issamsaleem Apps

checkyourhearing 0.0.1
Now you will be able to make the puretoneaudiometry PTA test at home to know your hearing loss,
الجدول المدرسي 0.0.1
تطبيق يساعدكم بانشاء الجدول المدرسيالاسبوعيحيث بامكانكم تغيير العنوان وايام الاسبوع والوقت والحصصواخيرا تلوينالكلمات بحسب رغبتكمThe application willhelpyou set up the weekly school schedule, where you can trusttochange the title and days of the week and time, quotas andfinallycoloring words, according to your desire
دوامة الامثال 0.0.1
لديك عشرة امثال غير مكتملة,سيتوجب عليك انتقومبتكملة الامثال باسرع وقت ممكن حيث كل خطا او انسحاب سيكلفك 10ثوانيمن وقتك.You have tentimesincomplete, you will have that you have completed the parablesassoon as possible, where every mistake or withdrawal will costyou10 seconds of your time.
AliBaba 0.0.1
AliBaba is a leader of the thieves inIraq,Youhave to fight Alibaba by Iraq itself,Ten differentstages,If Youwin You will play the last stage where no way tolose!