youtrek Apps

Venice of Taste 1.2
This application that was developed on behalfof Confartigianato Venezia, on a project by Massimiliano Bianchiand graphic design by Sevollai Computer Art.It describes a number of shops that offer food specialties, locatedin the area of Venice.This app allows to:- Search shops by means of keywords, possibly within a given rangefrom one's current location- Locate shops on an interactive map- Browse the complete list of shops- Find the route to a given shop- Read the description, richly illustrated, of the food specialtiesoffered by each shop- Find the contacts of each shop: phone numbers, e-mail address,website address- Manage a list of favourites- Download the contents in order to use them off-line- Vote the shop you went to
ArtigianiVE - SOS Casa 1.1
Devi restaurare casa? Serve una pulizia dellacaldaia? I serramenti sono dasostiuire? Di cambiare una serratura? Di un trasloco?Da oggi c'è SOS casa l'applicazione pensata per i residenti e tuttii cityusers che propone una selezione di imprese artigiane operanti neisettoridell’edilizia/dipintura, installazione impianti, falegnameria,officinefabbrili e trasporto merci.L'elenco di queste imprese “eccellenti” riconoscibili con ilmarchioQSA_Qualità, Sicurezza, Affidabilità è riportato anche nel; le aziende che vi fanno parte, garantiscono non sololasicurezza obbligatoria, ma anche un aggiornamento tecnico continuo,elevatistandard qualitativi oltre a condizioni contrattuali certe etrasparenti.Restauri? Ristrutturazioni? Manutenzioni?Non affidarti al caso!Per una buona scelta cerca il meglio dell'artigianato veneziano,troveraile imprese con il marchio QSA (*),vere e proprie imprese 10 e lode!(*) Il marchio QSA è promosso da Confartigianato Venezia; leimprese che viaderiscono sono comunque pienamente responsabili di quantodichiarato e deiloro atti nell'ambito della propria autonomia imprenditioriale.You must restore thehouse? We need a cleaning of the boiler? The windows are fromsostiuire? To change a lock? A move?Now there's SOS home application designed for residents and allcityusers that offers a selection of small businesses operating inthebuilding / dipintura, equipment installation, carpentryworkshopsmetalwork and freight.The list of these companies as "excellent" with the recognizablebrandQSA_Qualità, Security, Reliability is also included in the; companies that are Parties to ensure not only theMandatory safety, but also a continuous technical updatinghighquality standards as well as certain contractual terms andtransparent.                 Restoration?Renovations? Maintenance?                          Donot rely on the case! For a good choice of seeking the best of Venetian, you'llfind                    businessesunder the brand QSA (*)                     10real businesses and praise!(*) The brand is promoted by Confartigianato QSA Venice;businesses that willadhere are however fully responsible for the statements andtheir actions as part of its autonomy imprenditioriale.
Nizioleti for Makers of Venice 1.1
A visit to Venice through the "Nizioleti", theplace names of the city streets, which tell of the arts, crafts andcharacters of the Serenissima.This app describes a number of tours in Venice, that combinetourism, history, arts and crafts.Each tour addresses a specific theme, leading through beautifulplaces, which names and nature tell about Venice history and arts,and passing by craft shops that produce and offer splendid artisticproducts.The app allows to:- View a list of tours, and choose among them- Search tours, places or shops by means of keywords, possiblywithin a given range from one's current location- View a tour route on an interactive map, including the locationof places and shops- Find the route to a given place or shop- Read the description of each place, with a special care for theorigin and history recalled by its name- Read the description, richly illustrated, of the artisticproducts offered by each shop- Find the contacts of each shop: phone numbers, e-mail address,website address, facebook page- Manage a list of favourites- Download the contents in order to use them off-line- View a glossary of local terms used to name Venice places, and anindex of the Nizioleti, divided by categoryThis app that was developed on behalf of Confartigianato Venezia,on a project by Massimiliano Bianchi, and graphic design bySevollai Computer Art.For more details, please read the "info" page on the appitself.The app also has an associated web site:
trekking-etc/viewer 3.5
An easy and handy on-the-field guide for your trekking.
SOS Casa 1.6
Confartigianato Venezia - SOS Casa - Find your craftsman