xeen Apps

Mannō Complete Navi 3.0
An application that helps you to understand the Cultural Propertiesand many attractions in Mannō Town, and features the legendarydragon that jumps out from Mannō Lake. This is ""Mannō CompleteNavi"". In addition to other, AR flight of Tailless biplane, suchas Mannō Town unique Sanuki Udon quiz, you can experience a varietyof fun while Tour of the Mannō Town. Further, character of ""Ace ofDiamond actⅡ"" appear at AR in seven places in town! (Itcorresponds to the Japanese / English / Chinese Traditional /Simplified Chinese / Korean) ■Character of ""Ace of Diamond actⅡ""appear at AR! ― Character of ""Ace of Diamond actⅡ"" appear at ARin seven places in town! You can take a commemorative phototogether!! ■AR Dragon in Mannō Lake ― The legendary dragon willappear in AR from Japan's largest pond ""Man'noike"". PleaseExperience on him here the dragon of the strong force, which comesto ultra-close all means. Moreover, what the dragon of color willchange every month according to the four seasons of the landscape!■Let's go around the Mannō Town, while solving a quiz ― And goaround the Mannō Town quiz will appear. A total of 55 questionsquestions in all 55 locations. There is also ""Sanuki Udon Quiz""more than 20 questions. Correct answer is increased to go when thedragon you are in the map screen will continue to grow. And what... by all means reach the highest rank, please enjoy the fun MannōTown tour while solving a quiz! ■Introduction of attractions andcultural assets ― Description of attractions, cultural assets ofMannō Town 30 locations will be displayed. ■Chūhachi Ninomiya'sTailless biplaneis flying in AR! ― Tailless biplaneis that was notbuilt in fact, will fly away in AR!   You can also enjoy the 360degree AR flight video flying over Mannō Lake resting on itsTailless biplaneis! By all means, download the ""Mannō CompleteNavi"", please enjoy the Mannō Town tour. Production : Mannō Town,Kagawa Prefecture Application development : xeen Inc. Thisapplication, we use the PTC Inc. AR library Vufora. Vuforia sendssuch as OS version information and other information to the PTCInc.. If you do not accept, please do not download this app. Pleasecheck the following URL for more information.https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/statisticshttps://developer.vuforia.com/legal/vuforia-developer-agreement
Sōhonzan Zentsūji Temple Navi 1.4
An application that uses AR technology to present the charm ofSōhonzan Zentsūji Temple. This is ""The Temple of Answered Prayers- Sōhonzan Zentsūji Temple Navi"". Read various commentaries onZentsūji Temple, and use AR technology to recreate the finerdetails to more deeply understand the temple. In addition, you canenjoy ""The Life of Kōbō-Daishi Kūkai - in pictures,"" a biographyof the Japanese monk created for the Kagawa Prefecture ZentsūjiFirst High School Department of Design Graduation Ceremony 2012.Together Mugyu-chan to be Zentsuji City tourism ambassador can alsoAR commemorative photo. Download ""The Temple of Answered Prayers -Sōhonzan Zentsūji Temple Navi"" and go and visit the real SōhonzanZentsūji Temple. (It corresponds to the Japanese / English /Chinese Traditional / Simplified Chinese / Korean) Production :Zentsūji City, Kagawa Prefecture Application development : xeenInc. This application, we use the PTC Inc. AR library Vufora.Vuforia sends such as OS version information and other informationto the PTC Inc.. If you do not accept, please do not download thisapp. Please check the following URL for more information.https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/statisticshttps://developer.vuforia.com/legal/vuforia-developer-agreement
Burari Konpira AR 1.3
An application that allows you to enjoy an Edo period (1603-1868)atmosphere using AR technology in various famous spots in Kotohiratown. This is ""Burari Konpira AR"". In particular, we offer allmanner of delights with our intertwining of Kabuki (Japanesetraditional theater) and AR in the Old Konpira Grand Theater (alsoknown as the Kanamaru-za). You can use AR technology to enjoyhistorical photographs of the Edo period townscape and even takecommemorative photos with the Kotohira town mascot, theKabuki-themed Konpi-kun. Download ""Burari Konpira AR"" and enjoythe Old Konpira Grand Theatre and other sights in Kotohira. (Itcorresponds to the Japanese / English / Chinese Traditional /Simplified Chinese / Korean) Production : Kotohira Town, KagawaPrefecture Application development : xeen Inc. This application, weuse the PTC Inc. AR library Vufora. Vuforia sends such as OSversion information and other information to the PTC Inc.. If youdo not accept, please do not download this app. Please check thefollowing URL for more information.https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/statisticshttps://developer.vuforia.com/legal/vuforia-developer-agreement
松島ダテナビ 2.3
""Matsushima Datenabi"" is an application that you can experienceof following the footprints of ""Narrow Road to the Deep North"",takeing the AR commemorative photo with great persons, VR fullrestore the Date palace ""Kanrantei"", and experience in the fieldat the old photographs AR sight of Matsushima of Meiji - Showa atMatsushima is a land of the three most scenic spots in Japan. Inaddition, in the mode ""The Moon over Matsushima"" where you canenjoy without going to the local, also supports the VR goggles. Byall means install this app, please enjoy three most scenic spots inJapan Matsushima history tour while thinking of at the time. (Itcorresponds to the Japanese / English / Chinese Traditional /Simplified Chinese / Korean) ■""Narrow Road to the Deep North"" ―At the ""Narrow Road to the Deep North"" AR points, you can takecommemorative photos with AR versions of the legendary Matsuo Bashōand Sora. You will also get the relevant sections of the text, andbonus conversations between Bashō and Sora. ■The AR commemorativephoto with great persons ― At the Historical Figure AR points, youcan take commemorative photos with AR versions of Date Masamune,Hōjō Tokiyori, and Sakanoue no Tamuramaro. ■Kanrantei VRReconstruction ― You can also enjoy a full restore experience ofthe Date palace ""Kanrantei"" that some have survived in the fieldnow. In addition to the appearance of all of the buildings, evenluxurious interior and viewing the moon stage of Audience Hall ithas been restored. Please enjoy in the local high-definitionrestored Kanrantei. In the field you can enjoy with your sweets astunning spectacle of Matsushima. ■The Moon over Matsushima ― Thebeautiful Matsushima night moon from Audience Hall of Kanrantei canbe fluent in the VR. VR is also compatible with goggles, you canenjoy a 3D image if you use the goggles. Further, Audience Hallthat the warlords and the ruler! ? (You can experience withoutgoing to the local) ■Historic Photos ― You can see the Matsushimanostalgic old photographs 30 sheets of the Meiji - Showa in thecommentary with. (You can see pictures and commentaries withoutgoing to the local) ■Map ― So we have to display the Kanrantei VRand AR point of old photographs, the Historical Figure AR points towatch the map in Matsushima town, you can enjoy the Matsushimahistory tour starting from the map. You can also enjoy if he whereyou are in the Meiji era of Matsushima of old maps on. ■Bonus ―Using the marker on the back of the pamphlet, I can get a helmetworn by Date Masamune with AR! The regional vitalization projectwhich harnessed the Agency for Cultural Affairs cultural heritageProduction : Regional activation business executive committee thattake advantage of the cultural heritage of Matsushima townApplication development : xeen Inc. This application, we use thePTC Inc. AR library Vufora. Vuforia sends such as OS versioninformation and other information to the PTC Inc.. If you do notaccept, please do not download this app. Please check the followingURL for more information.https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/statisticshttps://developer.vuforia.com/legal/vuforia-developer-agreement
Hizen-Nagoya Castle 2.2.0
"The Mystery of Hizen Nagoya Castle" over the Hizen Nagoya CastleRuins while the riddle, and it is the Saga Prefectural NagoyaCastle Museum Nagoya Castle Ruins official guide app. You can aphoto taken with adorable characters that while solving issue, theTour of Jinato and Nagoya Castle Ruins, adorable characters, theyappear in the AR, let's do a treasure in and answer the quiz. I geta nice gift in the Nagoya Castle Museum and goal. By all means,please try around the ruins of a castle, Nagoya Castle Ruins ofTenkabito of a superb view to download this app, overlooking theSea of ​​Genkai. (It corresponds to the Japanese / English /Chinese Traditional / Simplified Chinese / Korean) ■Nagoya CastleMystery Hunt ― Start at the Nagoya Castle Museum and unravelmysteries about the ruins as you tour them. Adorable characters andquizzes will appear on your screen with the AR feature. A nicetreasure You get by solving all the "mystery". In addition, Quizand Nagoya Castle are also questions, rank goes up by that score.Please challenge with the aim rank "Expert"! ■Map ― A map of NagoyaCastle Ruins. You can see History Info of each place Castle Ruins,the Surveys & Excavation Info. I can also check the currentlocation with GPS. In the "folding screen view map", I can seebetter where you are in the location of the Hizen Nagoya Castlefigure screen myself now further. ■AR Camera ― If you go NagoyaCastle Ruins, Site of Maeda Toshi'ie's Camp, Site of HoriHideharu's Camp, the figure of Nagoya Castle at the time andadorable characters will appear in AR sight reflected in thecamera. You can take a commemorative photo along with the imagethat emerged. ※ There is the thing that the display position of thegraphic shifts, depending on the accuracy of GPS. [About Inquiries]Inquiries answer, you will be sent by e-mail. If you contact from amobile phone, After the status of the use of the terminal of thereception setting of confirmation, please set as capable ofreceiving domain the [@ xeen.co.jp]. On your own, even if you donot set and reception refusal of junk mail prevention function,Mail from other than the mobile phone so as not received, there isa thing that has been the standard setting. ※Setting method, pleasecheck your phone's manual.  If you have any questions, please askto the mobile phone company of your contract. Production : NagoyaCastle Museum Application development : Sanwell Co.,Ltd
Uwajima Castle Reborn 1.1
Uwajima Castle Reborn VR/AR app offers an enhanced experience ofthe castle.
AR Isawa Castle 1.3
This application will give you the best AR experience at IsawaCastle Site.
Edo Castle Tower Keep Resurrec 1.3
This app allows users to experience the Edo Castle Tower Keep inAR.
Navi Tagajo 4.3
You can get the information of the historical heritage of Tagajo.
AR長岡宮 5.2
It is an application that you can experience the "Nagaoka Palace"in AR and VR.
Marugame Castle Restored 1.91
This app can be restored of Marugame Castle of the Edo era using VRin local.
AR Mongol Invasion 4.3
The world's largest "Mongol Empire feet" appearance using AR andVR!
Mozu Kofungun Navigator 2.2
Mozu Kofungun Tour is designed for use in and around the MozuKofuncluster in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. Discover EmperorNintoku'sMausoleum, the third-largest ancient tomb in the world,comparablein scale to the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Mausoleumof theFirst Qin Emperor. Available in Japanese, English,TraditionalChinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean. Info on Over 40AncientTombs Access a CG map of Sakai City showing the locations of44kofun burial mounds. Also includes information on touristguidance,bicycle rental, and local restaurants. Embark on a walkingtour anddiscover the unique charm of this fascinating period ofJapanesehistory. Reproduction of the ancient ""Mozuno"" in whichthe burialmounds were built with CG High resolution CG reconstructsthe sceneof the ancient ""Mozuno"" where the ""Nintoku-tenno-ryoKofun""which is one of the world's largest tombs and the""Richu-tenno-ryoKofun"" of the third largest burial mound in thecountry was built.See the tombs as they were when they were firstbuilt over 1,500years ago, with a full 360° view. Also features ARfunctions basedon the latest archaeological research to bring thelives and timesof the ancient inhabitants of this region to life.Stamp CollectionCollect a virtual stamp as you approach a tomb,providing even moreinsight into its history. Collect them all anddeepen yourunderstanding of the Mozu Kofungun. Unmissable Photo OpsUse ourguide to find local spots of outstanding beauty. Photos canbeshared instantly to the social media site of your choice, andmakea perfect souvenir of your visit. Download today and entertheworld of yesteryear! Information provided by Sakai CityDeveloper:NTT ADVERTISING, INC., xeen Inc.
お江戸の川遊びへおいでなんし ~Edorip AR~
"Come to Edo River Play ~ Edorip AR ~" is an application that youcan enjoy the lively atmosphere of Sumida River and Odaiba in theEdo period while boarding a houseboat!
The Mozume Kurumazuka Tumulus 1.4
By using AR · VR you can experience the tumulus at the time ofconstruction.
AR Karako-Kagi "Yayoi Village" 1.4
AR Karako-Kagi uses AR features to recreate parts of a Yayoi Periodvillage.
Let's Go to Shidami Kofungun 2.2
This app can be enjoyed “Village of Ancient History ShidamiKofungun” by VR/AR.
Hikone Castle Explorer! 1.3
Experience Hikone Castle through easy-to-understand game &video presentations.
AR Kai Fudoki Hill 1.2
Experience and learn about ancient tombs and ruins throughoutKaiFudoki Hill.
美濃国分寺AR 1.0
"Mino Kokubunji AR" is an application that allows you toexperiencethe appearance of Mino Kokubunji in the Nara period (atthe time ofits foundation) in Mino Kokubunji Historical Park. Youcanexperience "AR Walkthrough".
VR Kagoshima Castle 1.3
This app is an app that allows you to experience Kagoshima Castleinthe past.