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烧脑大师 1.0
全民猜歌 1.0
猜歌之王 1.0
我爱猜成语 1.1
中华成语博大精深,将四字成语画成图片后,纵使你才高八斗学富五车,有时也会让你百思不得其解,冥思苦想后恍然大悟,然后开怀一笑,醍醐灌顶,原来成语游戏也可以这么有趣。成语天天猜共设置了8大关卡,学前篇、小学篇、初中篇、高中篇、大学篇、硕士篇、博士篇、博士后篇、院士篇。每个大关卡设置了50个小关卡,共计450关。来挑战一下吧,看看读了大学硕士博士的你,能否达到或者超越您现在的学历!边玩边学成语,还可以拿来考考你的好友、同学、孩子、父母,寓教于乐,乐趣无穷……Chinese idiomprofound,the four-character idioms painted picture, even if youCaigaobadoueducated car, sometimes it makes you baffled, afterwrestlingsuddenly, then a laugh, sobering, the original game couldbe sointeresting idiom . Guess every idiom eight major checkpointswereset up, pre-school articles, primary articles, juniorpapers,school papers, college papers, master's papers, PhDpapers,doctoral papers, academician articles. Each big hurdles setup 50small points, totaling 450 off. To challenge it, to see readyouruniversity Master Doctor, you are now able to meet or exceedthequalifications! Play and Learn idioms, can also be used totestyour friends, classmates, kids, parents, entertaining,fun......
我爱记歌名 1.4
喜欢听歌的你有福了,我爱记歌词,不需要你会唱,也不需要你有多么动听的嗓音。只要你喜欢听歌。我爱记歌名,融入了当前娱乐元素最为流行的歌曲作为内容,通过聆听歌曲片段来猜歌名,目前共分为最热歌曲、ktv必点、网络红歌、挚爱成名曲、致青春、揪心情歌、神曲、励志歌曲、经典老歌、美丽童声、中国风、摇滚之夜等16类,共计240关,我们拼的只是谁听的歌最多,拼的只是谁会的歌最多,只要你记性好,喜欢听歌,那么你就有可能是冠军!别犹豫了!喜欢听歌的你。一定会爱上这款好游戏!Blessed are you likethesongs, I love to remember the lyrics, do not you sing, you donotneed how beautiful voice. As long as you like the songs.I love the song, entertainment element into the current mostpopularsongs as the content, by listening to song clips to guessthe songtitle, currently divided into the hottest songs, ktv willpointnetwork red song, love song,, caused by youth, worried LoveSong,The Divine Comedy, inspirational songs, classic songs,beautifulChoirs, Chinese style, rock nights 16 categories, a totalof 240off, we just fight who listen to the song the most, who willfightonly song the most, as long as your memory Well, like thesongs,then you are likely to be the champion!Do not hesitate! Your favorite songs. Will love thisgreatgame!
我爱记歌词2 1.0
《我爱记歌词2》强势出炉!最流行、最火爆的音乐歌曲,12种不同的音乐风格。《我爱记歌词2》兼具娱乐性和益智性,结合了中国老百姓最喜爱的娱乐方式——卡拉OK和风靡欧美的歌词记忆游戏,节目选取中国各个年代脍炙人口的流行经典歌曲,通过设计唱歌游戏,让参赛者现场回忆歌词,并选出正确歌词。简单到只有一条:“谁选对歌词”,不比歌喉,不比舞台表现,不比你漂不漂亮帅不帅,就比比看谁的记性好,只要你能选对规定的歌词就算你赢。别犹豫了!喜欢听歌的你。一定会爱上这款---------让你欲罢不能的好游戏!"I love to rememberthelyrics 2" strong baked! The most popular, the most popularmusicsongs, 12 different musical styles."I love to remember the lyrics 2" both entertaining andeducationalnature, combined with the Chinese people's favorite formofentertainment - Kara OK and lyrics memory game popular inEurope,select each program's well-known Chinese pop songs, bydesignsinging games, so contestants scene recalls the lyrics, andchoosethe correct lyrics.Simple to just one: "Who picked the lyrics" than voice,stagepresence than, than you is pretty handsome or not, you seewho's agood memory, as long as you choose the right lyricsprescribed evenif you win. Do not hesitate! Your favorite songs.'ll Love this--------- let you stop a good game!
疯狂猜明星 1.2.1
给你看一张脸,一个表情猜出正确的明星名字疯狂猜明星一款全中文益智休闲游戏,您可以和好友一起猜猜那些我们一起八卦过的明星吧。根据一张脸,一个表情,猜出正确的明星名字,考验自己的娱乐知识面,挑战自己和您的好友!游戏玩法:- 根据明星脸相片,从若干备选字中拼出正确的明星名字,考验你的娱乐知识面!- 必须准确地猜出明星名字后才能进入下一关哦!- 现有若百张图片存于游戏,但我们会将更新进行到底滴~更多游戏玩法及答案揭密请关注我们官方的微信公众账号“无线创想”For you to see a face,anexpression guess the correct name of the starCrazy guess the star a full Chinese puzzle casual games, youcanguess that we were friends together gossiping star bar.Accordingto a face, a face, guess the correct name of the star, totesttheir knowledge of entertainment and challenge yourself andyourfriends!How to play:- According star face photos, spell the name right from the starina number of alternative words, test your knowledgeofentertainment!- Must be accurately guess the name of the star to enter thenext,oh!- If one hundred existing images stored in the game, but in theendwe will be updating drop ~More gameplay and Answers Revealed please pay attention toourofficial micro-channel public account "Wireless Imagination"
疯狂答题 1.1
疯狂答题节日巨献,全民参与的答题益智游戏!总能让您棋逢对手。原创数万道题库,内容丰富新颖。超多主题可供选择,天文地理,自然科学,风俗美食,体育娱乐,各方各面,海量趣味题目等你来挑战!给一直觉得EQ,IQ都很高,却被埋没的你,一个展示的舞台,老少皆益。玩法众多选择,升级模式,闯关模式等;题库内容新颖,覆盖全民,包罗万象;每到一处都能立刻掀起智能手机用户的把玩高潮。对于目前遍地的动作冒险类游戏来说,这是一个集智慧、理性、快乐于一体的新型益智类游戏;《疯狂答题》以高难度的制作水准完成了包括UI页面的设计、按钮声音、背景音乐的运用。 本游戏的核心就是集中凸显知识运用的精彩。无论是参与者或是旁观者都能从中感受紧张、刺激、悬念、惊喜等种种情绪感受。
疯狂猜汽车 1.1
如今汽车已走进了千家万户,但你你了解关于它们的知识吗?通过《疯狂猜汽车》所有关卡,你可以成为汽车专家了,猜汽车,学知识。这里有平时常用的小排量代步汽车,也有难得一见的超级豪车。每次通关,都有相应的汽车介绍,让你在娱乐中还可以学习汽车知识。本游戏包含了各种品牌车系的汽车,挑战你对车的知识了解。如果你能闯过所有关卡,那么你就成为了汽车专家。Today the car hasenteredthe household, but you you know about them the knowledgeit?By "crazy guess car" all levels, you can become a car expert,guesscar knowledge. There are the usual means of transport commonlyusedin small-displacement cars, there are also a rare super-luxurycar.Every clearance, the car has a corresponding description, sothatyou can learn in the entertainment car knowledge.The game includes a variety of brand cars cars, challengeyourknowledge to understand the car. If you can get through allthelevels, then you become a car expert.