lizhonghua Apps

Bugs war 1.9
Sunny day, the industrious bee, as always,trying to collect food. But today has a different, peacefulatmosphere of a group of intruders to break the To this end, thebees have to resist, to fight to defend their homes. In the game,you will operate a variety of bees and the enemy Battle, yourstrategy will be the key to your success where.
Crazy Fruit Cannon 4.0
This is a relaxed casual puzzle makes a smallgame.Brightly colored country-style garden game interface, you needplayers to control the barrel of the position of the fingers, inorder to release the lovely fruit shells fired at targets in thekeg before clearance.In this process requires careful thought to determine the locationof the barrel to ensure that the bullet fired out of perspective,to ensure that fruit shells falling into the bucket in the firsttime, we quickly take part!
Mushroom Cannon 3.2
This software is a bird similar to an angrycasual puzzle games. Move your fingers to adjust artilleryposition, release launch lovely mushrooms, the mushrooms into thebuckets, that is the boundary. Remember to adjust the angle,otherwise difficult to enter, oh. .
QQ classic Lianliankan 1.3
Classic nostalgic version of QQ Lianliankan,take you back to that era, simple and crisp picture of the game, aslong as you gently touch your fingers, find the same patterns toeliminate connection, to see who can break more records, come tryit! !
题酷中考必备 2.6.0
题酷(Ticool)中考版一款专门为中学生打造的学习工具和学习资源的集合体,内置五十多万道经典题目,题目都经过了中高级教师的精挑细选,保证题目的权威和准确。本软件主要分为以下几个版块:(1)专题突破 专题划分科学合理,让你有针对性地查漏补缺,真正做到有的放矢,从而提高学习效率;(2)历年真题 几百套中高考真题,让你在做题中巩固知识,并发现其中的规律;(3)错题本、好题本 可以把做题过程中遇到的好题、难题、易错题收藏起来,从而建立属于自己的题库,以便随时查漏补缺。本软件具有以下特色:(1)资料权威所有题目均来自一线名师精挑细选和推荐,定位精准、针对性强;所有题目均经历过严格的后期审核、校对,力保无错题、无错答案;试卷等素材均为各大初高中名校内部测试卷的原版,保真、保值;(2)资料齐全 题目涵盖了整个高考学段的各个学科的各个版本,保证所有学生都可以下载到与自己教材配套的资料;(3)使用方便 能够让学生最大限度地利用碎片时间,随时随地巩固知识,轻轻一点,好题立刻呈现!我们都知道,“题”是考试的核心,【题酷】带给我们的正是通往高分的捷径。当你还在题海中挣扎,还在题海中奋战而无果的时候,【题酷】给你送来了署光,让你在学习中不再迷茫,“我做百道题你做千道题,但我却比你更快一步掌握考点,掌握技巧,”正是【题酷】能给你的帮助。名校名师打造的金牌题库,让你不再为做什么题,买哪本教辅书而无助,让你不再做无用功。【题酷】伴你走入名校,走进名校的殿堂,I Can ,You Too.(我可以,你也一样)。Title Cool (Ticool) inthe test version of a specialized collection of learning tools andlearning resources for secondary school students to build, builtover five hundred thousand-classic title, the title of seniorteachers have been carefully selected to ensure that the subject ofauthority and accurate.The software is divided into the following forum:(1) thematic breakthrough topics addressed by the scientific andrational, targeted leak filled, truly targeted, thereby improvingthe efficiency of learning;(2) years Zhenti several hundred sets the entrance Zhenti, you doconsolidate knowledge, the question and found that one of thelaw;(3) the wrong title this good question this can do question theprocess encountered problems, challenges, and error-prone titlecollection, so as to establish their own exam, in order to leakfilled at any time.The software has the following characteristics:(1) the authority of all the topics from the first-line teachercarefully selected and recommended by precise positioning,targeted; All topics are gone through strict post-audit,proofreading, to secure the wrong questions, no wrong answer;papers and other material internal test volume in major junior andsenior high schools are original, fidelity, hedge againstinflation;(2) complete information topics covering the entire collegeentrance segment of the various versions of various disciplines, toensure that all students can download to own teaching materialssupporting information;(3) easy to use and allows students to maximize the use of thedebris time, anywhere consolidate knowledge, gently point, thequestion immediately presents!We all know that the "problem" is the core of the examination, [thetitle Cool] brought to us is the gateway to the high scoresshortcut. Struggling when you are still questions in the sea, stillquestions the sea when fighting without results, questions Cool]Department of light sent to you, so that you no longer lost inlearning, "I did one thousand one hundred questions you doquestions But I step faster than you master the test sites, tomaster the skills, "It [title Cool] can give you help. The eliteteacher to build the gold medal exam, so you no longer do thequestions, buy what supplementary books and helpless, you no longerdo useful work.[Title] cool with you into the elite, into the prestigious hall, ICan, You Too (I, you, too).
Ocean Jewell 1.4
Endless sea waiting for you toexplore,exquisite marine life waiting for your rescue. Come and seewho isthe ocean even sprouting along with everyone to get thehighestscore. Just gently connections can bring endless fun. ..
象棋单机版 2.1
传统的中国象棋,一个集智慧策略于一体的棋艺游戏。象棋单机版采用人工智能算法,实现经典的人机对战模式,玩家使用一方棋子与另一方智慧的机器人进行博弈。空闲之余玩家不仅能够提高自身的棋艺水平,还能够通过棋局的变化悟出某些哲理。Traditional Chinesechess,a set of wise policy in one of the chess game. Chessstandaloneversion uses artificial intelligence algorithms toachieve theclassic man-machine battle mode, players use one pieceof wisdomwith the other robot game. Apart from the free playerscan not onlyimprove their level of chess, but also to realize somephilosophy byvarying chess game.
Space War 3.4
This is an aerial combat shooting, thescreenon the left and down left and right buttons, the user clicks,youcan move your fighter right there, firing button, in thebattle,there are a variety of incentives arise, users eat, andsomeincrease the number of lives, but some bulletsfiredincreased.
Angry fruit 1.2
This software is a casual puzzle game birdsofa similar anger. Finger movement to adjust a goodartilleryposition, release the launch lovely fruit, the fruit intothe keg,namely clearance. Remember to adjust the angle, it wouldbedifficult to enter, oh. .
星座情缘 1.2
Kawaii Lianliankan 1.3
Cute cartoon animal Lianliankan,smoothoperation.The rules are simple, two the same pattern of a feasible routewillbe connected together, the pattern can be eliminated.You like Lianliankan, "to challenge it, to see who can breakmorerecords.
Bugs Hegemony 1.2
Industrious ant hard work, but the enemy isinthe growing strength of devouring other dangerous thing intheentire continent, to be queen for their homes, you have toleadyour worker ants to defeat all the enemies to rulethecontinent.
Fruit Cannon 2.2
This is a casual puzzle fruit cannon, thegamewill be difficult as the level increases with the increase. Inthegame, you just launched into all kinds of lovely fruit kegs,namelyclearance. What are you waiting for, to act now. .
3D Basketball 2.2
This game for the touch-screen games,touchscreen with your finger, select the ball you want to cast,thefinger moves across the screen, do you think the right positiontocast the ball, the basketball into the basket plus.A ball in hand, for life to have. Friends like basketball Comeandtry it!
Fruit Lianliankan 5.0
Cartoon version of the lovely fruitLianliankan, smooth operation.Click on two fingers the same pattern can be connected to theirelimination, the elimination of all box to pass. The so-called ableto connect, refers to the: Whether horizontal or vertical, from onepattern to another pattern can not exceed the connection betweenthe two bends, which can not yet eliminate the connection patternson through.As the level increases, the difficulty increases. Lianliankanyou like, hurry to challenge it, to see who can break morerecords.