www.greetingsbymail.com Apps

Precious Cargo 1.2
Precious Cargo was created to preventthesenselessdeaths of innocent children. The App uses the bluetooth functionintheusers vehicle. Once paired with the vehicles bluetooth thealarmwithask if you are traveling with Precious Cargo each time youstartyourvehicle. (Children, Pets, Perishable items). The App then sendsyouanalert whenever the vehicle is turned off to remind youaboutyouPrecious Cargo. This is to ensure you that you have leftnothingbehind.The App can also be set manually for those who do not haveabluetooth equipped vehicle.The App is now updated to be use GPS Location alert. Just settheaddress of your destination and alert will sound onceyouarrive.Disclaimer: Precious Cargo App is designed to be a safety backuponly. It is not a substitute for Parental/Adult Monitoring.Pleasestay alert when traveling with your Precious Cargo.