
AutomaticMetronome 1.64
Sorry It is the automatic conversion.Rehearsal number, measures, beats, is the metronome thatchangeautomatically if input the tempo.Brass band music, or orchestral, intended to practice throughthesongs that change of speed.To be placed next to the music, basically as familiar wequietlylaid in black and white base.It also brought into vibration vibe to match the beat.Also it helps to practice when you do not have amusicalinstrument.Head beat of Vibe is Yes to long understandable.Increase the practice through a song in private, and temperedthemuscles of the mouth, please take a shine to the sound. And,pleasefurther enhance the efficiency of the whole ensemble.Since the earphones is not good to the ear, I think thatitbecomes in the luggage, but it is recommended to those ofopentypeof headphones. For more details, please refer to theHP.