sbscnz Apps

Digit Breakthrough 1.0
Digit Breakthrough is the reincarnation of theearly 80s Casio calculator game breakthrough. This game was gameone on the Casio Calculator MG-888.This game was the sequel to thedigit invaders calculator game which can be found on the Casiocalculator MG-880. This is an Arcade game which involves timing,reaction and planning.The objective of the game is to shoot the red left most numberon the screen. When this number is shot it will decrease in value.When this number reaches 0 you have completed the level.To shot you press a number on the key pad this will fire the numberdown the track, when this number hits the same number this is asuccessful shot if this number hits a different number this is amiss.A successful shot on the red number leads to points being scoredand the red number decreasing by one.There are guard numbers which circle around the track and get inthe way of the number the user shot reaching the red number, whenthese are successfully shot (with the same number) theydisappear.At certain intervals new guard numbers are created. The speed atwhich guard numbers move increases at higher levelsEach Level is unlocked only when the user successfully completesthe previous level. When the game is first installed the firstlevel is the only level unlocked.At certain time intervals the red dot on the screen moves to thenext square on the right, when this dot runs out of squares to goto the game ends. The speed of this dot increases at higherlevels.A missed shot at either the red number or a guard number will alsocause the red dot to move one square to the right.A successful shot on the red number will cause the dot to moveback one square to the left.You get points when the red number is successfully shot. Thenumber of points you get is dependent on how many squares the dothas moved.The score is (9 - red dot position) *10 where the red dot positiongoes from 1 (start square to 8 the last square on the right). I.e.if the dot is in the second position then a successful shot of thered number would result in 70 points being awarded.You get a 100 point bonus for shooting a guard number and the rednumber with the same shot.
Marble Pool Demo 1.0.1
Marble Pool is an addictive arcade type sportsgame which resembles a cross between pool and pinball. It also hassimilarities to sumo wrestling where by one marble is knocked outof the ring by another.The goal is to hit all the marbles out of the circle with thewhite cue ball before the count down timer reaches zero. Thecoloured marbles must be hit out of the circle before any blackmarbles. If a black marble leaves the circle before all thecoloured marbles have been removed its game over.Missiles will randomly appear on the screen, if they hit thewhite cue ball its game over.Extra points can be obtained by hitting the stars which randomlyappear on the screen with the white cue ball.This game has 112 Levels (demo version has 8 levels). Levels varybased on how many black marbles there are, how many black holesthere are, the size of the black marbles and cue balls, the speedof the playing area (table speed), and the look of the playingsurface, speed of missiles and stars.Each Level is unlocked only when the user successfully completesthe previous level. When the game is first installed the firstlevel is the only level unlocked.A scoring system is in place which provides bonus points basedon time.With your finger you can control the direction and force appliedto the cue ball. You can also stop the cue ball by tapping init.On some levels black holes will appear, if the cue ball hits ablack holes its game over.A high score system is in place to track the top 10 scores.A user can pause or quit the game at any time via a menu buttonin the game screen.This is a touch screen game even though some of the demo videosshow a mouse pointer.