了解需求细节。【关于猪八戒网】CCTV多次报道猪八戒网(www.zhubajie.com),服务交易品类涵盖创意设计、网站建设、网络营销、文案策划、生活服务等多种行业。猪八戒网有百万服务商正在出售服务,为企业、公共机构和个人提供定制化的解决方案,他们已经为25个国家和地区的100余万家企业、公共机构、个人提供了240万次定制化的解决方案, 将创意、智慧、技能转化为商业价值和社会价值。 *特别提示:本App专为猪八戒服务商设计的版本,如果你想发布需求请下载“猪八戒雇主版”。 【加入成为首席体验官,赢积分】QQ群:110714974Want to make money, toPig Network! Demand release of more than 6000 a day, as long as youhave the ability to mass orders, and so you come.App treasure grab one [on]Grab a single treasure is designed for network services Pig discusstailored completed anytime grab one - Engagement - turnaround -Manage the order process, use more convenient. With the continuousimprovement and improved functionality upgrades, grab a singletreasure will become assistant to help service providers win moreaccurate orders, saving time cost. Download treasure quickly grabone to experience the latest features and privileges it![Convenient function]Market demand: collection of various types of reward needs, you canfilter based on their ability to save time costsTransaction management: a clear grasp orders, understand the needsof progress.Trading Alert: close the butler design, so you do not miss anyorders.Whirring communication: you can contact the employer needs to knowthe details.About Pig [network]CCTV repeatedly reported Pig Network (www.zhubajie.com), servicetrade category covers creative design, site construction, networkmarketing, text planning, life service and other industries. PigNetwork service providers are selling millions services to providecustomized solutions for businesses, public institutions andindividuals, who has been in 25 countries and regions, more than100 million businesses, public institutions and individuals toprovide a custom 2.4 million times technology solutions, creative,intelligent, skills into business value and social value.* Special Note: This App specially designed for service providersPig version if you want to publish needs, please download the "Pigemployer edition."[Joined as chief experience officer, winning points]QQ group: 110 714 974
八戒到家-抢单版 1.0.5
*一款全新的、专业的、靠谱的、贴心服务平台--八戒到家*八戒到家是猪八戒网旗下在线生活服务平台,我们提供家政服务、个人健康、体育健身、兴趣表演、摄影、维修与技术支持等各色各样的定制化个人生活服务。随时随地,解决你生活中的琐碎杂事,疑难杂症。广泛培养您的兴趣爱好,找人做事就找八戒到家。八戒到家抢单版,可以帮助您接到更多的需求订单--单单必达。【双重认证】网罗当地各行各业专业人才,所有服务商100%实名和专业技能双重认证,服务质量放心有保障;【完全免费】本地大中型企业全面推广,所有订单免费推送给平台入驻认证服务商,需求抢单全免费;【精准推送】所有订单会根据用户的地理位置和需求的具体要求,进行精准推送,让服务更轻松;特别提示:本App为八戒到家抢单版仅供服务商使用,用户可以通过关注“八戒到家”微信公众号下单。【联系我们】微信公众账号:八戒到家   邮件反馈:[email protected]注:麻烦您在评论中留下联系方式,以便我们能快速的解决问题,并不断优化和改善我们的产品,以便给用户更好的用户体验。
猪八戒买家版 1.0.1
简介猪八戒买家版,不招人也可以办好公司!猪八戒网(www.zhubajie.com)是中国最大的在线服务交易平台,汇集了九百多万来自设计、软件、营销推广、文案创作、动漫影视、家居装修、生活服务等各领域的专业服务商,为有上述需求的企业、团体、组织和个人提供全方位、一条龙的贴心服务。买家托管佣金猪八戒网,服务商完成您的需求后,经过您的确认才会将佣金支付给服务商,资金更安全,交易更放心。切勿进行线下交易。主要功能介绍:1.对手机吼,找靠谱的人,发需求原来可以这么简单。2.任务管理,实时查看参与服务商提交的高质量稿件。3.消息推送,您的需求有新的交稿,都会第一时间通知到您。4.logo设计、网站建设、app开发、seo、文案创作、网络营销、企业品牌取名…只要是你想要的服务,我们都能提供。使用猪八戒买家版,解决您的需求,助力企业腾飞。如果你想了解应用的更多信息,请访问:http://m.zhubajie.com/官方新浪微博:http://www.weibo.com/zhubajiewang官方微信:zhubajiewangweixinBrief introductionPig buyer version, you can not recruit people to run thecompany!Pig Network (www.zhubajie.com) is China's largest trading platformonline services, bringing together more than 900 million peoplefrom design, software, marketing, creative writing, animation film,home decoration, service life and other areas of professionalservice providers for those in the needs of enterprises, groups,organizations and individuals to provide comprehensive, one-stopcaring service.Pig web hosting buyers commission, service providers to completeyour needs, after your confirmation before the commission paid toservice providers, funding more secure transactions with moreconfidence. Never carry line transactions.Main Features:1 roar on the phone, looking for people who fly, hair needs couldbe so simple.(2) task management, real-time view participating service providersto submit high-quality manuscripts.3 The news push, your needs have new turnaround, will be the firsttime to notify you.4.logo design, construction sites, app development, seo, creativewriting, internet marketing, corporate brand name ... as long asyou want service, we can provide.Use Pig buyer version, address your needs, and help businesstake off.If you want to know more information about the application, visit:http://m.zhubajie.com/Official Sina microblogging: http://www.weibo.com/zhubajiewangOfficial micro letter: zhubajiewangweixin