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石碇元寶山仙石府 1.0.1
石碇元寶山仙石府官方 APP,可簡單查詢最新消息與最新活動資訊。石碇仙石府位於台北縣石碇鄉永定村大湖格路五路財神廟對面,緣於民國九十年納利颱風爆發土石流,將五路財神廟主任委員之祖厝邊之土地公廟一並沖蝕怠淨,於重整家園時赫然發現祖厝前方竟然出現三座巨石,其中最大者竟然像極三足金蟾,另一座像獅、另一座像象俱唯妙唯肖,曾先生忽憶及其先父曾叮嚀囑後世子孫不管有任何困難或變遷,皆不可將祖厝變賣之囑。以曾先生多年來修道之經驗,認為此事必有玄機,於是著手整頓,忽一日夜夢一童顏道者手執金錢連串,戲一三足蟾蜍,忽驚而醒憶及道書有云:全真五祖之ㄧ有劉海蟾者其隨身法物乃一金蟾、莫非祖師意於蓬萊顯化,弘揚大道,又據所知台島並無祀奉劉祖海蟾真君之道觀殿堂,於是決心依像依心依道籌建劉祖海蟾真君道場,取名為〈仙石府〉。仙石府創立迄今僅數載,然全省信眾聞風求道、凡至府參拜者莫無大感應。Shihting YuanbaoshanSengoku government official APP, can be a simple query updates withthe latest event information.Shihting Sengoku House is located opposite the road grid in theGreat Lakes Rd, Taipei County Yongding village Shihting townshipGod of wealth, due to the outbreak of the Republic of ninetyDonnelly typhoon mudslide, the ancestral land temple, chairman ofthe God of wealth Rd side of the house together net erosion lazy athome when the reformer was surprised to find in front of theancestral house actually had three boulders, the largest of which,like most of those who turned out to be three-legged toad, anotherlion statues, like all the other statues Weimiaoweixiao, Mr Tsangsuddenly Recalling its late father had warned him instruct futuregenerations regardless of any difficulties or change, are not toenjoin the sale of the ancestral house.Tsang years in monastic experience, think that this must be tricky,so to rectify, suddenly one day a Tammy Tao Night's Dream holdingmoney series, drama thirteen foot toad, suddenly woke up scared andhave recalled the Road book Cloud: the whole truth Patriarch of ㄧhave bangs toad who carry their possessions is a toad, does thefounder intended to Penglai significant, promote Avenue, and to theknowledge of the island does not enshrine Liuzu Hai toad zhenjunthe Taoist palace, so as determined according to the Heartaccordance build Liuzu Hai Road toad zhenjun temple, named .Sengoku government created so far only several years, and thencaught the faithful aspirant province, where to house worshipers Mono big sense.
新港奉天宮 1.2
石碇元寶山仙石府[new] 1.0.1
石碇元寶山仙石府官方 APP,可簡單查詢最新消息與最新活動資訊。石碇仙石府位於台北縣石碇鄉永定村大湖格路五路財神廟對面,緣於民國九十年納利颱風爆發土石流,將五路財神廟主任委員之祖厝邊之土地公廟一並沖蝕怠淨,於重整家園時赫然發現祖厝前方竟然出現三座巨石,其中最大者竟然像極三足金蟾,另一座像獅、另一座像象俱唯妙唯肖,曾先生忽憶及其先父曾叮嚀囑後世子孫不管有任何困難或變遷,皆不可將祖厝變賣之囑。以曾先生多年來修道之經驗,認為此事必有玄機,於是著手整頓,忽一日夜夢一童顏道者手執金錢連串,戲一三足蟾蜍,忽驚而醒憶及道書有云:全真五祖之ㄧ有劉海蟾者其隨身法物乃一金蟾、莫非祖師意於蓬萊顯化,弘揚大道,又據所知台島並無祀奉劉祖海蟾真君之道觀殿堂,於是決心依像依心依道籌建劉祖海蟾真君道場,取名為〈仙石府〉。仙石府創立迄今僅數載,然全省信眾聞風求道、凡至府參拜者莫無大感應。ShihtingYuanbaoshanSengoku government official APP, can be a simple queryupdates withthe latest event information.Shihting Sengoku mansion located opposite the road grid in theGreatLakes Rd, Taipei County township of Yongding village ShihtingGod ofwealth, due to the outbreak of the Republic of ninetyDonnellytyphoon landslides, land Rd ancestral temple of the God ofwealth,chairman of the edge of the house together net erosion lazyat homewhen the reformer was surprised to find the ancestralresidence hasappeared in front of three boulders, the largest ofthe three-leggedtoad actually like most of the other lion statues,like all theother statues Weimiaoweixiao, Mr Tsang suddenlyRecalling My fatherhad warned him instruct future generationsregardless of anydifficulties or change, are not available toenjoin the sale of theancestral house.In Tsang years monastic experience, that the matter must betricky,so to rectify, Suddenly day Night's Dream Tong Yan Taoholding aseries of money, play thirteen foot toad, suddenly wokeupfrightened and recalled the road book has cloud: the wholetruthPatriarch of ㄧ have bangs toad who carry their possessions isatoad, does the founder intended to Penglai manifest,promoteAvenue, and to the knowledge of the island does not enshrineLiuzuHai toad Zhenjun the Taoist temple, so as determined by theheartby road to build Liuzu Hai toad Zhenjun temple, named .Sengoku government created so far only several years, andthencaught the faithful aspirant province, where to houseworshipers Mono large induction.
石碇元寶山仙石府[新] 1.0.0
石碇元寶山仙石府官方APP,本版本為最新九宮格版,可簡單查詢最新消息與最新活動資訊。石碇仙石府位於台北縣石碇鄉永定村大湖格路五路財神廟對面,緣於民國九十年納利颱風爆發土石流,將五路財神廟主任委員之祖厝邊之土地公廟一並沖蝕怠淨,於重整家園時赫然發現祖厝前方竟然出現三座巨石,其中最大者竟然像極三足金蟾,另一座像獅、另一座像象俱唯妙唯肖,曾先生忽憶及其先父曾叮嚀囑後世子孫不管有任何困難或變遷,皆不可將祖厝變賣之囑。以曾先生多年來修道之經驗,認為此事必有玄機,於是著手整頓,忽一日夜夢一童顏道者手執金錢連串,戲一三足蟾蜍,忽驚而醒憶及道書有云:全真五祖之ㄧ有劉海蟾者其隨身法物乃一金蟾、莫非祖師意於蓬萊顯化,弘揚大道,又據所知台島並無祀奉劉祖海蟾真君之道觀殿堂,於是決心依像依心依道籌建劉祖海蟾真君道場,取名為〈仙石府〉。仙石府創立迄今僅數載,然全省信眾聞風求道、凡至府參拜者莫無大感應。ShihtingYuanbaoshanSengoku government official APP, this version is thelatest versionof the squares, you can simply query updates with thelatest eventinformation.Shihting Sengoku mansion is located across the road grid intheGreat Lakes Rd, Taipei County township of Yongding villageShihtingGod of wealth, due to the outbreak of the Republic ofninetyDonnelly typhoon landslides, land ancestral temple, chairmanof theGod of wealth Rd side of the house together net erosion lazyathome when the reformer was surprised to find theancestralresidence has appeared in front of three boulders, thelargest ofwhich were actually like most of the three-legged toad,anotherlion statues, like all the other statues Weimiaoweixiao, MrTsangsuddenly Recalling My father had warned him instructfuturegenerations regardless of any difficulties or change, arenotavailable to the sale of the ancestral house Well.Tsang years in a religious experience, that the matter mustbetricky, so to rectify, suddenly one day a Tammy Night's DreamTaoholding a series of money, play a three-legged toad, suddenlywokeup frightened and recalled the road book has cloud: the wholetruthPatriarch of ㄧ have bangs toad who carry their possessions isatoad, does the founder intended to Penglai manifest,promoteAvenue, and to the knowledge of the island does not enshrineLiuzuHai toad Zhenjun the Taoist temple, so as determined by theheartby road to build Liuzu Hai toad Zhenjun temple, named .Sengoku government created so far only several years, andthencaught the faithful aspirant province, where to houseworshipers Mono large induction.