vanita5 Apps

Twittnuker for Twitter 2.0.1
Twittnuker is a free and open source TwitterClient for Android 4.0+ devices, based on the TwidereProject.Features:* Android Material Design* Day / Night mode* Themes* Streaming* Streaming Notifications (Mentions, Retweets, Favorites,Follower,...)* Send and view images in DMs* Multiple image upload* Image, GIF, Video Previews (Inline and Image Viewer)* Multiple Accounts* Custom Tabs* Filter* Custom OAUTH* Custom DNS and API Proxys* Experimental Push Notification Support (self-hosted)...and much more!Twittnuker will always contain the latest Twidere updates, so youcan expect the latest features and bug fixes from Twidere.You can find more information on the following links!Website: http://twittnuker.orgSource: [email protected], check out Twidere!Google Play Store: