李宗憲 Apps

誠正國中 1.5
1.專門屬於誠正國中所有人的App-只要安裝本App後,就能隨時知道誠正大小事(使用平板能達到最佳效果)2.因經費有限之故,目前不提供APPLE App下載,敬請見諒!1. exclusively belongtothe highest integrity of all countries in App- justafterinstalling this App, you can always know Cheng Chia trivial(toachieve the best results using a tablet)2. Because of limited funds and therefore, does notcurrentlyprovide APPLE App download, please forgive me!
國中聯合會 1.9
1.提供台北市各國中家長會一個資訊迅速交流的平台2.目前本程式沒有提供apple ios版本,請見諒1. Parents willprovidecountries in an information platform for the rapid exchangeofTaipei2. At present, the program does not provide apple iosversion,please forgive me
鼎禾室內裝修 1.4
歡迎安裝本公司App"鼎 " 足豐"禾"---願能經由我們的巧思,讓客戶們收穫滿載的想法;也是我們公司名稱發想的由來,而象徵樹的徽幟,一則永續,一則是我們堅持對於社會的回饋。本工程設計團隊在工程上不只奠立了紮實的基礎,所獲得的豐富經驗及成就,更是我們持續奮鬥的原動力。我們認真看待您對空間的期待與冀望,透過整合規劃、設計、施工及經營評估後得以實現;對於每件作品,我們都堅持用我們的熱情與想法,帶給您不一樣的想法與巧思,更希望讓您的成就與財富都與我們一起收穫滿載!Welcome to installthecompany App"Ding" Foot Feng "Wo" --- through our ingenuity is willing toletcustomers gain full idea; we also want to send the origin ofthecompany name, and a symbol of the tree emblem flag, aperpetual,one is that we adhere to community feedback. Theengineering teamon the project not only laid a solid foundation,experience andachievements gained, it is the driving force behindour continuedstruggle. We are serious about your expectations andlook to space,through post-integration planning, design,construction andoperation of the assessment can be achieved; foreach piece, westick with our enthusiasm and ideas, gives youdifferent ideas andingenuity I also hope to make your achievementsand wealth with usfull harvest!