,Inc. Apps

Rawcaster 1.400
Rawcaster is a one-stop center where you getnews and events happening around the world as well as hook up andshare information with your friends and family. With Rawcaster,everyone is a reporter because your're the source of theinformation. You report what happens around you to the worldunedited.
Abundant Life Cathedral Church 1.400
If you want to see God’s work come alive,you’ve got to see ALC for yourself.A living example of the ideal definition of a church, A livingexample of the ideal definition of a church, ALC is not just abuilding; it’s the people who worship there. ALC was founded in1981 by Dr. Ed Montgomery and his wife Saundra Elaine. The firstchurch was located inside of a small office, a mere 1800 sq feet at5900 Allday Drive. The congregation consisted of 31 people,including the Pastor and his family. With the church’s beginningsin place, Dr. Montgomery’s vision began to take form. The 80′sbrought a membership explosion and ALC was moving on up. ALC movedto its second location just a few feet away to 9429 Harwin Drive.Even in their new larger home, the congregation and Dr. Ed’sministry continued to grow.
Christian Bible Institute 1.399
Christian Bible Institute & Seminary is anon-denominational Bible Institute & Seminary with the missionof providing affordable Biblical education and theological trainingfor anyone interested in earning a Bible Degree to further enhancetheir Ministry.It Does Not Take A Lifetime To Earn Your DegreeYou can earn a recognized, creditable degree in a timely fashionthrough one of our accelerated degree programs. You can transfer upto 90 credits from an acceptable college or seminary and completeyour final year with CBIS and earn your Bachelor’s degree. Most ofour students earn their degrees withing 24 months or less. Once youhave completed the Bachelor’s degree program, you can enroll intothe seminary division and earn your Master’s and Doctoraldegree.
Worship Ctr 1.399
Welcome to the mobile app home of The WorshipCenter of Kansas City! We're honored that you stopped by.Our app is designed to give you a taste of The Worship Centerexperience. You'll find useful information about our church,upcoming events, sermon clips, photos and more.
Platform Promotions 1.399
Platform Promotions prides in providing LIVEperformances from artists representing the music genres of Jazz,Gospel, R&B and Soul.Established in 2009, Platform Promotions is a nationwidepremiere concert promoter based in Kansas City, Missouri. Ourcompany promotes concerts at venues ranging in size from 200 personcapacity to 20,000 capacity person arenas. Additionally, wespecialize in outdoor festivals that create a "family friendly"atmosphere.Our approach to concert promotions is "unique"; it's centered ondriving economic development for small businesses in cities hostingour concerts.To drive economic development in the cities hosting ourconcerts, we utilize small businesses as our ticket outlets, alongwith TV, Radio, mobile and social media promotions.Our concert promotion strategy creates a "win-win" for smallbusinesses and consumers, because it enables Platform Promotions topromote small businesses, within our concert promotions, andprovide affordable concert tickets.We plan our work and work our plan to deliver our"concert-goers" an experience like no other!We invite you to tour our website and download our mobile app tostay connected, as we bring you concerts that you will talk aboutfor years to come!
Ray Manning Singers 1.399
The Ray Manning Singers were originallyorganized as a choir in 1971, in Kansas City, Mo. The were foundedby Ray and Marvelyn Manning, a husband and wife team, who grew upsinging in choirs, groups and with their families. They had noproblem enlisting others (family & friends), who desired tosing and minister via Gospel music. As they began to travel, thechoir quickly became an ensemble; then a group. They have continuedsince, as a group.
The Mission of the Mt. Carmel Church is toFoster & Encourage:PRAISE, PARTNERSHIP, PREPARATION & PERFORMANCE WITHIN THEBODY.PRAISE - It is the vertical relationship between man and Godaccomplished through fervent intimacy with the Creator through HisSon, Jesus Christ.PARTNERSHIP - The believer's Christ-centered horizontalrelationships manifested with agape love.PREPARATION - A period of development that is accomplishedthrough scripture-based teaching presented by the training agenciesof the church, and through life's experiences that God allows.PERFORMANCE - The end result of praise, partnership, andpreparation reflected in Christian lifestyle, and theaccomplishment of the great commission of the church.
Global Home Business 4.0.2
And We're Just Getting Started....We are a world leader and category creator in the explosive$300billion “Anti-Aging” market. And this market is projected to be$1trillion dollars by 2025. What we are doing has never beendonebefore.You have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor.Thisbusiness could change your life, as it has many others. Inourinitial rollout phase, we have had stellar global success! Wearethe 3rd FASTEST growing company of our kind in the world.In Over Just 4 Years We Have...-Over $600 million in sales globally-Paid out $300 million in commissions-Helped create 30 new millionairesWe generated over $250 million in sales in 2013 alone, andaresetup to do business in over 105 countries and counting. Yetmostpeople have never even heard of us.You can do this business from almost anywhere with our NEWSocialMedia 2.0 Marketing System!
Marquita Miller 4.4.1
In 2005, Marquita Miller put her feet to faithand jumped head first into the world of entrepreneurship. Afterworking for Fortune 500 companies as an accountant for years,Miller knew her time to shine had arrived. The decision proved tobe providential: Miller resigned from the corporate ladder andbranched off into the world of small business ownership.During those first years, Miller relied on her faith to help hersurvive the trials and tribulations of beginning a small business.She shaped herself into more than just an entrepreneur—she became aFaithpreneur, a person who follows the path to entrepreneurship byfirst following the path to God.Today, Miller owns and operates Five Star Tax and BusinessSolutions from her headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri. Her taxservice business focuses on a diverse menu of business solutions,including tax planning and preparation, accounting and payroll,startup planning, financial and performance evaluation planning,and revenue generation. From the business' inception as a part-timehobby in 2009 to its current position as a local marketplaceleader, Miller has sought to focus her services on small- andmedium-sized businesses. Miller fosters entrepreneurship in others,and her business places special emphasis on services forstartups.Miller's business sense and commitment to her faith and valueshas catapulted her to the forefront of Kansas City's booming taxservice scene, and the community has taken notice. KC Businessmagazine named Miller as one of Kansas City's 2010 Rising Stars andas one of the metro's 2011 Influential Women, and Five Star Tax andBusiness Solutions has been nominated for Small Business of theYear in the metro. In addition to the honors, Five Star Tax andBusiness Solutions has been certified as a woman-owned andminority-owned business. A true entrepreneur, Miller is in theprocess of expanding her company into new markets across the UnitedStates.Miller holds a Bachelor's of Science in accounting andmanagement from Park University and a Master of BusinessAdministration from the Keller Graduate School of Management. AKansas City native, Miller has accomplished her dreams and beyondwhile also serving as a wife, mother, daughter, mentor, woman ofGod, active church leader, educator, speaker, radio show host andboard member in multiple organizations. Miller has stretched thelimits of time to complete her latest accomplishment as author ofFaithpreneur: God is Not an Agent for Your Failure.
Trax Records 4.1.5
Trax Records began in 1984 as a vinyl pressingplant Musical Products in Chicago. Even at the beginning Trax was amajor outlet for Chicago House DJs such as Marshall Jefferson,Frankie Knuckles, and Larry Heard. Trax paved the way for the newsound known as House and extended its recognition far beyondChicago. Rachael Cain, also known as Screamin' Rachael has been amajor driving force for the label and continues to expend itsreaches.Trax Records have gone through a number of changes over the years,and recently opened a new location in New Orleans. Trax continuesto deliver legendary dance tracks and looks to expend on the genreby implementing the New Orleans’s one of a kind music style.Without Trax, words like 'Jack', 'Acid', and 'House' would neverhave dropped into our cultural lexicon...Crucially, without Trax,the house revolution would not have been amplified. - ID Magazine,June 2004Their propulsive, slightly sinister yet oddly funkyKraftwerk-goes-disco clanking led directly to rave, techno, bitbeat and all the endless permutations of dance music. - BlenderMagazine, September 2004Chicago's Trax Records is one of the most influential andimportant labels in the history of electronic dance music. They'vebeen called the Motown of House, and it would be hard under anycircumstances to dispute this statement. Trax wasn't the only labelto produce house music back in the hazy Paleolithic era of the1980s, but they were certainly among the very best. - PopMattersCarol Cooper on David Guetta's Album Nothing But The Beat: thisseason the only other dance album as worthy of your attention isthe imminent Trax Records: The 25th Anniversary Collection.Arriving from Trax this October, the two-disc set contains thepioneering house productions that David Guetta and his peers heardat the beginning of their careers, then bent and twisted into theirown images of dance music.- Welcome to the Home of House MusicScreamin' Rachael, President
KCMO Human Relations Dept 1.401
KC Human Relations is a robust, informative,full-featured tool that enables Kansas City residents to access keyinformation regarding Minority Business Enterprises in their city.Access to the DMWBE database along with direct messagenotifications, key event updates and up-to-date podcast and bloginformation from one of the city's busiest departments.Access DMWBE databaseDirect push notification of key city informationInstant commentary and feedback on Minority Business EnterpriseinformationCalendaring of city eventsNetworking with city residents and key stakeholders
United Believers 4.0.2
God is the founder and foundation of UnitedBelievers Community Church.Obediently responding to the unction of the Holy Spirit, a groupof dedicated Christians, instructed by God, came together onSeptember 1st, 1997 for the purpose of birthing a new and uniqueministry. This small group of believers who had been members of St.Stephen Baptist Church, Kansas City, Missouri, believed that Godhad greater works for them to do
Stacy Shaw & Associates 4.0.2
Stacy Shaw and Associates, LLC is a KansasCity based law firm dedicated to aggressively serving clients inMissouri and Kansas. Our areas of practice include Traffic Defense,DWI or DUI Defense, and Personal Injury Cases. We're here to help!Our attorneys and staff will listen to your concerns, review yourcase, and aggressively represent you in court.
LuxeOnTheGo 4.1.1
A Taste of Luxurie is a full-serviceboutiquethat specializes in high-end designer apparel,handbags,shoes, andaccessories for women at affordable prices.Our motto is Don't spend a fortune, just look like you did!Opened in March of 2006, A Taste of Luxurie has beensupplyingfashion-forward trendsetters with the fashionrepresentative of thepoise and sophistication one would expect froma high-end boutiquefor over seven years.In keeping with our boutique model of exclusivity, itemsarelimited. We are delighted to share our finds with you!Tiana Jones, OwnerProprietor of “A Taste of Luxurie,” has alwayshada passion for making women look and feel beautiful. Herphilosophyis that EVERY woman has something that is innatelybeautiful abouther, and she has mastered the ability to invokethat inner beautyand display it externally for everyone to admireand appreciate.“You only get one time to make a first impression,and I want toensure that what people see on the outside matchesthe beauty thatis within,” she expounds.Although not technically trained in fashion, her backgroundingraphic design and talent in the Arts gives her auniqueperspective on fashion. She has a trained eye for the uniqueandbold and is an untrained expert at making a statement.“I don’t care for things that are ‘ordinary;’ instead, I haveaninclination toward things that are odd and distinctive. I haveaflare for the bold and unapologetic,” she explains. Sheimplementsthat philosophy in her selections for sale in herboutique. I don’twant the mundane selections that department storesacross thecountry offer. If a customer can purchase an item at oneof themassive conglomeration of chain retail stores across thecountry,then I don’t want it,” she continues. She instead, has atrueappreciation for all things exceptional and exclusive.In addition, Ms. Jones stands by the philosophy that glamourandbeauty don’t have to “break the bank”, and should thereforebeaffordable so that it is accessible to the masses ofwomen.“Although as a small business owner, I can’t compete withsome ofthe price points offered by many of the larger chains, I canoffera superior quality of product, and therefore better value foryourdollar. Hence, although items may appear similar, all thingsarenot created equally, and therefore are NOT the same!”shereiterates. At the same time, it is not necessary topayunconscionable amounts of money to adorn the latest trends.Tiana’smotto is “Don’t spend a fortune, just look like you did!”Thisconcept of “affordable luxury” is manifested in theboutique’sbusiness model.Soooo, if affordability, exclusivity, and impeccablebrillianceare what your heart desires, you have come to the rightplace!
Zhitomirsky 4.5.0
Born September 7, 1991 Danny Zhitomirskyormore informally as, Danny Z, is inspired by a simple ideology;"The body achieves what the mind believes."Danny Z has a genetic composition of Russian and Ukranian,whichinspires his old school fitness ideology. 2016 will make the14thyear of Danny's dedication to he field of Health andFitness.Since the age of 10 years old Danny’s worked out every day,thishas contributed to a long line of credentials mostnotably,coaching for the United States of America Weightlifting(USAW)Level 1 Performance Coach - Olympic Weightlifting Specialist.He’sbeen stronger and faster than most grown men since the age of,14weighing 200 pounds; he was able to run a mile in 5:45minutes.350lbs squat, 225lb bench press, 165lb clean and jerk, and400lbdeadlift in the 8th grade.Daniel Zhitomirsky, is a certified personal trainer, whoreceivedhis certification from the National Academy of Sports andMedicine(NASM) – having worked in a corporate gym for 3 years, itinfluencedhim into opening his own private practice in 2015.Zhitomirsky Personal Training, specializes in FitnessNutrition,high stress, and natural supplements, which theincorporation ofnatural remedies.Danny realized, the importance of natural elements early on,heunderstand the fundamentals of their importance in regardstointegrating the ideologies into the; physical rehab, mobility,andyoga aspects of his training. Combining these physicalelementswith the integration of his Mobile Application. Danny hopesto takeMobile Training to a whole new level.
Volta Lounge 4.1.1
Volta Lounge is the Status Quo, wheretomorrowmeets today. It is the vital source of information andideas thatmake sense of a world in constant transformation. Wepremiereoriginal creations to the world. We are rebels of fashion,music,and ideas. The Volta Lounge atmosphere is powered by MobileAppDirect and it’s technology is changing every aspect ofourlives—from culture to business, science to design.Thebreakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new waysofthinking, new connections, and new industries. Volta Loungewascreated to reach the world each
Johnny Wayne 4.1.1
Born in St. Louis, MO, AnthonyLarson,professionally known as Johnny Wayne, is an independentartist(song writer, rapper, singer, and producer) transforming hisdreamsinto a career.Johnny began creating music his senior year of high schoolandhas been developing himself ever since. He started out workingwitha group of St. Louis artists, Lifted & Gifted Music. Theymadehundreds of songs together and performed a couple dozen timesatwell known St. Louis venues. As time went on, Johnny realizedthatpursuing his dream with a crew wasn't the best idea, so hedecidedto move on as a solo act.Recently, Johnny has been working really hard on perfectinghiscraft as an artist and enhancing the quality of his music (whichherecord's and mixes himself). He has made some strongconnectionsand is working with many well known artist's andproducer's.Keep your eyes open for Johnny's debut EP The JohnnyWayneExperience, which will be released late 2015. Also, take alistento Johnny's Free Track Friday (#FTF) songs on YouTubeandSoundCloud.
You-Wanna-Know 2.0.0
You-Wanna-Know, LLC (EmergencyNotificationMobile App)I would like to announce a new emergency notification app intheKansas City Metropolitan areaRight now, it is available to you…FREE!!!This is the way the Alert System works:-Real Time messages---You will be alerted in real time ( as itishappening)-You will not have to wait to hear what is happening inyourneighborhood-You will not have to wait to the 6 or 10o’clock news-You will alerted to avoiding areas that are currently unsafe-You will be able to make informed decisions based onthisinformation-No longer be kept hostage in no information-The app is a bridge of information-Connects the public to important emergencies that can belivethreatening such as:-Robberies-Fires-High speed chases-Hostage situations-School emergencies (when necessary)-Flash Mobs-Traffic emergencies-Power outages-List goes onOther features:-24 hours/7 days a week-The app is operates with use of a satellite-The app provides a map locating the emergencyPurpose: Purpose of this app is to notify and protectthecommunity. Whatever situation that needs to be reported tomaintainsafety in the community will be reported in realtime.-Our children will experience a greater amount of safety whentheinformation is communicated in real time allowing students togoinside for safety.-The community needs to know-You Need to Know-You Wanna Know provides the of safety to everyone’s life-At work or coming home of a productive work day-Family out on a picnic-We need the community to be informed. Now with the useoftechnology we together will change what our community willlooklike and sound like.-Sign up by going to this web site. It is free. We want you to beapart of this pilot study. The app will be in full operation in30days. It is absolutely free. So go online and sign up today.
Bunches Squared 4.5.3
Bunches Squared was founded in St. Louis,MO;Brett Turner & Ken Yancy II, in late 2015. BunchesSquared,started on the basis that with a lack their is a need. AMonthlyFloral Membership Service, has been created to fill such aneed.Where beautiful flowers come one bunch at a time.With the purchase of the Bunches Squared Mobile Application,twoshipments of cut flower bundles are shipped to the address onfileautomatically, on the 10th and the 20th of each month.The floral arrangements will differ depending on, productandseasonal influences and availability. After downloading,theBunches Squared Mobile Application please complete theAddressRegistration Tab to ensure delivery.Brett & Ken would like to thank you for being a member oftheBunches Squared family.
Steve & Donna Houpe Ministries 4.0.1
Steve & Donna Houpe Ministries (SDHM) isapivotal tool helping them make a global impact for the KingdomofGod. With an inspirational section of ministry tools, you cangetcharged up by the Word of God during every situation in yourlife.SDHM also provides a way for you to become involved inKingdombusiness – either at Harvest Church or the through the manyeventsbirthed by Pastor and Dr. Houpe. SDHM is committed toministeringto the needs of the World through technology – audio,video, andany other media necessary to spread the Gospel of JesusChrist.Headquartered at Harvest Church, SDHM is seeing liveschanged andpeople restored back to God.
Mizery 4.1.3
Considered by many to be Kansas City'sgreatesthip-hop artist and producer, Don Juan developed a sound,which couldnever be duplicated, with one the most prominentindependent hip hopartist ever, Tech N9ne.Don Juan started his music career as drummer from the age of3.He played for many people, churches, and performed onmanyoccasions with the remarkable gospel group "The WhitneySingers."Growing up during the birth of hip-hop during the early1980s, DonJuan found himself deejaying at house parties, and soonstartedrapping. Once he acquired the talent of rapping, he thenbegan tomake his own beats allowing him to work for many peoplethroughoutthe industry such as Sway & King Tech and QuincyJones, just toname a few.
Mr. Granddad 4.0.2
Jim Nunnelly has over 30 years of commitmenttobuilding healthy communities through the creation of cuttingedgepublic health programs. He also seeks to enhance youthservicesthough building the necessary infrastructure to supportpro-youthpublic health strategies, programming and initiatives. Inaddition,Mr. Nunnelly has positively changed the face of mentalhealth,prevention, and substance abuse services in Jackson County.Throughhis leadership, policy and programming in substance abusetreatmentand prevention have become more in-line with bestpractices andnational models. Innovative strategies that combinetreatment,prevention, andor law enforcement have received nationalrecognitionand commendable results.
KC First Baptist Church 1.0.2
Kansas City First Baptist Church is located in, Kansas City, KS.One of the oldest Baptist churches in Kansas City; First BaptistChurch has created a name for themselves as a place of worhip builton a solid foundation. Download Kansas City First Baptist Church’sMobile Application is get update information and stay connectedwith one of the best churches in America! First Baptist Church hasa friendly, family atmosphere with lots of smiling faces. We try tomake everyone feel like they are at home during our church service.Our Sunday service starts with a devotional period. We also have a"getting to know you period" where we play music and we encourageeveryone to walk around and greet each other. This is a great wayto get to know people and ask questions. In order to know who ourguests are, we will ask you stand and state your name and you havethe option of filling out a registration card if you would like forus to contact you or pray for you. Above all, we want our guests torelax and find us to be a loving, caring people who at some time inthe past, was also a first-timer! Come and see us. We’re expectingyou!!
Arielle Nash 4.0.1
Student, world traveler,entrepreneur,community volunteer, fashion designer, and finallymodel, ArielleNash has packed a lot into her young life. The KansasCity,Missouri native was first featured in the Kansas City Star atjustfifteen weeks old, and again when she was just seven. Ariellehasgrown up in the public eye. She has traveled throughout theUnitedStates, Europe, Asia, and Australia with People toPeopleInternational, an international cultural, educational,andhumanitarian organization. The Spanish and beginningChinesespeaker credits her dad Troy Nash with sparking her desiretoparticipate in global education and community service. Inthesummer of 2013, Arielle spent the summer studying in Japanlearningabout the country’s history, culture and of course fashiondesign.When Arielle is not studying, volunteering, or playingvolleyball,basketball, or running track, she can be found drawing,designingor creating and expressing the visual arts side of herpersonality.Arielle’s goal is to graduate High School and attendcollege andstudy fashion design in New York, Paris, Tokyo, andLondon.
TheDPUSA 4.5.0
The Kansas and Missouri AfricanAmericanNewspaper! First of it’s kind in regards to OnlinePublications,check out The Dispatch Post USA, for all of your up todate newsinformation for Kansas and Missouri. The Post Dispatch USAis blackowned and operated.
SSPRO 1.0.4
In an effort to be revolutionary, we wouldlike to take music production to the next level. SSPRO would liketo offer our network of producers, musicians, singers, andsongwriters, for the intent of, purchasing production.With access to a team of individuals whose credentials include;Emmy Nominated, Grammy Nominated, BET Nominated, as well as,productions work for, NBC, Universal, Fox 20th Century. If you arean aspiring artist, there is, no better investment.
Ms. Angie’s Soulfood 4.5.0
Ms. Angie’s Kitchen is one of St.Louis’ssecret Soul Food restaurants. Located in Illinois Ms.Angie’s SoulFood, offers the best of the best in regards to qualitySoul Food,which is something hard to come by in the Midwest. Ms.Angiecurrently holds a A+ accreditation from the Foodadministration inSt. Louis.
Zap City 1.399
Zap City LLC mobile app isintentionallydesigned to support real-time emergency servicesnotifications. Themobile app enables users to interact and sharepotentialwhereabouts of missing children. The sign up process isinitiatedvia a mobile friendly website. Parents or guardians areable totake pictures of missing child and easily send picture toeveryonewho has downloaded mobile app. Emergency notifications oflost andfound children will be sent real time via pushnotifications andemail, which is integrated within the app.
Gary Dumas 4.5.0
Gary Dumas was born in Kansas City Missouriandraised on the north-side. Gary is qualified to do what he doesbasedon his experiences and strong will used in overcomingseveralchallenges both internal and external. Because of his onceneed forencouragement and inspiration through those challengingtimes ofhis life his motto has become The very things he onceneeded inlife is what he gives to others” Gary has and continues tosubjecthimself to mentors and remain proactive in developing hisskills inbeing the best that he can be.
Tye Tribbett 4.1.4
Tribbett was raised in a PentecostalApostolicchurch in Camden, New Jersey. His father is a pastor andhis motheris a minister as well as a well known disc jockey inthePhiladelphia area. He is married to Shanté Tribbett, who wasamember of Greater Anointing, and they have two daughterstogether.He also has a brother, Thaddaeus, who is part of theband'Soundcheck' and is now the current bassist for artist Estelle.Tyealso has two sisters; one sister, DeMaris, also sang inGreaterAnointing.
Genius Academy 4.1.1
Asa is obsessed about your success asanentrepreneurial bad ass. He wants you to succeed more than youdo.With his years of experience as a profitable decision makerandentrepreneur, he is ready to change the trajectory of your lifebykeeping you accountable.
Sly James KC 4.1.1
Sly James was elected mayor of Kansas CityonMarch 22, 2011, and sworn in on May 1, 2011.Born and raised in Kansas City, Sly grew up watching hisparentswork hard to take care of their family. Sly is an extremelyproudresident of the city he loves and has been active inpolitical,community, and civic activities. During his 26-year legalcareer,Sly developed a proven record of success as a leader, aneffectivecoalition builder, and a fierce advocate.Sly James will use this app to proactively listen toyourconcerns on issues important to the future of our city andmakesure you are kept up-to-date on the issues that matter toyou.
ReportIt! 1.401
ReportIt! is a cutting-edge, full-featuredtoolto enable Kansas City residents to report alleged incidentsofdiscrimination.The reports are automatically sent to the City's CivilRightsEnforcement Division so that they can be catalogedandinvestigated.Users can also get up-to-date news from the cityandnotifications about key events related to Human Relations andCivilRights in Kansas City.5 points --Report discrimination as it happens-Connect with City of KC Civil Rights office-Stay updated on your report on the go-Share photos & reports with City officials-Attend events related to Civil Rights
Buy Black KC 4.5.2
Our MissionTo create a movement of conscious consumers thatintentionallypurchase from Black-owned business with the goal ofcreating jobs,reducing crime and stabilizing neighborhoods whilebuilding wealthin the African American community.Our GoalsEDUCATIONInform and educate members of our community of the benefitsofpatronizing, supporting and growing Black-owned businesses.RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTTo research data on Black-owned businesses and their impact onjobcreation, wealth development, community stabilization andsafeneighborhoods.To develop strategies that will increase dollar turnover intheAfrican American community.DOCUMENTATIONDocument participation in the Buy Black Empowerment Initiativeandits impact on Black-owned businessesMOBILIZATIONRecruit participation in the Buy Black Empowerment Initiative(BBEI)from individuals, organizations and institutions ofourcommunity.EVALUATIONTo analyze and report monthly on data collected frompersonsparticipating in the BBEI.
Wentworth MAC 4.5.0
Launched in the Spring of 2016! This is thenewand improved Wentworth Military Academy Mobile Application!Wentworth Military Academy and College providesmodern,full-service education for college and high schoolstudents.Wentworth College offers associate’s degree programs inbusiness,arts and sciences, and other fields. Wentworth MilitaryAcademyprovides rigorous college-prep curriculum for high schoolstudentsfrom across the United States.We remain true to our tradition as a military academybyupholding values such as self-respect, perseverance,courage,integrity, and teamwork.You’ll find those values in every Wentworth classroom, whetherornot you enroll in our military programs. Learn the lessonsofleadership that we’ve taught for more than a century—anddiscoverwhy students of every type, military and civilian, begintheirjourney to success at Wentworth.