relayr Apps

relayr TellMeWhen 1.0.14
TellMeWhen is a fun and easy to use application which notifiesyouwhen a certain threshold has been reached or passed, based onrulesyou create yourself. It utilizes the relayr WunderBar sensorswhichgather information about temperature, humidity, light,proximityand noise levels. Just choose the measurement types youwish to benotified about, set a respective threshold and getnotifiedwhenever a threshold is exceeded. It's as simple as that!TellMeWhen is an open source application, so you are morethanwelcome to download this repository and implement the code inyourown Android projects.PLEASE NOTE: The purpose of this application is to exemplifyauseful and easy-to-implement manner of utilizing theWunderBarsensor modules. It is in no way intended for use inmissioncritical or life critical situations. Furthermore, deliveryof pushnotifications cannot be guaranteed as they rely on theup-time andfunctionality of services external to the relayrplatform.
relayr Dashboard 1.3.2
The relayr Dashboard let's you manage all yourdevices. Whether it's a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino Yun, a nestThermostat or a Netatmo, you can control them from your phonethrough the relayr platform. Playing with the Internet of Thingshas never been easier.It also performs a step by step registration and configurationof your WunderBar’s Sensor Modules and Master Module. It allows youto receive the first readings from your registered sensors,displays them and provides explanations about the functionality ofeach sensor. Simply create a relayr user or log in with your relayrcredentials and start bringing things to life.Please Note: The app can be used for viewing data by any phonerunning Android 4.0.3 and up; Onboarding, however, is only possibleon phones running Android 4.3 and up.
Proto IoT 1.4.3
Explore the IoT ecosystem by turning yoursmart device into an IoT sensor node. With Proto IoT you canmonitor your device’s sensor, send the readings to the relayr Cloudand interact with them remotely through the relayr Dashboard. Seethe history charts, connect a wearable, trigger your device’sactuators (flashlight, speakers, vibrations) or have “if this thenthat” rules trigger them.Proto IoT is open-source, so if you are a developer look underthe hood, or connect your own application to it through relayr’sRESTful API. Start prototyping!