zhongbo Apps

Dinosaur Invasion: Jurassic 1.0.0
The immemorial dinosaurs appear in themodernworld through the veil of time, and there will be afranticupcoming slaughter which would require us to defend ourhomelandwith missiles. Draw different runes on the screen to attackthedinosaurs, easy to operate, yet fascinating. A varietyofwell-designed game items make it easier to resist thedinosaurinvasion. Several types of achievement systems for us tochallengeour new targets..Game Features:1, vivid dinosaur shape, instantly travel back to theprehistoricCretaceous2, innovative rune gesture play, accurate shooting is controlledbyyou3, various game items make it easier to resist thedinosaurinvasion4, ultimate T-Rex waits for you to challenge
The Arrow Heroes Story 1.0.0
"The Mongolian hero Temujin - you areprobablymore familiar with his another title “Genghis Khan” -unifiedMongolia and led tens of thousands of courageous Mongoliacavalriesto fight north and south. Those cavalries galloped acrossthe vastEurasian continent, conquered countless cities andexpandedthousands of miles of territory, making Europe, WesternRegions andEastern Asian countries tremble with fear. HeroicMongolianwarriors, follow your Great Khan! Demolish the front enemyandfortified city, and, pioneer the glorious chapter of theMongolEmpire!Game Features:1. breakthrough the oncoming enemies, fulfill the superfightingforce of Mongolian Cavalry2. random props and weapons dropped by enemies couldeffectivelyenhance your combat effectiveness3. unlock achievements to earn greater advantage of thenextfight"