sjAPP Apps

Baby Dino's 1.0
Baby Dino's is a nice app for kids, where they can choose from 12different baby dino's, presented as a fullscreen image with aunique baby dino sound. The bright colors, nice pictures and cutebaby sounds are very attractive for small children. Suitable forsmall children from 1 thru 5 years old.
The Dirty Dozen (Free) 1.2
The Dirty Dozen app is made to make it easierto understand the 12 most common causes of human errors made in theaviation industry.All 12 human factors are described in a separate screen, togetherwith an applicable cartoon.However these causes can be projected on any other area, this appis especially focused on aviation, because in this area theawareness and training in human factors is developed already on ahigh level. This app can be used for training and referenceanytime, anywhere.
Delay Codes 1.0
Delay Codes is a tool for anyone working in the airline industry.
Het Wilhelmus 1.2
The official Dutch national anthem, the Wilhelmus, in variousdesigns.
Pregnancy for Men 1.1
Pregnancy for Men is for MEN only. It giveshimsupport on how to survive her 40 weeks of pregnancy.In all those weeks al lot happens with her, but also withhim.This app helps the man to survice these 40weeks, with useful tips and hints to guide him (and her as well)asmuch as possible.But the app is mainly to support him, to help him andtounderstand what it is like to live with a pregnant woman.The app gives a brief explanation and a weekly tip on how itgoeswith her that week, and how the man can deal with it the bestwaypossible. There is also information every week about how muchthebaby weights and what the length of the baby is.On the homepage you can enter the due date and the appcalculatesautomatically the week in which she is now and how manyweeks youstill have to go into labor.Made by a man for the man. So not for pregnant women.
737NG Rotable Reference Guide 3.0
The 737 Rotable Reference Guide is an apptofind 737 Next Generation rotables by name, number or ATAchapter.It displays a list of all 737NG rotable numbers used by acertainDutch airline only..By entering a part of the rotable number, name or ataanauto-complete list will appear, from which you can choose.Disclaimer: The listed information may not be up to date, soitis always mandatory to use the official manuals orinformationavailable at the company.
E-nummers 1.2.1
E-numbers gives you quick and clear overview of e-additives infood.
Airport codes FREE 2.2
Airport codes FREE gives you an overview of airport names, IATA-and ICAO codes.
737 Sounds 2.0
The 737 Sounds app provides cockpit sounds which are generated inthe 737 NG.
LETTERS LEREN is ontwikkeld om eenvoudig de letters uit hetalfabette kunnen leren en te oefenen. De letter wordt uitgesprokenals menop het icoontje klikt. Daarna wordt de losse letter telkensmet 3tot 7 voorbeelden in een woord getoond. Ook staat er eenplaatjebij van het woord. Tevens wordt het woord ook uitgesprokenals mener op klikt. Alle letters en alle gangbare combinaties vanletterszijn opgenomen. (zoals bv de au, ou, ei, aai, ng, nk, sch,ooi, oeietc). De uitspraak van elk woord is door een 7 jarigkindingesproken. De letters van het alfabet worden in het algemeenvoorhet eerst in groep 3 van het basisonderwijs geleerd. Het gaathiergemiddeld om 6- en 7-jarige kinderen. Deze app isuitermategeschikt voor kinderen uit groep 3 (maar ook groep 4natuurlijk) inhet basisonderwijs. Ook kinderen uit groep 2 kunnenhier al meeoefenen.
ATA chapters 3.0
ATA chapters let you find an ATA chapter easily, includingsub-chapters.
Airport codes PRO 1.3
Airport codes PRO gives you an overview of airport names, IATA- andICAO codes.
E-numbers 1.0
E-numbers gives you a quick overview of E-additives in food,approved in the EU.