
Caller Notes 1.6
Google contacts extra info during a call.Having many phonebook contacts, you may not remember why yousaved a phone number. You may also need to remember something whiletalking on the phone…For this and many other reasons you need a very smart app.During a call, Caller Note allows you to insert and display acontact’s note and company name of a number saved on yourphonebook.You can also organize this information either using thephonebook or using Google Mail.Caller Note, using Android stock phonebook, implicitly assuressync with your google account, so you’ll never miss the extra data,and you’ll find them on all your devices.You can customize the notification window changing its colors,position and size on your display. You can also decide either todisplay it always with the same size and position or to retain thelast setting.In the next release you will find new smart features.
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Lab Nusdeo 1.8.1
Lab Nusdeo è l'app gratuita che il Laboratorio ha ideato peroffrireun punto di contatto più diretto con propri Pazienti.Previaregistrazione, l'app permette di scaricare direttamente sulpropriosmartphone o tablet i risultati delle analisi in temporeale. L'appfornisce anche un servizio informazioni, una guidapratica per lapreparazione agli esami di laboratorio, un elencoesenzioni, news disettore, contatti e un'area dedicata allaprevenzione.