vexapps Apps

GoClub Intl 1.2.0
Go Club International is a private club wheremembers have access to 4 and 5 star vacations, hotel reservations,cruises, all-inclusive resorts, rental cars, and first classairfare all at 50-70% bellow any online advertised rate. This Appallows you to get find out those special rates before anyoneelse.
Cruise Consultants 1.2.0
Cruise Consultants
V Fitness 1.2.0
This App helps promote cities, towns andcountries by displaying the various health and fitness relatedoptions that exist in the locality. The App also helps the end-userwho is either a resident or a visitor in finding health and fitnessoptions. The App also helps the provider of goods and servers inpromoting their offerings.
Vex Admin 1.3.0
manage your application from your mobile
VEx Super Market 1.3.1
Find super market near you and the daily,weekly and monthly specials.
Eliezerarts 1.2.0
Aplicativo feito para quem está a procuradeuma cara nova para sua empresa, criação de logomarca,fachada,banners, cartões de visitas, panfletos, letras caixa, artesemgeralApplication madeforanyone who is looking for a new face for your company,creatinglogo, facade, banners, business cards, flyers, letters box,arts ingeneral
Who What Where 1.3.0
This App provides the facility forindividualsand companies to offer new products, used products,services andgeneral information as a public service. The maycontain products,such as, home goods, furniture, appliances,electronic equipment,auto parts, new cars, used cars, books,clothing, groceries andproduce, toys, sports and hobby goods,religious articles. The Appalso provides information related tomedical doctors, dentists,accountants, hotels, motels, real estate,landscaping, plumbers,electricians, home improvements andrestaurants.
Isaacks Restaurant 1.2.0
The Isaacks Restaurant App will be usedtoincrease revevenue by showing the users our daily specials andwhatto come and also provide special rate or discounts for theusers ofthis app.
comidas e bebidas, massas e pizzasemgeralcomidas e bebidas, massas e pizzas em and drinks, pastaandpizza in geralcomidas and drinks, pasta and pizza ingeneral.
This will be an app for personal trainersandclients to get trained by trainers that are hired forthejob.
A maior das feiras especiais aconteceaosdomingos na Praça do Trabalhador. É a Feira Hippie que tem maisdeseis mil expositores. Nela se encontra de tudo. Sua históriaremotaŕ década de sessenta, quando os hippies expunham suas peçasdeartesanato no Parque Mutirama, depois na PraçaUniversitária,posteriormente Praça Cívica, Avenida Goiás até olocal atual. Afeira tem portanto, quase trinta anos deexistęncia.Merece destaque o setor de artesanato localizado em área própriaemfrente ao prédio histórico da antiga Estaçăo Ferroviária.Peçasfeitas no tear, tachos de cobre, cerâmica, pedra sabăo,crochę,licores, porcelanas pintadas ŕ măos săo apenas alguns dostantositens comercializados pelos artesăo. Junto a eles estăo osartistasplásticos, alguns inclusive, reconhecidosinternacionalmente, combelas e coloridas telas.As barracas de alimentos, muitas de comida típica do estado,seespalham por toda a Feira que tem no setor de vestuário seupontoforte. Gente de toda parte do pais, notadamente das regiőesnorte enordeste lotam em média quarenta ônibus para comprasnoatacado.Toda a Feira é coberta por um bem estalado serviço de somdenominadoRádio Hippie e que presta serviço de utilidade públicaanunciandodesde documentos perdidos a crianças desaparecidas. ARádio promovesorteios, comunica aos visitantes as promoçőes enfimtorna maisagradável a manhă de todos que prestigiam a Praça.Endereço: Praça do Trabalhador, CentroFuncionamento: Aos DomingosHorário: Das 7 ŕs 14 horasThe largest of thespecialfair happens on Sundays in the Worker Square. It is theHippie Fairthat has more than six thousand exhibitors. It iseverything. Itsremote history Condo sixties, when hippies exposedtheir crafts inMutirama Park, then at University Squaresubsequently Civic Square,Goiás Avenue to the current location.The fair has therefore almostthirty years of existence.Also noteworthy is the craft industry located in own area infrontof the historic building of the former Railway Station. Partsmadein the loom, copper pots, pottery, soap stone, crochet,liqueurs,porcelain painted Condo hands are just some of the manyitems soldby craftsman. Beside they're the artists, includingsomeinternationally recognized with beautiful andcolorfulfabrics.The food stalls, many of typical food of the state,spreadthroughout the Fair that has in the garment sector itsstrength.People from all over the country, especially the NorthandNortheast crowd on average forty bus to wholesalepurchases.All Fair is covered by a well sprung sound service calledRadioHippie and providing public utility service sinceannouncingdocuments lost the missing children. The Radiopromotessweepstakes, informs visitors of the offers finally makesit moreenjoyable morning of all who honor the Square.Address: Worker Square CenterOperation: SundaysHours: 7 RS 14 hours
Mídia para hotéis, residencias, pontos detáxise moto táxis, restaurantes, rodovias e etc. Guia comercial deCanaãdos Carajás e brevemente toda região com o código de área94Media forhotels,residences, points of taxis and motorcycle taxis,restaurants,highways, etc. Commercial Guide Canaan and soon thewhole regionwith the 94 area code
Radio Juventude FM 1.0.0
Esse App foi criado para você ouvir elevarparas onde você for o melhor da musica na melhor estação do FMparavocê que tem bom gosto.This App was createdforyou to listen and take paras where you are the best of music inthebest FM station for you to have good taste.
Tudo em moda.All in fashion.
Moda to Tricot 1.2.0
A Zezé Modas e Tricot possui umagrandevariedade de roupas que agradam a todos os estilos, Comesseaplicativo, ficou fácil adquirir os produtos sem sairdecasa.The Zeze FashionandTricot has a wide range of clothing to suit all styles, Withthisapp, it's easy to purchase products without leaving home.
Auto center Tsuru 1.2.0
Estética automotiva, polimentoespelhamento,vitrificação, higienização automotiva, hidratação embancos decouro, Insulfilme, lavagem à vapor, lavagem demotor.Automotiveaesthetics,mirroring polishing, glazing, automotive cleaning,hydrationleather seats, Insulfilme, wash steam enginelaundering.
V Find Carvel 1.2.0
With this App users may find stores,onlineproviders and other purveyors of Carvel ice cream. The Apphelpsthe end-user by making it easier for them to find thedesiredCarvel ice cream store regardless their current location.Thepurveyors of Carvel ice cream benefit by being a part of avirtualsuper market for Carvel ice cream.
VIA 44 GOIÂNIA 1.2.0
Maior polo atacadista e varejista deGoiânia,vem a cada ano ganhando mais espaço no mercado de roupas,calçadose acessórios.Largest wholesaleandretail polo Goiânia, comes each year gaining more space intheclothing, footwear and accessories market.
Chambers Express 1.2.0
Provides access to all Chambers relatedinformation
VEx Products & Services 1.4.0
This App helps the user find particularmerchants, stores, vendors and service providers by category.
Construir 1.2.0
O Grupo Construir nasceu da fusão dealgumasempresas ligadas aconstrução civil e parcerias com empresas comerciais de materiaisdeconstrução e de acabamentos.O Grupo Construir possui ampla experiência em planejamento,elaboração de projetos e execução de obras civis residenciaishorizontais e verticais, comerciais e industriaiseinfraestrutura.O Grupo Construir conta em seu corpo técnico a direção dedoisengenheiros, os quais são responsáveis pela otimizaçãoeregulaçãodos serviços realizados, sendo estes:Eng. Whemerson JosielEng. Eduardo Di GuimaraesThe Group Buildingwasborn from the merger of some companies linked toconstruction and partnerships with commercial enterprisesofbuilding materials and finishes.The Group Building has extensive experience in planning,project design and implementation of residential civil workshorizontal and vertical, commercial and industrialandinfrastructure.The Group Build account in your staff the direction of twoengineers, who are responsible for optimization andregulationthe services performed, namely:Eng. Whemerson JosielEng. Eduardo Di Guimaraes
V Surf 1.3.0
The convenience of a handheld mobiledevicestarts your surfing experience with a few clicks. This V-SurfAppis dedicated to the surfing enthusiast and is part ofVexappsseries of Apps under the “V” brand. Here you will findanswers toyour surfing needs, including the worlds best surfingbeaches, thesurf conditions at your favorite beach, the touroperators servingyour favorite destination, where to find surfingequipment, whereto find surfing instructors and sleepingaccommodations to helpwith arranging you own travel plans.