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Battle Of The Saints I 1.01
BATTLE OF THE SAINTS II is released now.Download link in google play:http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cn.matrixgame.thesaints2market://details?id=cn.matrixgame.thesaints2
Battle Of The Saints II 1.31
Game Introduction :"Battle Of The Saints II" is a 3D role play mobile game.In the era governed by the power of darkness, the world was alwaysenveloped by the heavy darkness. The destruction and ruin becamedominant, which presented a peak of the law of the jungle.After the holy-light war broke out, the saints fought against thepower of darkness for a long time. Guided by the sage, humansfinally succeeded in finding the method of sealing the source ofdarkness. Come on! Fight against the darkness enveloped in the skyfor our homeland and our world!Game Features :1.Four JobsRPG mobile game firstly adopts four hero jobs, including warrior,master, summoner and pugilist (newly-added hero). This gamedisplays different job features and provides many playing methods.The autonomous selectivity of players has been strengthened, whichgreatly reduces the homogeneity of game, so as to make the fightand cooperation between players possible as well as build thestrong foundation for multiplayer game cooperation (fight mode) tobe launched in the future.2.Action ExperienceThis game brings the concise and cheerful feeling of hitting, theeasy and flexible operation, the wonderful and hot action specialeffects as well as the intense and stimulative fight against Boss.The brand-new role skill enables the player to have more choices inthe game, and each player can get the game experience exclusive forhimself.3.Growth ExperienceThe growth feeling of War of Saints II not only is limited togetting the top equipment and lifting the combat numbers, but alsolies in the progress and growth of player’s game operating level.In the new AI system, in order to defeat more powerful enemies, theplayer needs to grasp the good opportunity of operation in everybattle, so as to defeat enemies and experience the real fun ofgrowth by the constant accumulation.4.Characteristic SystemThe characteristic “Bullet Time” will challenge your threshold ofreaction and make you experience the special pleasure brought bythe slow motion in the fight. If you can utilize “Bullet Time”well, you can get a higher score in the battle.
Box Run 1.0.0
《Box Run》 :This is a very hard, fun game.Highand refreshing game! If you have free time, then this is thebestway to kill it! It does not range of functions, only thejump,jump! Patient and meticulous forward! It is highlyaddictive!
Battle Of The Saints I Full 1.014
"Battle of the Saints I" is a 3Drole-playingmobile game. In the era of domination by the forces of darkness , thewholeworld was shrouded in heavy drakness. The damage anddestructionplay a dominant role in the world and to interpret thelaw of thejungle .The Light’s war broke out and battle with the forces ofdarkness.Finally, the humans find the way to block up the sourceof darknessunder the guidance of the Sage. There are three heroeswho born inwith the sacred body and use their pow to collectancient energy.Come on! Raise your weapons , fighting for the homes ,fightingfor the world , tearing the darkness cover the sky.Game Operation:As an action game, "Battle of the Saints" has its excellentsenseblow, operating three heroes will give you differencegamingexperience.All of the game 's UI is fine design for mobile devices ,andinterface features clear and not cluttered .Game using a virtual joystick plus skills key operation inthebattle , a key moderate size , responsive and easy to operate.Game Features:Full 3D characters and 3D scenes ,can freely changetheperspective;The three hero types, occupation distinctive features, astrongsense of fighting.Six scenes will give you a completely different modeofexperience;Varied modeling of The BOSS and mobs , AI as well;A wide variety of weapons and Buff。