letsnurture Apps

Anatomy Dictionary 2.0
The Anatomy Dictionary App by LetsNurture isan Android application developed for the medical profession.There are 8 categories listed with human body parts. Each bodyparts have been further sorted in detail into their inner partswith medical definition given.Readers can do a topic wize sorting as well as A to Z sortingaccording to their preferences.The 8 Categories are:1. Essential2. Shoulder and Arm3. Forearm, Wrist and Head4. Spine and Throx5. Head ,Neck and Jaw6. Pelvis and Hip7. Thigh and Knee8. Leg, Ankle and FootReaders and more specifically the medical fraternity will findthis application useful as they can get a technical definition ofthe body parts in short which is easy to remember.E.g- Scapula, Strap, Coccyx, Cervical Vertebrae, etc.Furthermore, to test the knowledge of the users, this AnatomyDictionary App has a quiz section where readers can attempt thequiz questions and get instant answers. There are 7 quiz sectionswith addition of questions in increasing order and one section withall the questions included. The right answers have been given thegreen color whereas, the wrong answers in the quiz have been giventhe red color for easy differentiation. Users will then get thefinal result at the end of the quiz.Try it once! A great tool for the future doctors.
Diwali Dhamal 1.3.1
Roll out the Diwali revelry with DiwaliDhamal. Share the joy of the festival of lights with your near anddear ones this Diwali.Join the Diwali vibe with your Android device using this appthat lets you download beautiful wallpapers, send Diwali wishes andshare heartwarming e-cards through e-mail by SMS and socialnetworks.Find out trivia about the festival and remain updated about theauspicious ‘Shubh-Muhurats’ of the festival for all youractivities. Download this app and get coloured in the spirit of theDiwali.
Tweet Analysis Pro for Twitter 1.1.0
Your favorite twitter analysis tool is backonce again, now with more power packed with Tweet Analysis Pro. Itis Twitter Analysis like never before.Tweet Analysis Pro is focusing on allowing it users to have themost ultimate freedom of harvesting tweets on the fly. We go a stepfurther from our basic version in this version for Professionalsonly; where you can analyse any user’s or any hash’s latest tweetswithout having to log in at really improved speeds with the latestTwitter REST API(v 1.1)Tweet Analysis builds up on the success of Tweet Analysisproviding you with the most amazing stats on almost any activity onTwitter.* Super Charged in Pro:-We put in a little extra for our Pro version users. Here is howwe juiced it up:- Trend Analysis: Analysis of trends from worldwide to citywideresolution- Profile Behavior: Analysis of user tweets, re-tweets andFoursquare check-in tweets.- Analysis of Twitter Foursquare check-ins for keywords.- Keyword Data such as Impressions and Verified Users for the last1000 tweets. (Free users get only 500)- Suggestion prompts for search- Comparison of keywords- Ability to export your analysis to popular CSV format.- And last but not the least amazing feature is User BehaviorAnalysis. (Don't miss it)All this along with the great feature provided by our basic versionwith great new UI :-* Analyse Top Users:Gauge behavior of influential net-workers with amazing userstatistics like:- Average Tweet Count per Day- Total Number of Followers- Total Number of Following- Total Tweets* Size-up Behavior of users:Our most descriptive suite of primitives will help you get reallyuseful statistics on user behavior on the world’s favoritemicro-blogging site. You have useful statistics such as:- Busiest Day - The day on which you have done more Tweets.- Busiest Time - Exact Time on which you have done moreTweets.- Hash Tag Cloud - Hash tags used are shown in hash-tagcloud.- Top 5 Keywords - Most keywords used, will shown withcounts.- Top 5 Mentions - Most mentions will be shown with counts.- Daily Tweet Analysis - Daily Tweet will be shown with counts.* Other Information:(i) Shows the count of links/hyperlinks used by twitter user.(ii) Tweets from Mobile/Web - Gives the count of the source youused (MOBILE / WEB) .(iii) Sentiment Analysis - This feature will provide you the countaccording to your +ve, neutral and -ve mood. (With Tweet text)* We Think Of Re-Tweets As Well:We can dig your Re-tweets too so that you can get a better idea ofwhich are the most popular tweets. Stats shown are:- Total Re-Tweet Count- Top Tweet with Re-tweet count & date- Top Re-Tweet with user & count* Don’t Forget Your Fans:Know social standing from our Follower Analysis suite of stats withimportant data such as the hash-tags they used in their profile aswell as other information on your most recent 1000 followers. Get ademographic on your followers with the following stats:(i) Top 5 Followers Location: analyse all top followers and listthem by location.(ii) Top 5 Followers # Tag: Learn the favorite hash-tags of topfollowers(iii) General Information:* Find out other useful information on followers as follows:- Percentage of URL used in follower’s profile.- Percentage of # Tag used in follower’s profile description.- Average Tweets of followers list.- Oldest tweeter profile from all followers list.- Most listed profile from followers list.- Inactive users from followers list.- Feeding your Hash Addiction:* It’s not a Twitter Tool unless it uses hash tags. With TweetAnalysis you have a host of great analysis through:- Country wise tweet density for hash.- Top 5 other hash used with given hash tag- Top 5 mentions with hash tags- Overall sentiment of hash- Time taken for recent 1000 tweets* Key Points: -- Application will take time to load data as per your socialinfluence.- Full Internet access needed to run all features correctly.
Tweet Analysis for Twitter 1.7.3
This is our attempt to dig some of tweets andanalyse few patterns from user’s tweet behavior. Need to login withyour twitter password. Than, Our Tweet Analysis app will analyseany user's or any hash's from latest tweets via twitter API(version1.1).After twitter you just need to think one thing by accessing onlyfew recent tweets we can give this information. What we can do ifwe have full twitter fire hose.A. TWEET ANALYSIS:(a) User Statistic:(b) Last Month Tweet Analysis:It will give some useful twitter user behavior such as user’sbusiest time for tweeting , busiest day for tweet.- Top 5 Keywords - Most keywords used by you, will shown withcounts.- Top 5 Mentions - Most mentions by you, will shown withcounts.- Daily Tweet Analysis - Daily Tweet by you, will shown withcounts.- Other Information:2. Re-Tweet Analysis: Re-Tweet Analysis contains all analysis ofRe-Tweets only. Features of this are mentioned as below.(c) Follower Analysis :Follower Analysis includes all the data of the followers includingtheir # tag as well as other information of your recent 1000followers. Follower Analysis itself divided into three partsmentioned as below.(i) Top 5 Followers Location(ii) Top 5 Followers # Tag(iii) General InformationB. HASHTAG ANALYSIS:It will show recent 500 tweets result of the hashtag, which youhave entered. And the main advantage of this feature is that, thiswhole will show in a Google map and it will be categorized from 1to 5 starting from higher count of tweets to the lower count oftweets.* Key Points: -- Application will take time to load data as per your socialinfluence.- Full Internet access needed to run all features correctly.
Occupation Book 1.2
Whenever you find your kids asking about yourprofession, it’s hard to describe it orally. You may need somepictures to help them out. Occupation Book is one of the best appsin the play store that gives you exact information about theoccupation with relevant images.It’s one of the easiest ways for kids to identify differentoccupations. The information is given in a simple manner so thatyour kids can grasp it quickly! Have a look at some fascinatingfeatures in occupation book.Features: Names and meanings of the occupation Basic information regarding the job or profession Information about various professionals like Doctors, Scientists,Teacher, Engineers and others visualized with details Availability of knowing the professionals through differentlanguages Quiz section to enhance your kid’s knowledgeThis app is not just for identifying the occupations but ithelps a lot for your kids to make a clear path for their future. Ata very early age, your kids can get an idea what profession is allabout! Occupation Book app is now available in the play store forfree of cost. When you try this app you will definitely feel thedifference. So download it now!
Quotes by Season 1.1.5
Quotes by season - A quote for every important moment...
Diet Tracker 1.0.1
LetsNurture is now taking the diet way oflife. The company has now launched an Android application forpeople, who want to track and manage their diet. The application iscalled as ‘Diet Tracker’.This Diet Tracker application of LetsNurture aims to help the userin tracking his diet effectively as per the timings set in a day.The application has features like,- User registration and login page with password.-Notifications to the user about the diet to be taken with thetime.-Easy tracking of individual’s meal related to breakfast, lunch anddinner in a day- Simple categorization and selection of diet for the user based onMilk, Fruits, Snacks, Meals and Juice.- Update facility for diet and user profile- Easy login and logout feature.- Feature of easy snapshot of the actual diet image from theirSmartphone.One of the biggest feature of the Diet tracker is that the usercan set the time category of the diet to be taken in a day in theform of ‘Early morning, morning, early afternoon, afternoon,evening and night’ to keep track of the diet time decided.The app users can also select the notification time and datestarting from the current day, to the next day or the next Mondayto one week, 3 weeks, and from 1 month to about 3 months timeperiod.So , all those people, who keep track of their diet in theirdaily schedule, need not worry now, and only need to download thefree application from Google Play.
Sacred Indian Places 2.0
Lets Nurture has launched a new androidapplication for the devotees who travel to holy and historicshrines. You can now easily find categories of Temples, Churchesand Mosques on your fingertips through the 'Sacred Indian Places'app.What’s more, users can also add their own knowledge of shrinesnot listed in the application and send it back to us, so that wecan upload it and help more travellers. This 'Sacred Indian Places'application gives accurate information about shrines. Here are thefeatures:Basic informationLetsNurture provides basic information of the shrine you havechosen to see including history of temple, current and culturalsignificance of the shrine.Holy imagesWhen a user clicks on the shrines, they will get a correspondingimage or picture of the shrine that will show the built andstructure of the temple.DistanceThis feature gives user with the information about approximatedistance from the current destination to shrines. This way, he canget to know the exact distance from the railway, bus stands orairport to the shrine destination.Nearby transport destinationsWhen clicked on a particular shrine, you will be provided withinformation about the nearby transport destination includingnearest railway station, bus station or the airport with addressand contact numbers.Map RoutesThis feature helps the user by showing him a proper way from hiscurrent location to his destination shrine by providing with themap route in graphical way.Pray the lord and fulfil your faith through 'Sacred Indian Places'app!
Search Engine Daily 1.6.0
In this digital complex world, you hardly gettime to be updated on news of your field. So this is the reasonthat why we have build this application for you. In our applicationwe basically provide the RSS news of main 6 field of search engine.Here we are providing you the quality RSS news of some greatwebsite. You can also share these news. This is the one stopsolution to be updated from one application rather to go to everywebsite for checking news. Our categories are as follows.1. Search Engine Optimization – SEO is the process of making awebsite more relevant to the search engine as well as the local orglobal people who are searching for their desired needs. Also it isthe process of increasing traffic on your website in order toincrease the customers or clients of to of your business.2. Social Media - Social media is one kind of tool which allowsyou to share the information or the data by creating communitiesthough which you can connect with many people.3. Link Building – In this process, company gets a qualitywebsites to link your website in order to increase the traffic ofyour website and to improve the search engine rankings.4. Inbound Marketing – This is the method of marketing in whichthe marketing has to be done which can help people or customers tofind their relevant products online easily.5. Content Marketing – This is an umbrella term in which itincludes creation of content such as article, blogs, Press releaseand much more. Also the sharing of content comes in this term.6. Conversion Rate Optimization – It is the method in which acompany creates an experience by creating a landing page or otherstuff which can create an overall percentage of the visitors to itswebsite.We provide the RSS feeds of all these topics from a well reputedwebsite of news providing.
One Touch Safety 1.0.6
One Touch Safety App: A Touch Before TheDanger Strikes!It is a terrible feeling when someone is stalking you or tryingto harm you in anyway. And when you do not have someone to helpduring such times, it can be quite dangerous. To ward off thesedifficult circumstances, download 'One Touch Safety App' anexcellent app which can help you when your security is atstake!Take a look at some of the features of this one touch securityapp:a) Call your favouriteA call will be diverted to the first person of your preferenceamong the two contacts you have sharedb) Email & SMSThe person of your choice gets notification about you being indanger through an email and SMSc) Home widgetA shortcut facility to this app through your android device for youto get an access with just a touch of fingerWith the above mentioned features and more, you do not have tolook elsewhere for a personal safety app. Download this app at theearliest and save yourself from an unexpected jeopardy! A one touchprotection app cannot get better!Keywords: one touch safety app, one touch protection app, onetouch security app, personal safety app
Blood Monk 3.0
LetsNurture has once again ventured intosocial work domain and has come out with a blood donor androidapplication for the users. This new application is named as the“Blood Monk”, and helps users to not only find names of blooddonors in the city on time but also find information on the nearesthospital in less time.LetsNurture has kept 3 tabs for the users in the Blood MonkApplication.- The first tab called “Register Blood Monk”, where the userscan register themselves or their relatives name on this tab as thefuture blood donor and come of help to other people or humanity intime.- The second tab named as “Search Blood Monk” focuses on helpingusers select their blood group and their home area. Users cansearch the related blood group users in their area after clickingon the search button. Whats more, users or their relatives can alsocall, message and mail to any particular blood donor. The userswill have all the contact details for a particular blood donor,that they have selected from the donor’s list.- The third effective tab is the “Monks on Map” containsinformation on all the registered blood donors, all major hospitalsand the related or associated blood banks, which will be displayedon the Google Map. A filtering facility is also available for theusers, so that they can choose any of the categories and have theirdesired results on the Google Map with root.Presently, LetsNurture has made this application for only thepeople of Ahmadabad, but in future, this application will beenhanced for other cities as well.So download this application for free, and help yourself andyour relatives in getting timely help in quicker time. You can alsorefer this to friends and be a part of helping the society.
Raceopedia 1.3.2
"Raceopedia" app is all about F1 race information.
Easy Task Manager 1.1.1
The “Easy Task Manager’’ note hasfeatureslike-Remembering different tasks at hand before their scheduled dayortime-Alerts before a scheduled tasks with time and date reminders-Sharing of a scheduled tasks with a friend-Remembering and making notes from scheduled tasks-Adding photos to notes and tasks scheduled-Edits of tasks and notes made in a simple way-Personalized ‘Easy Task Manager’ version of making notesandsynchronizing-Search option for Tasks scheduled.-English Language support-android O.S with Min 2.2 and Max 4.2 version
Share your Music 1.0.3
Share Your Music App: Sharing Music WasNeverEasier!Musical souls are all ears to listen to good music!Everyoccasion is perfect for them when it comes to sharing music.Forthe people who are looking for best music sharing app, there isagreat news!'Share Your Music' app is one of the foremost and finestsocialmusic players. An invention of Lets Nurture, this appprovides youwith all the functionalities of regular music playersincluding therecently played songs, playlist and an option ofsharing it ontwitter feed. Isn't that great?The best part about the free music app is that it sharesthetunes according to your moods. This fantastic app has somefeatureswhich are rarely seen in other players. Have a look:• Facility for changing orders of playlist• Modification feature to use with the equalizer• Add the tag #nowplaying to the twitter feedThis app is a widely accepted choice among the music loverswhenit comes to finding an app for sharing music. Come out ofthecloset and share the songs you play on other social networksbygiving it a social spin. Download the 'Share Your Music' appnowand groove to the tunes of music!Keywords: share your music, best music sharing app, thefreemusic app,app for sharing music
My Trackr 1.0.3
An Application to find your valueables withtheuse of beacons. You can track your device in google map. Itwillshow history of location as well as last found location forthesame.
Calendar Plus 1.0.1
Calendar Plus is manage your time and tasks efficiently andeffectively.
Expense Manager 1.0.8
Expense Manager App: Get Over YourBudgetBlues!Wouldn't it be wonderful, if someone could walk with you andkeepa track of every expense you make? Unfortunately, not everyonecanafford to hire such a person. In today's times, apps are ananswerto all your concerns!'Expense Manager App' introduced by a firm named LetsNurture,isa budget buddy that keeps a track of regular incomeandexpenditures of everyone right from a housewife to aprofessional.It is an easy to operate tool wherein you only have toenter therelevant data and it will take care of the rest! Being thebestbudget manager app, it will keep a daily record of your incomeandexpenses incurred.There is no need for you to hire Charter accountants andotherprofessionals as this app is capable to be your soleFinanceManager. By taking help from this finance management app youwillbe able to have a tabular view of your expenses so that youcantake future financial decisions. Once you start using this app,youcan keep a track of the following:• Daily expenses• Personal expenses• Business expenses• Miscellaneous expenses• Travel expensesThis best free money management app gives you the flexibilityofviewing, editing and updating your daily income and trackthefinancial records according to the date. All this can beviewedeasily in a graphical or chart format. Keeping the track ofyourpast records was never this easy!So what are you waiting for? Download this wonderful appfortracking expenses on your Android devices!
365 Life Quotes 1.0.6
Life is a beautiful and precious godgivengift! As a part of our life's journey we experience good andbadconsequences of our own karma. For the people who want to giveabetter meaning to their lives, Lets Nurture; a company basedinAhmedabad has come up with an application named '365LifeQuotes'.The 365 Life Quotes application has been created to share thebestquotations on life and love and is aimed to motivate, inspireandbring a smile on your face.Let us know about some of the sections of the app that youcanexplore:• Compliment 3 people everyday: Once you have a look atthesequotes, you will not have to find reasons to compliment thepeoplearound you. There are obvious and the best ways to praisesomeone.Find out how, through this app• Remember other people's birthday: This is the best feature ofthisapp for the people who tend to forget birthdays. You will nothaveto face any embarrassment or anger from your loved ones as theappwill remind it to you on the right time• Confidence boosting quotes: There are quotes that boosttheconfident and suggestions like having a firm handshake,lookinginto the eye when talking and other motivational quotes.With such amazing 365 life quotes for each day, each daywillinspire you. So download it and make each day count!
SEO Holic 1.5.0
SEO Holic App: Make Your WebsitePresenceStronger!In today's times, Search Engine Optimization is a hugeword.There is a growing need among the companies to make theirpresencefelt. SEO Holic App is Lets Nurture's first endeavor tocreate anthat android application which includes all the major seoserviceslike website analysis, seo audit, digital marketing newsandmore.Have a look at some of the features of this SEO app:a) Know your rankingThis feature of the SEO rank app enables the users to knowthestatus of their website. On entering the url in the spaceprovided,one can have a look at the detailed assessment of one'swebsite.Under this section, there are four aspects taken careof:1. Website enhancement notificationAs a part of this feature, the app will perform the initialanalysisof your site and will let you know about the improvementsneeded inyour website. You will also get the information about thetitle,keywords as well as the description. The app also keeps acount ofthe H1 tags and, images, jscript and Css of your site.This way youwill get an information about the areas where you needto improveyour website.2. Google statusThrough this search rankings app, it will be easy for you toknowthe ranking of your website on Alexa and Google. You will alsobeable to find out about the inbound links connected to yourwebsiteand your page index on Google. This way, you will get abetter ideawhether your SEO campaigns are effective or not.3.Site influenceYou will now be able to know your influence on the socialmediaforums. You will also find accurate information about thenumber oftimes your site has been mentioned on the top socialmediaresources. This feature will let you know about your statusonFacebook, Twitter, Google+, Stumble, digg and LinkedIn.So download the app and know the status of your websiteb) Get reportsThis feature has been developed for our clients. Our appprovidesdifferent login details to different customers and afterlogging inone can find the enlisting of the SEO campaigns handledby LetsNurture.One can also download the SEO reports or email them.Thesereports will mention detailed information about the client'sSEOcampaign progress through graphical presentation. So relaxandcheck your status on the go!c) Get digital marketing newsYou can now know about the ongoing trends of the SEO throughthe'news' feature. So get the latest information on digitalmarketingand mobile world through this SEO news app!Download the app now! All the best for your campaign!Keywords: SEO app, SEO news app, SEO rank app, SEO reportapp,SEO search rankings app
Vegetable Book 1.2.2
Does your kid hate veggies? Does he denytoidentify them? Choose downloading the 'Vegetable Book App' byLetsNurture. It is an android application that is designedspeciallyfor kids!Vegetable Book with its unique and simple design will makeyourkids easily identify the vegetables by their names, structuresandcolors. This easy to download app will make your kids knowmoreabout the vegetables in a fun and creative way!Additionally, you can know how much your kid has absorbedbyexploring the quiz section.Features:-> Vegetable Gallery: View all vegetables in detail-> Know vegetables by different names-> Slide Show: Makes it easy to all vegetables at a glance-> Quiz: An option to play quiz and identify thevegetables-> Melodious sounds played when your kid answers it right-> Scientific names of the vegetablesThe above mentioned are some of the fantastic featuresofVegetable Book. By exploring this app, your kids will be abletoview brightly colored vegetables and in no time, they willberecognizing the names! Isn't it amazing? This app works only ontheandroid devices that are above 2.3 versions. Try it now!
Vaccination Reminder 1.0.4
Vaccination Reminder: A Stitch in TimeforGetting Your Child Vaccinated!There might have been times when you forgot the date of gettingyourchild vaccinated. As a parent, you might be laden with twomanyresponsibilities and overwhelmed with too much information onthevaccination dates.Vaccination reminder app is an android application which hasbeencrafted especially for the parents to remember theimportantvaccination dates and keep a track of the vaccinationschedules fortheir newly born kids. All you have to do is downloadthe app, makea login id, password and register yourself.There are two modules in this app. One, for the doctor andanotherfor the parents. Have a look at the ways in which you canuse thevaccine reminder app:• Make a profile of your baby• Create a chart with scheduled dates for you to check• Know the vaccination type with next scheduled date• Receive a notification before the due date• Facility for the doctor's to give reminder to parents forthevaccination date• Feature for sending birthday wishes and greetings• Know about the symptoms you might notice in your babyeverymonth• Height and weight section for the parents to map theexpectedheight and weight based on the given ratioThrough this free vaccine reminder app, the parents cangetreminders in the following ways1. SMS2. Email3. Push notifications4. Phone AlertsSave the vaccine status according to the advice given byyourdoctors. Download this app at the earliest and get overtheconfusion of vaccination dates!Keywords: vaccination reminder app,vaccine reminder app,freevaccine reminder app
Navratri Dhamal 2.2
Navratri Dhamal - an app which brings devotee’s devotion frommobile to hearts.
Fruit Book 1.2.1
To know about fruits is quitemouth-wateringisn't it? Some kids might not be aware of all thefruits and theirnames. But Fruit Book App makes it possible to knoweverythingabout the fruits. The 'Fruit Book App' has categories offruitslike Citrus, Fleshy, Melons, Berries and many more!To make it easy for your kids to know about thesedeliciousfruits, download this app. Let us see some of the featuresof FruitBook App: Real and Scientific name of the fruits Benefits and uses of a particular fruit Places where the fruit is grown and found View every fruit in detail by opening the gallery orslideshow Quiz section to upgrade your kid's proficiency Know about the vitamins included in the fruit Identify the fruits with the colorsWhen you get fulsome of information, why would you thinkofmoving to any other app? This is one of the best appproviding.Just move to the play store and install Fruit Book onyour androiddevices! It will give a chance for your kid to explorethe fruitworld! Try it out now!
SEO TidBits for Daily SEO Tips 1.6.3
Do you want your website to rank high onsearchengines? These days Search Engine Optimization (SEO) hasbecome mustfor all internet marketers due to heavy competition. Asan SEO, youmight be searching for tips and updates to enhance yourmarketingskills and improve the rankings of your website. But makesure youhave strong online presence.'SEO TidBits' is one of the best android apps that givesyouregular updates on SEO tips. You can easily get it from theplaystore. Here are the features:✔ Latest updates on SEO✔ Tips from experts around the world✔ Three categories of tips✔ Facility of viewing all the tips✔ Mark your favorite tips by an asterisk✔ Eye-catching and user-friendly design✔ Share tips on social media forumsWhen you install the 'SEO TidBits App' you can clearly feelthedifference when you implement the tips in a proper manner.Goldentips counts a lot if you follow them exactly. Improve yourwebsiterankings by following all the tips. This app has also solvedamajor issue of Facebook and Twitter sharing.So if you are eager to rank on the top of the searchengines,download this app now!
Lets Measure 1.0.1
Lets Measure: Measure It Just Right!
U&I 1.0.1
U&I : For Hearts That Beat Together!When it comes to making the relationship strong orstayingconnected every second, the lovers are more than ready to betherefor each other. Lets Nurture presents; U&I App: For theheartsthat beat together!Now you can stay connected with your partner anytime,anywhere.All you have to do is to download the app and register aspartnersand log in to use the app.Take a look at the features you will love:1. Emotional connect: Doesn't matter whether your partneriswatching a video or playing a game! Just send how you feel toyourpartner at the spur of a moment and an image will pop up ontheentire screen of your partner reminding him/her of you.2.Share Moments: For couples who often go for dining, datesandmovies together, there won't be any forgetfulness any more!Justadd the event with time and get reminded about it bang on time.Youwill also be able to make a list of such moments and maintainaregister.3. Get 'em done: Running out of time? Want your partner tobringsomething that you forgot? No worries as U & I Appprovides youwith an option to make a list of things that you canask yourpartner to buy for you. So whether it is a piece of cake oraband-aid. Nothing is far from your reach!4. Midas Touch: Wouldn't it be great if you could letyourpartner know how much you love him/her through a virtualtouch?Think about it...Through U&I app you just have to touch apartof your partner's image with you and your partner's screen willpopup with his/her image being touched at the same place. Isn'tthatabsolutely magical?5) Find Partner: Know where your partner is. Be it any moment,atany place. Get the exact whereabouts and end up surprisinghim/herat anytime! This will definitely bring a smile on yourpartner'sface.6) Exclusive chat: You can now send emoticons and textyourpartner without getting embarrassed or worried. The chat optioninthis app is quite secure and no history gets stored ontheserver.With all these features and more, the U&I App willdefinitelycharm you with love in many ways. Be ready to getbewitched!
Canadian Driving License Test 1.1
Select Your Province and Take the DMV Test Now!
A perfect pocket companion for LetsNurture employees to manage HRessentials.
VanKonnect 1.3
Security and tracking of the school kids travelling throughschoolvans has been a grueling concern for the parents, especiallywhenthey want to know the location of school van and alerts sothatthey can go to pick up and drop off and breathe easy. Let’sNurturehas developed a mobile app solution for parents to trackthelocation of the school van drivers. ‘VanKonnect’ App isexclusivelyfor the school van drivers who will Start the job whenthey begintheir route to pick up kids and End it when reaching tothe school.The same Start-End process will be repeated by theschool vandrivers when the school finishes. Admin will setup aDriver Accountthrough which Driver ID will be generated. School Vandrivers willStart and End job through the mobile application itselfso thatparents will be able to track the location of the vehiclethroughthe parent app known as ‘KidzKonnect’.
KidzKonnect 1.3
Security and tracking of the school kids travelling throughschoolvans has been a grueling concern for the parents, especiallywhenthey want to know the location of school van and alerts sothatthey can go to pick up and drop off and breathe easy. Hence,Let’sNurture has developed a solution in the form of amobileapplication called KidzKonnect, which lets parents to trackthelocation of the school van through geofencing technology. Hence,ifthe school van is near their home, parents can getpushnotification in real-time and can drop or pick up their kids.Evenwhen school van reaches near the school and in the vicinity ofthegeofence set there, they get push notifications about thekids’arrival to the school Features: Account setup Children setupDriverlinking to track the school van Real-time tracking of schoolvanlocation and kids Real-time Push notifications for schoolvanarrival through geofencing
UK Driving License (DMV) Test 1.2.1
App for people to identify signals and are appearing for the UKdriving tests.
Mantra 2.6
"Mantra application" is your app for your daily Sadhna.
India Driving License (DMV) Te 5.4
App for people to identify signals and are appearing for thedriving tests.
Quotable Quotes 1.2.0
App with full of wonderful quotes shared by the renowned and thefamous people.
Memo Fatyo? 1.3.2
Smart Challan Tracker App