wiisoft Apps

儿童汉字学认写 1.3
儿童汉字学认写是一款儿童学习汉字的必备软件。针对儿童的天性,独家推出有效提高汉字掌握率的三大步骤:学一学;认一认;写一写;从学到写真正记牢掌握。学一学提供有趣的汉字图片,诠释汉字的意义,并通过对每个汉字的拼音,部首,拆分笔画,笔顺进行有效学习。认一认对之前学习过的汉字进行测试,简单易操作,让孩子在游戏中学习。写一写对汉字的临摹,做到真正掌握学会书写的目的。Children learn kanjirecognition is a child learning to write Chinese charactersprerequisite software. For the child's nature, exclusive launcheffectively improve the rate of three characters to master thesteps: to learn a science; discern; to write about; Photo learnedfrom being Jilao grasp. Learn a science provides an interestingpicture of Chinese characters, the interpretation of the meaning ofChinese characters, and through the alphabet for each character,radical, split strokes, stroke order for effective learning. Beforediscern learned kanji test, easy to operate, so that children learnin the game. Write a written copy of Chinese characters, learn totruly grasp the purpose of writing.
儿童电视台播放器 1.4
儿童电视台播放器是一款汇集全国各省市电视台少儿教育频道的网络电视直播软件。播放流畅,画质清晰、高清音画同步,让你和你的孩子一起享受看电视的乐趣吧。看儿童视频还是直播的好。Children'stelevision is a collection of provinces and cities nationwide TVChildren's educational channel network TV broadcast software. Playsmooth, clear picture quality, high-definition picturesynchronization, so you and your children enjoy the fun of watchingtelevision. Children watching video or live better.
Flappy2048 1.1
Flappy2048 is the combined games of Flappybird and 2048,this gameplay is basically the same with FlappyBird,but the bird became the 2048 number box,players need to flyover the cracks from the corresponding number,when pass a numbercolumn,number box value is superposed,clearance until 2048.
儿童游戏幼儿园 1.2
儿童游戏幼儿园是一款涵盖了十几款亲子小游戏的综合类游戏,它能锻炼儿童的智力发展,带有一定的思考和策略性,引导儿童认识客观世界,促进儿童身心的发展,是对儿童进行全面教育的有力手段。每款小游戏简单易操作,一看就懂,画面可爱清新,实为父母教育儿童的好帮手。Kindergarten is achildren's game covers a dozen games comprehensive parenting classgame, it can exercise the intellectual development of children,with some strategic thinking and guide the children understand theobjective world, promote physical and mental development ofchildren, is children powerful means comprehensive education. Eachgame is simple and easy to operate, one can understand it, thepicture is lovely and fresh, in fact, a good helper for parenteducation of children.
儿童学习游戏 2.5
儿童学习游戏是一款面向10岁以下儿童的早教益智游戏,可以有效促进儿童对数学,拼音,音乐,颜色,形状,英语,动物,水果,蔬菜的认知,启发儿童的想象力、记忆力、创造力。建议父母陪同孩子玩该游戏,在游戏过程中给予指导与教育。九大功能:一、学数学 (学数字 学数数 数水果 比大小 写数字 学结账 学计算 移木板)二、学拼音 (学韵母 学声母 猜声调 猜拼音 写拼音 吊衣服)三、学音乐 (识乐器 弹钢琴 学打鼓 敲木琴 吹竖笛)四、学颜色 (点气球 学插花 打海盗 过红灯)五、学形状 (认形状 辨形状 摆物品)六、学英语 (连字母 听字母 排字母 学单词 猜单词 拼单词 字母歌)七、学动物 (家禽类 猛兽类 水陆类 猜叫声 猜昆虫)八、学水果 (点水果 摆水果 树或地)九、学蔬菜 (浇蔬菜 挖蔬菜 摘蔬菜 长在哪)Children learn the gameis designed for children under the age of 10 early childhood puzzlegame, can effectively promote children's awareness of mathematics,history, music, colors, shapes, English, animals, fruits,vegetables, and inspire the imagination of children, memory,creativity. Parents are advised to accompany children to play thegame, to give guidance and education in the course of thegame.Nine functions:First, mathematics (learn numerology count the number of fruitsthan the size of the write numerology checkout CALCULATION shiftplank)Second, learn Ruby (learn science consonant vowel phonetic writingphonetic guess guess tone hanging clothes)Third, to study music (musical knowledge to learn to play the pianoxylophone knock drums blowing clarinet)Fourth, the school color (dot balloon flower arrangement schoolfight piracy through a red light)Fifth, science shape (shape recognition discernible shape pendulumitems)Sixth, learn English (even listen alphabet letters row of lettersspell the word learn word Guess the word Alphabet Song)Seven, learning animal (poultry beast category class amphibiousguess guess sounds of insects)Eight school fruit (some fruit pendulum fruit trees orground)Nine, learn vegetables (vegetables dig pouring vegetable pickingvegetables length where)
儿童英语学认拼 1.1
儿童英语学认拼是一款儿童学习英语单词的必备软件。针对儿童的天性,独家推出有效提高英语单词掌握率的三大步骤:学一学;认一认;拼一拼;从学到写真正记牢掌握。学一学提供有趣的英语单词释义图片,诠释英语单词的意义,并通过对每个单词的读音,音标,释义,拼写进行有效学习。认一认对之前学习过的英语单词进行测试,简单易操作,让孩子在游戏中学习。拼一拼是将打乱的单词字母进行拖动到正确的位置上,得到真正掌握学会拼写的目的。Children learn Englishspelling is a recognized English words essential for children tolearn the software. For the child's nature, the exclusive launch ofthree steps to effectively improve the rate of English words tomaster: to learn a science; discern; fight a fight; Photo learnedfrom being Jilao grasp. Learn a science provides an interestingpicture of English Words, English interpretation of the meaning ofwords, and effective learning through the pronunciation of eachword, phonetic interpretation of spelling. Before discern learnedEnglish words tested, easy to operate, so that children learn inthe game. Fight a fight is to disrupt the letters of a word anddrag it to the correct position, get a real grasp learn spellingpurposes.
儿童涂涂乐游戏 1.2
儿童涂涂乐是一款儿童填色涂色绘画游戏,有多张简笔画涂色卡供孩子们进行填色。采用独特的涂色技术可让孩子们在图案上涂色不出界,同时也区别于市面上多款涂色游戏的点击即上色的玩法,需要孩子们对图案进行擦涂才能上色,真正锻炼让孩子们的动手能力和注意力。小朋友们拿起你的画笔一起创作美丽的图画吧,涂画完成后跟你的家人或朋友分享,看看谁涂的更可爱更完美哦。Children Tu Tu Le is achildren's coloring coloring painting games, have multiple stickfigure painted cards for children to be fill. Unique coloringtechnique allows kids coloring on the pattern not circles, but alsodifferent from the market a variety of coloring game hits thatcolor play, kids need to be obliterated to color pattern, the realLet the children's exercise ability and attention. Kids pick upyour brush together creative beautiful picture of it, followed bypainting completed to share with your family or friends to see whopainted more lovely and more perfect, oh.
儿童拖拖乐游戏2(增强版) 1.4
儿童拖拖乐亲子游戏2(增强版)是一款面向10岁以下儿童的早教游戏,它能启发儿童的想象力、记忆力、创造力。游戏共分6大主题,分别有客厅、厨房、商店、学校、动物园、海底世界主题,每个主题下都有对应内容的益智关卡,建议父母陪同孩子玩该游戏,在游戏过程中给予指导与教育。Children mop Yue familygames 2 (Enhanced Version) is designed for children under 10 yearsof early childhood games, it can inspire children's imagination,memory, creativity. The game is divided into six major themes,namely, a living room, kitchen, shops, schools, the zoo, theunderwater world topics, and each topic has a corresponding contentpuzzle levels, advises parents to accompany children to play thegame, during the game to give guidance and education.
Kids Game TUOTUO 4.6.8
Kids Game Box is a for the early education ofthe children under the age of 10 games,it can be effectively topromote children's congnitive to thecolor,shape,math,English,painting,music,geography.also can inspirechildren's cognitive imagination ,memory, creativitywell.Recommends that parents accompany the child to play27 functions:1. Drag shape2. Bilingual voice chart3. Letters dictation4. Math games5. Pictures spelling6. Sketchpad7. The piano8. Memory the blackboard9. National flag game10.micro blogs11.bbs12.Zodiac wiping13.Animal farm14.Count Strokes15.Shopping16.McDonald's KFC Coupon17.China Map18.Kids TV19.Learn to call20.PingPing21.Multiplication Table22.Chat Robot23.Learn Time24.Hit Animals25.Paper Folding26.Playing pirates27.Moving Match